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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai)

5 pages, 47 questions, 11 questions with responses, 11 total responses,    2    0
Taronish Mullan
Villa Theresa High School (VTS), Mumbai
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Grade: 10 Date: 3.1. 2025 ~ma tltbenia -t1b 6cbool Preliminary Exam - January 2025 Subject: History and Civics Time: 2 hrs. Marks: 80 Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). A total offive questions are to be attemptedfrom Part JI, two out ofthree questions from Section A and three out offive questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts ofquestions are given in brackets [ }. PARTI Attempt all questions from this Part. Question I Choose the correct option (i) The Question Hour is an important part of the parliamentary proceedings. Which of the following statements correctly describes it? (a) It is the time when members can introduce bills and motions for discussion (b) It is the first hour when members can ask questions and hold the government accountable (c) It is a session exclusively for passing budget-related matters and financial discussions. (d) It is the time reserved for private members to debate non-government bills (ii) Given below are details of a few Indian citizens ,I I I I I' 1 ~ I ~ ;] i Candidate Age Other details E 31 Famous scientist F 29 Qualified for election as member of the Lok Sabha G 34 Renowned Musician Qualified for election aa member of the Counci1 of States H 45 Select the person who fulfills the eligibility criteria to become the-Vice President (a) F (b)G (c) E (d)H (iii) The President sought the Supreme Court's opinion under Article 143 on whether the Special Courts bill 1978 violated the Constitution, particularly the fundamental rights of equality and fair trial. Which power had the President exercised in this matter? (a) Advisory (b) Revisory (c) Appellate (d) Original (iv) Which of the following is/are true about the PM? P) Chainnan of the Niti Aayog Q) Appoints ministers and dismisses them R) Principal advisor of the President S) Interprets the working of various departments (a)P and Q (b) Q andR (c) P and R (d) Rand S [16) - i~ -2(v) Replace the underlined words with the correct option A communist leader, was detained under the Preventive ~tention Act without trial. He filed a Ouo Warranto petition. (a) Writ of Prohibition (b) Writ of Certiorari (c) Mandamus (d) Habeas Corpus vi) Complete the giv:en analogy : INA: To organize an armed revolution:: Forward Bloc: ----(a) Total mobilization of Indian manpower and money (b) To organise a provisional government (c) To train and organized public opinion in the country (d) Abolition of zamindari system vii) Read the two statements given below about the introduction of modern innovations and select the option that shows the correct relationship between (A) and (B) (A) The British introduced modern innovations like railways and telegraph in India in the mid 19th century (B) The sole purpose was to hurt religious sentiments and to hang Indians on telegraph lines. (a) (B) contradicts (A) {b) (B) is the reason for (A) (c) (A) is true but (B) is false (d) (A) and (B) are independent of each other (viii) What were Sir Sayyid Ahmed Khan's initial views on Hindu-Muslim unity? t'?l;J~\;jf~ .r:,,,.}::;;::nd !;~'. :;~ .i~;~ i:::/ I I -~},; ~~ ~l ~ :~ ,~j :;,?~ .,, :~ ,,:: ..,, . / . j J ' ~; -~. (a) He regarded Hindus and Muslims as distinct cultural and religious entities (b) He considered Hindus and Muslims to be part of one unified Quam, sharing mutual interests. (c) He believed that while Hindus and Muslims shared a land, their political and religious aspirations were different. (d) He viewed Hindus and Muslims as two distinct Quams , each with its own political path. ix) Which of the following best describes the relationship between the statements (A) and (B)? A. Gandhiji began the Civil Disobedience Movement by breaki~g the Salt Laws. B. Gandhiji attended the Second Round Table Conference as the sole representative of the Congress. (a) (A) and (B) are independent of each other. (b) (A) is the reason for (B) (c) (B) is the correct explanation for (A) (d) (B) contradicts (A) (x) Which of the following was a milestone achieved during the Quit India Movement? (a) It promoted social reforms (b) It fostered Hindu Muslim unity (c) Prabhat pheris became popular (d) It strengthened the Congress Socialist Party. i~}' ?t ' .. ~:~!X~~ .. .,,.;;1,1!, ' ,,; i (xi) Which of the following statements about the Constituent Assembly is NOT true? (a) would function as a sovereign body. (b) would be chosen by the British Governor General (c) would serve as the Central Legislature. (d) would have full authority to frame laws. /- lb )? WVC,wit o rt tt& -3- history wiJI look upon the Act depriving "Among th~ many misdeeds of British rule in India, a whole nation of arms as the blackest.,, hiji's ? Which scenario reflects the above statement of Gand ts. (a) Raghunath couldn't protect his viJiage from bandi cloth. on taxes h (b) Asha lost her job due to Britis (c) Mohan was arrested for joining the Salt March. (d) Sita was banned from teaching Indian history. (xiii) Arrange in chronological order i) Division of Europe into two hostile groups ii)Fonnation of the League of Nations iii) Treaty of Versailles iv) Sarajevo crisis (a) iv, iii, ii, i (b) ii, iii, i, iv (C) i, iv, ii, iii (d) i, iv, iii, ii on Germany in 1939? (xiv) Which two countries were the first to declare war (a) Italy and Greece (b) Britain and France (c) Norway and Denmark (d) The United States and USSR the ideologies (xv) Which of the following is a similarity between (a) Faith in democratic political systems. (b) Promotion of multi-party democracy. (c) Belief in aggressive nationalism and imperialism. (d) Emphasis on protecting individual freedoms. of Fascism and Nazism? ging many homes and schools. Many children (xvi) A severe cyclone has hit your coastal town, dama n could you approach to help rebuild are left without access to education. Which organizatio schools and provide education to affected children? (a) World Health Organization Organization (b) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (c) United Nations Children's Fund (d) Your school ( 14) I ll Question 2 both the houses of Parliament assembled together. (a) Mention the occasions when the President addresses (b) Give 2 exclusive powers of the Rajya Sabha. ation of Awadh? What pretext did he use? (c) Which Governor Genera) was responsible for the annex an end? (d) How did the Peshwa and Mughal dynasty come to and answer the question that follows. (e) Read the excerpt from a British newspaper given below , to bindfor the.first time in history, the What does the Viceroy propose doing: It is, in a few words ofIndia to submit to be tried on criminal European British subjects ofHer Majesty in the interior to the convenanted Civil Service and get the charges by a native ofthe country, provided he belong ed have hitherto been able to claim a trial by power from Government. Europeans criminally accus claim is to be taken away. one oftheir own country men. The right ofmaking this above excerpt? What was the implication on the Indian Which bill is being proposed by the Viceroy to in the Judicial system? ill:ff Z -4(t) What contribution did Jyotiba Phule make as a social reformer? (g) What was the Soviet German pact about? When was it signed? Question 3 PART II SECTION A (CIVICS) Attempt any two questions from this section Th~ Parliament is a body of people's representatives who have supreme power in a democracy. With reference to the Union Legislature answer the following. (a) Which is the lower house? How are the members elected? I (b) Who presides over the two houses? State one function of each of the presiding !i (c) State any two legislative and two financial powers of the Union Parliament. [3] officers. [3] [4] Question 4 The President is the head of the state and exercises his power on the advice of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers. With reference to this, answer the following questions . (a) Give any three reasons to justify the need for indirect election of the President . (b) State any three powers of the Prime Minister as chairperson of the Cabinet. (c) Explain the position of the Prime Minister inside the Parliament. [3) [3] [4] Question 5 With reference to the judiciary discuss the following : (a) How is the court of the district Judge different from that of the Sessions Judge? (b) Mention any three types of cases that come under original jurisdiction of the High court. (c) How is the independence of the Judiciary ensured in a democratic Federal set up? (3) [3] [4] SECTIONB . Attempt any three questions from this Section Question 6 : The Revolt of 1857 and the 2 Phases of the Indian National Movement were instrume in shaping India's resistance to British rule Answer the following questions in the ntal light of the above statement. (a) How did disrespect to the Mughal dynas~ act as a factor for the Revolt? [3] (b) Explain the reasons for the split in the Congress at Surat. [3] (c) List the contribution of Dadabhai Naoroji and Bipin Chandra Pal to the National Movement [4] /aestl on 7: -5- Assam's Prev f S. . en ive Detention Act 1980 11 . ltndarly, Bihar has th C '. 'a ows for detention without charge or trial for up to two years. h e onserva tton of Fore E h W 1ch enable s detention with . tgn xc ange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act, (a) Wh' . . . out trial. These laws infringe on personal liberties. tch suntlar situation colo 11 11 .. withou t trial? What d'd th' Ama. aw a owed the Bntish government to detain individuals b . 1 1s ct imply? ( ) Which movement did G dh" l [3] -=- t include? an tJt aunch to get the Act annulled? What did the programme movemen of the (c) How did Subhash Chandra B , [3] . . . . , ose s crit1c1sm of Gandhi. calling off the Non Cooperation movement shape his role tn India s fight for independence? [4] iV'!lf t~- Ao: l '. ~1. . 1~1'l- - ... M ; l . ~I ",.-.... . JJ,;,,, ! liMI Plllltten .!.., ' ,"~ '. ' ' f l,t.>,lftJ.N ';, = Question 8 (a) Identify the Act which the picture refers to? List the provisio ns of the Act with regards to Sylhet and NWFP. (b) Identify the personality on the right Why did the Muslim League agree with the settlement? (c) What did Cabinet Mission Plan propose for a Federal Union and the powers of the Union? [3] [3] [4] Question 9 (a) Why were these countries discontented with the Treaty of Versail les? (b) What was the political scenario in the 2 countries that attracte d the people towards the charismatic personalities? (c) Explain the consequence of the Second World War on these two countries. [3] [3] [4] Question 10 ., :.:ii.1" 1 ;...... ,..,: ; ~,-;; ,,,<-; ~i,,~r ?1,.;. ~,l~ifJ.'l~-:1~~ : ., :~l.:ti-1 r, ::,;f;~.- "-1 , ':? , , . lrlf:ff;V'f ll".4 ~e,1i1'.;: , . ' "~~ )rto~tp cnt..,' ~ l~ ~' . 1~ . , M~d ~r. 1 ,J"i\:',T"',,,''!i!1t, 1> ~ 1 , 1'f # d. ~ ,ro.ei'.t ,,. ~au_i t "t,~, Ga% l It t ~,,~,;- ~~ .. ':?-.; , , t ,. ..fl.:~: .... 1/ . m' st~t~s w~hibh pega_n ,on .is Janua ry, 2024/~\ , -~1 ,:)~'~'~'te"'";' ,~;:ns ,;;__J > pls~cleftt'~1. owerl Museu eru officia lly assum ed the .w,,,_i;;,1 ,rr. ~_,,~n, er, I. ,~"1 ~ '. ; , h. :t "' ,!IA~ . e:11.b-itfj,rtfit aha: the #AM for the ~text t ree years. ) , ff~,,:~z,/ ,.,,P,. ~ 'f~,., , , St~ip' 1 ' ~ ; ;;:f' ".cb~mfn, .ffw illeQal Israeli militar y agg~e~~ion 11 h G . t e aza {') _;:;! ,1 , ,., ., ... i a'ffnat> .. 'a!mainst Palestinian civilians, cwtlwn. obJ~cts , th~ forced>: ,' ,) ~1 . t. '!""'q.~ '([ft l an zmmed.iate and_. ,, . , t~,1'a :testir. uan popu a t ton and fiurthe r calls for . UN S .. t 1 r.t"' .. , ,,." ~. 'A';~ ~ fr.JM:"re" It urned fior the implem entatio n of a e,,un M, man .-'r'l!eP.5 r:::1" ~ d , .t; ,., t ~ , llA'U? human itarian aid into the bescege stnp. . . ~on a. a ,,r , . .~ , ~,f ' '(:/ , 'l~ 'i,:t '_1,:,, -~q'\. t . The New Arab, Janua nJ 21, 202 .., ., ~ ; ' J4l!t,,.1t 1J,.i, ., ''- ., J. -~ wi-:,. :.~ 1rl~;J:i_,t_;,_ ,H-.:,>, rJ1fil/f!t)~f ~AM. ~b~~ f, ,. ) With reference to the above excerpt, answer the following : (a) Mention 3 objectives of NAM. (b) What is the composition of the UN SecW"ity Council? (c) List any 4 functions of the UN executive organ. [3] [3] [4]

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