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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2024 : Geography

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Shreya Sarangi
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PAWAR PUBLIC SCHOOL, CHANDIVALI SECOND TERM ASSESSMENT (2021-2022) SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY GRADE: 9 DATE: 15.02.2022 MARKS: 80 TIME: 2 HOURS Answers to this paper must be written on any ruled sheet or the school notepad sheet. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Attempt seven questions in all. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions are to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. _______________________________________________________________________ . Note: (i) In all Map Work, make wise use of arrows to avoid overcrowding of the map. (ii) The World Map must be fastened with your answer booklet. (iii)All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order. (iv)All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. ________________________________________________________________________ This paper consists of 7 typed pages. Part I (30 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Part Question 1 Answer the following questions briefly. [10 x 2=20] (a) Name the following. (i) The imaginary central line around which a body rotates. (ii) The Heat Zone between 23 S to 66 S. (iii) The Earthquake waves. (iv) The cyclone in China. 2 PPSC/21-22/IIT/9/GEO/STA 2 (b) What do you mean by the latitude of a place? Write the latitude of your school. (c) Draw a neat and labelled diagram of Sea breeze. (d) Name the following: (i) The disease-causing organisms that are found in wastewaters especially sewage. (ii) The temperature at which air gets fully saturated. (e) Give reason for the following statements. (i) There is no higher latitude other than 90 degrees North and South. (ii) Cyclone is variable wind. (f) Give reason for the following statements. (i) Direction and speed of wind depends on few factors. (ii) Bio Degradable waste is environment friendly. (g) What will be local time at Station A (90 W) longitude when is 8 a.m. at Station B (10 W) longitude ? (h) Name any four factors on the basis of which the Natural regions of the world been classified. (i)The image given below is the Powai lake which is to a larger extent being covered by the water Hyacinth. What is this phenomenon know as? State the reason of such phenomenon. [2] (j) Read the statements given below. Identify and name the Natural Regions. (i) Wet winter and long, hot, dry summer. (ii) Granaries of the world. 3 PPSC/21-22/IIT/9/GEO/STA 3 Question 2 On the outline world map mark and label the following: [10] a) Shade and label the mountain that forms the natural boundary between the Europe and Asia. b) Shade and name the country controlled by S.W.Monsoon from Eastern Hemisphere. c) Mark and label the Strait of Gibraltar. d) Mark and label the Mississippi River. e) Mark and label the Ganga River. f) Mark with a bold line and name the fold mountains of South America. g) Mark with a bold line and label the Arakan Yoma. h) Shade and label the Gulf of Guinea. i) Shade and label the Arabian Sea. j) Mark and label the Isthmus of Suez. PART-II (50 MARKS) (Answer any five questions from this Part) Question 3 (a) Write any two points difference between the Local time and the Standard time. [2] (b) Draw and labelled diagram of the position of the Earth on 22nd December. [2] (c) (i) Is it correct to say that Local Time is the Sun Time? (ii)If the GMT at 0 longitude is 12 noon, find the local time of place A (30 E). (d) Give a reason for each of the following: (i) The speed of rotation at Singapore is much faster than that at Tokyo or Russia. (ii) Seasons are reversed in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. (iii) Days and nights are equal at all places on the Earth in March. 4 [3] [3] PPSC/21-22/IIT/9/GEO/STA 4 Question 4 (a)(i) Name the two most important and abundant chemical elements present [2] in the Earth s crust. (ii) Why are the Fossils found only in sedimentary rocks? (b) Name the following. (i) A large, more or less circular depression or basin associated with a volcanic vent. (ii) The intrusive rocks form the base of the mountains. (iii)The point where the shock waves reach the surface. (iv)The process where the loose sediments are turned into hard rocks. [2] (c) (i) Write two points of difference between the Acid and the Basic Igneous rocks. (ii) Why are the P waves recorded on a seismogram at first than the other earthquake waves? [3] (d) Answer the following: [3] (i) The statue has developed pits. Which type of chemical weathering is responsible for this change? (ii)Name the agents for such type of weathering. (iii) Explain the process of it. 5 PPSC/21-22/IIT/9/GEO/STA 5 Question 5 (a) Show a diagrammatic representation of the inversion of temperature at valley bottom on a still night. [2] (b) Write two points of difference between cold ocean currents and warm ocean currents. [2] (c) Name the following: (i) Transfer of heat by circulatory movement. (ii) The main gases found in Exosphere. (iii) The fall of sea water and its movement towards the sea. [3] (d) Give reason for the following statements. [3] (i) Most of the harbours are ice free even during winters in the Scandinavian countries. (ii) The jet aircrafts fly swiftly in the Stratosphere. (iii) The temperature on the southward facing slopes of Karakoram Range is higher in comparison to the northward facing slopes of the same range. Question 6 (a) Match the following with correct options from Column A to the correct answers from Column B. [2] Column A (i) Pressure gradient (ii)Winter monsoon Column B (1) Coromandel Coast (2) Isobars (3) Permanent Wind (b) Show a neat and labelled diagrammatic representation of the major Pressure Belts of the Earth. [2] (c) State one characteristics each of the following: (i) Trade winds (ii) Westerlies (iii) Polar winds [3] 6 PPSC/21-22/IIT/9/GEO/STA 6 (d) Give reasons for the following statements. (i) Chinook is beneficial to the Prairies of North America. (ii) The Equatorial LowPressure Belt is also known as the Doldrums. (iii) Humid air is less dense and exerts less pressure than dry air. [3] Question 7 (a) Name the following. [2] (i) The instrument used to measure humidity in the atmosphere. (ii) These clouds have fleecy wool like formation, generally formed in high altitude. (b) Match the following Locations in Column A to the Grasslands mentioned in Column B. [2] Column A (i) Africa (ii) South America (iii) North America (iv) Australia Column B (1) Downs (2) Velds (3) Steppes (4) Pampas (5) Prairies (c) Give reasons for the following statements. [3] (i) The Mediterranean lands are known as the orchard lands of the world. (ii) Pune receives less rainfall than Mumbai. (iii) Relative Humidity changes from place to place and time to time. (d) Study the picture given below and answer the questions given alongside. [3] (i) Identify the type of Rainfall shown in the picture. (ii) What is the average rainfall received by the areas receiving this type of rainfall? (iii) What are the 4 O clock showers ? 7 PPSC/21-22/IIT/9/GEO/STA 7 Question 8 (a) Name the following. [2] (i) Hazardous and toxic waste is known as. (ii) The chemical produced in the factory in the coastal town of Japan, resulting in Minamata Tragedy. (iii) A form of acidic precipitation. (iv) A by-product that is used for manufacturing paper pulp. (b) Write a point of difference between the following with a suitable example of each one. [2] (i) Reducing waste and Reusing waste (c) Study the picture given alongside and answer the following questions. [3] (i) What crisis is shown in the picture? (ii) What are the health hazards of the crisis shown in the picture? (iii) How can the above crisis be rectified? (d) Give reason for the following statements. [3] (i) There is evidence of genetic disorder leading to death and defective egg shells in many animals and birds. (ii) Waste management is of the highest necessity for the present world. (iii) Excessive ground water table contamination is prevalent due to Dumping of waste. ***************************************************************

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