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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2021 : Sociology - with ANSWERS / MARKING SCHEME (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Kanpur Cantt)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KANPUR CANTT SUBJECT :SOCIOLOGY (039) CLASS-12(2020-2021) First pre -board TIME 3 hrs M. M:60 marks All the questions are compulsory 1.What is the difference between social change and social movements ? 3 2. What is reformist ,redemptive and revoluntary movement ? , ?.3 3.Explain the major ecological movements in India?? ??. 3 4. Discuss about women s movement ?? ?? 3 5.what is new farmer s movements ? ?. 3 ? 6.What were the issues against which the leaders of the movement in jharkhand agitated ? 4 7. Discuss all class based movements ? 4 8?what were the demands of the Bombay textile workers ? 4 9What are the basic task off a manager and how is work organized through scientific management ? ? 4 10.How do people find jobs and how does job recruitment take place through the contractor system ? ? 4 11. How has the formation of AITUC made the colonial government more cautious in dealing with labour and what is alienation or alienated labour ? AITUC ?? l 5 12. What type of transformation took in rural society after independence ? l 5 13. What are the advantages and loopholes found in the implementation of ceiling Act ? ? 5 14. What is green revolution and explain the social and economic consequences of green revolution ?? ? 15.Discuss caste and class in Agrarian structure l 5 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA KANPUR CANTT SUBJECT :SOCIOLOGY (039) CLASS12(2020-2021) MARKING SCHEME OF FIRST PRE BOARD TIME 3HRS M. M:80 marks From question 1 to 15 ..20 marks (prepared on google form link) 1.chipko movement 2.1858-1914 3.1860 4.April 1918 5.A.I.T.U.C 6.Alienation 7.unorganised sector 8.Federick Winslow Taylor 9.Dr.Datta 10.Disinvestment 11.Crude Rate 12.1970 13.Assimilation and integration 14.Federal system 15.R.T.I Act DESCRICTIVE QUESTIONS ::total 60 marks change is continuous and ongoing process whereas social movement is directed towards some specific goals .(3 marks) 2.Tyoes of social movements(3 marks ) A. Reformists :Reformist social change strive to change the existing social and political arrangements through gradual incremental steps. B. Redemptive :A redemptive social movement aims to bring about a change in the personal consciousness and actions of its individual members C. Revolutionary :Revolutionary social movements attempts to radically transform social relations often by capturing state power. 3.Ecological movements in India(3 marks ):The major ecological movement in India is in the Himalayan foothills. According to Ramchandra guha s book unique woods, villagers rallied to save oak and rhododendron forests. When government forest contractors came to cut down the trees, villagers including a large numbers of women stepped forward to hug the trees to prevent them from being fired. 4.Women s Movement (3 marks) ::The early 20 century saw growth of women s organisation for example the women s India Association All India Women s conference and National Council for women in IndIndiThe AIWC began with the idea that women s welfare and politics were mutually exclusive. In the mid 1970 there was renewal of autonomous women s movement the term autonomy referred to the fact that they were autonomous or independent from political parties there were new issues being focus like violence against women. 5. The new farmers movements begin in 1970 in Punjab and Tamil Nadu. These movements were regionally organised were non party and involved farmers rather than peasants as farmers are said to be market involved as both commodity Producers and purchases.(3 marks) 6.1. Jharkhand is one of the newly formed states of Bihar.(4 marks) 2.The social Movement in Jharkhand had a charismatic leader in Birsa Munda. 3. Literate adivasi began to research and write about their history and myths . 4. A middle class Aadivasi Inellectual leadership emerged that demand for a separate state. 7.Class based movements( 4 marks) :A. Peasant movements ::1. The movements between 1858 and 1914 remained localised disjointed and confined to particular grievances. 2. Peasant organisation arose between 1920 and 1940.The first Organisation was Bihar provincial Kisan Sabha and in 1936.The all India Kisan Sabha. 3 .They demanded freedom from economic exploitation for peasant , workers and all other exploited classes 8.Demands of Bombay Textile workers (4 marks) 1. Bombay textile strike of 1982 was led by the trade union Leader DarDatta Sawant. 2.According to Bombay Industrial Relation act, a union had to be approved and only the way it could be approved was if it gave up the idea of strikes. 3.Mill owners did not invest in machinery and modernization. 4.oToday they are trying to sell off the nil land to real state dealers to build luxury apartments leading to a battle over who will define the future of Bombay. 9.1.The basic task of manager is to control workers and get more work out of them. There are two main ways of making workers produce more(4 marks) . one is to extend working hours . the other is to increase the amount that is produced within a given time period 2. Another way of increasing output is by organising work through scientific management 3.Under this system all work was broken down into its smallest repetitive elements and divided between workers. 10.1. a small number of people get jobs through advertisements or through employee exchange (4 marks) 2. job recruitment in a factory is through contractors or jobs in Kanpur textile mills these jobs were known as mIstris and bossed over the workers. 3. The contractor system is most visible in the hiring of casual labour for work on construction site, brickyards and so on 11.In 1920 the AITUC or All India trade union Congress was formed in Bombay.(5 marks) 2.The AITUC was a broad based organisation involving diverse ideologies. 3.The formation of AITUC made the colonial government more cautious in dealing with labour 4.It attempted to grant workers some concessions in order to contain unrest. 5. Along with the change in class struggle speed of Higher Education in rural and semi urban areas allowed new rural cities to educate their children 6.Many of them joined White Collar occupation feeding into the expansion of urban middle classes. 12.After independence there was a change in nature of relationship between landlords and Agriculture workers(5 marks) 2.The transformation in labour relations was indicator of a transition to capitalist agriculture which is based on separation of worker from production. 3.The state invested in development of rural infrastructure such as irrigation facilities ,roads, electricity, agricultural inputs including credit through banks and corporatives 4.The medium and large farmers adopted new technologies 5.In some places rich farmers actually divorced their wIves in order to avoid provisions of the land ceiling act. 13.Advantages of ceiling Act(5 marks) : these laws imposed anupper limit on the amount of land that can be owned by particular family very productive land had low ceiling while unproductive land had higher ceiling limit 2.The state was supposed to identify and take possession of surplus land held by each household and distribute it to the landless families and households in other specified categories like SC and ST Loopholes in the implementation of ceiling Act : 1.There were many loopholes and strategies through which most land owners were able to escape from having their surplus land taken over by the state. 2. while some very large states were broken up in most cases landowners managed to divide land among relatives including servants in so-called benami transfer. Alienation : the work in industries is often repetitive and exhausting yet even this is better than having no work at all that is being unemployed Karl Marx called the situation as alienation when the people do not enjoy work as see it as something they have to do only in order to survive. 14.Green Revolution(5 marks) : green revolution of the 1960 and 1970 was a government program for agricultural modernization. SOCIO -ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES : 1. Agricultural productivity increased sharply because of new technology 2. India was able to become self sufficient in food grain production 3. Employment and wages for workers did increase in many areas 4. There was a significant shift from dry to wet cultivation along with changes and cropping pattern. 5. Rising prices and the shifarin payment from kind to cash actually worked the economic condition of farmer 15.CLASS AND CASTE IN AGRAIAN SOCIETY :(5 marks) 1. in rural areas there is a complex relationship between caste and class 2. in most cases the higher caste the brahmins are not major landowners so they fall outside the agrarian structur. 3. in most regions the major landowning groups belong to upper caste. in each rcgion there are just one or two major land owning castes 4.The marginal farmers and landless belong to the lower caste groups in official classifications they belong to schedule caste and tribes or other background classes 5. The rough correspondence between caste and class means that typically the upper and Middle cast also had the best access to land and resources.

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