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CBSE PRE BOARDS / PRELIMS - School Papers for XIIth Board Exams
Class 12 Previous Years Solved Mock / Sample / Model Question Papers

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CBSE 12 Pre Boards
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  1. CBSE 12 English (Core) - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (19)
  2. CBSE 12 Mathematics - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (16)
  3. CBSE 12 Physics - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (16)
  4. CBSE 12 Chemistry - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (20)
  5. CBSE 12 Biology - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (16)
  6. CBSE 12 Accountancy - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (15)
  7. CBSE 12 Business Studies - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (13)
  8. CBSE 12 Economics - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (10)
  9. CBSE 12 History - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (7)
  10. CBSE 12 Geography - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (5)
  11. CBSE 12 Hindi (Core) - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (4)
  12. CBSE 12 Computer Science - Pre Board / School Prelim Papers (14)
  13. More...

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