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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2020 : Business Studies (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Agra)

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"KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, SET-H AGRA REGION Pre Board Exam- 2019-20. Subject: Business Studies (Class XII) Time Allowed: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 General Instructions: (i) This Question-paper contains five Sections : A, B, C, D and E (ii) Question numbers 1 to 20 of section A are Objective Type Questions including Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True/False and Very Short Answer Questions carrying one mark each. (iii) Section B contains questions 21 to 25 carrying three marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in 50-75 words (iv) Section C contains questions 26 to 28 carrying four marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in about 120 words. (v) Section D contains questions 29 to 31 carrying five marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in about 150 words. (vi) Section E contains questions 32 to 34 carrying six marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in about 200 words. (vii) There is no over-all-choice in the question paper, however an internal choice has been provided in 1 question of three marks, 1 question of four marks, 2 questions of five marks and 2 questions of six marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions. 1 Effectiveness is concerned with 1 (a) Doing the task correctly with minimum cost (b) Doing the right task, completing activities and achieving goals on time (c) Getting thing done with the aim of achieving goals effectively and efficiently 2 d) None of the above Wadhwa Enterprises Ltd. manufactures toy. The production department produces more number of 1 toys than required and sales department is not able to sell the total production. What quality of management do you think the company is lacking?? 3 (a) Staffing (b) Coordination (c) Controlling (d) None of these 1 Gang plank means (a) Indirect contact (b) Contact not allowed (c) Appointment before contact (d) Direct contact 4 aims to restrict the role of public sector. 1 5 Which of the following is the primary function of management? 1 (a) Staffing (b) Directing (c) Planning (d) Controlling 6 Which of the following is not an element of delegation? 1 (a) Authority (b) Accountability (c) Responsibility (d) None of these 7 Gaurav has achieved his monthly sales target well in advance. A Letter of Appreciation was given 1 to him by the company. His name and photograph was exhibited in the notice board. Which type of incentive is given to Gaurav by the company? (a) Employee empowerment (b) Employee participation (c) Employee recognition programs (d) Career advancement opportunity 8 Esteem needs are concerned with 1 (a) Acceptance (b) Affection (c) Friendship 9 (d) Prestige and self-respect Which one of the following is not an element of directing? (a) Leadership (b) Communication (c) Motivation 1 (d) Delegation 10 Which of the following is not an element of communication process? 1 (a) Decoding (b) Communication (c) Channel (d) reciecer 11 Which of the following is a limitation of controlling? 1 (a) Judging accuracy of standards (b) little control on external factors (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Neither (a) and (b) 12 Cost of advertising and printing prospectus is called 1 (a) Equity cost (b) Debt cost (c) Dividend cost (d) Floatation cost 13 1 Find the odd one. ( ) rate (b) Cost of debt (c) Return on investment (d) Organising 14 15 What is the minimum amount of treasury bills? (a) Rs. 21,000 (b Rs. 25,000 (c) Rs. 20,000 (d) Rs. 10,000 The total number of Stock Exchanges in India is: 1 1 (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 22 (d) 23 16 "Titan" is the name for watches manufactured by the Tata Company is (a) It's Generic Name 1 (b) It's Trade Name, since it is legally protected (c) The Brand Name, the part that is spoken (d) It's Brand Mark, which can be recognized 17 Which marketing managemen philosophy had a main focus on costumers need and well-being of 1 the society? (a) Production Concept (b) Sales Concept (c) Marketing Concept (d) Societal Marketing Concept 18 State whether the following statements are True' or 'False': 1 There is no difference between brand mark and trade mark. 19 Which quality mark is used for agriculture product? 1 (a) ISI (b) FPO (c) Hallmark (d) AGMARK 20 Which of the following is not a function of non-government organizations (NGOS)? 1 (a) Collecting data on different products and testing them (b) Accelerating consumer awareness (c) Filing suits, complaints on behalf of consumers (d) Solving personal and marital problems of consumers 21 Hema is one of the most successful managers of her company, Kobe Limited. She uses her creativity 3 and initiative in handling challenging situations at work. The knowledge gained by her during her student days at a renowned management institute as well as through her observation and experience over the years is applied by Hema in a skillful manner in the context of the realities of a given situation. She often reads books and other literature in various fields of management to keep her knowledge updated. (i) An aspect of the nature of management is being highlighted in the above description. Identify the aspect. (ii) Explain any two features of the aspect identified in part (i). OR Ashutosh Goenka was working in Axe Ltd as an operations manager in a company manufacturing air purifiers. He found that the profits had started declining from the last six months. Profit has an implication for the survival of the firm, so he analyses the business environment to find out the reasons for this decline. (a) Identify the level of management at which Ashutosh Goenka was working. (b) State two other functions being performed by Ashutosh Goenka. 22 A company which manufactures a popular brand of toys has been enjoying good market reputation. 3 It has a functional organization structure with separate departments for Production, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources and Research Development. Lately, to use its brand name and also to cash on to new business opportunities, it is thinking of diversifying into manufacturing a new range of electronic appliances for which a new market is emerging. (a) Which organizational structure should the company adopt? (b) State any two limitations of above. 23 Mr. Albert is working as a Head (Product Development), at Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals 3 Limited. He ensures that the employees know well in advance, what they are expected to do and standards of performance, based on which they will be appraised. He provides all such opportunities that are necessary for their skill development and promotion. All these efforts have improved the employees motivation to achieve the desired targets in time. (a) By quoting the lines, identify and explain the incentive provided by the manager to his subordinates. (Only one) (b) Name any other two incentices to enhance the performance of workers. 24 One of the promotional tools of marketing emphasizes on deliberate, planned and sustained effort 3 to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and the public. (a) Identify the promotional tool referred to here 25 Explain any three points stating the importance of this tool of promotion. Mr. Jacob was prescribed certain medicines by a doctor for asthma. The chemist advised him to buy 3 the medicines at discount without bill to save Goods and Service Tax (GST). Mr. Jacob agreed and bought the medicines without bill. Later on, after consuming medicines his health deteriorated. On observation, it was found that some of the medicines he consumed were expired. (a) Is Mr. Jacob a responsible consumer? (b) Can he take any legal action against the chemist in the absence of the bill? Explain. 26 'Kolkata Rice Foods Limited' is a well-known rice producing company. The sales have been falling 4 down right from the beginning of the year. The Managing Director Mr Dhiru Bhai Aggarwal is worried about this situation. With a view to find out the solution of this problem, he made a team of four persons. In this team one Manager, one Deputy Manager, one Supervisor and one Senior Worker were included. After the survey, he told the following four reasons for the falling down of the company's sales. (i) On account of increase in Export Duty made by the Government, the foreign demand has gone down. (ii) On account of the availability of several eatable substitutes the attention of people has been diverted from rice. (iii) Some other rice producing companies have set up Imported Machines with which they are producing better quality (iv) The export has been affected on account of bitterness created in the relations with one of the chief rice importing countries. When this report reached the Managing Director, he arrived at the conclusion that all these changes had taken place so fast that they had not been able to guess or to cope with them in time Identify the Dimensions of Business Environment discussed in the above case by quoting the relevant lines. 27 28 Differentiate between functional structure and divisional structure on the basis of following 1) Formation 2) Specialization 3) Managerial development 4) Cost 4 4 State any four functions of packaging. Or State any four characteristics of good brand name. 29 There are about 100 people working in "NeerjaPapadUdyog Private Limited . There has been going 5 on a dispute between the management and workers over the division of profit. Recently MrsGurpreetKaur has taken over the charge as the managing director of the company. Soon after taking over the charge she made a deep study of the present status of the company. She held a number of meetings of all the employees, each after a little interval. In the meetings she advised the employees, "We should run after not the profit but production. Management and employees, are the two wheels of the carriage of organisations. This carriage will run effectively and efficiently only when both the wheels work properly, We both complement each other or we both are in need of each other. The organisation will grow and its goodwill in the market will increase only when we both are happy . She also assured the workers that all of them would get as much remuneration as is necessary to maintain a reasonable standard of living. Besides, she also added that a fixed percentage of thecompany's profits would be divided with the workers. What MrsKaur said had a favourable impact on the employees. The company's problem, which had continued since long, disappeared or was resolved in no time. Identify and explain the concepts of Fayol and Taylor described in the paragraph above by quoting the relevant lines. Or MrGul Muhammad set up a factory for manufacturing parts of washing machines in his village after completing his education of MBA. This gave employment to about 50 people of his village. The scale of Gul Muhammad's business was small. He had kept all the decision taking rights withhimself so far as the different business activities were concerned. Mr Akbar Shah, the Sarpanch of the village, had helped him a lot in setting up the factory. He often happened to meet Mr Shah. Many a time he saw Mr Shah working as the Sarpanch. During this course the special thing that he observed was that all the rights of spending the grant given by the Government for the welfare of the village were with the Panchayat only. MrGul compared this situation with his own business and concluded, The government has given all the decision taking rights to its subordinate, i.e.village panchayat, whereas all the decision taking rights he has kept with himself instead of giving them to his subordinates." Mr. Gul thought deeply over this situation and arrived at this conclusion, "Because the Government is a very big organisation, it is imperative that the decision taking rights be given up to the lower level. On the other hand, the scale of his business is very small, hence he can easily take all the decisions himself. And as the scale of his business grows, he too will hand over the rights of taking decisions to his subordinates." a) Identify and explain the principles of management described in the paragraph given above. 30 Moga Industries Ltd.' approached a well-established university in the city of Madurai to recruit 5 qualified personnel for various technical and professional jobs. They selected Tanya, Ritu, Garima and Chetan for various vacancies in the organisation. After the selection and placement, 'Moga Industries Ltd. felt the need to increase the skills and abilities, and the development of the positive attitude of the employees to perform their specific jobs better. The company also realized the learning new skills would improve the job performance of the employees. Hence, the company decided to take the actions for the same. a) Name the step of the staffing process regarding which the company decided to take action. b) State any four benefits of action to Moga Industries Ltd. . 31 Few years back, people were not in the habit of saving. Its main reason was lack of good 5 opportunities for investment. Lack of saving and investment habit of the people had direct affect on the economic development of the country. As a result, pace of economic development of the country remained quite slow. When the country was grappling with the problem, a kind of market emerged that helped in establishing industries and at the same time made good opportunities for investment available. With the setting-up of such a market, people acquired the habit of affecting saving. These savings were invested. Gradually, economic development proceeded ahead. It is a kind of market that can be called as barometer of a country s economic development. It has its own rules and byelaws which help in its operations and also in safeguarding the interests of the investors. Moreover, it has to comply with the guidance issued by SEBI. This market operates under the supervision of a management committee. (i) Identify the market mentioned in the above paragraph. (ii) Explain four functions of the market as identified vide point (i) above. 32 The manager of Jhunjhunuwala Big Retail Shop', MrPremKamboj fixed the target that in 6 thefollowing year the sales will be boosted from Rs100 crore to 200 crore. Also he ensured that for the achievement of the target, finance and man-power will be easily arranged. MrKamboj was still planning for this target when he had to go on a long leave all of a sudden. Now the responsibility to do so fell on the shoulders of the Deputy Manager, MrsJankiPanday. Now the further activity was taken over by her. The problem before her was how to achieve the sales target fixed by MrKamboj. For this, she thought of several options. For example, she thought that whether more attention should be given to advertisement; whether the prices of the products should be reduced; whether more attention should be paid to packing; whether the quality of goods should be improved; whether the customers should be given better After-Sale-Service and whether the credit facility for purchase should be given. After deliberating over all the options deeply, she arrived at the conclusion that the target could easily be achieved by concentrating more on advertisement. She did the same. She continuously kept a watch over this whether the desired results were obtained. At the end of the year the results obtained were favorable. a) Identify the management function described in the paragraph above. b) Write about the process of function of management identified in the a by quoting the relevant lines. 33 Directing is considered as the heart of the management . Discuss the statement. 6 Or What is meant by Non monetary incentives ? State any five of non monetary incentives, which contribute to the performance of employees. 34 Explain the redressal mechanism acailable to consumers under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. 6

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