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CBSE Class 12 Pre Board 2021 : Home Science (CBSE Gulf Sahodaya Qatar Chapter, Doha)

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PRE-BOARD EXAMINATION-2020-21 SUBJECT - HOME SCIENCE Class: XII (CBSE) Total Marks: 80 Date . Time: 3 hrs. GENERAL GUIDELINES: (i) All questions are compulsory. (ii) There are total 36 questions. (iii) Question Paper is divided into three sections A, B and C (iv) Section A has question no.1to 14 (objective type questions) and are of 1 mark each. (v) Section B has question no. 15 to 21 (case study based multiple choice questions) and are of 1 mark each. (vi) Section C has question no.22 to 27 of 2 marks each, question no.28 and 29 of 3 marks each, question no.30 to 33 of 4 marks each and question no.34 to 36 of 5 marks each. (vii) Internal choices are given in some questions (viii) Support your answer with suitable examples and figures wherever required. SECTION A ( OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS) Multiple choice questions 1. A non-nutrient constituents present in foods that have physiological or biological activity (1) and Influence health. a) Phytochemicals b) Medical Foods c) Neutraceuticals d) Functional Foods OR The diet that includes all groups of foods and meets the needs of healthy individuals. a) Regular diet b) Modified diet c) Liquid diet d) Mechanical soft diet 2. In what way job effectiveness in any work place can be improved? a) Increasing errors b) Increasing productivity c) Reducing error d) Both b) and c) (1) Page 1 of 6 3. These are products prepared by mixing and processing of individual ingredients to result (1) in relatively shelf stable food products. a) Formulated food b) Food derivatives c) Functional foods d) Medical foods 4. You got a job in hotel and your responsibility is to welcomes guests upon arrival and (1) escorts them to the registration desk. You must be appointed as____________. a) Bell Captain b) Doorman c) Receptionist d) Lobby Manager OR A _______provides services like a hotel and provides parking facility near the room or a room door that opens out onto the parking lot. a) Furnished camp b) Motel c) Lodge d) Resort 5. ______is a combination of the usage of different communication methods and materials (1) such as meetings, tours, newspaper articles, leaflets and exhibitions about a theme for a predefined period of time. a) Symposium b) Campaign c) Biennale d) Huddle 6. Match the followingA) High Risk food B) Food derivatives C) Functional foods D) Nicolas Appert Pick the correct options 7. (1) i) Canning ii) Probiotics iii) Hydrogenation iv) Protein rich food a) A ii, B iv, C I, D iii b) A i, B ii, C iii, D iv c) A iv, B iii, C ii, D i d) A i, B iv, C iii, D ii People who carry this organism, contaminate food if they touch these places on body (1) while food handling. a) Lactobacillus rhamnosus b) Saccharomyces boulardii. c) Staphylococcus aureus. d) Lactobacillus reuteri Page 2 of 6 8. This stage consists of providing various services as per the guest s requirements, ensuring (1) security of the guest and coordination of various guest services. a) Occupancy b) Arrival stage c) Pre-arrival stage d) Departure Fill in the blanks 9. In September 2004, India launched ______ which was the first Indian satellite built (1) exclusively to serve the educational sector. 10. __________ is a management concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and interactions with their stakeholders. (1) 11. Identify the craft and name the state in which it is practiced. (1) OR What is the meaning of this symbol of occupational hazards? 12. Neha has to buy gold for her daughter s marriage. Which standardized mark she should (1) check on the gold jewellery? 13. What is the full form of SEWA (1) 14. Who are the beneficiaries of non-formal education under ICDS (1) Page 3 of 6 OR List any two substitute child care SECTION B (CASE STUDY BASED QUESTIONS ) If the diet is deficient in energy and protein content it is also likely to contain inadequate amounts of other nutrients especially micronutrients viz. minerals and vitamins. The term hidden hunger is used to refer to micronutrient deficiency. The deficiencies of iron, vitamin A, iodine, zinc are of major public health concern. In addition, there is growing concern about deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid, calcium, vitamin D and riboflavin. 15. Some of labourer s children in the age group of 2-3 years living in resettlement colony (1) are grossly underweight with wrinkled skin looks like a skeleton. Identify the disease suffering from? a) Marasmus b) Kwarshiorker c) Tetanus d) Rickets 16. ______occurs when hemoglobin production is considerably reduced and it results in low (1) levels of hemoglobin in blood. a) IDA b) VAD c) IDD d) PEM 17. Which vitamin deficiency is associated with night blindness? a) Vitamin C b) Vitamin A c) Thiamine d) Niacin (1) 18. It is caused by insufficient intake of the macronutrients a) Iron deficiency anemia b) Protein Energy Malnutrition c) Vitamin deficiencies d) Goitre and Cretinism (1) Certain basic colour schemes are used as guides for combining colours. A colour scheme merely suggests the hues that can be combined; the values and intensities of the hue and the quantities of each to be used are the decisions taken by the designer or the consumer. Colour schemes are best studied with reference to the Colour Wheel. Colour Schemes can be discussed in two groups: Related and Contrasting. Page 4 of 6 19. _____refers to a color combination using two or three hues that lie side by side on the (1) colour wheel. a) Analogous harmony b) Mono chromatic harmony c) Complementary harmony d) Accented neutral 20. _____describe lightness or darkness of a hue which is referred as tint or shade. a) Value b) Chroma c) Intensity d) Spectrum A colour which lacks hues such as white, black and grey is known as a) Chromatic b) Achromatic c) Shades d) Values 21. (1) (1) SECTION C 22. Write any two government initiatives in favour of women? OR What do you understand by the terms sex and gender (2) 23. Name two strategies that can be adopted to combat public nutrition problems. Which one (2) is more expensive and narrow scope of coverage? Give any one reason to support your answer. 24. Write the responsibilities of any two members of the housekeeping department of a hotel. (2) OR What is the importance of Front Office in a hotel? 25. What are the essential features of Development Communication? (2) 26. What are the four factors which affect the process of cleaning of fabrics? (2) 27. When was the first SOS village set up in India? Which children are eligible for admission (2) to an SOS children s village? 28. Keeping elements of design in mind, give four suggestions for choosing a dress for a (3) short and fat girl. 29. Describe any two programmes operating in our country each for youth and elderly. (3) OR Describe the knowledge and skills you will need in order to pursue a career in management of institutions and programmes for children/ youth/elderly. Page 5 of 6 30. You are working in a hi-tech laundry of a hotel. a) What four factors will you keep in mind before choosing the process of washing a fabric? b) You are using a dryer to dry the washed fabric. Explain the two types of circulation system in a dryer. OR How are the laundry in hospitals different from a hotel? (4) 31. There have been several international organisations and agreements which have played a (4) role in enhancing food safety, quality and security, facilitating research and trade. Describe any two such organizations which are playing a key role. 32. What are some of the reasons why young children need a special informal programme at (4) school? List four skills an ECCE worker must have. 33. Why do we need to process and preserve food? Keeping the concept of health and (4) wellness in mind, explain with examples how food scientists are trying to enhance the food values in processed and packaged foods. 34. What are the types of dietary modifications that a medical nutrition therapist may make? (5) Compare two points of differences between tube feeding and intravenous feeding. 35. One major problem of consumers is lack of information of available products . Elaborate (5) this statements with the support of your examples. What are your rights in this context? OR Describe how consumers have to suffer the malpractices of the manufacturers and traders? What are the responsibilities of consumers? 36. What do you understand by the term fashion merchandising? Enumerate the knowledge (5) and skills that a fashion designer and merchandiser must possess. -END- Page 6 of 6

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