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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (Lodha World School (LWS), Thane)

9 pages, 47 questions, 17 questions with responses, 18 total responses,    2    0
Sara Sheth
Lodha World School (LWS), Thane
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. 7 .. " "' , . LWST-X/PBII-25/JAN /HTST.&CIV. I Page I of 9 HISTORY & CIVICS H.C.Gl Paper-1 (TwoJHours) Pre-Board-II E:iamination 2024-25 Class: X Max Marks: 80 The time given at the head ofthis Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Answer to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. Attempt all questions from Part I (compulsory) A total o.ffive questions are to be attempted from Part JI, two out of three questions from Section- A and . three out offive questions from Section B. The intended marks for the questions or parts ofquestions, are given in brackets. Part- I Attempt all questions from this Part. Question 1 l16] Choose the correct option: (i) Which of the following is the power of the Union Parliam~nt? P: Control over the Executive ' 1 Q: Amend the Constitution R: Dismiss the Vice- President S: Pass a Vote of Thanks a. P and Q b. Rand S c. P and S d. Q and R (ii) l Read the description and identifyI the person: He appoints the Prime Minister of Ipdia and has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha. ,. ' ) I a. , b. c. d. The Chief Justice of India The President of India The Vice-President of India The Speaker of the Lok Sabha I (iii) ,, A'.ssertioq (A): .Every judge of the High Court shall hold the office until he attains the age of 62 years. Reason (R): The judges of the High Court cannot be removed from office on the grounds of proven misbehaviour or incapacity. I - a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A. b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A. C. A is true but R is false d. R is true but A is false ..., This paper consists of 8 printed page~ and 1 blank side LWST-X/PBII-25/JAN /HIST.&CIV. / Page 2;of 9 ' In Jun 2024 the INDIA al/lance attempteh to bring up __ __ _ in Parlia~ent r;garding alleged irregularitieiin the NEET-UG 2024 exam, focusing on a reported paper leak. I (iv) This move aimed to temporarily halt scheduled discussions on the President's address and pr~oritize the f!EET issue along with other public examination controversies. Source: Which motion is being ref~tted to he~e? a. b. c. d. No Confidence Motion Censure Motion Cut Motion Adjournment Motion l I ) ., J' I I ' Chhattisgarh HF C?,~e~s State To Pay ~3 Lakh Comp ensation To Mother-Daug~t~~~~~~ For '1,llegal' Arrest, 30-Hour Detention 1." ;, (v) The above news article empha,sizes the 'illegal detention' of Mothe r-Daughter Duo. This can be 'associated with which o~_the following writs? ' 1h a. Mandamus , ,"1 b. Certiorari ~ c. Prohibition d. Habeas Corpus ~ I / / (vi) On 1th February 2023, The Economic Times reported the follow ing: r-----\... More than 97.64 lakh cases settled in the first National LokAdalat ~ . of2023: NAJ; .S~ I , ' Which advantage of the Lok Adalat i_s highlighted here? ,. a. Works in the spirit of compromise ,,. b. Saves money 1 c. Delivers speedy justice d. Reduces the workload of the Higlier'Courts l This paper consjsts of 8 printed pages and 1 blank side ' .) t LWST-X/PBJI-25/JAN /HJST.&CJV. / Page 3 of 9 (vii) Read the tw d I t o staterne t n s given below about the Fonnation of the Muslim League an se ec the option that sh ) . ows the correct re1attonship between (A) and (B (A)NThe Abll-In?ia Muslim League was set on December 30 1906, under the Presidentship of up awa Sahrnullah (B) Thl~ ~uccess of the Muslim deputation to the viceroy motivated the Muslims to start a separate po ittcal organisation. a. b. c. d. (viii) A filmmaker wanted to create a documentary about the Indian National Anny (INA). Which of the following is the most accurate way to end the film? a. b. c. d. (ix) (B) contradicts (A) (A) ~nd (B) are independent of each other (B) ts the reason for (A) (A) is the cause for (B) Surrender of Japan in 1945 and INA soldiers returning to India. The launch of the Quit India Movement. Surat Split The birth of the League ofNations Non-Cooperation Movement: 1920 :: Civil Disobedience Movement: _ _ _ _ __ a. 1942. b. 1930 C. 1916 d. 1945 (x) Rahul is a follower of Subhas Chandra Bose and his ideology. The peasants in his town face the burden of heavy taxes imposed by the British government under the Land Revenue System. What action is Rahul MOST likely to support, according to the ' objectives of the Forward Bloc? a. Submit a petition to the British Parliament for tax reduction. b. Write a letter requesting the British authorities to reconsider the taxation imposed. c. Protest through the press and other media. d. Encourage locals to abolish the Zamindari system. ,...c:~ .a.a.-oac.. ,,,. 0" J .,.,o ,,...,-,. ,-.~a,ac.T, DtJT IT:f. 0.&TT - TNJt,.H NOTNIMCI I , ::,,J___ (xi) Wilson talking to "Uncle Sam" while the Woodrow President depicts The above political caricature organisation which failed to maintain the ng representi "Senate" looks into the mouth of a donkey, ? represents animal the peace. Which organisation do you think a. League of Nations b. United Nations c. Allied Powers d. Central Powers This paper consists of 8 printed pages and I blank side _______ _, I, I t .... , Jl ' . I 1 ,I J l!. LWST-X/PBII-25/JAN /HlST.&C IV. / Page 4 or~ (xii) Of~ - The British cartoon from 1943 sho ws Hit Churchill and Stalin deciding the fate ler looking into the future and seeing Roosevelt, of the post-war world. With reference to the above, which of the following statements is CORR ECT? a. Hitler's invasion of Japan led to the Second World War. b. Dictatorship and World War II eventually came to an end in 1945. c. Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin favoured the fonnation of democr atic countries. d. The aftennath of the First World War was more disastrous than the Second World War. (xiii) To which wing of the Congre ss did the leaders shown in the ima ge below belong? a. b. c. d. Assertive Moderate Radicals Extremists \ (xiv) Jyotiba Phule: Satyashodhak Samaj :: Raja Ram Mohan Roy: _ _ _ __ a. Pra1thana Samaj ' b. Brahmo Samaj c. Dayanand Anglo-Vedic Samaj d. Arya Samaj (xv) Veto power is enjoyed by the _ _ _ __ a. Members of the Security Cou ncil b. Members of the General Assemb ly c. Permanent members of the Sec urity Council d. Members of the Court of Justice This paper consists of 8 printed pag es and 1 blank side T &CTV / Page 5 of9 LWST-X/PBII-25/JAN /HIS (~vi) Match the followin ,-- Column A Dada Bhai Naoroji - I. II. i . e: alternativ correct the choose d a B Column with A Column g n Gopal Krishna Gokhale Bipin Chandra Pal Lala Lajpat Rai III. IV. A. B. C. D. CoJumnB . I d. Punjab Kesari The Father of Revolutionary Thought m n ta The Grand Old Man of 1ndia The Political Guru of Gandhi a. 1-B, II-A, III-C, IV-D b. I-B, II-A, 111-D, IV-C c. l-C, ll-D, Ill-A, IV-B d. l-C, 11-D, 111-B, IV-A Question 2 (i) (ii) th The image ~el~w shows the Vice-President of India. Mention in what capacity he acts wi respect th e become to to_ tbe fun~tiomng ofRajya Sabha and state the age eligibility criteria for a person [2] V1ce-Pres1dent of India. ,- ( It was June 27, 1975, midafternoon.'Hours before, the government of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had stunned the world by imposing an open-ended period of authoritarian rule called the "Emergency." Source: NPR Newslet ter, MARCH 12, 2023 Name the emergency referred to in the above news article. What privileges of the citizens are suspended during such an emergency? , (iii) Study the image and answer the answer the question given below . ' '>: ~ , . , . ...- ., r: ~:.'; "''(' ' . The above British lawyer introduced a controversial bill allowing the Indian judges to preside over cases involving European convicts. Name the bill. Who repealed the bill? This paper consists of 8 printed pages and 1 blank side [2] [2] l LWST-X/PBII-25/JAN /HIST.&CIV. / Pa (iv) . . d answer the questions that follow: Read the description an bl' h' He led the March on Rome in 1922, esta is mg a totahtanan regime m Italy, and became the face of Fasci~tn. . . . th b ve descnption? 1. Who is referred tom ea O 1, . t rt w ho established a similar regime in Germany 2. Name 1us coun erpa , (v) The image below depicts the signin~ :~fan im~ortant p~ct in 1~ 16. Name the pact. Mention the two political parties th at Slgned this pact signifying unity. (vi) Mention t~~ full forms ~f: 1\UNESCO 2) ~ICEF ' ' ,~II \ I ' { [2] I~ '~ (vii) Identify the Queen shown'inft~e i~~ge below!'. Nrune the proclamation made by her in 1858. I [2] . ' ,( [2] ' \ ' ,, I I\ '1 r l I\ 1 ' I Question 3 ./. ( ,I\ Part- II Section A \~ (Attempt any two questions from this section.) ''\. !~i''ill The Vista Parli~ment project in India aims i9 mddemize and expand the Parliament complex, enhancing facilitie s and infrastructure while preserv\ng its historic architecture. It supports growing legislative and administrative needs. With reference to l.Jn.ion,Parliament answer the following questions: ' I ~ (i) Define Union Parliament. Why,is ~,~e U*ion Parliament known as the Bicameral Legislature? (ii) Explain in brief the following ~w;-li~entary procedures: (a) Session (b) Quorum (c) Question'ijour 1 (iii) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha looks i~er the business of the House. Justify. This paper cons1$ts of Sprinted pages and 1 blank side 1 [3] [3] [4] ~ Question 4 . . 'fbe Council of M . t' in the Indian pohty. . misters headed by the prime h ion mstttu powerful a is Minister Wit reference to the ab ove answer the following: (D :~:eh;~ndHondwhose advi~e are the members of the Cabinet appointed? What is the tenure of the [3] e ea of the Cabmet? .. [3] financial powers ofth C b' the Explain (11) . e a met. (i ") the Council of 11 ~~o_heads the Co~ncil of Ministers? Mention any three differences between [4] Cabinet. the and misters Question 5 With reference to the Apex Court in the Indian Judiciary system, answer the following: (~? Menti~n any three cases that come under the Original Jurisdiction. (n) Explam 'Judicial Review., (iii) What is a Writ? Mention any three writs that can be issued by the Apex Court. f3] [3] [4] Section B (Attempt any three questio"ns from this section.) Question 6 Observe the image and answer the followin ! \I 1 1 ~ (i) Identify the leader. Why did he attack Poland? to this statement mention when reference with nations,' many (ii) 'The attack on Poland impacted was Pearl Harbour attacked and how did USA react tq the attack. (iii) With reference to the effects of the Second World War, explain: ~ a)The tenn 'Cold War' b) Fonnation of United Nation [3] [3] [4] This paper consists of 8 printedj,ages an~ I blank side f J t,h' " " ' ' 11 LWST-X/PBII-25/JAN /HJST.&CIV. I Pa Question 7 ~ The above image indicates one of the imp . ortant national movements launched by Mahatma Gandhi durin~ the mass phase of nationalism. With refe rence to this, answer the following que stions: (i) When and where was this moveme nt launched? What was its m~ntra that insp ired the common masses? (ii) How did the Japanese threat lead [3] to this movement? [3] (iii) State any four impacts of this mov ement. [4] Question 8 ' With reference to the Second phase of the Indian Nat~pnal Movement, answer the following questions PARTITlqN:OF BJ; N~~(.1 ~ 190 5 ~-: :\." . ~---~~~ -. ,, .~:~~- ~ ~?:~ {~!J,; ... ~\ :t.: - :..,i ~"- .'. ' ~I . \' ( ~ -:.... t} ..,._ ,~. t- : "rf al' _9,' ;,.~t< ' \I ' "' ~~ . - ' : :, . ..:,.. ; ,-_, .,~ ,., ~ ' \ I . '0 _.; . ~= \ ~ :' '"~. ~,-:~. (i) Identify the Governor-General sh9wn in the image above. What was the reason given by the British government behind the Partitio~ offenga l? What was the nationalists' perspective of this Partition? [3) (ii) What methods of protest were adopted by the Assertive Nationalists in the free dom struggle? (iii) Name the Assertive Nationalist [3] leader who organized akharas and lath i club s. Dis cuss his contribution to the freedom struggle. [4] Question 9 The growth of nationalism in India was fueled ~y various factors, including the role of the press, repressive colonial .policies, and the birth of IN,~. The rise of leaders like Raja Rammohan Roy also played a crucial role in this moveme nt, With r \ ;_rrence to this, answer the followin~ questions: 1 (i) What were the major contributio ns ofRaj~ ~ammohan Roy itrthe so~ io-religious reform movements? Mention any thre [3] e pf them. (ii) Explain how the role of the press contributed to the rise of nationalism in India. (iii) (a) When and where was th~ Firs (31 t S~ssion of Indian National Congres s held ? (b) Mention any two immediate objectiv es of the Indian National Congress. (41 7 This paper consists of 8 printed pages and 1 blank side , &CTV / Page 9 of 9 LWST-X/PBII-25/JAN /HIST [3] (i) (a) Identify the person alities in images 'A' and 'B.' (b) .Pe~onality 'A' adopted a policy concerning the adopted heirship. Name the policy and explain 1t briefly. (ii) state the apprehensions created in the minds of the Indians about the introduction of modem [3] innovations. (iii) As an Indian soldier in the late 19th century, enumerate the consequen_ces of the revolt with respect 4 to the changes in the Indian Army in 1858 that would impact you. [] . I ********************** ~ This paper consists of 8 printed pages and I blank side

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