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CBSE Pre Board Class 10 2015 : Informatics Practices (Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV), N.I.T. Silchar)

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Satish Mishra
Hitkarni College of Engineering & Technology, Jabalpur
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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN, SILCHAR REGION CLASS XII PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION INFORMATICS PREACITES (065) Time allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70 Instructions: (i) (ii) 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 3. (a) (b) (c) (d) All questions are compulsory. Programming language : Java, SQL. Kavita transferred one file to one remote host at head office. Which protocol is used for this purpose. Which device is used to convert digital signals to analog and analog signals to digital signals. Arrange the following communication channels in ascending order of their data transmission rates. Ethernet Cable, Optical Fiber, Telephone Cable, Co-axial Cable Which of the following is not a characteristic of Open Source Software? Its source code is not available for modification It is owned by a company or an individual It can be downloaded from internet What is a MAC address? Write its example. Define the following. (i) Node (ii) Bps What is meant by network topology? Write the name of any 4 topologies. While working in Netbeans, Rajmeeta included a Listbox in the form. Now she wants the list of her friends' names to be displayed in it. Which property of Listbox control should she use to do this? What is the purpose of default clause in a switch statement? Which HTML tag inserts a horizontal straight line on a web page? How is <P> tag different from <BR> tag in HTML? How many times does the following loop execute? What is the value of num after the execution? int num=5; do { System.out.println( Hello world ); num--; }while (num>2); 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 Write a function in java that takes two numbers two numbers as input from textfields and displays their sum. 2 How are tags used in XML different from tags in HTML? Write 2 points. Mr.Ramesh has created a table SUPPLIER in the database. One of the fields in the table is city. Write the command to display city by avoiding duplication. Mr.Sunil created a table BOOK in MySQL. He forget to set the PRIMARY KEY for the table. Which command should he used to set it for the field Bid . 2 1 1 1 What is the purpose of the following query. SELECT COUNT(mark) FROM STUDENT Can a table have multiple PRIMARY KEY? Explain. 1 Page 1 of 4 (e) EMP table 2 EmpName Saravanan Neethu Sal 2800 3200 Lekshmi 3500 Ganesh 2700 Based on this information, find the output of the following queries. a) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM EMP WHERE Sal>=3000; b) SELECT EmpName,Sal FROM EMP WHERE Sal IS NULL; (f) (g) 4. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) What is the significance of DROP TABLE command? A table ACCOUNTS in a database has 14 columns and 4 records. What is its degree if 2 more rows are added into the table? What will be the context of jTextArea1 and jTextField1 after the execution of the following statements? (i) jTextArea1.setText( Just\tAnother\nDay ); string Subject= Informatics Practices ; jTextField1.setText((Subject.length()+10)+ Rewrite the following program code using a if statement. String Remarks; int Code=Integer.parseInt(jTextField1.getText()); switch(Code) { case 0 :Remarks= 100% Tax Exemption ; break; case 1 : Remarks= 50% Tax Exemption ; break; case 2 : Remarks= 3% Tax Exemption ; break; default: Remarks= ! Invalid Entry ; } Observe the following code carefully and find which statement will never get executed in the code? int t=1; //Statement 1 do //Statement 2 { //Statement 3 if (t>13) //Statement 4 jTextField1.setText("Something"); //Statement 5 else //Statement 6 jTextField1.setText("Pass"); //Statement 7 t+=3; //Statement 8 } //Statement 9 while (t<=15); //Statement 10 Write a java statement to make the jTextField1 non-editable. What will be displayed in jTextField1 and jTextField2 after the execution of the following code? int Last,First=3,Second=5; Page 2 of 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 (f) (g) Last=First+Second++; jTextField1.setText(Integer.toString(Last)); jTextField2.setText(Integer.toString(Second)); What will be the contents of Str1 and Str2 after the following code is executed? String Str2,Str1; Str1="Dear Friend"; Str2="Hello"; Str1=Str2.concat(Str1); Aditya is a programmer at Edudel enterprises. He created the following GUI in NetBeans. 2 Help him to write code in java for the following: (i) To calculate Total marks obtained and display in jTextField4 on the click of command button Get Total . (ii) To calculate Grade obtained and display in jTextField5 on the click of command button Get Grade . Criteria for Grade calculation is given below: Marks Above 80 Above 65 and <=55 Above 50 and <=65 <=50 5. (a) (b) (c) Grade A B C D 2 2 1 iii. To stop execution and exit from the application on the click of command button Exit . What is the use of COMMIT statement in SQL? How is it different from ROLLBACK statement? 2 Mr. James created a table CLIENT with 2 rows and 4 columns. He added 2 more rows to it and deleted one 1 column. What is the Cardinality and Degree of the Table CLIENT? Consider the following table named EXAM with details of marks. Write commands of MySQL for 7 (i) to (iv) and output for (v) to (vii). (i) To display all information of the students of humanities in descending order of percentage. (ii) To display Adno, Name, Percentage and Stream of those students whose name is less than 6 characters long. (iii) To add another column Bus_Fees with datatype and size as Decimal (8, 2). (iv) To increase percentage by 2% of all the Humanities students. (v) SELECT COUNT (*) FROM Exam; Page 3 of 4 (vi) SELECT SName, Percentage FROM EXAM WHERE 6. (a) (b) Name LIKE N% ; (vii)SELECT ROUND (Percentage, 0) FROM EXAM WHERE Adno= R005 ; Write MySQL command to create the table Toyz with the following structure and constraint. 2 In a Database SAMS and VENDOR are two tables with the following information. Write MySQL queries for (i) to (iii), based on tables SAMS and VENDOR: (i) To display ICode, IName and VName of all the vendors, who manufacture Refrigerator . (ii) To display IName, ICode, VName and Price of all the products whose price is more than 20000. (iii)To display vendor names and names of all items manufactured by vendor whose code is P03 . (c) 7. (a) (b) (c) 2 2 2 With reference to SAMS table, which column should be set as the Primary Key? Which column is the foreign key? Give reasons. Give Domain names of two most commonly used e-Commerce websites? What are the social impacts of e-governance? Write any 2 positive and 2 negative impacts. Manoj is developing one application for accounting purpose. He wants to create some controls on a form for the following functions. Choose appropriate controls from Text field, Text Area, Label, radio button, check box, list box, combo box, button, Option pane, dialog box, menu items. 2 S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Control used to Select Sex(M/F) Enter particulars Enter party or item name Clear all entries control Page 4 of 4 1 2 2

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