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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2020 : Sociology (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Lucknow Region)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN ,LUCKNOW REGION PRE BOARD EXAM-2019-20 SUBJECT- SOCIOLOGY MINIMUM MARKS: 80 MARKS CLASS-XII TIME- 3 HOURS General Instructions: 1. This question paper is divided into four section. 2. There are 38 question in all. All questions are compulsory. 3. Section A includes question number 1 to 20. These are objective type questions? As per the question, there can be either 1 or 2 answers only 4. Section B includes question number 21 to 29. These are very short answer type questions carrying 2 marks each. Answer of each question should not be exceed 30 words. 5. Section C includes question number 30-35. These are short answer type question carrying 4 marks each. Answer of each question should not exceed 80 words. 6. Section D includes question number 36 to 38 long answer type questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer of each question should not be exceed 200 words each. Question number 38 is to be answered with the help of the passage given. 1. - Section A ) ) ) ) Population growth principal was given byA) B) Malthus Adgel C) D) Harbert Rijle Adam Smith 2. | ....... | Traditionally the caste were connected with the........... . A person......... into one caste could carry on his own business. 3. | l Liberalism is the process in which state reduces its control from economic activities to liberate bizarro to induster. This statement is true or false. 4. | The 4th backward Commission was appointed under the chairmanship of BB statement is true or false. 5. ) 1828 ) 1928 Braham Samaj was founded inA) B) 1828 1928 ) 1728 ) 1628 C) D) 1728 1628 Mandal. This 6. ................. The literally means of the term treble is.................... 7. | | Community identity is based on birth and social status. Correct this statement. 8. - | ? The cities were spread due to globalisation. This statement is true or false ? 9. are............. ........... .......... ral diversity ................ Two articles of the Indian constitution on ministries and cultu 10. l ) ) ) ) The system that classify people in a societyA) B) Stratification Social Differences C) D) Privatisation Social justice 11. l ) ) ) ) Former suicide is a matrix event which of the following option is not responsible for farmer suicideA) B) Educational expenses Diversification C) D) Agriculture loss Dowry 12. ............................ | ..................................... l There are two main ways of making workers produce more, one is to extend..............The other is to increase................. that is produced within a given time period. 13. | ? Liberalisation of the economy meant the steady removal of the rules that regulated Indian trade and Finance. This statement is true or false. 14. ...................................... l Mass media is a......................................of our daily life. 15. | | A redemptive social movement aim to bring about stability in the consciousness and actions of its individual members. Correct this statement 16. , , ...................................... | The word Dalit is commonly used in Marathi, hindi, Gujarati and many other meaning................Persons. languages 17. - ) ) ) ) C) D) Carl marks Kumud pawade Presented at terms sanskritikaranA) B) MN Srinivas Durkhaim 18. | ) ) ) ) A kind of economic system in which the means of production are privately owned by some specific person. A) B) Udarikaran Punjivad C) D) Bhumandalikaran Nijikaran 19. l | Economic conditions were improved by retarded and narrow industrialisation.Correct the sentence. 20. ) ) ) ) A system in which the members of a group or community participate collectively in decision making. this is calledA) B) Participatory democracy Representative democracy C) D) Direct democracy Grassroot democracy Section B 21. ? What is mass media? 22. ? What are the various occupation following in rural society? 23. ? What do you understand by the term benami transfers? 24. ? What are counter movements? 25. ? Who are the privileged minorities? 26. ' ' ? What do you mean by the term beggar? 27. ? Give the meaning of Sanskritsation? 28. ? What is capitalism? 29. ? Compare the economic and sociological preventative of markets? Section C 30. | State and describe the features of social stratification? 31. | Identify how mass media is a part of our everyday life? 32. | Discuss the impact of globalization on culture? 33. | Explain the process of Sanskritsation? Or | Describe the impact of westernization? 34. | ? Competing interest do not always reflect clear class devide? Exemplify Or l ? Many tribal areas have rich tradition of grass root democracy Illustrate with example. 35. ? How is India an example of a state Nation? Section D 36. , ? The policy of liberalisation has brought about changes in our society elaborate? 37. , ? How did the status of women improve in contemporary India? Give example to support your answer Or l ? Social inequality differentiate between individual. Write the principle to explain social stratification? the concept of 38. | | ' ' ' ' 2.1 1.7 | | (51.8 ) (129 ) | ( ) | 1974 | 1980 | 1989 | | 1998 70% | ) ? 2 ) ? 4 The most significant happening in the |ast decades has been the Indian language newspaper revolution. The beginning of this growth predated liberalisation. The top Two dailies in India are Dainik Jagran and Dainik Bhaskar with readership of 21 million and 17 million, respectively. The fastest growing dailies are the Assamese dailies in urban areas (51.8 per increase) and the bengali dailies in rural areas (192 per increase). The Eenadu story also exemplifies the success of the India language press. Ramoji Rao the finder of Eenadu, had successfully organised a chit fund, before launching the paper in 1974. By associating with appropriate causes in the rural areas like the anti arrack movement in the mid 1980s. The telugu news paper was able to reach into the country side. This prompted it to launch district dairies in 1989. These were tabloid insert of sensational features carring news from particular district as well as classified advertisement from village and small town as the same. By 1998 Eenadu was being published from 10 town in Andhra Pradesh and the circulation account from 70 % of the audited Telugu daily circulation. A) What is the different forms of print media? 2 B) what reason can be attributed to the emerging growth of Indian language newspapers? 4

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