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ICSE Class IX Mid-term 2023 : Geography

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Second Term Examination, 2022-2023 Geography Grade : 9 Date : 08/11/2022 Duration : 2 hours Max. Marks : 80 General Instructions: Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Part I is compulsory. All questions from Part I are to be attempted. A total of five questions to be attempted from Part II. The intended marks for questions are given in brackets[ ]. The Map given at the end of this question paper must be detached and after marking, must be fastened to your answer booklet. All sub-sections of the questions attempted must be answered in the correct serial order. All working including rough work should be done on the same answer sheet which is used to answer the rest of the paper. PART I (30 marks) (Attempt all questions from this part.) Question 1 On the outline map of the World provided: i. Mark and label the Himalayas [1] ii. Mark and label the Rockies [1] iii. Mark and label the Great Dividing Range [1] iv. Shade and label the Alps [1] v. Shade and Label the Plateau of Tibet [1] vi. Shade and Label the Plateau of Iran [1] vii. Shade and label the Mongolian Plateau [1] viii. Mark and label the River Mississippi [1] ix. Mark and label the River Amazon [1] x. Mark and label the River Tigris [1] Page 1 of 8 Question 2: Choose the correct option: i. Choose the correct order of the layers of the earth starting from the surface. a. outer core, inner core, crust, mantle b. crust, outer core, inner core, mantle c. mantle, outer core, inner core, crust d. crust, mantle, outer core, inner core [1] ii. Which of the following statement does not relate to mantle. a. the thickest layer b. the centre of the earth c. the layer consisting of mainly hot molten rock d. the layer located under the crust [1] iii. As you get closer to the centre of the earth, the density .................... and temperature ............ a. decreases, increases b. increases, increases c. decreases, decreases d. stays the same, increases [1] iv. Highland mostly made of rocks with steep, pointed peaks. a. hill b. mountain c. valley d. canyon [1] v. Which of these features is created due to the collision of two or more of earth s tectonic plates: a. dome b. fold c. volcano d. fault [1] vi. A flat area of land a. Ocean b. Island c. Peninsula d. Plain [1] vii. These plateaus are surrounded completely or partially by mountains: a. Continental b. Volcanic c. Piedmont d. Intermontane [1] Page 2 of 8 viii. What do you mean by the word igneous ? a. Volcano b. Fire c. Earthquake d. Lava [1] ix. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Minerals: a. inorganic b. naturally occurring c. with a definite chemical composition d. all of the above [1] x. Radha creates a model using three different rocks. The rocks are classified as igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary. Which property does Radha use for classification purposes? a. colour b. formation c. shape d. texture [1] xi. Which of the following is an appropriate geographical reason that people choose to live near a volcano? a. They are thrill seekers b. Their houses cost less c. The soil is more fertile d. There are more jobs [1] xii. Which of the following options is a sign that a volcano may erupt soon? a. Earthquake activity in the area b. Changes in the shape of the volcano c. Different amounts of gas being produced d. All of these are signs [1] xiii. Why do volcanoes erupt? I. Because of moving tectonic plates II. Because of earthquakes, if they are poised to erupt. III. Because of the movement of magma [1] a. b. c. d. I II I and II I, II and III Page 3 of 8 xiv. What do we call the energy produced by an earthquake? a. transform waves b. gap waves c. volcanic waves d. seismic waves [1] xv. What is a tsunami and how does it form? a. A series of extremely long waves caused by a large and sudden displacement of the ocean b. A series of short waves caused by a volcano. c. A series of extremely long waves caused by an explosion. d. Normal waves caused by the moon. [1] xvi. In the phrase, "The Richter scale measures the potency and duration of seismic events," what does "potency" mean? a. Speed b. Strength c. Type d. Time [1] xvii. Which of the following rock characteristics favour block disintegration? a. Joints b. Uniform grainsizes c. Texture of the particles d. High amount of feldspar [1] xviii. The main source of physical weathering in arid region is a. High Diurnal Range of Temperature b. High Diurnal Range of Humidity c. High Diurnal Range of Precipitation d. High Diurnal Range of Atmospheric Pressure [1] xix. Which of the following is not a process of denudation? a. Weathering b. Folding c. Mass movement d. Erosion [1] xx. An appropriate geographical term for large scale movement of loose material: a. Mass Moving b. Mass Weighing c. Mass Wasting d. Mass Movement [1] Page 4 of 8 PART II (50 marks) (Attempt any five questions from this part) Question 3 a. Give two points of difference between Sial and Sima. b. i. ii. In spite of the high temperature, the earth is in a solid form in the centre. Give a reason to justify the statement. Name the centremost layer of the earth. [2] [2] c. Mention three evidences through which we come to know about the interior of the earth. [3] d. Describe any three characteristics of the core. [3] Question 4 a. The given figure is of different landforms of the earth. Label A, B, C, D. [2] b. Plateaus are also called tablelands Give a reason to support the statement and give one example of a plateau. [2] c. How are plateaus economically important? Give three points to support your answer. [3] d. Explain the formation of fold mountains. Name one-fold mountain and specify its location. [3] Question 5 a. What is an Intermontane plateau ? How is it formed? [2] b. Describe any two categories of depositional plains. [2] c. Plains are considered the most important of all landforms . Give three reasons to justify the statement. [3] d. How are Block mountains and Rift valleys formed? Give an example of a Block mountains and a Rift valley. [3] Question 6 a. Why are fossils present in sedimentary rocks? Describe its formation in 2 points. Page 5 of 8 [2] b. Why are metamorphic rocks considered good as a building material? Give an example of a metamorphic rock which is used as building material. [2] c. Give three points of difference between rocks and minerals. [3] d. In the context of Igneous rocks, discuss the following: i. formation ii. characteristics [1] [2] Question 7 a. Give two ways in which rocks are useful to human beings. [2] b. Which rock is known as primary rock ? Give a reason for it being called so. [2] c. Identify the processes A, B, C and D in the given diagram and briefly describe the rock cycle. [2+1] d. How are sedimentary rocks formed? Mention two uses of sedimentary rocks. [3] Question 8 a. Mention two ways in which a volcano is beneficial to human beings? b. Why is the Circum-Pacific Belt also known as the Ring of Fire ? How much percentage of world s active and dormant volcanoes does this belt consist of? [2] [2] c. Explain the classification of volcanoes based on the frequency of [3] Page 6 of 8 eruption. Add an example for each type. d. Describe how volcanoes are distributed over the earth surface. Question 9 a. Write one constructive and one destructive effect of earthquake. [3] [2] b. Differentiate between focus and epicentre. [2] c. Distribution of Earthquakes coincides with the distribution of volcanoes. Give reasons to justify the statement. [3] d. State three points of difference between Richter & Mercalli s scale. [3] Question 10 a. How do exogenic forces change or modify landforms? [2] b. Give two points of difference between Physical and Chemical Weathering. [2] c. What is a meander? Briefly explain the process of meandering. [3] d. Write three constructive effects of weathering. [3] Question 11 a. Differentiate between weathering and erosion. [2] b. Give reasons for the following: i. Exfoliation is also known as onion peeling . ii. Climate is one of the important factors of weathering. [2] c. Biological weathering is also known as organic weathering. Justify giving three valid points. [3] d. What are dunes? Briefly discuss the important types of dunes. [3] Page 7 of 8 Page 8 of 8 Name: (This map must be fastened with all other answers) Question No. 1

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