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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2020 : Geography (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) Agra)

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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, AGRA REGION Pre Board Exam-2019-20 SUBJECT-GEOGRAPHY -029 (SET-H) TIME-3 HOURS MAXIMUM MARKS-70 General Instructions 1. There are 30 questions in all. All questions are compulsory. 2. Marks are indicated against each question. 3. Questions from serial no. 1-18 are Multiple choice question carrying 01 mark each. Write only correct answer in your answer sheets. 4. Questions from serial no19-22 are short answer question carrying 03 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 80-100 words. 5. Questions from serial no.23-28 are long answer question carrying 05 marks each. Answer to each of these questions should not exceed 150 words. 6. Question no. 29&30 are related to identification or location and labeling of geographical features on maps, carrying 5 marks each. 7. Outline map of India and world provided to you must be attached within your answer sheet. 8. Use of templates or stencils for drawing outline maps is allowed. : 1. 2. 3. 0 - 4. - 5. - 6. 7. 8. Page 1 of 12 SECTION A Q.1 Which one of the following state has the highest density of population in India ? a. West Bengal b. Uttar Pradesh c.Kerala d. Punjab 1 ? . . . . Q.2 Which one of the following towns is NOT located on a river bank ? a.Agra b.Patna c.Bhopal d.Kolkata 1 ? . . . . Q.3 Which one of the following is NOT a land-use category ? a.Fallow land b.Net sown area c.Marginal land d.Culturable Wasteland 1 - ? . . . . Q.4 Which of the following is the main reason for male migration in India ? a.Education b.Work and Employment c.Business d.Marriage ? . . . . Page 2 of 12 1 Q.5 Which one of the following is NOT the part of the definition of a town as per the census of India ? 1 A .Population density of 400 persons per sq. km. B Presence of municipality corporation etc. C .More than 75% of the population engaged in primary sector. D .Population size of more than 5000 persons. . 400 . . , . % . 5000 Q.6Which one of the following river is highly polluted ? 1 a.Brahmaputra b.Yamuna c.Satluj d.Godavari ? . . . . Q.7 Which one of the following is the cause of acid rain ? 1 a.Water pollution b.Noise Pollution c.Land Pollution d.Air pollution ? . . . . Page 3 of 12 ? Q.8Trade between two countries is termed as 1 a.Internal trade b.International trade c.External trade d.Local trade ? . . . . Q.9In how many zones has the Indian Railways system been divided ? a.9 b.16 c.12 d.14 1 ? .9 . 16 .12 .14 Q.10 Which one of the following countries has the highest sex ratio in the world ? a.Latvia b.Japan c.United Arab Emirats d. France 1 ? . . . . Q.11 Which one of the following is not an area of sparse population ? a.The Atacama b.Equatorial region c.South-east Asia d.Polar regions ? . . - . . Page 4 of 12 1 Q.12 Which one of the following is not an approach in human geography ? a.Areal differentiation b.Quantitative revolution c.Spatial Organisation d.Exploration and description 1 ? . . . . Q.13 Which one of the following is not a plantation crop ? 1 a.Coffee b.Wheat c.Sugarcane d.Rubber ? . . . . Q.14 Which one of the following is a tertiary activity ? 1 a.Farming b.Weaving c.Trading d.Hunting ? . . . . Q.15Which one of the following types of economic activities dominates in all rural settlement ? a.Primary b.Secondary 1 c.Tertiary d.Quaternary . . . . . Page 5 of 12 Q.16Which one of the following forms of settlement develops along either side of roads, rivers or canals? a.Circular b.Cross-shaped 1 c.Linear d.Square , . . . Q.17.In which of the following trade blocs, is India an associated member ? a.SAFTA b.ASEAN c.NAFTA d.OPEC 1 . . . . Q.18Which country has the highest density of railway network ? 1 a.Brazil b.Canada c.U.S.A d.Russia ? . . . . . Page 6 of 12 SECTION B Q.19 Explain the concept of Possiblism with suitable examples. 3 Possiblism Q.20.Define the term Human Development . Name three basic indicators of HDI. Mention countries having highest and the lowest ranks each in HDI " . . . . . . 1+1+1=3 Q 21. Explain any three ill-effects of air pollution on human health. 3 Q 22 What are the functions of rural settlements? Describe three main rural settlement patterns in the world? 1 +1 =3 ? ? OR 3 Write any six problems of slums of metropolitan cities in India. SECTION C Q 23. What do you mean by shifting cultivation? Describe any four features of shifting cultivation. 2+3=5 ? Q 24. Write any five characteristics of Panama Canal. 5 Q 25. What are the positive and negative impacts of globalization on the economy of developing countries? 2+3=5 ? OR What do you mean by population growth? Describe demographic transition theory. ? Page 7 of 12 1+4=5 Q 26. Describe the major challenges in agriculture in India? 5 ? Q 27. What geographical conditions are necessary for the development of inland waterways? Write three advantages of inland waterways. 2+3=5 ? Q28. There is direct dependence of human beings on nature for resources which sustains them. Explain this statement with examples. 5 ' ' I I Q 29. On the given political map of world five features are shown. Identify these features and write their names on the marked near each feature. i) A major sea port ii) A Mega city iii) Major airport iv) Largest Country of Asia by area v) Name the western terminal station of Trans-Siberian Railway. vi) Which is the largest country in South America. i) ii) iii) iv) v) - Page 8 of 12 5 Note; The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only,in lieu of Q.No. 29 a. Name any one major area of dairy farming in the world. b. Name any one major sea port of South America. c. Name an international airport in Australia. d. Which is the largest country of Asia. e. Name the western terminal of Trans Siberian Railway . ; , . . . . . - Q 30. On the given political map of India locate and label any five of the following features with appropriate symbols :- 5 i) Iron ore mine of Karnataka ii) A software technology park in Himachal Pradesh iii) State with high HDI ranking iv) Telugu speaking state v) North terminal of North-South corridor vi) A steel plant in Odisha. vii) A major sea port in West Bengal. : i) ii) iii) iv) v) Page 9 of 12 vi vii Note; The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only,in lieu of Q.No. 30. Attempt any five questions. : , , Write only five names. 1 . Name largest slum of India. 2 . Most polluted river of India. 3. A metropolitan city of India. 4 . Most polluted city of India. 5 Name the lignite mining area in Tamil Nadu. 6. Name any one steel plant in Karnataka. 7.Name largest Artificial sea port of India 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 10 of 12 For Question No.29. WORLD -POLITICAL MAP (v) (iv) (i) Page 11 of 12 For Question No.30. INDIA -POLITICAL MAP - END OF PAPER Page 12 of 12

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