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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2021 : Informatics Practices (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Lucknow Region)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN REGIONAL OFFICE LUCKNOW Class XII INFORMATICS PRACTICES (SUBJECT CODE 065) 2ND PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION (2020-21) Max Marks: 70 Time: 3 Hours General Instructions: 1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory. 2. Both Part A and Part B have choices. 3. Part-A has 2 sections: a. Section I is short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line. b. Section II has two case studies questions. Each case study has 4 case-based sub- parts. An examinee is to attempt any 4 out of the 5 subparts. 4. Part - B is Descriptive Paper. 5. Part- B has three sections a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two questions have internal options. b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two questions have internal options. c. Section-III is very long answer questions of 5 marks each in which one question has question has internal option. Page-1 Q1 Q2 State whether True or False : i. Cyber laws are incorporated for punishing all types of criminals. ii. Firewall can be implemented in software as well as in hardware. Fill in the blanks : Which argument of bar () lets you set the thickness of bar? a. b. c. d. Q3 1 1 thick thickness width barwidth With WQL, how can you return the number of non null records in the Project 1 field of Students table ? a. SELECT COUNT(Project) FROM Students b. SELECT COLUMNS(Project) FROM Students c. SELECT COLUMNS(*) FROM Students d. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Students Q4 To display the 3rd , 4th, and 5th columns from the 6th to 9th rows of 1 dataframe DF, you can write ______. a. DF.loc[6:9, 3:5] b. DF.iloc[6:10, 3:6] c. DF.loc[6:10, 3:5] d. DF.iloc[6:9, 3:5] Q5 To get a number of elements in a dataframe,_____attribute may be used. 1 a. size b. shape c. values d. ndim Q6. The plot which tells the trend between two graphed variables is the _______ graph/chart. a. line plot b. bar graph c. histogram Page-2 1 Q7 A network having a span of city, is called as _________ 1 Q8 In a DataFrame, Axis= 1 represents the elements. 1 Q9 The____is a network device that connects dissimilar network. 1 Q10 In URL,, which component identifies 1 the protocol or types of the server. Q11 Which of the following is not a text function ? 1 a. Trim( ) b. Truncate( ) c. Left( ) d. Mid( ) Q12 The_____is the digital trail of your activity on the Internet. 1 Q13 In Pandas which function is used to delete the column in DataFrame 1 Q14 I can keep you signed in. 1 I can remember your site preferences. I can give you locally relevant content. Who am I ? Q15 Which of these is not a part of URL? 1 a. IP Address b. Port Number c. Domain Name Q16 A mail or message sent to a large number of people indiscriminately without 1 their consent is called Q17 Give a solution to recycle the e-wastage in country? 1 Q18 The 1 Q19 Write the SQL command that will display the current time and date Q20 Q21 command can be used for pattern matching? network device is known as an intelligent hub . Gaining unauthorized access to the network or computer with malicious intention is an example of . Section - II Both the case study based questions (22 & 23 ) are compulsory. Attempt any four sub parts from each question. Each sub question carries 1 mark . Page-3 1 1 1 Q22 (i) Consider the following DataFrame df and answer any four questions from (i)- (v) Hospital Population School Delhi 123 25678 344 Mumbai 456 7896 255 Kolkata 233 78856 452 Lucknow 122 9875 355 Write down the command that will give the following output. 1 Delhi 25678 Mumbai 7896 Kolkata 78856 Lucknow 9875 Name: Population, dtype: int64 (ii) I. print(df['Population']) II. print(df('Population')) III. print(df.Population) IV. print(df.(Population)) Choose the correct option : (a) Only I (b) Only II and III (c) Only I and III None of above Now suppose that you want to display which state has more than 350 schools 1 what command you will write for this purpose : a. print(df[df['School']>350]) (iii) b. print(df[df['School']==350]) c. print(df[df[School]>=350]) d. None of these Which of the following commands will display the elements of dataframe in array format? 1 a. print(df.size) b. print(df.shape) c. print(df.shape()) d. print(df.values) (iv) Which command is used to check whether the dataframe is empty or not? 1 a. Isnan() b. empty c. Isnull() d. None of above (v) Which of the following terms is not true with reference to DataFrame? Page-4 1 (a) It has two axes (b) Columns can have data of same types (c) DataFrame is mutable. (d) All of above is true Q23. (i) Consider the table Worker given below : What will the output of following command : 1 SELECT NAME FROM WORKER WHERE DOJ>"1998-12-20"; (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) State the command that will give the output as : (a) SELECT NAME, DOJ FROM WORKER WHERE GENDER="F" ORDER BY DOJ; (b) SELECT NAME, DOJ FROM WORKER WHERE GENDER="F" ORDER BY NAME DESC; (c) SELECT NAME, DOJ FROM WORKER WHERE GENDER="F" ORDER BY NAME; (d) SELECT NAME, DOJ FROM WORKER WHERE GENDER="F" ; Page-5 1 (iii) Ragav wants to know number of male and female employee in table worker what the 1 command he will write : (a) SELECT GENDER, COUNT(*) GROUP BY GENDER FROM WORKER; (b) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WORKER WHERE GENDER = M OR GENDER= F ; (c) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WORKER WHERE GENDER = M AND GENDER= F ; (d) SELECT GENDER, COUNT(*) FROM WORKER GROUP BY GENDER; (iv) Sangita want to display the month in field DOJ which command she will use for this : 1 (a) SELECT DAYOFMONTH(DOJ) FROM WORKER; (b) SELECT MONTH(DOJ) FROM WORKER; (c) SELECT DATE(DOJ) FROM WORKER; (d) ALL OF ABOVE. (v) Which SQL command is used to delete the row of table (a) Del (b) Remove (c) Delete (d) All of above Q24 Total number of medals to be won is 250 in the inter school games held 2 every alternate year. Write code to create a Series object that stores these medals for games to be held in the decade 2020-2029. Q25 Q26 Q27 State any two differences between single row functions and multiple row functions. OR What is the difference between the order by and group by clause when used along with the select statement. Explain with an example. Consider the decimal number x with value 8459.2654. Write commands in SQL to: i. round it off to a whole number ii. round it to 2 places before the decimal. Consider the following Series object mark Amit 345 Harsh 200 Rajnish 350 Manish 400 Aman 450 Dolly Suman 250 370 (a) Display the marks of Amit. (b) Display the marks of those student whose score less than 200. Page-6 2 2 2 Q28 Q29 What are the aggregate function? Explain with suitable example? Write SQL commands to display: 2 2 (a) System date with time (b) 44 Or Considering the string Preoccupied Write SQL commands to display: a. the position of the substring cup in the string Preoccupied b. the first 4 letters of the string Q30 Consider the following DataFrame, classframe Rollno Name St1 1 Aman St2 2 Preeti St3 3 Kartikey St4 4 Lakshay Write commands to : Class IX X IX X Section E F D A CGPA 8.7 8.9 9.2 9.4 2 Stream Science Arts Science Commerce i. Add a new column Activity to the Dataframe ii. Add a new row with values ( 5 , Mridula ,X, F , 9.8, Science) Q31 What is the function of Router? Write any two. 2 Q32 What are some health concerns related to the excessive use of technology? 2 Q33 Compare and contrast : Free software and Open source Software 2 Section-II Q34 Q35 Consider the following Series object school Lucknow 350 Delhi 230 Mumbai 350 Punjab 400 Bihar 322 Write the command for following : (a) Change the value of state Punjab by 450. (b) Display the data of state Bihar, Mumbai. (c) Display which state has maximum number of school. What do you mean by Identity theft? Explain with the help of an example. 3 3 OR Q36 What do you understand by Net Etiquettes? Explain any two such etiquettes. Create multiple line charts on common plot where three data ranges are plotted on same char. The data ranges to be plotted are data=[[5, 25, 45, 20], [8,13,29,27], [9,29, 27,39]] Page-7 3 Note the following point when writing the code : (a) Three line should be of three different color . (b) Display the legend Or Create horizontal bar graph with following data obj = ['python', 'c++', 'java', 'Perl', 'lisp'] performance=[10, 8, 6, 2, 1] Note the following point when writing the code : (a) Title of graph is Programming language (b) The color of bar graph is red. Q37 A relation Toys is given below : 3 T_no Name Company Price Qty T001 Doll Barbie 1200 10 T002 Car Seedo_wheels 550 T003 Mini House Barbie T004 tiles Seedo_wheels 450 20 T005 Ludo Seedo_wheels 200 24 12 1800 15 Write SQL commands to: a. Display the average price of each type of company having quantity more than 15. b. Count the type of toys manufactured by each company. Display the total price of all toys Part-III Q38 Observe the following dataframe and answer the following questions : Elephant Tiger Deer Bear Rhino Fox Assam 25 UP 65 65 Odisha 75 45 96 Haryana 125 47 85 Jharkhand 52 Nagaland Manipur Sikkim (i) 35 115 12 125 118 29 46 145 86 96 74 94 85 62 158 56 88 85 98 45 244 46 97 110 120 79 95 75 56 25 68 78 63 88 26 56 75 52 Display Deer, Bear, and Rhino between states Haryana to Sikkim. Page-8 5 (ii) Display the elephant state wise. Display which state has number of elephant more than 100. Write the code to create the above dataframe using dictionary and sequence of column will same as shown in above dataframe. (iii) (iv) Q39 5 Write the output of following SQL Command (a) SELECT MID( INFORMATION , 2, 3) (b) SELECT INSTR( UNICODE , CO ); (c) SELECT RIGHT( INFORMATICS , 3) (d) SELECT DAYOFMONTH( 2009-08-25 ) (e) SELECT TRUNCATE(5.3456,1) Or Consider a table Employee with the following data: ENO ENAME Q40 SALARY BONUS DATE OF JOINING E01 RamMehta 35000 NULL 02-11-2020 E02 ShyamSahay 55000 32.34 16-03-2008 E03 AlishaThakkar 32000 NULL 18-09-2020 E04 Neena Gupta 85000 28.54 31-11-1993 E05 GautamSingh 24000 NULL 30-09-2020 E06 Tez Singh 75000 22.47 25-07-985 E07 ReemaSaxena 55000 NULL 30-10-2020 Write SQL queries using SQL functions to perform the following operations: a) Display employee name and bonus after rounding off to zero decimal places. b) Display the position of occurrence of the string ee in employee names. c) Display the four characters from employee name starting from second character. d) Display the day name for the date of joining of employee e) Display the name of the month from the date of joining of employee Knowledge Supplement Organization has set up its new center at Mangalore for its office and web based activities. It has four buildings as shown in the diagram below : Page-9 5 Alpha Gamma Beta Lambda Center to Center Distances between various buildings : Alpha to Beta 50m Beta to Gamma 150m Gamma to Lambda 25m Alpha to Lambda 170m Beta to Lambda 125m Alpha to Gamma 90m Number of Computer Alpha 25 Beta 50 Gamma 125 Lambda 10 (a) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the buildings. (b) Suggest the most suitable place to house the server of this organization with a suitable reason. (c) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification : (i) Repeater (ii) Hub/Switch (d) The Organization is planning to link its sale counter suitable in various parts of the same city, which type of network out of LAN,MAN or WAN will be formed ? Justify your answer? (e) The Organization is planning to link its head office situated in Delhi with the offices at Srinagar. Suggest an economic way to connect it; the company is ready to compromise on the speed of connectivity. Justify your answer. X----------------------X Page-10

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