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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2019 : Informatics Practices (St Xavier's Sr. Sec. School, Delhi)

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Pre Board Examination 2019 Std. 12 INFORMATICS PRACTICE 17-01-2019 Max. Marks :70 Time : 3 hrs. 1. a) State two advantages of networking computers instead of having standalone computers. b) What was the objective behind developing UNICODE? c) Expand the following terms: i) WAN ii) OSS d) What is the purpose of switch in a network? e) Identify the following devices: i. An intelligent device that connects several nodes to form a network and redirects the received information only to intended node(s). ii. A device that regenerates (amplifies) the received signal and re-transmits it to its destination. f) What is the name of the network topology in which each node is connected independently using a switch? Draw diagram of that topology. [2] g) What is meant by "Denial of Service" with reference to Internet service? [1] [1] [1] [1] [2] [2] 2.a)Rubina, a class XII student has just started learning java programming. Help her in the following: i. Explain her the concept of variable and data type by suitable example. [2] ii. Help her in understanding the difference between logical operator and comparison operator with the help of appropriate example. [2] b)Will the output from the following two code be any different? [2] First Code : int a=2,b=40; do { jTextField1.setText(""+a); a=a+8; } while(b<=a); Second Code: int a=2,b=40; while(b<=a) { jTextField1.setText(""+a); a=a+8; } Give reasons for your answer. OR Predict the output of the following code: int n=5,f=1,i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { f=f*i; } jTextField1.setText(""+f); jTextField2.setText(""+i); c)Amit, a website designer with Anshu Designers Pvt. Ltd. has written the following code. Observe the code given below and answer the following questions: [4] <company> <employee eid=1> <name>Albert</name> <deptdeptid= d1 >Computer</dept> </employee> <employee eid=2> <name>Manisha</name> <deptdeptid= d2 >Accounts</dept> </employee> </company> Std. 12 -2- Informatics Practice I. II. III. IV. Are these tags part of HTML code or XML code? Identify the root element. Mention any two child elements. Mention any two attributes OR Mention any two main differences between HTML and XML. Also mention any two main features of XML for which it s used extensively now a days. 3. a)What is the purpose of Transaction? [1] b)Mr. Mohit, a database administrator in Aptech Institute has created following table named Training for the upcoming training schedule: [4] Training Training_Id Name Email_Id Topic City Fee ND01 Mr. Rajan Cyber Security New Delhi 10000 GU01 Ms. Urvashi ICT in Education Gurugram 15000 FD01 Ms. Neena Cyber Security Faridabad 12000 ND02 Mr. Vinay NULL ICT in Education New Delhi 13000 GU02 Mr. Naveen Cyber Security Gurugram NULL Help him in writing SQL query for the following purpose: i. To count how many male candidates will be attending the training. ii. To display list of free trainings. iii. To display all the cities where ICT in education training is scheduled along with its fee. iv. To add a column feedback with suitable data type. c)Observe the table named Training given above carefully and predict the output of the following queries: [4] i. select city from training where topic = ICT in Education'; ii. select count(Training_Id) from training where email_id like '%yahoo% '; iii. select count (Fee) from training where Topic = 'Cyber Security'; iv. select Training_Id from training where INSTR (Email_Id, '@ )=0; d)What is the degree and cardinality of the above given table named Training . [1] 4. a)Ajay has placed two radio button on a payment form designed in NetBeans to accept mode of payment one out of cash or card. To his surprise, during runtime, a customer is able to select both the options for a single transaction. What went wrong? [1] OR Mention any one advantage of jTextField control over Label control. b) Aachi is working with following swing controls: [1] jButton, jLabel, jTextField, jCheckBox. Suggest her any two basic methods commonly available with all the four controls mentioned above. OR How jListBox is different from ComboBox control at run time? c)What will be an output of the following code if value of variable Class is 1? [1] switch (Class) { case 0 : jTextField1.setText("12A"); case 1 : jTextField1.setText("12B and 12F"); case 2 : jTextField1.setText("12C"); break; case 3 : jTextField1.setText("12D"); break; default : jTextField1.setText("12E"); break; } Std. 12 -3- Informatics Practice OR Re-write the above given code through multiple if-else statements. d) Manju, a beginner in java programming has written following code with some mistakes: int k=0; string s="PRE BOARD EXAM"; int l=s.length; for(inti=0;k<l;i++) { jTextArea1.append(s+\n); k++; }; Help her in identifying and correcting the errors. Convert the correct code into do while looping statement. OR Observe the given code: int m=50 do { m=m-15; } while (m>5); Attempt the following questions based on the above given code: [4] i. How many times the above given loop will run and what will be the value of m, immediately after exiting from the loop. ii. Out of entry controlled or exit controlled loop, above given loop will come under which category and why? e) Study the following code and answer the questions that follow: [2] String str="CETRAL BOARD OF SECONDARY EDUCATION"; intlen=str.length(),balance; balance=(50-len)/7; jTextField2.setText(str.toUpperCase()); jTextField3.setText(Integer.toString(balance)+" more charachters can be entered"); i. Predict the output displayed in text fields named jTextField2 and jTextField3 after running the above code. ii.Identify and name any two method of String class used in the above code. OR Explain the purpose of pow() method with the help of suitable java code. Also mention that pow() method belongs to which class? f)XYZ Pens Company sells each pen at the cost of Rs. 25.00. The Programmer has developed a GUI application as shown below: Std. 12 -4 I. II. III. Informatics Practice The Amount is Number of Pens * 25.00 If a person buying pens is a 'Special Customer' , a discount of 5% is given of the amount, otherwise no discount is given. Amount to be paid = Amount - Discount Write code in Java to do the following: When Calculate button is clicked the Amount, Discount and Amount to be Paid are calculated and should be displayed in appropriate jTextFields. [3] When Clear button is clicked, all the TextFields and Checkbox are cleared [2] When Stop button is clicked, the application is closed. [1] 5. a)Write any one similarity and one difference between default and check Constraint. [2] b)Ms. Pari, a beginner in SQL is not able to understand the meaning of Cancelling a Transaction . Help her in understanding the same. Also mention suitable command for it. [2] c)Consider the following tables Library given below: [4] Library Price Mem_name Issue_Date 550 Sarita 2018-05-20 Bid Name B01 Wings of Fire B02 The Monk who sold his Ferrari B03 You can win B04 Whomoved my cheese B05 Real Success i. ii. iii. iv. Author Status A.P.J Abdul Returned Kalam Robin 340 Simmi 2018-03-15 Not Returned Sharma Shiv Khera 230 Rajat 2018-04-16 Returned Spencer 450 Ram 2018-03-17 Not Returned Jhonson Patrick 250 Sia 2018-06-18 Not Mather-Pike Returned Suggest the suitable data type for Status and Issue_Date Suggest the suitable SQL command to change the size of column Column Author from 30 character to 50 characters. Identify primary key in the given table. Suggest the suitable command to display a list of the books in a sequence so that first all the book s name should be displayed which has not been returned and after that all the book s name which has been returned should be displayed. d)Mishu, a class XII student has given following commands for the given purposes: i. To add a new column Return_Date : update table library add column Return_Datevarchar(20); ii. To give Return_Date as 2018-10-18 to all the books: alter library set date=2018-10-18; Check if above given SQL commands will be able to achieve desired task or not. Justify your answer. Suggest the correction (s) if required. 6. a)Write SQL query to create a table BOOKS with the following structure: Field name BOOK_ID BOOK_NAME CATEGORY Price Datatype Integer Varchar Varchar Float Size 2 20 10 10, 2 Table: BOOKS Constraint Primary Key Default A Check greater than 100 OR [2] [2] Std. 12 -5- Informatics Practice Help Ranjan in identifying any two columns for a table named employee along with their suitable data type. b)In a Bank s database, there are two tables Customer and Transaction as shown below. Customer Acc_No Cust_Name Cust_City Cust_Phone Open_Bal 2101001 Sunita Ambala 9710557614 10000 2201002 Sandhya Patna 8223545233 15000 2301003 Vivek New Delhi 9972136576 13000 2401004 Meena New Delhi 9321305453 10000 Transaction Trans_Id Acc_No Transaction_Type Amount Tr001 2301003 Credit 15000 Tr002 2201002 Credit 20000 Tr003 2101001 Debit 3500 Tr004 2301003 Credit 26000 Tr005 2301003 Credit 24000 Consider these tables while attempting the questions given below: (i) Identify the candidate keys of Customer table. OR Briefly explain the concept of Candidate keys. (ii) Which column can be considered as foreign key column in Transaction table? OR Identify Primary Key column of Transaction table. [1] [1] c)With reference to the above given tables, attempt the questions given below: [6] (i) Write a query to display customer s name who has withdrawn the money. OR Write a query to display customer s name along with their transaction details. (ii)Write a query to display customer s name who have not done any transaction yet. OR How many rows and column will be there in the Cartesian product of the above given tables. Also mention the degree and cardinality of the Cartesian product of the above given tables. (iii)Select Acc_No, sum(Amount) from Customer c, Transaction t where c.Acc_No=t.Acc_No group by c.Acc_No having Transaction_Type="Credit"; OR Discuss the significance of having clause with group by statement with suitable example. 7.a) Shradha works for a hospital. She wishes to create controls on a form for the following functions. Suggest controls to her. Choose appropriate controls from Text box, Label, Radio button, Check box, List box, Combo box, Command button. SNo 1 2 3 4 Control used to : Enter Patient name Choose Gender(out of Male/ Female) Choose Department from a list of available departments Submit Form b) Write two features of a good interface. c) How is e-business beneficial to shopkeepers? Write two points. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* [2] Control [1] [2]

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