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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2020 : English - Prelim 1 (Delhi Public School (DPS), Jammu)

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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL JAMMU ASSIGNMENT (2019-20 ) CLASS : XII SUBJECT : ENGLISH TIME : 3 hrs M.M : 80 General Instructions i) This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All the sections are compulsory. ii) Separate instructions are given with each question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully. iii) Word-limit is given with the questions wherever required. Do not exceed the word limit while answering the questions. Q.1 SECTION A (READING) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. A fisherman, enfeebled with age, could no longer go out to sea so began fishing in the river. Every morning he would go down to the river and sit there fishing the whole day long. In the evening he would sell whatever he had caught, buy food for himself and go home. It was a hard life for an old man. One hot afternoon, while he was trying to keep awake and bemoaning his fate, a large bird with silvery feathers alighted on a rock near him. It was Kaha, the heavenly bird. Have you no one to care for you, grandpa? asked the bird. Not a soul. You should not be doing such work at your age. said the bird. From now on I will bring you a big fish every evening. You can sell it and live in comfort. True to her word, the bird began to drop a large fish at his doorstep every evening. All that the fisherman had to do was take it to the market and sell it. As big fish were in great demand, he was soon rolling in money. He bought a cottage near the sea, with a garden around it and engaged a servant to cook for him. His wife had died some years earlier. He had decided to marry again and began to look for a suitable woman. One day he heard the royal courtier make an announcement. Our king has news of a great bird called Kaha, said the courtier. Whoever can give information about this bird and help catch it, will be rewarded with half the gold in the royal treasury and half the kingdom. The fisherman was sorely tempted by the reward. Half the kingdom would make him a prince. Why does the king want the bird? he asked. He has lost his sight, explained the courtier. A wise man has advised him to bathe his eyes with the blood of Kaha. Do you know where she can be found? No...I Torn between greed and his sense of gratitude to the bird, the fisherman could not give a coherent reply. The courtier, sensing that he knew something about the bird, informed the king. The king had him brought him to the palace. If you have information about the bird, tell me, urged the king. I will reward you handsomely and if you help catch her, I will personally crown you king of half my domain. I will get the bird for you, cried the fisherman, suddenly making up his mind. But Kaha is strong. I will need help. The king sent a dozen soldiers with him. That evening when the bird came with the fish, the fisherman called out to her to wait. You drop the fish and go and I never get a chance to thank you for all that you ve done for me, he said. Today I have laid out a feast for you inside. Please alight and come in. Kaha was reluctant to accept the invitation but the fisherman pleaded so earnestly that she finally gave in, and alighted. The moment she was on the ground, the fisherman grabbed one of her legs and shouted to the soldiers hiding in his house to come out. They rushed to his aid but their combined efforts could not keep Kaha down. She rose into the air with the fisherman still clinging on to her leg. By the time he realised that he was being carried away, the fisherman was too high in the air to let go. He hung on grimly, and neither he nor Kaha were ever seen again. 1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer each of the questions given below by choosing the most appropriate options. a) Why was the king desperately looking for Kaha, the bird? i) The king wanted a pet bird. ii) A wise man advised him to keep the bird for good luck. iii) Kaha was heavenly bird and was supposed to be kept in the palace. iv) The king was blind and needed Kaha s blood for his eyes. b) Why did the bird volunteer to bring fish for the old man? i) The old man was not getting enough fish. ii) The bird took pity on the old man and wanted to help him. iii) The bird wanted the old man to become rich. iv) The bird could easily catch the fish for the old man. c) What led the courtier to believe that the fisherman might know something about Kaha? i) d) i) iv) e) i) iv) The courtier had seen Kaha alight at fisherman s house every evening. ii) The courtier had seen the fisherman talking to Kaha. iii) The fisherman fumbled when asked about Kaha. iv) Everyone Knew that fisherman was in contact with Kaha. Why was Kaha reluctant to accept the old man s offer of feast? The fisherman was too old to arrange a feast. ii) The bird was suspicious about the old man s offer. iii) The bird was shy and didn t want to trouble the old man The bird was in a hurry and didn t want to stay there. Which of the following is not true about Kaha? Kaha was a very considerate bird. ii) The blood of Kaha was precious. iii) Kaha was a strong bird. Kaha saved the fisherman from the king s wrath. 1.3 Answer the following questions briefly. a) Why did the fisherman stammer when asked if he knew about the bird? b) How did the fisherman get Kaha to come down? c) What does the phrase rolling in money in the passage refer to? d) Mention two traits of farmer s character revealed through the story. e) How did the bird manage to escape? 1.4 Pick out the words/phrases from the passage which are opposite in meaning to the following a) Take off (para 1) b) Released (para 4) Q2. Read the passage below and answer the question that follows: 1. Every code of etiquette has contained three elements: basic moral duties; practical rules which promote deficiency;and artificial optional graces such as formal compliments to superiors on their generosity and importance. 2. In the first category consideration for the weak and respect for age. Among the ancient Egyptians, the young always stood in the presence of older people. Among the Mpongwe of Tanzania, the young men bow as they pass the huts of the elders. In the England,until about a century ago,young children didn t sit in their parent s presence without permission. 3. Practical rules are helpful in such an ordinary occurrences of social life as making proper introductions at parties or other functions so that people can be brought together to know each other. Before the invention of the folk,etiquette directed that the fingers should be kept as clean as possible;before the handkerchief came into common use, etiquette suggested that,after spitting, a person should rub the spit inconspicuously underfoot. 4. Extremely refined behavior,however,cultivated as an art of gracious living,hasbeen a characteristic only of societies with wealth and leisure,which admitted women as the social equals of men. 5. In fourteenth and fifteenth centuries,a wealthy and leisured society developed an extremely complex code of manners,but the rules of behavior of fashionable society had little influence on the daily life of the lower classes. Indeed many of the rules,such as how to enter a banquet room,how to use a sword or handkerchief for ceremonial purposes,were irrelevant to the way of life of the average working man who spent most of his life outdoors or in his own poor hut and most probably did not have a handkerchief certainly not a sword,to his name. 6. Yet the essential basis of all good manners don t vary. Consideration for the old and the weak and the avoidance of harming or giving unnecessary offence to others is a feature of all societies everywhere and at all levels from the highest to the lowest. You can easily think of dozens of examples of customs and habits in your own daily life which comes under this heading. a) On the basis of you reading of the above passage,make notes using abbreviations where necessary(minimum 4). b) Write a summary of the above passage in about 100 words. SECTION B (ADVANCED WRITING SKILLS) Q3. While walking in a park in your neighborhood, you found a small plastic bag containing some cash and documents. Write a Notice to be put up on the park s notice board asking the owner to identify and collect it from you. You are Amar/Anita(50-60words) Or Draft a poster on behalf of Electricity Board on the topic Save Electricity Q4. You are Aman/Anaya of 14, M.G Road,Pune.You had recently bought a Washing machine From Twirl Paradise , Pune. Now you realized that it is not working properly. Write a letter of complaint to the manager for replacement of the same.(120-150words) Or MSL India Ltd,Mumbai has advertised for recruitment of Management Trainees to begroomed as Managers in their company. Apply for the same with your Bio-data. You areNeeraj/Meena Q5.You are Naveen/Naina,a student of class 11th of Delhi Public School.Your school recently has been awarded for excellence in school leadership and your Principal was conferred with individual award Leaders-The Pillars in Education .Write a report in 150-200 words. Or A number of your class mates remain absent in school in order to attend the Coachingclasses.Write an article in 150-200 words on Tuition at Coachingcentres is not essential .Consider yourself Ria/Prateek. Q6. You are Shikha/Rishu. Write a speech to be given in the morning assembly on Importance Of Time Management (150-200 words) Or Brain Drain is not a Bane for Developing countries like India . Write a debate in favour or against the motion in150-200 words. SECTION C (TEXT BOOK AND LONG READING TEXT) Q7. Read the extract and answer the question that follows: .I saw my mother, Beside me,doze open mouthed, her face ashen like that of a corpse and realized with pain i).Who is I in this stanza? ii) Why was the realization painful? iii) Name the poem and the poetess? iv) Identify and name the figure of speech in the stanza? Or Its loveliness increases,it will never Pass into nothingness;but will keep A bower quiet for us, and a sleep Full of sweet dreams and health, and quiet breathing. i)Whose loveliness will keep on increasing? ii) Identify the poem and name the poet? iii) What is bower ? iv) Why do we need sweet dreams,health and quiet breathing in our lives? Q8 Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. For the children it is wrapped in wonder, for elders it is a means of survival. a) b) c) d) Name the chapter and the writer? Explain the above line in brief? Why it is wonder for children? What is it refers to in the passage? Q9 Answer any five of the following in 30-40 words: i). Describe the irony in Sahib s name? ii) Why was Gandhiji opposed to Andrews helping him in Champaran? iii) Aunt Jennifer s efforts to get rid of fear was futile. Comment? iv) What was his father s chief concern about DrSudao? v) Why did maharaja decided to get married? vi) What is mother Skunk s role in the story? vii) What is the theme of the chapter on the face of it ? Q9. Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words: The writer in this story beautifully used a metaphor of rattrap. Explain with reference tothe chapter The Rattrap . Or Fear is mankind s biggest handicap. Do you agree? Give reason with context to the chapter Deep water . Q10. Answer any one of the following in 120-150 words: How did Jack end the Roger Skunk story?How and why did Joe want to change it? Or Derry sneaked into Lamb s garden and it became a turning point in his life.How?

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