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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : History and Civics (K. E. Carmel School, Amtala) with Answer Key

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Answer Key Class: X K.E. CARMEL SCHOOL, AMTALA Selection Examination, 2024-25 Subject:History and Civics PART I (30 Marks) (Attempt all questions from this Part.) Question 1 [16] Select the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, write the correct answer only). i) Who among the following would NOT take part in the election of the President of India? a) Ratan Singh Jhajjar, a member of the Rajya Sabha elected from the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly. b) Arup Singh, a member of the Lok Sabha, elected from Ratannagar constituency. c) Dilip Mehta, renowned journalist, nominated to the Rajya Sabha d) Raja Ray, a member of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly, elected from South Kolkata. ii) The Supreme Court declares that the sharing of the coal mines has to be legislated in accordance with the land area in square hectares of the states of Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal, from lowest to highest : This falls within which type of jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? a) Advisory b) Revisory c) Original d) Appellate iii) Who among the following takes over administration of a state on the breakdown of the Constitutional machinery in the state under Article 356 of the Indian Constitution? a) Prime Minister of India b) Chief Minister of State c) Vice President of India d) President of India iv) The Prime Minister assigns ministries or portfolios to ministers. He has the power to reshuffle his Council of Ministers at any time. However, the Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to _________. a) The Voters of country b) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha c) The Opposition Party d) The Lok Sabha v) It provides a remedy for a person who has been unlawfully held in prison or in police custody. This fall under which writ? a) Mandamus b) Prohibition c) Habeas Corpus d) Certiorari vi) Which among of the following is NOT a correct statement about Jurisdiction of the High Court? a) A High Court has an Original and Appellate Jurisdiction both b) A High Court may issue Writs for enforcement of Fundamental Rights c) A High Court is a Court of Record d) The High Court settles disputes between two or more States (2) vii) Statement 1: The age limit of the Indian Civil Services Examination was raised from 19 to 21, making it difficult for the Indians to compete. Statement 2: The Indian Association many had middle class professionals such as lawyers as its members. a) Both statement 1 and 2 are correct b) Both Statement 1 and 2 are false c) Statement 1 is correct, Statement 2 is false d) Statement 1 is false, Statement 2 is correct viii) The cause of the Second world War to be found in __________ a) Defeat of Germany b) Division of the world c) Berlin Blockade d) Treaty of Versailles ix) Which of the following countries does not enjoy the veto power? a) France b) Germany c) Russia d) Britain x)Who denounced the clause of partition mentioned in the Mountbatten Plan? a) The Muslim League b) The Nationalists c)The Indian National Congress d) The British Parliament xi) a) The Growing fear of communism b) Economic crisis c) Anti-Jewish propaganda d)The Treaty of Versailles xii) Assertion (A): Poland was accused of committing atrocities against Germans living there. On 1st September, 1939 German troops stormed into Poland. Reason (R): On 3rd September Britain and France declared war on Germany. Thus, World War II began. a) R contradicts A b) R is the reason for A c) A is true but R is false d) A and R are independent of each other xiii) Pick the ODD one out a) Germany was not allowed air force and submarines after the first World War b) Germany was to demilitarize the Rhine valley after the first World War c) She had not to pay fine after the first World War d) Germany was to limit its Army after the first World War (3) xiv) Who appoints the Secretary General of the UNO? a) Security Council b) General Assembly on the recommendation of Security Council c) USA d) Permanent Members of the Security Council xv) Identify the functions of UNICEF P: To maintain meetings of international scientist Q: To help in establishing scientific and technological institutions R: To make efforts to prevent diseases like TB, malaria that the children grow healthy S: Provides assistance for long term programmes for children and mothers in case of calamities and epidemics a) P and Q b) Q and R c) R and S d) P and S xvi) Hitler attacked Poland because he wanted to _________ a) Seize the Coal Mines b) Militaries the Rhine Valley c) Regain the Dazing Port d) Control the Trade Question 2 i) As the head of the Indian Union, the President can appoint and remove the High Dignitaries of the Indian State. With reference to the above statement, name any two High Dignitaries he can appoint and remove. [2] Answer: Attorney-General of India/Comptroller and Auditor General of India/ judges of Supreme Court/ Judges of High Court/ governors/ Ambassadors/ members of Finance Commission/ Union Public Service Commission/ Chief Election Commissioner/ other members of Election Commission (any two) ii) Mention any two ground on which the President of India can be removed from office [2] Ans) Violation of Constitution/ proven incapable iii) Write about adjournment motion with an example. [2] Ans) An adjournment motion proposes that the House should lay aside all other business and take up the consideration of a matter of urgent public importance. Ex-Killing of a senior IPS officer iv) Mrs. Anita is a 55-year-old housewife, who had not been able to complete her graduation in her youth. If she wants to pursue her higher education now, which agency of the United Nations will she approach? Where are the headquarters of this agency? [2] Answer: UNESCO; Paris v) The political map of the world particularly that of Europe, was transformed after the Peace Treaties in 1919 and 1920. Which two major countries gained complete Independence as a result of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?[2] Ans) Poland and Belgium vi) Why did Britain and France follow a policy of Appeasement? [2] Ans) Treaty of Versailles had been too severe to the defeated powers/if genuine grievances of Germany were removed, she would be satisfied and would do nothing to disturb the peace of world vii) Name the two powers which became superpowers soon after the Second World War. [2] Ans) USA USSR (4) PART II SECTION A (20 Marks) (Attempt any two questions from this Section.) Question 3 The Lok Sabha, also known as the Lower House of the Indian Parliament, is the main centre for deliberations and discussions on the various policies of the government. With reference to this statement, answer the following questions: i) Mention any three functions of the Presiding Officer of the Lok Sabha. [3] Answer: presides over meetings of the House/ decides admissibility of questions and all resolutions/ signs all bills/ his decision is final regarding money bill/casting vote/ preserves order in the House/ can suspend a member/ can adjourn the house/any other relevant point. (any three) ii) What is the term of the house? [3] Ans) 5 yrs/when a proclamation of Emergency is in operation, the life of the House may be extended by a law of the Parliament for 1yr only/President can dissolved the Lok Sabha iii) Why is the Lok Sabha considered more powerful than Rajya Sabha? [4] Ans) A Money Bill can be introduced in the Lok Sabha/Money Bill after transmitted to the Rajya Sabha for its recommendations. The Rajya Sabha must return the Money Bill to Lok Sabha within a period of 14 days/ The Lok Sabha may reject or accept all or any of the recommendations of the Rajya Sabha/The Lok Sabha only has the power to vote on the Demands for Grants. Question 4 Study the picture given below and answer the following questions: i)The above picture represents the real head of the Indian Union and the nominal head of the Indian Union. Identify who the real head is and who the nominal head is. Explain the method of election of the nominal head of the country. [3] Answer: Real head: Prime Minister/ Narendra Modi; Nominal head: President/ Draupadi Murmu; Real Head election: elected by all citizens of India above 18 years of age during the General election to the Lok Sabha; Nominal Head election: elected by an electoral college consisting of the elected members of both Houses of Parliament and the elected members of the State Legislative Assemblies ii) Mention any three discretionary powers of the President of India. [3] Answer: may withhold assent to any bills or send it back for reconsideration/ no time limit within which President has to assent or refuse a bill/ in a situation where no party wins majority support in Lok Sabha, President shall have freedom to appoint Prime Minister/ explore the possibility of forming alternative governments at the centre (any three) iii) Mention the three types of Emergencies that can be declared by the President of India. Explain the circumstances of any one such emergency. [4] Three types of emergencies: National Emergency/ Breakdown (or failure) of Constitutional Machinery in a state/ Financial Emergency (all three must be mentioned) (5) Circumstances: National Emergency: war or external aggression or armed rebellion/ Breakdown of Constitutional Machinery in a state: if the President on receipt of a report from the Governor of the state or otherwise is satisfied that the governance of the state cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution/ Financial Emergency: where the financial stability or credit of India is threatened. Question 5 The Indian Constitution provides for a single, integrated judicial system with the Supreme Court at the apex, the High Court at the state level and the Subordinate Courts at the district level. With reference to the given statement, answer the following questions: i) How do the High Courts hold the legislative and executive organs in check? [3] Ans) Examining the constitutionality of legislative and executive actions/Maintaining the balance of power/ Protecting the rights of individuals ii) Why is the Supreme Court known as the Guardian and Final Interpreter of the Constitution? [3] Ans) Protects citizens rights/interprets the Constitution/Highest judicial court iii) Mention any four reasons why the system of Lok Adalat became so popular. [4] Ans) The Lok Adalats work in the sprit ofr compromise/Deliver speedy and inexpensive Justice/awards Passed by Lok Adalat are final/Reduce the workload of subordinate courts. SECTION B (30 Marks) (Attempt any three questions from this Section.) Question 6 The period from 1885 to 1905 is called the period of the Early Nationalists. In this context, answer the following questions: i) Mention any three methods of struggle of Early Nationalists. [3] Ans) Petitions/Appeals/Resolutions/Meetings and Memorandum ii) Who is known as the Grand Old Man of India ? Write any two contributions of that leader to the freedom struggle. [3] Ans) Dadabhai Naoroji Professor of Mathematics/India s Unofficial Ambassador in England/Founded the Indian Association/Thrice presided over the Sessions of Congress iii) Name any two Early Nationalist leader. He was best known as the political guru of Gandhi - mention any two contributions of that leader. [4] Ans) Dadabhai Naoroji/Surendranath Banerjee/Gopal Krishna Gokhale Professor at Fergusson College/Foremost among the Congress Leader/Established the servants of India Society Question 7 i) Gandhi wanted peace, but with honour. The Government also peace, but without trouble. Under such circumstances a famous pact was signed on 5th March. Name the pact referred to in this statement. Mention any two terms of this pact. [3] Ans) Gandhi-Irwin Pact. To release all political prisoners except those guilty of violence/to give back to the Congressmen their confiscated properties/to permit peaceful picketing of liquors and foreign cloth shops ii) Dyer acquired international notoriety for his work. Indians asked for punishment of General Dyer and guilty offences. Dyer was removed from his post, but he was rewarded with money contributed from Englishmen. With reference to the above context explain the incident with which General Dyer was related. [3] Ans) Amritsar had observed a hartal on 6th April and complete peace was maintained. On 10th April two prominent leaders, Dr.Satpal and Dr. Kitchlew, were unnecessarily deported from Amritsar. On 11th April General Dyer arrived and took command of the city. On 13th April 1919 a public meeting took place at Jallianwala Bagh. General Dyer without any warning opened fire upon the peaceful crowd and continued firing on them until all his ammunition was exhausted.100 people were killed and about 200 wounded. iii) Write any four circumstances leading to the Civil Disobedience Movement. Ans) Reaction Against the Simmon Commission/ Death of Lala Lajpat Rai/ Lahore Session/Declaration of Purna Swaraj [4] (6) Question 8 The aim of the Treaty is to compel Germany, in so far as it is in her power, to restore, to repair and to redress. Yes, and to take every possible precaution of every kind that is in our power against the recurrence of another such crime Comment made by Lloyd George, speaking in the British Parliament (3 July, 1919) With reference to the given statement, answer the following questions: i) How did the above-mentioned treaty contribute to the Second World War? [3] Answers: Germans felt humiliated/ victorious powers had deprived Germany of huge tracts of its territory and colonies/ military strength was crippled/ burdened with huge war indemnity/ give up her merchant ships/ encouraged the rise of Nazism in Germany/ Britain and France failed to satisfy Italy s colonial desires (any three) ii) Mention and explain any three causes for the rise of the political party in Italy after the First World War which believed in one party, one ruler, one nation . [3] Answer: Dissatisfaction with the Peace Treaty/ Economic Factors/ Political Instability; Inefficient Governments/ Class Conflicts/ Failure of League of Nations/ Role played by Mussolini (any three with proper explanation) iii) What was the immediate cause of the Second World War? Explain it. [4] Immediate Cause: Hitler s invasion of Poland Hitler wanted to occupy the Danzing Corridor as it was mainky occupied by Germans/ he wanted to connect East Prussia with Germany/ Germany signed non-aggression pact with Russia agreeing to divide Poland among themselves/ they agreed to divide Poland into two parts/ Poland was accused of committing atrocities against Germans living there. (any three) Question 9 i) With reference to the above picture mention its clauses. [3] Ans) Partition of Bengal and Punjab/Referendum in NWFP/ Referendum in Sylhet/A Boundary Commission to be set ii) Why this plan was accepted by the Congress? [3] Ans) Communal riots/impossible to work with the League/Alternative to partition was a Federation with a weak Centre/British were instigating rulers of native States to remain independent iii) Mention any four provisions of the Indian Independence Act,1947. [4] Ans) Two new dominions known as India and Pakistan/A Governor General for each of Dominions/Princely States would become independent/Office of Secretary of State to be abolished/Division of Indian Army and sharing of assets and liabilities (7) Question 10 With reference to the Non-Aligned Movement answer the following questions: i) What is the meaning of Non-Aligned Movement. Name the founding fathers of the Non-Aligned Movement. [3] Ans) Non-alignment means that nations which are non-aligned judge each issue on its merits and do not toe the line of one or the Super Power. The Non-aligned nations aimed at keeping away from Cold War. Jawaharlal Nehru,Marshal Tito, Abdul Nasser and President Sukarno. ii) Mention Nehru s role in the Non-Aligned Movement. [3] Ans) Nehru laid stress on disarmament and end to imperialism/Refuse to be drawn into Power Blocs/Condemned North Korean aggression against South Korea/Cool handling of Indo-pak relations iii) These principles became the bedrock of the Non-Aligned Movement- write the principles. [4] Ans) Mutual respect for one another s territorial integrity/Mutual non-aggression/ Non-interference in one another s internal affairs/Equality and working for each other s benefit/Peaceful Co-existence.

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