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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2024 : Geography : Mid Term Exam-Sep 2023-VTS-Geog

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Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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l I Std: IX Date: 06/09 /23 'lJilla ~beresa ~igb ~cbool l st Tt?rnuna . l Examination - September 2023 Subject - GEOGRAPHY Time: 2 hrs. Marks: 80 All questions are compulsory. Question I.On an o utrme Physical . map of the world mark the following: ,,,,- [ lxIO] a:" Andes Mountains b-/4'ppalachian ~ucasus Mountains /Arakan Yoma ~eat Dividing Range ~malayas g./Amazon basin r/Tibet Plateau vlluang Ho Plains Vcongo Basin ~tion2 Choose the correct answer. Write down the complete answer. i. [10) Deflection of the air and ocean currents which are caused by the earth's rotation is due to ... A. Leap Year B. _plliptical Orbit G/ Coriolis Effect D. Revolution ii. Perihelion means ..... A. Farthest point from the sun B. Farthest point from the moon C. Nearest point from the earth g/ Nearest point from the sun iii . . Another name for the core. . A. Gutenberg 1 Bf Barysphere C. Asthenosphere D. Lithosphere iv. The boundary between the crust and the mantle. A. Gutenberg Discontinuity Bl Mohorovic Discontinuity C. Seismic Discontinuity D. Regression Discontinuity v. t-1ountains formed by_horizontal tensional forces. A./Young fold mountams B. Block mountains C. Old fold mountains D. Mountain Building Contd ... 2 r~ ~ I r IX GEOGRAPHY -2- vi. Plateaus are A. Joe youngest landforms B../Toe oldest landforms C. The steepest landforms D. D The largest landforms vii. Argillaceous rocks are also known as A. Sedimentary rocks B/'Aqueous rocks C. Aeolian rocks D. Stratified rocks viii. The point of origin of earthquake waves is called A./Epicenter B. Magnitude C. Seismic Focus D. Tectonic Movement ix. Mount Stromboli is an example of A Extinct Volcano B Dormant Volcano G/4ctive Volcano D Intrusive Volcano x. Pahoehoe lava Ms glassy and has rounded wrinkles. B. forms rounded lumps in the shape of pillows. C. forms a brittle crust. D. jumbled heaps of sharp-edged chunks. Q..(s"tion 3. . a/Name the two chief motions of the earth. i f_.,,Mention two effects of revolution. c( What is meant by Equinox? Give the dates of the two Equinoxes. d./Distinguish between Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice. [2] [2] [2] I C [4] I \ Q~n4. / , State two chief characteristics of the earth's crust. lr. . Distinguish between Sirna and Sial. ~ Distinguish between Primary Earthquake waves and Secondary Earthquake Waves. d. Identify the various parts of the diagram given below in sequential order. II [2] [2] [3] [3] I I I s. . ' I ' '' I I I , 'X -3- I I I IX GEOGRAPHY I ~/4N'.1 1e two landforms created b . . bl' Give one exam1pl,e f y epeirogeruc movements y o each. w th c/ I -~ / lntermontane plateau Volcanic plateau referenc/'o Plateaus answer the following. [2] [2] 11 / . 1/ Name the chief occupation in the plateau regions. . tiourw Why is farming not an important activity here? M ent ion h' [2] 11 ays In w ich mountains are useful to man. [4] Question 6 Jfltate two points of distinction between rocks and minerals. b/ Give one difference between Extrusive igneous and Intrusive igneous rocks rocks. o( Mention any two chief characteristics of Sedimentary Rocks. d( What is meant by the term 'metamorphism'? When the following rocks get metamorphized, n ~ the rock they convert into. 1 Limestone iii Clay iii. Sandstone Basalt Q~tion7 a)"' State two advantages of Volcanoes. b( How are hot springs formed? Mention two causes of Volcanic Eruptions. <l/ Identify the various [2] [4] t. c/ [2] [2] parts of the Volcano from the diagram given below. [2] [2] [2] [4] J. Main Features of a Volcano ~tion8 -: / Name the two belts where most 0 fthe earthquakes occur. . f 11. How is the intensity O e arth uakes measured? ?q What instruments are used. l. I. 1 arth uakc:: Mention two ~ a d e c~uses S:,:tiv; effe~ts of Earthquakes State two constructive an two es [2] [2] [2] [4]

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