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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2020 : History (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Agra)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGHTHAN AGRA REGION PRE-BOARD EXAM-2019-20 HISTORY SET-H : 3 TIME : 3 HRS XII CLASS XII : MM: 80 80 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: i. Answer all the questions, marks are indicated against each question. ii. Answer to questions carrying 1 marks (Part A question no. 1 to 20) MCQ iii. Answer to questions carrying 3 marks (Part B section I question no. 21 to 24) should not exceed 100 words each. iv. Part C Answer to questions carrying 8 marks (Part C question no. 25 to 27) should not exceed 350 words each. v. Part D Questions No.28 to 30 are source based. Every source question have 6 marks . vi. Part E is map question (Q. no. 31 of 6 marks) Attach the map along with the answer book. : 1. | | 2. 1 ( 1 20) | 3. 3 ( I 21 24) 100 . 4. ( 25 27 ) 350 . 5. | 28,29,30 6 6. ( . 31 6 ) | HIST/SET-H/PB Page 1 Part A/ Q.1 Mention one important site of harappan where great bath found. ? Q.2 Who was the first Director-General of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)? - ? Q.3 In which place archaeologist have found evidence of a ploughed field? ? Q. 4 The word PIYADASSI used for which Ruler of Indian history? ? Q.5 Who was the writer of Arthashastra ? ? Q.6 Which ruler belong to The Prayaga Prashasti(the Allahabad Pillar Inscription ) composed by Harishena ? ( ) ? Q.7 Write the name of archaeologist who excavated at a village named Hastinapura in Meerut (uttar Pradesh) in 1951-52. 1951-52 ( ) ? Q.8 Who dedicated his important volumes on Sanchi to Sultan Jehan (Nawab of Bhopal). ( ) ? HIST/SET-H/PB Page 2 Q 9 Uluq meant: (a) Foot-post (b) Horse-post ( c) Fertile Land d)Unfertile Land Choose the correct option: ? ) ) ) ) (Question no 10 to 14 are fill in the blanks : ; Q10.................... .. ... were sufi saints who were in deliberate defiance of the shariyat ...... Q11........................ ..... was the most famous ruler of Vijayanagara. ..... Q12............................. prepare the first survey map of Hampi. HIST/SET-H/PB Page 3 ...... Q13 Ain-i-Akbari was authored by Akbar's court historian ......... ........ .... ........ . . Question no 14 to 17 mark Right( ) or wrong (X) Infront of the given statement: .. Q14 During 16th and 17th century there were three constituents of the village community-the cultivators, the panchayat and the village Headman. ( ) , , . Q15 .The ideal of sulh-i-kul of Akbar's reign was of absolute peace.( ) ? Q16.The pilgrimage tax and Jizya tax during Mughal period was not based on religious discrimination. ( ) ? Q17 .By 1832, the East India Company demarcated a large area of land as Damin-i-Koh to be the land of the Paharias.( ) ( ) Q18 Subsidary Alliance was introduced by India. a) a)Lord Canning b) b) Lord wellesley c) Lord Mayo d) Lord Rippan HIST/SET-H/PB Page 4 ? ) ) ) ) Q 19 What was the immediate cause of the mutiny of 1857? ? Q 20 . Who was the last nawab of Awadh? ? PART B Q 21 Critically examine the experience of the ryots on the refusal of moneylenders to extend loans to them after 1830. | . Q.22 Describe briefly the teachings of Mahatma Buddha. I Q 23 Who were Alvars and Nayanars ? Mention the support they got from the Chola rulers. ? | HIST/SET-H/PB Page 5 Q 24 How did changes occur in the building pattern of colonial cities after the revolt of 1857 ? Cite any two examples. 1857 | PART C Q.25-Discuss how archaeologists reconstructed the past? ? Q 26 Explain the chief characteristics of provincial administration of the Mughal Empire. Why has Mughal Nobility been considered as an important pillar of the Mughal state ? Explain. | ? | Q 27 Describe the different sources from which we can reconstruct the political career of Gandhiji and the history of the nationalist movement. | PART- D Source Based Questions Q.28 Read the following extracts carefully and answers the questions that follow. By the first century CE, there is evidence of changes in Buddhist ideas and practices. Early Buddhist teaching had given great importance to self-effort in achieving nirvana. Besides the Buddha was regarded as a human being who attained enlightenment and nirvana through his own efforts. However the idea of Savior gradually emerged. It was believed that that he was the one who could ensure salvation. Simultaneously the concept of the Bodhisattva also developed. HIST/SET-H/PB Page 6 The worship of images of Buddha and Bodhisattva became an important part of the tradition. This new way of thinking was called Mahayana literally the greater vehicle . Those who adopted these beliefs described the older tradition as Hinayana or the Lesser Vehicle . 1. How could nirvana be achieved according to early Buddhist teaching? [1] 2.How was the Buddha considered in the beginning? 3.What were the main features if the new Buddhist tradition? [1] [2] 4.What do you mean by Mahayana and Hinayana form of Buddhism? [2] | I I I I I - I I , I i. ? ii. ? [1] iii. ? iv. ? [1] [2) [2] THE SYSTEM OF VARNAS Q 29 This is Al-Biruni s account of the system of varnas : The highest caste are the Brahmana, of whom the books of the Hindus tell us that they HIST/SET-H/PB Page 7 were created from the head of Brahman. And as the Brahman is only another name for the force called nature, and the head is the highest part of the body, the Brahmana are the choice part of the whole genus. Therefore, the Hindus consider them as the very best of mankind.The next caste are the Kshatriya who were created, as they say, from the shoulders and hand of Brahman.Their degree is not much below that of the Brahmana. After them follow the Vaishya, who were created from the thigh of Brahman. The Sudra who were created from his feet. Between the latter two classes there is no very great distance. Much, however, as these classes differ from each other, they live together in the same towns and villages, mixed together in the same houses and lodgings. 1. Explain Al-Biruni s account of the system of varnas. 2 2. Do you consider this type of division justified? Explain with reasons. 2 3. How was the system not quit rigid in the real life? Explain. 2 - & S] -- S] A A S S] A s A A A ] sa & A | 1- - A HIST/SET-H/PB Page 8 2- | 3- \ A Q 30 .THERE CAN NOT BE ANY DIVIDED LOYALITY. Govind Ballabh pant argued that in order to became loyal citizens Foreign) .democracy is doomed. Questions 1. How does G.B . Pant define the attributes of a loyal citizen ? Explain.(2 2. Under what circumstances is democracy doomed ? Explain.(2 3. Do you think that with divided loyality one can serve the country faithfully? Explain your views. ( 2 17 ( N.C.E.R.T ,PAGE NO.419,SOURCE-5) ....................... | 1. . . | 2. | 3. | HIST/SET-H/PB Page 9 PART-E / . Q.31-On the political outline map of India locate and show the following places :(6X1=6) 1 Lothal 2 Amarawati 3 Ujjayini 4 MEERUT 5 Vajji 6 AMRITSAR NOTE; The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No.31. (31.1) Name any three centre s of Indian National Movement. |. (31.2) Name any three Buddhist sites . | END OF PAPER HIST/SET-H/PB Page 10

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