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Class 12 CBSE Pre Board 2016 : Informatics Practices (Vidyagyan School, Dulhera, Bulandshahr)

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Saurabh Hore
Vidyagyan School, Dulhera, Bulandshahr
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1. (a) Write two factors to be considered while setting up a network? [1] (b) Write one example each of URL and IP address. [1] (c) Differentiate between Intrusion problem and Denial of Service attack? [1] (d) What is domain name Resolution? [1] (e) Explain the two network addressing system? [2] (f) Write the advantages of using UNICODE to represent text. [2] (g) Which of the following are open standards and which are proprietary standards? [2] (i) OGG (ii) WMA (iii) DOC (iv) PNG 2. (a) What will be the value of y after execution of the following code : [1] int x, y = 0; for (x=1; x<=5; ++x) y=x++; y; (b) While working with NetBeans, Rajmeeta included a ListBox in the form. Now, she wants [1] her friend s name to be displayed in it. Which property of ListBox control should she use to do this? (c) Give two points of difference between IF and Switch statement. [1] (d) Which HTML tag inserts a horizontal straight line on a web page? [1] (e)Write two points of difference between HTML and XML [2] Page 1 of 6 (f) Jennifer wants to write HTML code to create an ordered list starting with C . Help her In writing the code. [2] (g) What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 after execution of the following code? [2] int num=35, num1=46 ; jTextField1.setText(num+num1+ ) ; jTextField2.setText( +num + num1) ; 3. (a) What will be the output of the following queries on the basis of employee table? [2] Table: employee Empid Ename Salary A001 A002 A003 Bob John Tom 5600 Null 5000 (i) SELECT AVG(Salary) from employee ; (ii) SELECT Salary+100 FROM employee WHERE Empid= A002 ; (b) A table named games has the following contents : GCODE GAMENAME NO_OF_PLAYER PRIZE_MONEY 101 CARROM BOARD 2 5000 102 BADMINTON 2 12000 103 TABLE TENNIS 4 8000 Write the output that will be displayed by statements (i) & (ii) [2] SELECT * FROM GAMES ; SET AUTOCOMMIT=0 ; INSERT INTO GAMES VALUES (105 , CHESS , 29000) ; ROLLBACK ; SAVEPOINT S1 ; SELECT * FROM GAMES ; (i) INSERT INTO GAMES VALUES (108, Lawn Tennis , 425000) ; SAVEPOINT S2 ; INSERT INTO GAMES VALUES (109, CRICKET ,1120000) ; ROLLBACK TO S2 ; SELECT * FROM GAMES ; (ii) [2] (c) What will be the output of the following MySQL queries: (i) SELECT INSTR ( INTERNATIONAL , NA ); (ii) SELECT ROUND (563.345, 2) ; (iii) SELECT TRUNCATE(563.345, 2) ; (iv) SELECT LEFT(SUBSTR( VIDYAGYAN ,5),3) ; (d) What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clause? [1] (e) Write MySQL query to Change the data type of column PINCODE to VARCHAR(10) in the table CUSTOMER. [1] (f) An attribute A of datatype VARCHAR(30) has the value Amitabh . The attribute B of [2] datatype CHAR(30) has the value KARAN ARJUN . How many characters are occupied? in attribute A and attribute B ? Page 2 of 6 4. (a) A Class Fruit has a Subclass Mango. Which of the following is true and why? [1] (i) Class Mango can have no other parent than fruit. (ii) Class Fruit can have only one subclass Mango. (b) Write the values of x and y after execution of the following code: [2] int x =10, y =20; x = x + y++ ; y = y + x ; (c) Rewrite the following code using while loop: [2] int a, b ; for(a=10, b=4 ; a<=16; a++,b+=2) { jTextArea1.append ( + a++) ; } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, Finished!!! ); (d) Underline the error(s) in the code segment given below and write the correct code: [2] int a; a = jTextField1.getText() ; switch (a) ; { case 1 : a=a+1 ; 2 : a=a+2 ; case 3 : a=a+3 ; (e) Find the output of the following java code snippet: ` [2] String word = "SuperMan"; String wordlc = word.toLowerCase(); for(int i=0; i<wordlc.length(); i+=4) { String extstr= wordlc.substring(i,i+2); jTextArea1.append(extstr+"\n"); } Page 3 of 6 (f) Design the following GUI application in Java and answer the questions that follows: i. ii. Write the code for the Clear button to clear all the Text Fields and checkboxes. Set the default choice in the radio button as fixed deposit. [2] Write the code for the calculate button to calculate compound interest and amount and display the values in the respective text fields depending on principal, rate and time. Rate is calculated based on the time according to the following table: [4] Account Time Rate (%) Fixed Deposit <=1 10 >1 and <= 5 12 >5 15 Recurring Deposit <=2 11 >2 and <=7 12 >7 15 An additional rate of 2% is given to the senior citizens i.e. if the senior citizen is checked. (Formula : Compound Interest = principal(1+Rate/100)^Time 5. (a) In a database there are two tables: Table: ITEM ITEM_CODE ITEM_NAME PRICE 111 REFRIGERATOR 90000 222 TELEVISION 75000 333 COMPUTER 42000 444 WASHING MACHINES 27000 TABLE: BRAND ITEM_CODE BRANDNAME 111 LG 222 SONY 333 HCL 444 IFB Write MySQL queries for the following: [6] i. To display ITEMCODE, ITEMNAME, and corresponding BRAND NAME of those items, whose price is between 20000 and 40000(both inclusive) ii. To display ITEMCODE, PRICE and BRANDNAME of the item which has ITEMNAME as Computer. Page 4 of 6 iii. To increase the prices of all the items by 14% (b) Consider the tables ITEM and BRAND and answer the following: [2] [2] [2] (i) What will be the degree and cardinality of the relation ITEM? (ii) Can the ITEM_CODE be set as the primary key in table BRAND ? Give reason. (c) Differentiate between Group By and order by clause in MySQL. 6.(a) Write SQL query to create a table Player with the following structure: Field Playerid name height weight dateofbirth teamnane Type Integer Varchar(30) Integer Up to 2 points of decimal Date Varchar(30) Constraint Primary Key Not Null (b) Table COLLEGE is shown below. Write MySQL queries for (i) to (vi) Table: COLLEGE [6] No Name Age Department DateOfJoin Salary Sex 1 Shalaj 45 Biology 2008/02/13 10500 M 2 Sameera 54 Biology 2010/01/10 9500 F 3 Yagyan 43 Physics 2012/02/27 8500 M 4 Pratyush 34 Chemistry 2012/01/11 7500 M 5 Aren 51 Mathematics 2011/01/22 8500 M 6 Reeta 27 Chemistry 2010/02/14 9000 F 7 Urvashi 29 Biology 2012/02/10 8500 F 8 Teena 35 Mathematics 2011/02/02 10500 F 9 Viren 49 Mathematics 2008/01/03 9000 M 10 Prakash 22 Physics 2009/02/17 8000 M (i) To change the basic salary to 10500 of all those teachers from table COLLEGE, who joined the college after 01/02/2011 and are above the age of 50. (ii) To display name, age and salary of all those from table COLLEGE, who belong to Physics and chemistry department only. (iii) To display the departments from the table COLLEGE. (iv) To display maximum salary amongst the female and male teachers from COLLEGE. (v) To display total number of teachers in each department. (vi) To display details of all those teachers who joined after 2009 and their name has e as a third character. (c) Describe the function of the following clause : i. where salary like 1_%_% ii. where salary like %100% Page 5 of 6 [1] (d) Write any two DDL commands [1] 7. (a)What is the role of good Back end in an IT application? (b)Identify E Governance and E Learning applications from the following: i. Online experiments in a virtual laboratory of a college. Online application submission for change of address in the passport. ii. iii. Online bill payment of water charges to Jal Board of any state. iv. Online tutorials for Physics. [1] [2] (c) Raghuram is working as a Manager in the Santushti Enterprises. He wants to create a form with following functions. Choose appropriate controls for the following: [2] SNo. Control used to control 1 Enter the address 2 Select the department from the available list 3 Choose type of employee (Permanent/ Regular) 4 Display the picture of the employee Page 6 of 6

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