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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (Pawar Public School (PPS), Hadapsar, Pune)

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Chaitanya Sarade
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PUNE PUBLIC SCHOOL, HADAPSAR, PAWAR PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION-I (2024-2025) SUBJECT - HISTORY &CIVICS Std.: X Max. Marks: 80 Duration: 2 h Date: 04/1 2/2024 the answer sheet provided separately. Answers to this Paper must be written on during the first 15 minutes. You will not be allowed to write question paper. This time is to be spent in reading the for writing the answers. allowed time time given at the head of this Paper is the The Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). three questions from from Part ll, two out of Atotal of five questions are to be attempted Section B. Section A and three out offive questions from given in brackets [1]. are questions The intended marks for questions or parts of PART 1 from this Part questions all Attempt Question 1 [16) Choose the correct option: Sabha from the states is i. The number of members elected to the Rajya a. 238 b. 235 c. 236 d. 230 Indian citizens. ii. Given below are the details of a few Person Age (In years) W 65 yrs X 35 yrs 22 yrs 33 yrs Description An industrialist who has been declared bankrupt. Has taken up citizenship of USA Is a reputed sportsperson Is a Scientist become the Prime Minister of India, Select the person who fulfils the criteria to a. W b. X c. Y d. Z than Rs.101 core ii. The settlements of over ,160 cases has brought financial reliefof more to the people who attended the Lok Adalat's. -The Econonic Times Which advantage of the Lok Adalat is highlighted in the above headline? a. saves money b. saves time c. speedy justice d. works on compromise This paper consists of 5 printed pages. t o h e f J a l l w h i c h a m a o s s a c A r r e iv. Which body is authorised to make amendments related to the newspaper article given below? s h t e h e r t b M . t t r f aA . B lo i a h a t m e c L . aL l a a Ditferently abled protest, demand amendnents in rights bill ebrJirh rtt o hen etdtiebet of dhsse OLyed hey a e T r n e sst a. Supreme Court b. High Court c. Parliament d. The President v. Choose the powers which DO NOT apply to the Rajya Sabha. P: Introduction of a Money Bill. Q: Passing of an Ordinary Bill. R: Passing of a No-Confidence Motion. S. Impeachment ofjudges. a. P and Q b. P and R c. Q and S d. All of the above vi. The lower court has passed an order in a criminal case. However, the High Court feels that the correct procedure has not been followed and reviews the case again. Which Jurisdiction is the High Court exercising in the above situation? a. Revisory Jurisdiction b. Original Jurisdiction c. Advisory Jurisdiction d. Appellate Jurisdiction vii. Read the two statements given below about the revolt of 1857, and select the option that shows the correct relationship between (A) and (R). Assertion: (A) The British stopped the pension being given to Nanasaheb. Reason: (R) The Doctrine of Lapse did not recognise the right of adopted heirs. a. Both (AJand (R)are true but independent of each other. b. (A) contradicts (R) c. (A) is true but (R) is False. d. (A)and (R) are true and (R)is the reason for A. viii. The government of country X has decided to reduce the age limit of the candidates taking up the Civil Service Examinations on the same lines as Lord Lytton. By how many years willthe age limit be reduced? a. One year b. Three months C. Six months d. Two years d D . r ArTest of which of the following leaders sparked off an agitation in massacre at a. Ali Bothers Jallianwala Bagh. the b. Mahatma Gandhi c. Lala Lajpat Rai d. Dr Satyapal and X. Amritsar culminating in the Saifuddin Kitchlu the following events in Arrange i. Treaty of Versailles chronological order. Hitler's invasion of Poland iii. Japanese attack on iv. Japanese invasion ofPearl Harbour China ii. a) i, ii, iii , iv. b) i, iv, ii, ii c) i, iii, iv, ii d) xi. The Durga Puja of Kolkata has received the i. iv, iii, i heritage tag. Which of the following agencies of the United Nations isintangible autorised to give this tag? a. UNICEF b. UNESCO c. UNDP d. ILO x. ldentify the odd one out of the objectives of the INA? a. To fight with the British with modern arns. b. To work out a treaty for transfer of power. c. To organise a provincial government of Free India. d. Total mobalisation of man power. on the topic "Practice of Sati xiii. Pavwar Public School has organised an essay writing competition in their essays? in India'". Which social reformer will the students most likelyquote a. Raja Ram Mohan Roy b. Jyotiba Phule c. Dadabhai Naoroji d. Savitribai Phule given by Mahatma Gandhi? xiv. Which of these slogans was Ishallhave it.' and a. 'Swaraj is my birthright b. Do or Die' c. Delhi Chalo real force d 'Self sacrifice is the uosen) the post-World War period, totalitarian dictatorships emerged under different names In Italy ,Germany Russia, and Spain. (B) They sacrificed the individual for the sake of the state. a. Both A and B are tnuc but b. A indepcndent of cach other. B contradicts c. A is truc but B is d. A and B are true False. and A is the reason for B. xvi. Japanese formed a special force called the a. INA. b. C. Kamikaze Indian Independence League. d. Forward Bloc Question 2 Read the given news carefully: ) Parliament session highlights: Totally 13 opposition MPs suspended, SR Parthiban 's suspension revoked. - Hindustan Times Who can suspend the members of the Lok Sabha? Mention one probable circumstance under which he/she can suspend. ii) How is Sessions Court [2] different from the Court of a District Judge? ii) Imagine you were askcd to defend (2| Hitler's attack on Poland in a school debate. Mention two ways in which you will justify the attack. iv) Mention two methods of [2) Assertive Nationalists. v) Mention two objectives of the (2) Muslim League. vi) State two common ideologies of the dictators. vii) What is the composition of the [2) Security Council? (2) PART II SECTION A Attempt anytwo guestions romthis section Question 3 India has opted for a federal system of governance with a strong answer the following questions: unitary bias, In this context a) List three conditions when the Parliament can make laws on b) State any three matters in the state list. powers of the Parliament. (3] c) Give reasons toFinancial justifv that the Lok Sabha is more [3| powerful than the Rajya Sabha. [4| Question 4 TheConstitution provides Council of Ministers to aid and advice the answer the following President. In this context questions: a) State any three Executive powers of the President. b) Mention three ways by [3] c) Distinguish between which theandParliament exercises its control over the Council of Ministers. |3) Individual Collective Responsibility of the Councilof ministers. (4] Question 5. a The Supreme Court is the custodian of the Constitution.In the light of this explain the following: statement, a) Who appoints the judges of the Supreme Court? What is the term of the Supreme Court Judge? b) What is meant by the term 'Writ'? Name any two Writs issued by the c) What is meant by the Courts. following terms with reference to the Supreme Court? i. Advisory Jurisdiction (3| |3] ii. Judicial Review |4] 9 SECTION B Attempt any three questions from this section Question6 Read the excerpt and answer the questions: "To my great regret it has been to obtain agreement either on the Cabinet Mission Plan, or any plan that would preserve impossible the unity of India. But there can be no question of coercing any large areas in which one community has a majority to live against their will a under which another comnmunity has a majority. And the only government in alternative to coercion is partition." -IndiaToday web desk -18th July,2017 a) Mention any three clauses of the Cabinet Mission plan. b)State any three terms of the Mountbatten [31 Plan. c) The Congress was compclled to accept the |3) Mountbatten plan. Mention any four wavs that in which the Congress justified its acceptance. |4| Question 7 The second half of the 19" century witnessed a growth of nationalism in India. With reference to the above, answer the follow ing questions: a)State any three repressive colonial policies of Lord Lytton. [3| b) State three ways in which the press played an important role in developing c) Nationalism amongst Indians. 31 (4| Mention the contributions of Gopal Krishna Gokhale. Question 8 With reference to the Gandhian era, answer thefollow ing questions: a) Why did the Simon Commission come to India? State two reasons why it faced opposition by the Indians. b) Mention any two programmes of the Civil suspended? c) Mention any two impacts of both the Movement. Question 9 Look at the picture given below and AEPARATI0Q00do N $55000. Disobedience Movement. Why was this movement 1w Non-cooperation as well as the Civil Disobedience nt 3| 3 answer the following questions: a) How many dollars did Germany have to pay as a reparation cost? Mention two ways by which the German military was affected. b) What was the immediate cause of the war which led to the signing of the treaty depicted above. Who organised the assassination? What was the objective? c) Besides what is depicted in the image, state and other events that led to a turming point in History explain two after WWL. (3] 31 14] Question 10 The United Nations is a peace keeping With reference to theOrganisation organisation. above a) State the composition of the statenment, answer the follow ing questions: International Court of Justice. b) State any three objectives of the United c) What is thefull fonmof Nations Organisation. WHO? Mention any three functions of this agency. (3] [3)

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