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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2021 : Informatics Practices - Set 1 (CBSE Gulf Sahodaya Qatar Chapter, Doha)

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Pre Board Examination, 2020-21 Informatics Practices Class XII Max. Marks: 70 Time Allowed: 3 hours General Instructions: 1. This question paper contains two parts A and B. Each part is compulsory. 2. Both Part A and Part B have choices. 3. Part-A has 2 sections: a. Section I has short answer questions, to be answered in one word or one line. b. Section II has two case studies questions. Each case study has 4 case-based subparts. An examinee is to attempt any 4 out of the 5 subparts. 4. Part - B is Descriptive Paper. 5. Part- B has three sections a. Section-I is short answer questions of 2 marks each in which two questions have internal options. b. Section-II is long answer questions of 3 marks each in which two questions have internal options. c. Section- III is very long answer question of 5 marks each in which one question has internal option. Part -A Section I Attempt any 15 questions from questions 1 to 21 1. 2. Page 1 of 12 State whether True or False: i. Free software is same as freeware. ii. An important factor of privacy is consumer consent. The part of the chart which identifies different sets of data plotted on plot by using different colours is called: a. title b. xlabel c. legend d. ylabel [1] [1] 3. If column Salary contains the data set [10000,15000,25000,10000,15000], what will be the output after the execution of the given query? [1] SELECT SUM (DISTINCT SALARY) FROM EMPLOYEE; a. b. c. d. 4. 75000 25000 10000 50000 Given a series object namely s1 with values 12,45,67,89. Find the output of the following statement: [1] print(s1*2) a. [12,45,67,89,12,45,67,89] b. 0 1 2 3 12 45 67 89 c. 0 24 1 90 2 134 3 178 d. [12,12,45,45,67,67,89,89] 5. S1 A B C D S2 12 56 -90 89 What would be the output of the given code? print(s1+s2) Page 2 of 12 [1] Given the following Series S1 and S2: A D E B -12 56 -9 8 6. Using Python Matplotlib _______________ can be used to count how many values fall into each interval. [1] a. line plot b. bar graph c. histogram 7. Using someone else s twitter handle to post something will be termed as ________________. [1] 8. Selecting a subset from a data frame requires __________________ function. [1] 9. Sheetal Enterprises has offices in different cities. Two of the offices are using different networks. Ravi, a network engineer is assigned the job to connect these two networks. Which device should he choose out of the given listed devices? [1] a. hub b. gateway c. router 10. For webpages, where the information is changed frequently, for example, stock prices, weather information which out of the following options would you advise? [1] a. Static web page b. Dynamic web page We apply the aggregate function to a group of sets of tuples using the ____________ clause. a. group by b. group c. group set d. group attribute __________________________ are the rights of the owner of information to decide how much information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed. [1] 13. In Pandas, the attribute used to get the row labels of Data Frame is ____________. [1] 14. Robin wanted to gift his friend a football or a wrist watch. So he searched for many sports items and wrist watches online. [1] 11. 12. But after that every time he goes online, his web browser shows him advertisements about sports items and wrist watches. What is this happening? Page 3 of 12 [1] 15. [1] Which amongst the following is not an example of browser? a. b. c. d. Netscape navigator Chrome Safari Avira 16. Nivedita has recently shifted to new city and new school. She does not know many people in her new city and school. But all of a sudden, someone is posting negative, demeaning comments on her social networking profile, school site s forum etc. What is happening to Nivedita? [1] 17. What is E-waste management? [1] 18. The __________________ command can be used to make changes to the columns of a table. [1] 19. What is difference between the SQL functions sysdate() and now()? [1] 20. The _____________________ device that handles different protocols. [1] 21. ___________________ is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive [1] information pertaining to a user. Section II Both the case study based questions (22 & 23) are compulsory. Attempt any four sub parts from each question. Each sub question carries 1 mark 22. Consider the following Data Frame teams and answer any four questions from (i) (v) Arsenal Chelsea Manchester_city Liverpool Everton Newcastle_united Southampton Page 4 of 12 Matches Won Lost Deuce 45 40 54 45 51 54 48 23 18 25 30 17 30 20 11 10 17 8 25 20 24 12 12 12 7 9 8 4 (i) [1] Write down the command that will give the following output: print(teams[['Lost','Won']]. min ()) print(teams.min(axis=0)) c) print(teams.min(axis=1)) d) print(teams.min(['Lost','Won'])) a) b) (ii) Write python statement to print the details of the teams who won more than 20 matches. [1] (iii) Change the indices of the data frame teams as shown below: [1] (iv) Which of the following command will display the column labels of the Data Frame? [1] a. print(teams.columns()) b. print(teams.column()) c. print(teams.column) d. print(teams.columns) (v) Predict the output of the given statement: print(len(teams[ Won ])) 23. Consider the table Training given below: Page 5 of 12 [1] Trd_id Name Emailid Topic City Fee ND01 Mr. Rajan Cyber Security New Delhi 10000 GU01 Ms. Urvashi ICT in Education Gurugram 15000 FD01 Ms. Neena Cyber Security Faridabad 12000 ND02 Mr. Vinay NULL ICT in Education New Delhi 13000 GU02 Mr. Naveen Cyber Security Gurugram NULL (i) State the command that will give the output as: [1] A. select count(name) from training where city= New Delhi ; B. select count(name) from training where emailid like %@% ; C. select count(name) from training where name like 'Ms%'; D. select count(name) from training where fee>=14000; Choose the correct option: a. b. c. d. (ii) What will be the output of the following command? select avg(fee) from training group by topic having avg(fee)>12000; a. b. c. d. Page 6 of 12 Both A and B Option C only Option A and C Option D only [1] (iii) Suguna wants to display the maximum fee topic wise. She wrote the following command: Select topic, max(fee) from training; But she did not get the desired result. Rewrite the above query with necessary changes to help her to get the desired result. [1] (iv) State the command to display the minimum fees in each city. A. select min(fee) from training; B. select min(fee), city from training group by city; C. select min(fee) from training group by city; D. select min(fee) from training order by city; [1] a. b. c. d. (v) A only D only Both B and C Only C and D Help Suguna to write the command to display the Name, fees of trainer who takes maximum fee. a. select max(fee) from student; b. select name, max(fee) from student; c. select name, max(fee) from student group by name; d. select name, maximum(fee) from student; [1] Part B Section -I 24. [2] Consider the given series marks: index sameera 78 suma 77 farhan 56 anjana 87 sugandha 54 Shraddha 65 Mahesh 78 Write a program in Python Pandas to create the series. 25. Page 7 of 12 What is the difference between where and having clause when used along with the select statement? Explain with an example. OR State any two differences between primary key and foreign key. [2] 26. Consider the decimal number x with value 278574.9754. Write commands in SQL to: i. round up to 3 decimal places ii. truncate up to 2 places [2] 27. Consider the following Series object, S_amt Table 350 Chair 200 Sofa 800 Stool 150 [2] i. Write the command which will display the name of the furniture having rent>250 ii. Write the command to name the series as Furniture. 28. Sarthak, a student of class XII, created a table Class . Grade is one of the columns of this table. To find the details of students whose Grades have not been entered, he wrote the following MySQL query, which did not give the desired result. SELECT * FROM Class WHERE Grade= Null ; [2] Why is it happening and help Sarthak to run the query by identifying and removing the errors from the query and write the correct Query. 29. Consider the following string manager had a new team . Write commands to display i. anager had a new tea ii. team OR [2] Considering the same string manager had a new team . Write SQL commands to display: i. the position of new in the string ii. the first 7 letters of the string 30. Consider the data frame product shown below: item 0 Pen 1 Pencil 2 Eraser 3 ink stock price 1000 800 1200 900 100 50 150 200 i. Add a new column cost to the data frame product and calculate it as stock X price ii. Add a new row to the data frame product with the values item : record price: 28 Page 8 of 12 [2] 31. Expand the following terms related to Computer networks: a. NIC b. TCP c. HTTP d. DNS [2] 32. What is E-waste recycling? Mention at least two benefits. [2] 33. What is data protection? Can you mention at least two aspect related to data protection? [2] Section -II 34. Consider two objects x and y is a list whereas y is a Series. Both have values 20,40,90,110. What will be the output of the following two statements considering that the above objects have been created already a. print (x * 2) b. print (y * 2) [3] 35. What is plagiarism? Mention two ways of avoiding plagiarism. OR What do you understand by Net Etiquettes? Explain any two such etiquettes. [3] 36. Consider the following graph. Write the code to plot it. [3] Draw the following line graph representing the number of runs per in each over. OR Page 9 of 12 Write a python program to display a bar graph of popularity of programming Languages as shown below: 37. [3] A relation Vehicles is given below: V_no AW125 J0083 S9090 M0892 W9760 R2409 Type Wagon Jeep SUV Mini van SUV Mini van Company Maruti Mahindra Mitsubishi Datsum Maruti Mahindra Price 250000 4000000 2500000 1500000 2500000 350000 Qty 25 15 18 26 18 15 Write SQL commands to: a. Display the average price of each type of vehicle having quantity more than 20. b. Count the type of vehicles manufactured by each company. c. Display the total price of all the types of vehicles. Page 10 of 12 Section -III 38. [5] Consider the data frame(BP) given below: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name Anjum Pravallika Rajkumar Sadhana Bharat Vijay Meher Systolic 130 140 110 119 120 110 120 Diastolic 90 80 75 85 80 85 78 a. Write python code to create the above data frame using dictionary. b. Display the minimum systolic and diastolic reading. c. Print the rows whose systolic reading is between 110 and 125. 39. Write the SQL functions which will perform the following operations: a. b. c. d. e. Function to find the power of a number Function to find the week day of a given date Function to find the number of characters in SQL data Function to find the year of a given date Function to find the time and date of a current instance OR Consider the table SALESMAN with the following data: SNO A01 A02 B03 B04 C05 C06 D07 SNAME Beena Mehta K.L Sahay Nisha Thakkar Leela Yadav Gautam Gola Trapti Garg Neena Sharma SALARY 30000 50000 30000 80000 20000 70000 50000 BONUS 45.23 25.34 35.00 NULL NULL 12.37 27.89 DATE OF JOIN 29-10-2019 13-03-2018 18-03-2017 31-12-2018 23-01-1989 15-06-1987 18-03-1999 Write SQL queries using SQL functions to perform the following operations: a. Display salesman name and bonus after rounding off to zero decimal places. b. Display the position of occurrence of the string ta in salesman names. c. Display the four characters from salesman name starting from second character. d. Display the month name for the date of join of salesman e. Display the name of the weekday for the date of join of salesman. Page 11 of 12 [5] 40. Workalot consultants are setting up a secured network for their office campus of Gurgaon for their day-to-day office and web based activities. They are planning to have connectivity between 3 buildings and the head office situated in Mumbai. Answer the questions (i) to (iv) after going through the building positions in the campus and other details, which are given below: Number of computers installed at various blocks Distance between various blocks Building GREEN to Building RED 110m Building GREEN 32 Building GREEN to Building BLUE 45m Building RED 150 Building BLUE to Building RED 65m Building BLUE 45 Gurgaon Campus to Head Office 1760km Head Office 10 i) Suggest the most suitable place (i.e. building) to house the server of this organisation. Also, give a reason to justify your suggested location. ii) Suggest a cable layout of connections between the buildings inside the campus. iii) Suggest the placement of the following devices with justification : (a) Switch (b) Repeater iv) The organisation is planning to provide a high speed link with its head office situated in the Mumbai using a wired connection. Which of the following cables will be most suitable for this job? (a) Optical fibre (b) Co-axial cable (c) Ethernet cable v) What type of network out of the following is formed by connection the computers of these three buildings? ******* Page 12 of 12 [5]

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