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CBSE Pre Board Class 12 2016 : Informatics Practices (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) No. 1, Salt Lake)

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Informatics Practices (Code: 065) Sample Paper 2 Class XII (2015-16) Time: 3Hrs. 1 (a) MM: 70 The Chalchitra theatre has a computer network. The network is in one building. (2) (i) Name this type of network( out of LAN/MAN/WAN). (ii) Name one communication channel that can be used for fast communication between workstations of the network. (b) Explain in brief any 2 security threats to Computer networks. (2) (c) Write the advantages of using Unicode to represent text. (2) (d) Write one example each of URL and IP address. (2) (e) Identify the topology shown below. Write 2 advantages of this topology. (2) While working in Netbeans, Ms. Sonia has designed a login page where she wants to display Welcome or Try again message depending on the password entered by the user in text field named jTexField1 . If password entered is India , Welcome message should be displayed otherwise Try again message should be displayed. Help her in choosing more appropriate statement out of 'If statement' and 'Switch statement'. Give reason for your choice. (1) 2 (a) 1 (b) Write Java code to assign the value 10 to variable x and store its square value in another variable y. (1) (c) Deepti works as a programmer in a travel company. She has developed the following code to display travel detail according to user s choice. Help her in rewriting the same code using SWITCH CASE: (2) if(choice==1) jTextField1.setText( New else if(choice==2) jTextField1.setText( New else if(choice==3) jTextField1.setText( New else jTextField1.setText( Pl. (d) Delhi to Goa ); Delhi to Paris ); Delhi to Bangkok ); choose valid option ); Shambhavi has to design two web pages with following specifications: i. One web page should have an unordered list. ii. Another web page should have background Yellow in colour. (2) Suggest her suitable tag(s) and attribute(s) for the above specifications. (e) Albert works as a website developer in Global Website Designers company. Currently he has created following tags in XML: (2) <STUDENT>...</STUDENT> <Student>....</Student> Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code? Are these same same or different? (f) How many times will the loop execute? (2) int value1 =7,value2=19; do { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,value1+value2); value1=value1+2; value2=value2-2; }while(value1<=value2); 3 (a) Consider the table empsalary . (1) 2 ID Salary 101 43000 102 NULL 104 56000 107 NULL To select tuples with some salary ,Siddharth has written the following erroneous SQL statement: SELECT ID, Salary FROM empsalary WHERE Salary = something; Write the correct SQL statement. (b) Consider the table Employee . (1) Employee Name Location Gurpreet Mumbai Jatinder Chennai Deepa Mumbai Harsh Chennai Simi New Delhi Anita Bengaluru Write the SQL command to obtain the following output : 3 Location Mumbai Chennai New Delhi Bengaluru (c) While creating the table Student last week, Ms. Sharma forgot to include the column (1) Game_Played. Now write a command to insert the Game_Played column with VARCHAR data type and 30 size into the Student table? (d) In Marks column of Student table, for Rollnumber 2, the Class Teacher entered the (1) marks as 45. However there was a totaling error and the student has got her marks increased by 5. Which MySQL command should she use to change the marks in Student table. (e) Consider the table Teacher given below. TeacherId Department Periods T101 SCIENCE 32 T102 NULL 30 T103 MATHEMATICS 34 What will be the output of the following queries on the basis of the above table: (i)Select count(Department) from Teacher; (ii)Select count(*) from Teacher; 4 (2) (f) Consider the Stu table ROLLNO (2) NAME 1 Ashi 2 Bimmi 4 Aakash The following SQL queries are executed on the above table INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(5,'Gagan'); COMMIT; UPDATE Stu SET name='Abhi' WHERE Rollno = 4 SAVEPOINT A; INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(6,'Chris'); SAVEPOINT B; INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(7,'Babita'); SAVEPOINT C; ROLLBACK TO B; What will be the output of the following SQL query now: SELECT * FROM Stu; (g) An attribute A of datatype varchar(20) has the value Amit . The attribute B of (2) datatype char(20) has value Karanita . 5 How many characters are occupied in attribute A ? How many characters are occupied in attribute B? 4 (a) Following is a list of programming languages: BASIC, COBOL, C, JAVA Help Sandhya in identifying Object Oriented language(s) from the above given list. (1) (b) Satyam is designing a frame in Netbeans containing list box. Help him in writing (1) suitable Java statement to extract selected item from a given listbox named jList1. (c) What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 after the following code is (1) executed: int number = 12; if (number <15) { jTextField1.setText(""+ number) ; number++; jTextField2.setText(""+ number) ; } else { jTextField1.setText("number1 ) ; number++; jTextField2.setText("number2 ) ; } (d) Find output of the following Java code snippet: (2) String City="Delhi",PinCode="110001",Str=""; City=City+" "+PinCode; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,City); int l=City.length(); int i=0; while(i<l) { Str=Str+City.substring(6); i=i+15; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,Str); (e) Rewrite the following code using WHILE loop: int x=100; for(int i=2;i<=22;i=i+4) { 6 (2) jTextArea1.append("\n"+(i+x)); x=x-2; } (f) The following code has error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made : (2) int n=5,int i=1,f=1; do; { f=f*i; i++; while(i<=n) jTextField1.setText(""+f); (g) Mr. Pawan works as a programmer in ABC Marketing Company where he has designed a Salary generator software to generate the salary of salesman in which Name and Salary are entered by the user. A screenshot of the same is shown below: Help him in writing the code to do the following: i. After selecting appropriate Radio Button, when Commission button is clicked, commission should be displayed in the respective text field as each Salesman will get a commission based on the units sold according to the following criteria: 7 2 Units Sold Commission (in Rs) 1 to 20 500 20 to 40 1000 >40 2000 ii. When Gross Salary button is clicked, Gross Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formula: Gross Salary= Salary+Commission 1 iii. After required selection of Checkbox(es), when Facility Charges button is clicked, Facility charges will be displayed in the respective text field according to the 2 following criteria: Facility Charges Transport 500 Mess 2000 iv. Money will be deducted from the Gross Salary according to the facilities opted by the employee. When Net Salary button is clicked, Net Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formulae: Net Salary= Gross Salary-Deductions 5 (a) 1 Mrs. Sharma is the classteacher of Class XII A She wants to create a table Student to store details of her class. i) Which of the following can be the attributes of Student table? a) RollNo b) Amit c) Name d) 25 2 ii) Name the Primary key of the table Student . State reason for choosing it. (b) Write the output of the following SQL queries: i) SELECT TRUNCATE(8.975,2); 8 (2) ii) SELECT MID( HONESTY WINS ,3,4); iii) SELECT RIGHT(CONCAT( PRACTICES , INFORMATICS ),5); iv) SELECT DAYOFMONTH( 2015-01-16 ); (c) Table Emp is shown below. Write commands in SQL for (i) to (iv) and output for (v) and (vi) ID NAME AGE ADDRESS SALARY PHONE 1 Siddharth 25 A-4, Ashok Vihar, Delhi 62000 98110766656 2 Chavi 23 B-21, Model Town, Mumbai 71000 99113423989 3 Karan 26 KC-24, North Avenue, Bhopal 65000 98105393578 4 Raunaq 22 A-152, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 89000 99101393576 5 Kunal 27 B-5/45, Uday Park, Delhi 80000 97653455654 i. To display list of all employees below 25 years old. ii. To list names and respective salaries in descending order of salary. iii. To count the number of employees with names starting with K iv. To list names and addresses of those persons who have Delhi in their address. v. SELECT Name, Salary FROM Emp where salary between 50000 and 70000; vi. SELECT Name, phone from emp where phone like 99% ; 9 (6) 6 (a) Write SQL query to create a table Player with the following structure: Field playerid name height weight datebirth teamname (b) Type Integer Varchar(50) Integer Integer Date Varchar(50) Consider the tables given below. Constraint Primary key 2 Salesperson SalespersonId Name Age Salary 1 Ajay 61 140000 2 Sunil 34 44000 5 Chris 34 40000 7 Amaaya 41 52000 Orders OrderId 2 SalespersonId Amount 10 2 54000 20 7 18000 30 1 46000 10 40 5 24000 i. The SalespersonId column in the "Salesperson" table is the _________ KEY.The SalespersonId column in the "Orders" table is a ___________ KEY. ii. Can the SalespersonId be set as the primary key in table Orders . Give reason. (c) With reference to the above given tables (in Q6 b), Write commands in SQL for (i) and (ii) and output for (iii) below: i. To display SalespersonID, names, orderids and order amount of all salespersons. 6 ii. To display names ,salespersons ids and order ids of those sales persons whose names start with A and sales amount is between 15000 and 20000. iii. SELECT SalespersonId, name, age, amount FROM Salesperson, orders WHERE Salesperson.salespersonId= Orders.salespersonId AND AGE BETWEEN 30 AND 45; 7 (a) Bachpan Toys is a small company manufacturing toys. They have decided that it would be beneficial to the company to create a website which would allow customers to order toys on-line. State how Bachpan Toys would benefit from the website. (2) (b) Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of e-Governance (1) i) technology makes governance speedier ii) Computer literacy and basic Internet usage is not required. iii) governance is made transparent, that is most of the information is available to public. (c) Lakshmi works for a school. She wishes to create controls on a form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from Text field, Label, Radio button, Check box, List box, Combo box, Button and write in the third column. S. No. Control used to 1 Enter Admission number 2 Control Select Stream 11 (2) 3 Select Subject 4 Clear the Form 12 Informatics Practices (Code: 065) Marking Scheme - Sample Paper2 Class XII (2015-16) Time: 3Hrs. MM: 70 1 (a) The Chalchitra theatre has a computer network. The network is in one building. (i) Name this type of network( out of LAN/MAN/WAN). (ii) Name one communication channel that can be used for fast communication between workstations of the network. Ans: i.LAN ii. Optical fiber cable (2) (1 mark for each correct answer) (b) Ans: Explain in brief any 2 security threats to Computer networks. (2) 1. Denial of service attack: It is an attempt to make one or more network resources unavailable to their legitimate users. 2. Snooping:It is gaining unauthorised access to another person s or organization s data. (1 mark for each correct explanation) (c) Write the advantages of using Unicode to represent text. Ans: (2) Unicode encoding standard provides the basis for processing, storage and interchange of text data in any language in all modern software and information technology protocols. (2 marks for mentioning correct advantages of Unicode) (d) Write on example each of URL and IP address. Ans: (2) URL IP address (1 mark for each correct example) (e) Identify the topology shown below. Write 2 advantages of this topology. (2) Ans: 2 Star Topology Two advantages are as follows: 1. Easy to install 2. Easy to diagnose the fault (1 mark for identifying correct topology) ( mark for mentioning each correct advantage) (a) While working in Netbeans, Ms. Sonia has designed a login page where she wants to display Welcome or Try again message depending on the password entered by the user in text field named jTexField1 . If password entered is India , Welcome message should be displayed otherwise Try again message should be displayed. Help her in choosing more appropriate statement out of 'If statement' and 'Switch statement'. Ans: IF statement as String matching can only be done through if statement. (1) ( mark for correct statement identification) ( mark for correct reason specification) (b) Write Java code to assign the value 10 to variable x and store its square value in another variable y. Ans: (1) x=10; y=x*x; ( mark for each correct statement) (c) Deepti works as a programmer in a travel company. She has developed the (2) following code to display travel detail according to user s choice. Help her in rewriting the same code using SWITCH CASE: if(choice==1) jTextField1.setText( New else if(choice==2) jTextField1.setText( New else if(choice==3) jTextField1.setText( New else jTextField1.setText( Pl. Delhi to Goa ); Delhi to Paris ); Delhi to Bangkok ); choose valid option ); Ans: switch(choice) { case 1: jTextField1.setText( New Delhi to Goa ); break; case 2: jTextField1.setText( New Delhi to Paris ); break; case 3: jTextField1.setText( New Delhi to Bangkok ); break; default: jTextField1.setText( Pl. choose valid option ); } (2 marks for correct converted code) (d) Shambhavi has to design two web pages with following specifications: i. One web page should have an unordered list. ii. Another web page should have background Yellow in colour. (2) Suggest her suitable tag(s) and attribute(s) for the above specifications. Ans: i. <UL> <LI> ii. <body> tag and bgcolor attribute (1 mark each for each correct answer) (e) Albert works as a website developer in Global Website Designers company. Currently he has created following tags in XML: (2) <STUDENT>...</STUDENT> <Student>....</Student> Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code? Are these same same or different? Ans: These tags are part of XML code. These tags are different. (1 mark for mentioning XML) (1 mark for correct identification) (f) How many times will the loop execute? (2) int value1 =7,value2=19; do { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,value1+value2); value1=value1+2; value2=value2-2; }while(value1<=value2); Ans : 4 times. (2 marks for mentioning correct output) 3 (a) Consider the table empsalary . (1) ID Salary 101 43000 102 NULL 104 56000 107 NULL To select tuples with some salary ,Siddharth has written erroneous SQL statement: the following SELECT ID, Salary FROM empsalary WHERE Salary = something; Write the correct SQL statement. Ans: SELECT ID, Salary FROM empsalary WHERE Salary is NOT NULL; (1 mark for correct SQL statement) (b) Consider the table Employee . Employee Name Location Gurpreet Mumbai Jatinder Chennai Deepa Mumbai Harsh Chennai Simi New Delhi Anita Bengaluru Write the SQL command to obtain the following output : Location Mumbai Chennai New Delhi Bengaluru (1) Ans: SELECT DISTINCT Location FROM Employee; (1 mark for correct SQL statement) (c) While creating the table Student last week, Ms. Sharma forgot to include the (1) column Game_Played. Now write a command to insert the Game_Played column with VARCHAR data type and 30 size into the Student table? Ans: Alter Table Student Add (Game_Played VARCHAR(30)); (1 mark for correct MySQL command) (d) In Marks column of Student table, for Rollnumber 2, the Class Teacher (1) entered the marks as 45. However there was a totaling error and the student has got her marks increased by 5. Which MySQL command should she use to change the marks in Student table. Ans: UPDATE command (1 mark for correct SQL answer) (e) Consider the table Teacher given below. TeacherId Department Periods T101 SCIENCE 32 T102 NULL 30 T103 MATHEMATICS (2) 34 What will be the output of the following queries on the basis of the above table: (i)Select count(Department) from Teacher; (ii)Select count(*) from Teacher; Ans: i. 2 ii. 3 (1 mark for each correct answer) (f) Consider the Stu table ROLLNO 1 (2) NAME Ashi 2 Bimmi 4 Aakash The following SQL queries are executed on the above table INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(5,'Gagan'); COMMIT; UPDATE Stu SET name='Abhi' WHERE Rollno = 4; SAVEPOINT A; INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(6,'Chris'); SAVEPOINT B; INSERT INTO Stu VALUES(7,'Babita'); SAVEPOINT C; ROLLBACK TO B; What will be the output of the following SQL query now: SELECT * FROM Stu; Ans: Output: 1 Ashi 2 Bimmi 4 Abhi 5 Gagan 6 Chris (2 mark for correct output) (g) An attribute A of datatype varchar(20) has the value Amit . The attribute B of datatype char(20) has value Karanita . How many characters are occupied in attribute A ? How many characters are occupied in attribute B? Ans: (2) 4, 20 (1 mark for each correct answer) 4 (a) Following is a list of programming languages: BASIC, COBOL, C, JAVA Help Sandhya in identifying Object Oriented language(s) from the above given list. (1) Ans: Java (1 mark for correct identification of OOP language ) (b) Satyam is designing a frame in Netbeans containing list box. Help him in writing suitable Java statement to extract selected item from a given listbox named jList1. Ans: (1) jList1.getSelectedIValue(); (1 mark for correct answer) (c) What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 after the following code is executed: (1) int number = 12; if (number <15) { jTextField1.setText(""+ number) ; number++; jTextField2.setText(""+ number) ; } else { jTextField1.setText("number1 ) ; number++; jTextField2.setText("number2 ) ; } Ans: 12 13 ( mark for each correct answer) (d) Find output of the following Java code snippet: (2) String City="Delhi",PinCode="110001",Str=""; City=City+" "+PinCode; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,City); int l=City.length(); int i=0; while(i<l) { Str=Str+City.substring(6); i=i+15; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,Str); Ans: Delhi 110001 110001 (1 mark for each correct output) (e) Rewrite the following code using WHILE loop: int x=100; for(int i=2;i<=22;i=i+4) { (2) jTextArea1.append("\n"+(i+x)); x=x-2; } Ans: int x=100; int i = 2; while (i<=22) { jTextArea1.append("\n"+(i+x)); x=x-2; i = i+4; } (2 mark for correct code through WHILE loop) (f) The following code has error(s). Rewrite the correct code underlining all the corrections made : int n=5,int i=1,f=1; do; { f=f*i; i++; while(i<=n) jTextField1.setText(""+f); Ans: int n=5,i=1,f=1; do { f=f*i; i++; }while(i<=n); jTextField1.setText(""+f); ( mark for each correct error correction) (g) Mr. Pawan works as a programmer in ABC Marketing Company where he has designed a Salary generator software to generate the salary of salesman in which Name and Salary are entered by the user. A screenshot of the same is shown below: (2) 2 Help him in writing the code to do the following: i. After selecting appropriate Radio Button, when Commission button is clicked, commission should be displayed in the respective text field as each Salesman will get a commission based on the units sold according to the following criteria: Units Sold 1 2 Commission (in Rs) 1 to 20 500 20 to 40 1000 >40 2000 ii. When Gross Salary button is clicked, Gross Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formulae: Gross Salary= Salary+Commission iii. After required selection of Checkbox(es), when Facility Charges button is clicked, Facility charges will be displayed in the respective text field according to the following criteria: Facility Charges Transport 500 Mess 2000 iv. Money will be deducted from the Gross Salary according to the facilities 1 opted by the employee. When Net Salary button is clicked, Net Salary should be calculated and displayed in the respective text field as per the given formulae: Net Salary= Gross Salary-Deductions Ans : i. Code to calculate and display commission: int com=0; if(jRadioButton1.isSelected()) com=500; else if(jRadioButton2.isSelected()) com=1000; else if(jRadioButton3.isSelected()) com=2000; jTextField3.setText( +com); ( mark for each correct if-else if statement) ( mark for displaying commission value) ii. Code to calculate and display Gross Salary: int sal,comm; sal=Integer.parseInt(jTextField2.getText()); comm=Integer.parseInt(jTextField3.getText()); jTextField4.setText( +(sal+comm)); ( mark for fetching values) ( mark for displaying Gross Salary) iii. Code to calculate and display charges for the facilities: int extra=0; if(jCheckBox1.isSelected()) extra=extra+500; if(jCheckBox2.isSelected()) extra=extra+2000; jTextField5.setText( +extra); ( mark for initializing variable extra with 0) ( mark for each correct if statement) ( mark for displaying extra facility charges) iv. Code to calculate and display the Net Salary int amt,extra; amt=Integer.parseInt(jTextField4.getText()); extra=Integer.parseInt(jTextField5.getText()); jTextField6.setText( +(amt-extra)); ( mark for fetching values) ( mark for displaying Net Salary) 5 (a) Mrs. Sharma is the classteacher of Class XII A She wants to create a table Student to store details of her class. i) Which of the following can be the attributes of Student table? a) RollNo b) Amit c) Name d) 25 2 ii) Name the Primary key of the table Student . State reason for choosing it. Ans: i. a) RollNo b) Name ( mark for each correct answer) ii.Primary Key: RollNo as it will be unique for each student of the class. ( mark for identifying Primary key) ( mark for stating correct reason) (b) Write the output of the following SQL queries: i) SELECT TRUNCATE(8.975,2); ii) SELECT MID( HONESTY WINS ,3,4); iii) SELECT RIGHT(CONCAT( PRACTICES , INFORMATICS ),5); iv) SELECT DAYOFMONTH( 2015-01-16 ); Ans: 2 i. 8.97 ii. NEST iii. ATICS iv. 16 ( mark for each correct output) (c) Table Emp is shown below. Write commands in SQL for (i) to (iv) and output for (v) and (vi) ID NAME AGE ADDRESS SALARY PHONE 1 Siddharth 25 A-4, Ashok Vihar, Delhi 62000 98110766656 2 Chavi 23 B-21, Model Town, Mumbai 71000 99113423989 3 Karan 26 KC-24, North Avenue, Bhopal 65000 98105393578 4 Raunaq 22 A-152, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow 89000 99101393576 5 Kunal 27 B-5/45, Uday Park, Delhi 80000 97653455654 6 i. To display list of all employees below 25 years old. ii. To list names and respective salaries in descending order of salary. iii. To count the number of employees with names starting with K iv. To list names and addresses of those persons who have Delhi in their address. v. SELECT Name, Salary FROM Emp where salary between 50000 and 70000; vi. SELECT Name, phone from emp where phone like 99% ; Ans: MySQL Commands: i. SELECT * FROM Emp WHERE AGE<25; ii. SELECT NAME,SALARY FROM Emp ORDER BY SALARY desc; iii. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Emp WHERE NAME LIKE K% ; iv. SELECT NAME,ADDRESS FROM Emp WHERE ADDRESS LIKE %Delhi% ; (1 mark for each correct query) OUTPUT v. Siddharth 62000 Karan 65000 vi. Chavi Raunaq 99113423989 99101393576 (1 mark for each correct output) 6 (a) Write SQL query to create a table Player with the following structure: Field playerid name height weight datebirth teamname Ans: Type Integer Varchar(50) Integer Integer Date Varchar(50) CREATE TABLE Player ( playerID integer PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(50), height integer, weight integer, datebirth date, teamname varchar(50) ); Constraint Primary key (2) ( ( ( ( (b) Mark for Mark for Mark for Mark for CREATE TABLE Player) constraint) correct data types) correct column) (2) Consider the tables given below. Salesperson SalespersonId Name Age Salary 1 Ajay 61 140000 2 Sunil 34 44000 5 Chris 34 40000 7 Amaaya 41 52000 Orders OrderId SalespersonId Amount 10 2 54000 20 7 18000 30 1 46000 40 5 24000 i. The SalespersonId column in the "Salesperson" table is the _________ KEY.The SalespersonId column in the "Orders" table is a ___________ KEY. ii. Can the SalespersonId be set as the primary key in table Orders . Give reason. Ans: i. Primary, Foreign ii. No as it may be repeated in Orders table. (1 mark for correct column name) (c) With reference to the above given tables (in Q6 b), Write commands in SQL for (i) and (ii) and output for (iii) below: (6) i. To display SalespersonID, names, orderids and order amount of all salespersons. ii. To display names ,salespersons ids and order ids of those sales persons whose names start with A and sales amount is between 15000 and 20000. iii. SELECT SalespersonId, name, age, amount FROM Salesperson, orders WHERE Salesperson.salespersonId= Orders.salespersonId AND AGE BETWEEN 30 AND 45; Ans: i. SELECT S.SalespersonID, Name, OrderID, Amount FROM Salesperson S, Orders O WHERE S.SalespersonID= O.SalespersonID; (1 mark for correct use of select and from) (1 mark for correct use of where clause) ii. SELECT Name,S.SalespersonID,OrderID FROM Salesperson S, Orders O WHERE S. SalespersonID=O.SalespersonID AND Name LIKE A% AND Amount BETWEEN 15000 AND 20000; (1 mark for correct use of select, from and where clause) ( mark for correct use of like operator) ( mark for correct use of between operator/checking specified amount range) iii. 2 Sunil 5 Chris 7 Amaaya 34 34 41 54000 24000 18000 (2 mark for correct output) 7 (a) Bachpan Toys is a small company manufacturing toys. They have decided (2) that it would be beneficial to the company to create a website which would allow customers to order toys on-line. State how Bachpan Toys would benefit from the website. Ans: Through online marketing (e-business) they can reach to many customers of far away places in a cost effective manner. Also there is no need to incur huge cost of setting up a shop/store to sell items. (1 mark for each correct point) (b) Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of e-Governance i) technology makes governance speedier ii) Computer literacy and basic Internet usage is not required. iii) governance is made transparent, that is most of the information is available to public. Ans: i ) and iii) ( mark for each correct advantage of e-Governance) (1) (c) Lakshmi works for a school. She wishes to create controls on a form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from Text field, Label, Radio button, Check box, List box, Combo box, Button and write in the third column. S. No. Control used to 1 Enter Admission number 2 Select Stream 3 Select Subject 4 Control Clear the Form Ans: S.No Control used to Control 1 Enter Admission number Text field 2 Select Stream List box/ Combo box /Radio button 3 Select Subject Check box 4 Clear the Form Button ( mark for each correct control) (2)

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