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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2020 : Accountancy (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), Lucknow Region)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN LUCKNOW REGION PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION 2019-20 CLASS XII ACCOUNTANCY TIME : 3 Hrs. M.M.:-80 General Instructions : i. This question paper contains two parts A and B. ii. Both the parts are compulsory for all. iii. All parts of a question should be attempted at one place. iv. All the workings should be the part of your answer. PART A (ACCOUNTING FOR NOT-FOR-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS, PARTNERSHIP FIRMS AND COMPANIES) 1. A, B and C are partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio 6 : 3 : 3, they agreed to take D, as new partner with 1/8th Share of profits. The new profit sharing ratio will be: a. 14 : 7 : 7 : 4 b. 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 c. 12 : 27 : 36 : 42 d. 12 : 36 : 27 : 42. (1) 2. Donation can be a. General donation b. Specific donation c. Both a & b d. None of the above. (1) 3. Goodwill is valued with a purpose to compensate ________________ partner(s) by the ________________ partners. (1) 4. Radhey and Shyam were partners in a firm. They wanted to admit five more members in a firm. List any two categories of individuals other than minors who cannot be admitted by them. 5. The old profit sharing ratio among R ,S (1) and T were 2:2:1. The new profit sharing after S s retirement is 3:2. The gaining ratio of R and T is a. 3:2 b. 2:1 c. 1:1 d. 2:3 (1) 6. In case partners have guaranteed profit to a partner and deficiency of profit. The deficiency happens it is borne by a. All the partners in new profit sharing ratio c. All the partners in sacrificing ratio. d. All the partners in old profit sharing ratio. b. Remaining partners in the ratio in which they have given guarantee (1) 7. Revaluation account is prepared ________________ the value of assets. a. to revise b. not to revise c. to distribute d. None of the above. (1) 8. Karan ltd. issued 10,000 Debentures of 10 each. It received applications for 12,500 Debentures. This is a case of ____________. (1) 9. Nivedita, a partner in a partnership firm withdrew 12,000 in the beginning of each quarter. For how many months would interest on drawings be charged? (1) 10. What rate of interest the company pays on calls-in-advance, if it has not prepared its own articles of association? (1) 11. On dissolution of firm, unrecorded liabilities when paid are shown in ____________ . (1) 12. Is a retiring partner liable for firm s act after his retirement? (1) 13. State two main rights acquired by a newly admitted partner. (1) 14. Show how will you deal with the following items while preparing final accounts, for the year ending on March 31st ,2019 alternative i. ii. in each of the following cases: (3) Prize awarded 12,000. Prize awarded 12,000, Prize fund as at 31st March, 2018 25,000 15. On 1st April, 2019 Shishir Ltd. was formed with an authorised capital of 10,00,000 divided into 1,00,000,Equity shares of 10 each. The company issued prospectus inviting applications for 90,000 Equity shares. The company received applications for 85,000 shares. During the first year, 8 per share were called. Ram holding 1,000 shares and Shyam holding 2,000 shares did not pay the first call of 2 per share. Shyam s shares were forfeited after the first call and later on 1,500 of the forfeited shares were reissued at 6 per share, 8 called-up. Show the followings. i. Share capitals in the Balance Sheet of the company as per schedule 3 part I of the Companies Act 2013. ii. Also prepare Notes to Account for the same. (4) 16. Maanika, Bhavi and Komal are partners sharing profits in the ratio of 6:4:1. Komal is guaranteed a minimum profit of 2,00,000. The firm incurred a loss of 22,00,000 for the year ended 31st March,2018. Pass necessary journal entry regarding deficiency borne by Maanika and Bhavi and prepare Profit and Loss Appropriation Account. (4) Or The partners of a firm, Alia, Bhanu and Chand distributed the profits for the year ended 31st March, 2017, 80,000 in the ratio of 3:3:2 without providing for the following adjustments: a) Alia and Chand were entitled to a salary of 1,500 each p.m. b) Bhanu was entitled for a salary of 4,000 p.a. Pass the necessary Journal entry for the above adjustments in the books of the firm. Show working clearly. (4) 17. Hari, Mohan and Sohan were partners in a firm sharing profits in 2:2:1 ratio. The firm closes its books on 31st March every year. Mohan died on 24th August,2019. On Mohan s death, the goodwill of the firm was valued at 75,000. The partnership deed provided that on the death of a partner, his share in the profit of the firm in the year of his death will be calculated on the basis of last year s profit. The profit of the firm for the year ended 31 st March, 2019 was 2,00,000. Calculate Mohan s share of profit till the time of his death and pass necessary journal entries for the treatment of goodwill and share of profit. (4) 18. Pass the necessary journal entries for the following transactions on the dissolution of the firm of Sudha And shiva after the various Assets (other than cash) and outside liabilities have been transferred to realisation account: i. A debtor whose debt of 9,000 was written off in the books paid 7,500 in full settlement. ii. Sundry creditors 10,000 were paid at 9% discount. iii. Realisation expenses 3,400 were paid by Sudha for which she was allowed 3,000. iv. Loss on realisation 9,400 was divided between Sudha and Shiva in 3:2 ratio. (4) 19. Following is the receipt and payments account of Rohtagi Trust. Receipt and Payments account For the year ended 31st December 2019 (6) Receipt Amt. Payments Amt. To cash in hand 14,000 By rent 6,000 To cash at bank 60,000 By salary 12,000 To subscription: By Postage 300 2018 5,000 By Electricity charges 6,000 2019 83,000 By furniture 20,000 2020 3,000 By books 3,000 To sale of investment 90,000 By Defence Bonds To interest on 2,000 By help to needy investment 1,50,000 22,000 students To sale of furniture 3,200 (B.V. 3,000) By cash in hand 10,900 By cash at bank 30,000 2,60,200 2,60,200 Prepare Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st December, 2019 after the following adjustments. i. Subscriptions for 2019 still owing were 7,000. ii. Interest due on defence bonds was 7,000. iii. Rent still owing was 1,000. iv. The book value of investment sold was 80,000; and 30,000 of the investment were still in hand. v. Subscription received in 2019 includes 400 from a life member. vi. The total furniture on 1st January 2019 was worth 12,000. vii. Salary paid for the year 2020 1s 2,000. 20. i. Divyani Ltd. company purchased furniture of 2,20,000 from M/s K Furniture s. 50% of the amount was paid by accepting a bill of exchange and for the balance the company issued 9% Debentures of 100 each at a premium of 10% in favour of M/s K furniture. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Divyani Ltd. for the above transaction. (3) ii. FB Ltd has total redeemable debentures of 5,00,000. It decides to redeem these debentures in two instalments of 3,00,000 and 2,00,000 on December 31st 2018 and March 31st 2020 respectively. Assuming that the Company has sufficient funds in Debenture Redemption Reserve Account, pass necessary journal entries for the year ending March 31st 2020. (3) 21. Mohan and Mahesh were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 3:2 on 1st April 2019 they admitted Nusrat as a partner in the firm. The Balance Sheet of Mohan and Mahesh on that date was as under Balance Sheet As at 1st April 2019 Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt. Creditors 2,10,000 Cash in hand 1,40,000 Workmen s 2,50,000 debtors 1,60,000 1,60,000 stock 1,20,000 compensation fund General reserve Capital A/c s Mohan machinery 1,00,000 1,00,000 Building Mahesh 2,80,000 80,000 8,00,000 8,00,000 It was agreed that; i. The value of building and stock be appreciated 3,80,000 and 1,60,000 respectively. ii. The liability of Workmen s compensation fund was determined at 2,30,000 iii. Nusrat brought in her share of goodwill 1,00,000 in cash. iv. Nusrat was to bring further cash as would make her capital equal to 20% of the combined capital of Mohan and Mahesh after above revaluation and adjustment are carried out. v. The future profit sharing ratio between Mohan, Mahesh and Nusrat will be 2:2:1. Prepare revaluation account, partner s capital accounts and balance sheet of the new firm. (8) Or X, Y and Z were partners in a firm sharing profits in the ratio of 5:3:2. On 31st March 2019 their Balance Sheet was as follows: Balance Sheet As at 31st March 2019 Liabilities Amt. Assets Amt. Creditors 21,000 Land & building 62,000 Investment fluctuation fund 10,000 Debtors 37,000 40,000 Less: prov. 3,000 P/L A/c Capital A/c s 40,000 stock 15,000 machinery 12,000 X 50,000 Motor vans 20,000 Y 40,000 Investments 19,000 Z 20,000 Cash 16,000 1,81,000 1,81,000 On the above date, Y retired and X and Z agreed to continue the business on the following terms: i. Goodwill of the firm be valued at 51,000. ii. There was a claim of 4,000 for Workmen s compensation. iii. Provision for Bad debts was to be reduced to 1,000. iv. Y will be paid 8,200 in cash and the balance will be transferred to in his loan account which will be paid in four equal yearly instalments together with interest @ 10% p.a. v. The new profit sharing ratio between X and Z will be 3:2 and their capitals will be in their new profit sharing ratio. The capital adjustments will be done by opening current accounts. Prepare revaluation account, partner s capital accounts and balance sheet of the new firm. (8) 22. Sangam ltd. invited applications for issuing 80,000 shares of 100 each at a premium of 20. The amount was payable as follows On application 20 per share; on allotment 60 per share (including premium) and balance on first and final call. Applications for 1,20,000 shares were received. Allotment was made on prorata basis to all the applicants. Excess money received on applications was adjusted on sums due to allotment. Sitaram who had applied for 6,000 shares failed to pay the allotment money and Harnam did not pay the first and final call on 800 shares allotted to him. The shares of Sitaram and Harnam were forfeited. 4,200 of these shares were reissued for 100 per share as fully paid-up. The re-issued shares includes all the forfeited shares of Harnam. Pass necessary journal entries in the books of sangam ltd. (8) Or a. X Ltd. forfeited 10 shares of 10 each, 7 called up on which the shareholder had paid application and allotment money of 5 per share. Out of these, 8 shares were re-issued to Y for 8 per share at 8 per paid up per share. Record the journal entries for forfeiture and reissue of shares by opening call in arrear, call in advance account. (3) b. L ltd forfeited Mr M s shares who has applied for 600 shares and was allotted 400 shares failed to pay allotment money of 4 per share including premium of 2 on which he had paid application money of 2 only. Pass necessary journal entries for forfeiture of shares by opening call in arrear, call in advance account. (2) c. Crown Ltd forfeited 50 shares of 10 each, for non- payment of final call money of 3 per share. Out of these 20 shares were reissued to Taj at 8 per share. Record the journal entries for forfeiture and reissue of shares assuming that the company maintains call in arrear, call in advance account. (3) PART B (FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS) 23. Which of the following activity is an example of cash inflow? i. Cash sales of goods. ii. Cash purchase of goods. iii. Cash paid to creditors. iv. Income tax paid. (1) 24. While preparing cash flow statement, Dev ltd. a company engages in the business of financing has shown interest earned under investing activity. Is the treatment correct? (1) 25. Current ratio of a company is 2:1. Company sold goods worth 50,000 for cash it will.. (i) Improve the ratio. (ii) Reduce the ratio. (iii) No change. (iv) None of the above. (1) 26. Debt Equity Ratio of a company is 1:2. Purchase of a Fixed asset for 5,00,000 on long term deferred payment basis will increase, decrease or not change the ratio? 27. The most commonly used tools for financial analysis are (1) (1) a. Horizontal analysis. b. Vertical analysis. c. Ratio analysis. d. All off the above. 28. The . Ratio is primarily measures of return. a. Liquidity. b. Activity. c. Debt. (1) d. Profitability. 29. External users of financial statements are a. Banks. c. Both (a) and (b). d. Directors of the company. b. (1) Suppliers, 30. From the following details calculate Interest Coverage Ratio: (3) Net profit after tax - 7,00,000 6% debentures of 20,00,000 Tax Rate 30% Or Under which major heads and sub-heads will the following items be placed in the Balance Sheet of the company as per Schedule III, Part I of the Companies Act, 2013? (3) (i) Debentures with maturity period in current financial year (ii) Securities Premium Reserve (iii) Provident Fund 31. Following information is extracted from the Statement of Profit and Loss of Jigyasha Finance Ltd. For the year ended 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019. Fill in the missing figures. Comparative Statement of Profit and Loss for the years ended 31st March 2018 and 31st March 2019 (4) Particulars Revenue from operation 2017-18 2018-19 Absolute Percentage ( ) ( ) Increase/ Increase/ Decrease Decrease ( ) (%) 20,00,000 ? 4,00,000 20% Other Income ? 1,20,000 ? 20% Total Revenue ? 25,20,000 ? 20% 1,00,000 1,20,000 20,000 ? Profit before tax 20,00,000 24,00,000 4,00,000 ? Less : Tax 50% 10,00,000 12,00,000 2,00,000 ? Profit after tax 10,00,000 12,00,000 2,00,000 20% Less: Employee Benefit expenses Or From the following Balance Sheet of Jai Ltd. Prepare a Common Size Statement. Balance Sheet As at 31 Particular st (4) March 2019 Note 31.03.2019 31.03.2018 No. ( ) ( ) I.EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1. Shareholders Funds (a) Share Capital 2,50,000 2,00,000 80,000 60,000 --- --- 70,000 40,000 4,00,000 3,00,000 1,60,000 1,20,000 20,000 30,000 (a) Inventories (Stock) 80,000 30,000 (b) Trade Receivables 1,20,000 1,00,000 20,000 20,000 4,00,000 3,00,000 (b) Reserves and Surplus: 2. Non-Current Liabilities 3. Current Liabilities (a) Trade Payables (creditors) Total II.ASSETS 1. Non-Current Assets (a) Fixed Assets i. Tangible Assets ii. Intangible Assets 2. Current Assets (c) Cash and cash Equivalents: Total 32. From the following Balance Sheets of Naman Ltd. prepare a cash flow statement as per AS-3 (Revised) Particular Note 31.03.2019 No. 31.03.2018 ( ) ( ) 6,30,000 5,60,000 I.EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 1. Shareholders Funds (a) Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus: Statement of Profit and loss 2. Current Liabilities (a) Trade Payables (creditors) 3,08,000 2,80,000 1,82,000 1,82,000 Total 12,18,000 9,24,000 3,92,000 2,80,000 98,000 1,40,000 (b) Trade Receivables Debtors 6,30,000 4,20,000 (c) Cash and cash Equivalents: 98,000 84,000 12,18,000 9,24,000 II.ASSETS 1. Non-Current Assets (a) Fixed Assets(Tangible) 2. Current Assets (a) Inventories (Stock) Total Additional Information: (i) An old Machinery having book value of 42,000 was sold for ( ) 56,000 (ii) Depreciation provided on machinery during the year was ( ) 28,000 (6)

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