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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2020 : English - Prelim 2 (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL, JAMMU. ASSIGNMENT(Pre-Board 2) SESSION: 2019-20 Class: XII Subject: ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS i) This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All sections are compulsory. ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully. iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions. 1 1 2 3 SECTION A (READING) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. The elephant at last came up and was brought below the porch of the house. They are truly ugly beasts, with their grey wrinkled, hairless hides, the huge ragged flappers which cover their ears and with which they fan themselves ceaselessly, the small mean eyes, the hideous trunk which coils itself snakishly round everything, the formless legs, the piggish back, with the steep slope down to the mean, bare tail, creatures so unlikely any other familiar and friendly beast. Before I came back from England, I dreamt of howdahs and cloth of gold trappings, but my elephant had neither. In fact there was nothing grand about him but his ugliness. I dropped into one of two baskets on either side of his back from the porch, a young Malay lad dropped into the other and my bag was tied on behind with more ropes. My ride was not comfortable. One sits facing forwardswith the feet dangling over the edge of the basket. This edge soon produces a sharp ache or cramp, and, when one tries to get relief by leaning back on anything, the awkward rolling position is so painful that one reverts to the former position till it again becomes intolerable. After we had travelled two hours,the baskets slipped down very dangerously and the great bulk of the elephant without any warning gently subsided behind and then just as gently in front, the huge, ugly legs being extended ahead of him. When the pack was adjusted, the driver jumped on the elephant s back, and giving me his hand hauled me up over the head, after which the creature rose gently from the ground and we went on our journey. Soon the driver abandoned the elephant for a gossip and a smoke, leaving the animalto go to its own way for a mile or more. The elephant turned into the jungle, where he began to rend and tear the trees and going to a mud hole, he drew what water there was out of it and squirted it with a loud noise over himself and his riders, soaking my clothes with it. When he turned back to the road again, he several times stopped and seemed to stand on his head stiffening his trunk and leaning upon it, and when I hit it with my umbrella, he uttered the loudest roar I ever heard. My Malay fellow-rider jumped off and ran back for the driver, at which the baskets both came down on my side of the elephant. 4 5 On the driver s return, I had to dismount again and this time the elephant was allowed to go and take a proper bath in a river. He threw large quantities of clear water over himself and took up plenty more with which to cool his sides as went along. Thick as the wrinkled hide of an elephant is, a very small insect can draw blood from it and so, like the water buffalo, he wisely plastered himself with mud from the river s edge for protection. I rode again for another two hours, but he crawled along about a mile an hour and seemed determined to lie down. He roared whenever he was asked to go faster, sometimes with the roar of rag, sometimes with the roar of distress. In despair, the driver got off and walked behind him, but at that point the elephant stopped altogether. The driver tried to pull him along by putting a hooked stick in his huge flapper but this produced no other effect than a series of howls. So, he climbed back on his head, after which the brute made a successions of exaggerated stumbles. The driver with a look of disgust, got off again. I let myself down his unshapely shoulder by a rope till I could see the driver s shoulders as steps. I walked the remaining miles to KwalaKangsaand the driver carried my suitcase. Such was the comical end of my first elephant ride. 1.1 On the basis of above passage, answer the following question. 1) How was the ride of the speaker? a) Comfortable b) Uncomfortable c) Enjoyable 2) Writer in this passage is talking about . a) Ride b) Travel c) Tour 3) Which word in the above passage means pull with great effort.. a) Hauled b) Subside c) Stiffen 4) Author s journey was . a) Comical b) Serious c) Both 5) When driver set the elephant free,where did he go . a) He went to jungle b) He stayed there c) He ran away 1.2 Answer the following questions briefly. a) The author had previously regarded riding on an elephant as a luxurious means of travel. How? b) What purpose did the young Malay serve as far as the author was concerned? c) Explain why the writer says that the elephant wisely plasters himself with mud? d) Give two illustrations from the passage which shows that the elephant was not cooperative. e) What made the author describe the end of the elephant ride as comical ? 1.3 Find words in the above passage having similar meaning as the following. a) Extremely ugly ( para 1 ) b) Get off a horse, bicycle, etc ( para 4 ) Q3 Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. The Indian students need to go abroad stems from the fact that they feel that the western markets offer better job opportunities with high pay packets, they are safe from the point of law and they offer a good quality of life. What is attractive to an Indian is the global recognition for a foreign degree. Until now, a UK or a US degree was more acceptable worldwide and for entry into a multinational company. The Indian Institutes of Technology have reached position of eminence in the United States. Traditionally, the West has been a magnet for people from other parts of the world. However, as a person has to pass multiple exams to get through their system, especially in professional areas such as medicine and engineering, students from India need to be focused on their options to study and work there. However, most European countries have made the entry of skilled Indian workers easier by easing up visa regulations. The UK which has traditionally seen many skilled and unskilled workers migrate, has eased up visa regulations for Indians who wish to seek jobs in the skilled sectors such as IT whereas Scotland which has a separate Parliament within the UK, and a new entrant to the Indian education market, has taken several steps to woo Indian and other foreigners. In the US, the largest number of foreign students come from India followed by China. The number from both the countries is 79,736 in the academic year 2003-2004 according to the Institute for International Education, an internationally recognized non-government organization. For the third consecutive year, India is the leading country of origin for international students in the US. The assistant secretary of state, consular affairs, US department of state, MaursHarty, stated recently, The education industry in the US is the $12 bn industry .students and business travelers became our number one priority so that we could regain the competitive advantage of attracting students to the US. It was our responsibility to make the visa process as efficient a process as we could because the hard earned salaries of the Indian parents are best applied in American varsities. Indian students bring a great diversity to our camps, great experience, great wisdom and they are good students. Australia has eased up study and tourist visas for Indians. After study, a person from India does not have to come back to the country to apply for work visa. Individual regions in Australia compete with each other for attracting students. IDP Australia boasts of being the major export development and marketing company for Australian education as it is a conglomerate of all Australian universities and operates in 34 countries, India being one of them. There is expected to be a 15 percent to 25 percent increase in the number of Indians going to Australia for higher education. Moving over to Canada, Popular with Punjabi migrants, it has traditionally attracted non skilled and skilled workers in equal measure from India. That country has now opened its doors to International students including India, making use of the decline in the student population post 9/11 US terror blasts, when the US tightened its security and visa measures. The country has an excellent public education system and education is more or less free. However, foreigners are charged market rates. The decrease in young population has necessitated Canada to open up its education system for foreign students. a) b) On the basis of the reading of the above passage make notes on it using headings and sub-headings. Use recognizable abbreviations wherever necessary. Also supply an appropriate title to it. Write a summary of the above passage in 80 to 100 words . SECTION B (WRITING SKILLS) Q3 Q4 You are Balwinder Singh of 15 Krishna Nagar Delhi is selling his old study material for NDA Exam. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words for the classified column of a newspaper OR You are Arjun/ Aprana of St. Joseph Convent School, Dehradun. Your school has been invited to participate in an Inter-school On-the-Spot Painting Competition organised by the Lion s Club of your district. As General Secretary of the Painting Club of your school accept the invitation in formal reply. Your school has organised children day.Write a report for the newspaper.(150-200 Words. You are Riya/Tarun. OR You are Manya of 12th B. Write an article in 150-200 words on role of a teacher in society . Q5 You are the Manager of Goodman Sports Limited, Shalimar Garden, Delhi. A consignment sent by you to one of your regular customers was found to be of inferior quality. You have received a letter complaining of this from the customer. Write a letter of apology, explaining the causes and your plan for replacement. Q6 Write a debate on the topic money buys everything . Write in favour or against the motion. OR Write a speech to be delivered in your morning assembly on the topic usefulness of yoga and exercise SECTION C (TEXTBOOKS) Q7 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Aunt Jennifer s fingers fluttering through her wool Find even the ivory needle hard to pull. The massive weight of uncle s wedding band Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer s hand. a) Why are Aunt Jennifer s fingers fluttering? b) Why does Aunt Jennifer create animals which are so different? c) Explain last two lines of the extract. Q9 Answer any four of the following questions in 50 to 60 words. a) How the poem Aunt Jennifer s tiger shows male chauvinism in that society? b) What insensitivities did people express at the sight of Derry and Mr Lamb? c) What is the underlying message in An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum ? How does it contrast with the slum children? d) What is the irony in the lines it is celebration time for all the tigers? e) The rattrap is a present from a rat who would have been caught in this world s rattrap if he had not been raised to a captain . Explain how this circumstance came to pass with reference to the story. Q10 Answer any one of the following question in 120-150 words. Freedom from fear is more important than legal justice for the poor . Do you think that the poor of India are free from fear even after independence ? Or How does the metaphor of rattrap serve to highlight the human predicament? Q11 Answer any one of the following question in 120-150 words. What is the contrast between the characters of Derry and Lamb in the chapter On the face of it ? Or Should Dr Sadao be arrested on the charge of harbouring an enemy? Why or Why not. Explain in your words giving instances from the story?

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