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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2021 : English (Arvind Gupta D A V Centenary Public School, ) : Pre board

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Sutapa Chakraborty
Arvind Gupta D A V Centenary Public School (AGDAV), Model Town, Delhi
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DAV PUBLIC/MODEL SCHOOLS, WEST BENGAL ZONE PRE BOARD EXAMINATION Session: 2020-2021 Class: XII Subject: English Core Maximum Marks: 80 Time: 3 hours General Instructions: 1. This question paper is divided into two parts: A and B. All questions are compulsory. 2. Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them. 3. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions. 4. Please check that this question paper contains 13 typed pages and 13 questions. Part A (40 marks) READING: 20 marks 1. Read the passage given below: 1. Modern life can be stressful enough already, but COVID-19 is likely to have made matters worse for many of us be it financially, through isolation or other challenges. While we ve evolved to have biological responses that help us handle risks and challenges, unfortunately, that was for a time when threats usually took the form of things, we could either scarper away from or bash on the head. The chemicals released by adrenal glands effectively set us up for either of those options but are more of a hindrance now particularly when those responses can be triggered many times in a day. 2. Fortunately, there are ways we can take back control of our bodies with techniques to help us calm down and relax. While no handy one size fits all formula exists yet (as far as I know), there are different paths to the same goal and, hopefully, some of the ideas below may work for you. These can sometimes work together with a cumulative benefit and can lead to other changes go to bed relaxed, and you will probably get a better night s sleep and so be better able to cope with the next day. 3. Have a personal space and time available for you each day to act as a buffer, a chance to unwind. Great if you have some form of Man Cave or She Shed if not, look for somewhere that you can reserve for you. If relevant, having a break between coming back from work and resuming home life can be very helpful. 4. Anything that slows our breathing down helps send an all-clear to our body that the threat has passed. Activities such as painting, writing (keep a journal?), jigsaws, Sudoku, crosswords, model making can all help with this, as can listening to relaxing music. Meditation and mindfulness can help. If you have a smartphone, there are free metronome apps you can experiment with to practice slowing your breathing. Walking is a great way to combine fitness with relaxation. Tai Chi, Qigong and Yoga can all help as well. While the latter is probably best done with an experienced teacher, there are YouTube videos available for the others. 1X10=10 5. Worries can go around inside our heads, just digging a deeper groove and intensifying over time. Get them out into the open, and fears can shrink or even dissolve. You may gain a new insight or understanding about your challenge. Pretty much everyone benefits from the occasional darn good listening to . Look for someone you can talk to openly, who will concentrate on your needs. 6. As the psychologist Carl Rogers said, We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know .when someone really hears you without passing judgment on you, without trying to take responsibility for you, without trying to mould you, it feels good ! This article was written by Paul Hurst, a counsellor, therapist and non-religious pastor. It first appeared in a magazine called Roundabout. i. On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the eleven given below. Covid-19 has made matters worse for many of us a. by causing financial instability. b. by increasing stress levels. c. by cornering us into isolation. d. in all of the above-mentioned ways. ii. The phrase 'scarper away from or bash on the head' means a. to remove something unwanted from the head b. to run away from or strike hard c. to attend a party or social event. d. to produce something rapidly without preparation or attention to detail iii. We can take back control of our bodies a. with mind-over-matter techniques. b. by living a sedentary life. c. with techniques to help us calm down and relax. d. by dozing off whenever we please iv. A good night's sleep probably enables us a. to have beautiful dreams. b. to accomplish our dreams. c. to cope with the next day in a better way. d. to succeed in all our endeavors. v. Having a 'Man Cave or a She Shed' means a. having a place reserved to unwind. b. having solutions to all our problems. c. having a place to finish all our pending work. d. living a primitive life. vi. The 'all-clear' signal to our body indicates that a. the threat has passed. b. the threat is looming large. c. the threat is overwhelming. d. the threat can prove to be fatal. vii. Choose the statement that is NOT TRUE. a. Meditation and mindfulness can help. b. Painting and writing have therapeutic effects. c. Free metronome apps can detect your location. d. Slow breathing has a calming down effect on the mind. viii. Walking is a great way to combine a. slow breathing with meditation. b. fitness with relaxation. c. business with pleasure. d. Tai Chi with Oigong. ix. Pick the option that correctly completes the sentence. Worries can go round inside our heads 1. increasing stress levels 2. making us financially stable. 3. adversely affecting physical and mental health. 4. diminishing over time. a. b. c. d. x. 1 and 2 2 and 3 3 and 4 1 and 3 Which option best represents the attributes of a good listener? [1] [2] understa nding understandi ng responsi ble empathetic focused nonjudgemental [3] [4] irrespons ible sympath etic kind a. b. c. d. Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 judgemental kind special xi. The word 'empathy', as used in paragraph 6 is the same as a. the ability to speak with rare emphasis. b. the ability to be telepathic. c. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. d. the ability to challenge and intimidate others. 2. Read the passage given below. We Lost a Football Pitch of Primary Rainforest Every 6 Seconds in 2019 MikaelaWeisse and Elizabeth Dow Goldman - June 02, 2020 What is tree cover loss? 1.Tree cover loss is not the same as deforestation. Tree cover can refer to trees in plantations as well as natural forests, and tree cover loss is the removal of tree canopy due to human or natural causes, including fire. The data presented here do not take tree restoration or regeneration into account and are therefore not an indication of net change. Focusing on tree cover loss within undisturbed humid tropical primary forests, however, allows us to highlight some of the world s most critical forest areas where loss is likely to have long-term impacts. 2.The tropics lost 11.9 million hectares of tree cover in 2019, according to data from the University of Maryland, released on Global Forest Watch. Nearly a third of that loss, 3.8 million hectares, occurred within humid tropical primary forests, areas of mature rainforest that are especially important for biodiversity and carbon storage. That s the equivalent of losing a football pitch of primary forest every 6 seconds for the entire year. 3.Primary forest loss was 2.8% higher in 2019 than the year before and has remained stubbornly high for the last two decades despite efforts to halt deforestation. At least 1.8 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide emissions are associated with 2019 primary forest loss, equivalent to the annual emissions of 400 million cars. Though the rate of primary forest loss was lower in 2019 than record years of 2016 and 2017, it was still the third-highest since the turn of the century 1X10=10 The 2019 data reveal that several countries suffered record losses, and fires created astonishing impacts in primary forests and beyond. Though the situation remains bleak at the global level, some countries showed signs of improvement, offering lessons for other nations. i. On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions from the eleven that follow. According to the passage, tree cover loss a. is tree restoration and regeneration. b. is the same as deforestation. c. is the removal of tree canopy due to human or natural causes, including fire. d. refers to critical forest areas where loss is likely to have long-term impacts. ii. Pick the option that is NOT TRUE according to the passage. a. The tropics lost 11.9 million hectares of tree cover in 2009. b. Nearly a third of 3.8 million hectares of tree cover loss occurred within humid tropical primary forests. c. The loss is equivalent to that of losing a football pitch of primary forest every six seconds for the entire year. d. The tropics lost 11.9 million hectares of tree cover in 2019. iii. The word pitch , as used in paragraph 2, means the same as a. timbre b. intensity c. field d. gradient iv. Pick the option that correctly completes the following sentence. The areas of mature rainforest are especially important for a. biodiversity and nitrogen fixation. b. biodiversity and carbon storage. c. biodiversity and ozone layer depletion. d. biodiversity and oxygen accumulation. v. Pick the option that DOES NOT describe the phrase, primary forests . a. old-growth forests b. new-growth forests c. virgin forests d. primeval forests vi. The phrase, turn of the century means a. the preceding year. b. the following year. c. transition from one century to another. d. transition from one era to another. vii. Pick the option that lists statements that are NOT TRUE, according to the 2019 data. 1. Fires created astonishing impacts in primary forests and beyond. 2. No country has shown any sign of improvement. 3. Several countries have suffered record losses. 4. The rate of primary forest loss in 2019 was the second highest in the last two decades. a. b. c. d. 1 and 2 2 and 4 1 and 4 3 and 4 viii . Though the situation remains bleak at the global level, some countries showed sign of improvement In the light of the above statement, pick the correct option that describes the tone of the narrative. a. optimism b. desperation c. enthusiasm d. gloom ix. Based on the given graphical representation of data in the passage, pick the option that completes the statement given below. The primary forest loss reached its peak in_________ . a. 2002 b. 2016 c. 2017 d. 2019 x. According to the passage, which option is an accurate comparison of Carbon dioxide emissions? [Category 1] CO2 emissions associated with primary forest loss(2019) [Category 2] CO2 emissions of 400 million cars (annually) 1 Category 1 2 Category 2 4 Category 1 a. b. c. d. Category 2 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 1 Category 1 3 Category 2 Category 1 Category 2 xi. Arrange the following statements in the order in which they are mentioned in the passage. 1. One third of 11.9 million hectares of tree cover loss occurred within humid tropical primary forests. 2. At least 1.8 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide emissions are associated with 2019 primary forest loss. 3. Primary forest loss has remained stubbornly high for the last two decades 4. The data presented here does not take tree restoration or regeneration into account. a. b. c. d. 4,3,2,1 3,2,1,4 2,3,4,1 4,1,2,3 LITERATURE: 20 marks 3. Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY TWO of the three given by answering the questions that follow. [A] This settlement was adopted unanimously by the commission. Gandhi explained that the amount of the refund was less important than the fact that the landlords had been obliged to surrender part of the money and, with it, part of their prestige. Therefore, as far as the peasants were concerned, the planters had behaved as lords above the law. Now the peasant saw that he had rights and defenders. He learned courage. (i) How much amount was to be refunded as per the settlement? (a) 50% (b) 100% (c) 75% (d) 25% (ii) Why did the big planters agree to pay the refund to small farmers? a. Because their illegal extortion was revealed. b. Because they feared official punishment c. Because they feared Gandhiji d. Because they feared peasants backlash (iii) Why did Gandhiji accept only that percent of settlement? a. To insult the planters. b. To show the planters that he had a big heart. c. To him dispelling of fear was more important. d. To keep good relations between the farmers and the planters. (iv) The phrase lords above the law means a. Someone who criticises everyone. b. Someone who always obeys the law. c. A magistrate. d. Someone who does not have to obey the law (B) A few years later when I came to know the waters of the Cascades, I wanted to get into them. And whenever I did whether I was wading the Tieton or Bumping River or bathing in Warm Lake of the Goat Rocks the terror that had seized me in the pool would come back. It would take possession of me completely. My legs would become paralysed. Icy horror would grab my heart. 4+4=8 (i) A few years later refers to a. Years after his experience in California beach b. Years after the misadventure c. Years after his training with his instructor d. After swimming in Yakima (ii) What experiences lead to the development of the terror? a. Being swept by waves at a beach. b. Being pushed into the pool. c. His mother s continuous warning against going to the Yakima River. d. Both (a) and (b) (iii) How did the terror affect the author? a. He became isolated b. He lost his appetite c. He lost his social life d. He became aggressive (iv) The figure of speech used in icy horror in the extract is a. Personification b. Simile c. Metaphor d. Alliteration (C) Look! For a moment Evan s eyes smoldered dangerously, but Jackson was ready for him. Orders of the Governor, Evans. He leaned forward and leered, his voice dropping to a harsh, contemptuous whisper. You want to complain? Evans shrugged his shoulders lightly. The crisis was over. You ve got half an hour to smarten yourself up, Evans and take that bloody hat off! Me at? Huh! Evans put his right hand lovingly on top of the filthy woollen, and smiled sadly. (i) Why was Evans looking at Jackson dangerously? a. Because Jackson had insulted him. b. Because Jackson was rude to him. c. Because Jackson had his nail clipper and nail file removed. d. Because Jackson wanted Evans to take off his bobble hat. (ii) For what reason did the Governor order to remove the things from Evans room? a. To make sure Evans does not hurt anyone. b. To make the room an ideal space for the exam. c. To make sure that the invigilator was safe. d. To make sure that Evans does not have any chance to escape. (iii) Evans said that he wanted to keep his hat on because a. He believed that it gave him a smart look. b. It was his lucky charm. c. He knew he would be cold without it. d. He loved to wear it. (iv) The crisis was over indicates a. Evans would not retaliate any further c. Evans was no longer suspicious b. Evans was convinced d. Jackson was overpowered. 4. [A] Read the extracts given below and attempt ANY ONE of the two given by answering the questions that follow. Surely, Shakespeare is wicked, the map a bad example, With ships and sun and love tempting them to steal For lives that slyly turn in their cramped holes From fog to endless night? On their slag heap, these children Wear skins peeped through by bones and Spectacles of steel With mended glass, like bottle bits on stones. i. Why is Shakespeare described as wicked? a) Shakespeare describes the world of kings and noblemen b) The slum children are not aware of Shakespeare s literary genius c) Shakespeare s depiction of beautiful world is meaningless to them d) Both (b) and (c) ii. Which statement best expresses: From fog to endless night a) The children struggle from birth to death b) The life of the slum children is one of endless struggle from morning to night c) Their life is covered with fog d) They are deprived of a bright and prosperous life iii. What poignant truth does the image skins peeing through by bones bring out? a) The social injustice and class inequalities b) The poverty and deprivation of the poor children c) The gloomy and despondent life of the slum dwellers d) The malnourished and hunger-stricken bodies of the slum children iv. What does the word slyly mean in these lines? a) Cunningly b) Secretly c) Without being noticed d) With great difficulty (B) When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie Still ringed with ordeals, she was mastered by. The tigers in the panel that she made Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid. i. Why are Aunt Jennifer s hands terrified? a) She is the victim of male chauvinism b) Her hands reflect the terror and trauma she experiences c) She advocates for male supremacy d) She glorifies the custom of marriage ii. What does the phrase ordeals she was mastered by mean? a) She feels blessed to be married b) Marriage has brought with it a lot of obligations c) She feels burdened surrounded by the marital constraints d) All of the above 1X4=4 iii. What do Aunt Jennifer s tigers symbolize? a) Confidence and fearlessness b) Untamed free spirit c) Strength and confidence d) All of the above iv. Identify the poetic device in the expression terrified hands . a) Simile b) Oxymoron c) Metaphor d) Transferred Epithet 5. Attempt ANY EIGHT questions from the ten given below. i. What does the title, The Third level symbolize? (a) High level of existence (b) A means to escape from the world of harsh realities (c) A place where reality intercepts imagination (d) Peace and tranquility ii. The moral that essential goodness in human beings can be awakened through understanding and love proves that_____ a) The Rattrap is a narrative discourse of a person s journey in life b) The Rattrap gives us a psychological insight into human nature c) The Rattrap is an ironical account of how a man has fallen into predicament d) The Rattrap is a satirical portrayal of the behaviour of human beings iii. Why are we different from other Japanese? , this question was stated by (a) The servant (b) The General (c) Sadao (d) Hana iv. Choose the statement which is NOT TRUE. a) The beautiful bangles make everyone happy but the makers live and die in squalor b) The grinding poverty and tradition take away the childhood from them c) They fight their unfavourable and pathetic condition and emerge winners d) Despite the back-breaking hard work, they can t have the square meal a day v. Franz could not help but wonder, Will they make them sing in German ? This indicates that a. b. c. d. vi. The Germans are adept at exerting their power. Franz was empathising with the pigeons. The Germans can exert no power over nature. The Germans are a barbaric lot. Motihari was black with peasants. With reference to this statement, pick the option that aptly sums it up. 1. 2. 3. 4. The peasants spontaneously demonstrated their support. Only black peasants resided in the town of Motihari. The presence of the peasants was indicative of liberation from fear. The peasants were aware of Gandhi s record in South Africa. 1X8=8 a. b. c. d. 1 and 4 1 and 2 1 and 3 3 and 4 vii. I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain of life fell . What does oblivion mean here? a. Fear b. Traumatized c. Unconsciousness d. Nothingness viii. From our dark spirits in A Thing of Beauty is a reference to _____ a. Our wicked and immoral activities b. Our dampened and demoralized spirits c. The evil spirits d. The darkness of the night ix. When Jo grinned, Jack was startled to recognise his wife feigning pleasure at cocktail parties. This means that his wife a. Was fond of cocktail parties. b. Was bored with parties. c. Could fake her expressions. d. Was a social misfit. x. I looked at her, wan, pale Identify the figure of speech in the above line. a. b. c. d. Simile Metaphor Repetition Tautology PART B (40 marks) WRITING: 16 marks 6. Attempt ANY ONE of the following. 3 [A] You are Sarah/Sahir, the owner of Effulgence, an event management firm. In order to expand your business to other cities, your firm is in need of an event planner. Draft a suitable advertisement for the same, in about 50 words to be published in the classified columns of a newspaper with nation-wide circulation. OR [B] You are Erica/Eric, Secretary of the Literary Club of your school. You have taken the initiative to invite Ruskin Bond to an interactive session on creative writing, with the members of the club, via online mode. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students of classes XI and XII about this erudite session. 7. Attempt ANY ONE of the following. [A] You are Dr. Heidersheit, a board certified music therapist from Manipur. You have been invited by A.N. Public School, Nagaland, to a seminar on Where Words Fail Music Speaks . As the keynote speaker, you have been requested to address the students, sharing your invaluable expertise on the umpteen benefits of music therapy in combating stress and challenges of our times. Write your reply, in about 50 words accepting the invitation. OR [B] You are Ridhima/Ridhaan of C-45, Castle Street, Kalimpong. You are hosting a party in honour of your grandparents, to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. You wish to invite your best friend, Noami, Write an invitation in 50 words giving all necessary details. 8. Attempt ANY ONE of the following. 3 5 [A] You are Raj / Rani . You find corruption the biggest impediment in the development of a nation. You strongly believe that youth can play a very important role in fighting the menace of corruption. Write a letter to the editor of NEW Dawn sharing your views on The role of youth in fighting corruption .( Within 150 word) OR [B] You are Delnaz/Dilawar Zorabian, a resident of Galaxy Tower, Bandra, Mumbai, Maharashtra. You wish to pursue a career in software designing. Xenobyte Corporation, a technology giant has advertised the requirement of a software developer, in the local newspaper. You are excited at the prospect and decide to apply for the post. Write a letter in 100-120 words, responding to the given advertisement, submitting your candidature with a detailed bio-data. 9. Attempt ANY ONE of the following. [A] Make in India is an initiative by the Government of India to encourage companies to manufacture in India and create employment for our youth. Write an article in about 120 150 words for a business magazine on its impact to create employment for the youth of India. You are Akshara/ Ajit. You can use the following clues.(120-150 words) Clues : To lure businessmen To give more incentive to business Create employment opportunities Build manufacturing infrastructure Suggestions for improvement 5 OR [B] A glittering musical concert was held in your city/ town during the Diwali season. Many noted and budding musicians were present to grace the occasion. Write a report covering the event in 120-150 words. You are Rajiv/Roshni Yadav, Staff Correspondent for The Times of India . You can use the following clues. Clues : Idea behind organising the concert Describe the Venue and celebrities and artists performing in the concert Teaches how Diwali can be celebrated without bursting crackers LITERATURE :24 marks 10. Attempt ANY FIVE out of the six questions given below, in 30-40 words each. i. What does Neruda mean by the line, I want no truck with death. in his poem, Keeping Quiet ? ii. Explain the line, Now his own turn had come , in the context of the story by Selma Lagerlof. iii. Kamala Das uses the phrase, Young/ Trees sprinting to present a contrast. What do you think this personification implies? Comment on the significance of the phrase, they had the key to their freedom . iv. vi. She still has bangles on her wrist but no light in her eyes . State any one reason why the writer says this. What does Keats consider an endless fountain of immortal drink and why? 11. Attempt ANY TWO out of the three questions given below in 30-40 words each. i. What was the purpose of the correction slip in Evans tries An OLevel ? ii. Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Justify. iii. What forced Sadao to be impatient and irritated with his patient? 12. Attempt ANY ONE of the following questions in 120-150 words. [A] Dreams are often far removed from reality. Discuss with reference to the lesson Lost Spring . v. 2X5=10 2X2=4 5 OR [B] 13. The story The Rattrap explores the idea that given the right motivation the human beings possess the innate tendency to redeem themselves from their dishonest ways. Elucidate. Attempt ANY ONE out of the following questions in 120-150 words. [A] Mr. Lamb calls Derry his friend while Derry refuses his affirmation. Would you consider this relationship with each other as friendship? Support you answer with reference to the instances from the text. OR [B] With respect to the events in the story, Should Wizard Hit Mommy , to what extent can Jack s parenting be considered reasonably sound? Justify your choice. *************** 5

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