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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane)

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Akshad Iyer
Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane
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CLASS 10 SMT. SULOCHANADEVI SINGHANIA SCHOOL, THANE SUBJECT EXAM DATE MARKS TIME ENGLISH LITERATURE NO. OF SIDES 4 Prelims 9.01.2025 80 2 hrs [ SET-B] Section A is compulsory It is compulsory to attempt one question each from SECTION-B, C &D and one other question from any of the three. Section A Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below. Kindly write only the alphabet. SM T.S UL OC HA NA DE VI SIN GH AN IA SC HO OL ,TH AN E 1. Which conspirator does Antony specifically point out during his funeral speech as the "most unkind cut of all"? a) Cassius b) Casca c) Brutus d) Trebonius 2. What is the primary purpose of Antony s funeral speech? a) To justify the assassination b) To calm the Roman citizens c) To stir the crowd against the conspirators d) To announce Caesar s will 3. What is the purpose of the meeting between Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus at the beginning of Act 4? a) To divide Caesar's inheritance b) To plan a public funeral for Caesar c) To form a triumvirate and create a list of enemies to eliminate d) To negotiate peace with Brutus and Cassius 4.How does Cassius respond to Brutus s accusations (taking bribes) during their quarrel? a) He admits his mistakes b) He becomes defensive and offers his dagger to Brutus c) He denies everything and accuses Brutus of betrayal d) He storms out of the tent 5. What does Brutus say before his own death? a) Caesar, forgive me. b) Caesar, now be still; I killed not thee with half so good a will. c) The fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves. d) This was the noblest Roman of them all. 6. Who helps Brutus meet his end? a) Titinius b) Messala c) Strato d) Volumnius 7.When the photographer came out of the machine, he looked at the narrator and said gravely a) I don't like your head. b) The ears are bad. c) The face is quite wrong d) hump the neck. 8. What was the maximum capacity of the elevator in the building in which Martin lived? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) Six 9.What did Adjoa's Nana consider a waste of time a) Sports b) School c) Studies d) Child Bearing SM T.S UL OC HA NA DE VI SIN GH AN IA SC HO OL ,TH AN E 10. In the year 2025, why was there no need for the police? a) Crime was reducing b) Everything was automated c) People were contended. d) For the authorities had cut down on the forces. 11.Which lesson in grammar was Franz unprepared with? a) Participle b) Nouns c) Gerunds d) Verbs 12. According to the poet Longfellow, what brings balance in human lives? a) religions books b) opposite forces of life c) opposite attractions and desires d) good values. 13.How did King Francis react when he looked at De Lorge's beloved? a) he smiled b) he sighed c) he laughed d) he frowned. 14. After a period of the death of great souls, what happens? a) Death beckons b) Peace blooms c) Love is destroyed d) The sky sheds tears. 15. "A Considerable Speck" is a poem about a mite in literal terms, but in symbolic terms, it is a poem about a) War b) Love c) Intellect d) Poetry 16.Listening to Bhisma Lochan, in what state of mind were the human listeners driven into? (a) cheerful (c) indifferent (b) dazed (d) sullen SECTION-B-[DRAMA] Question 2 Cassius Titinius, if thou lov st me, Mount thou my horse, and hide thy spurs in him, Till he has brought thee up to yonder troops [Act 5 Sc 3] SM T.S UL OC HA NA DE VI SIN GH AN IA SC HO OL ,TH AN E a) What imminent danger could Cassius see at a distance when he utters the above lines? What does he ask Titinius to do and why? [3] b) What instructions did Cassius give Pindarus immediately after this? [3] c) State the news conveyed by Pindarus to Cassius while observing the battlefield. [3] d) What action did Cassius take as a result? [3] e) Do you think the news conveyed to Cassius by his slave was authentic? What were the reasons, according to Messala, that contributed to the death of Cassius? [4] Question 3 Brutus Messala, I have here received letters, That young Octavius and Mark Antony Come down upon us with a mighty power Bending their expedition towards Philippi; [Act 4 Sc 3] a) Where does the scene take place? What grief overpowered Brutus in this scene? How did he wish to overcome the bad feelings that were brewing in his heart? [3] b) What strategy did Brutus wish to adopt to engage himself with the troops of Antony and Octavius? [3] c) How did Cassius react to Brutus s idea initially? [3] d) Briefly describe Brutus s encounter with the Ghost of Caesar. [3] e) What did Brutus question Lucius, Varro and Claudius about? List the two supernatural indications mentioned in this scene which point to the appearance of the Ghost. What is the significance of the Ghost of Caesar in this scene? [4] SECTION-C-[POETRY] Question 4 Said Francis then, Faith, gentlemen, we re better here than there. De Lorge s love overheard the king, a beauteous lively dame a) What characteristic traits of King Francis have been stated at the beginning of the poem? Whom did the king address as gentlemen? [3] b) Write one visual and one auditory imagery to bring out the ferocity of the lions fight. What does the king s remark in the above extract reveal about him? [3] c) Describe the beauteous dame . What thought struck her? [3] d) Who was De Lorge? How does his action bring out the theme of the poem? [3] e) How does King Francis respond to De Lorge s action? Does this poem appeal to you? Why? [4] Question 5 Our little lives are kept in equipoise By opposites attractions and desires; The struggle of the instinct that enjoys, And the more noble instinct that aspires. SM T.S UL OC HA NA DE VI SIN GH AN IA SC HO OL ,TH AN E a) What do little lives in the extract refer to? Why is it termed as little ? How are the little lives kept in equipoise? [3] b) What are the two types of instincts? Give examples for each of the types. [3] c) Describe the struggle between the two instincts. According to you, how can it be resolved? [3] d) What influences our earthly wants and high aspirations? What does it lead to? [3] e) Mention any four examples from the poem to justify the poet's view that all houses are haunted. [4] SECTION-D-[PROSE] Question 6 She had large fleshy-cheeks and no chin, just a huge mass of neck. Her blue eyes were tiny but sharp. They seemed to be boring into Martin s face. a) Who has been described in the above lines? Describe Martin s first encounter with this person? [3] b) What speculations did he make about this person all day long? [3] c) What was Martin s father s reaction when he was told about this person? [3] d) What made Martin run down the stairs? What happened because of this hasty act?[3] e) Do you think Martin s fears got the better of him? Explain. [4] Question 7 He turned back on a side street, circling around towards his home. He was within a block of his destination when the lone car turned a corner quite suddenly and flashed a fierce white cone of light upon him. a) Who is described as he in the extract? What was the lone car facing him? Why did he stand stunned? [3] b) How many cars were left to patrol the streets? Why? [3] c) Who was talking to Mr Mead? Why did it find Mr Mead's profession unbelievable? [3] d) Where was Mr. Mead asked to be seated by the voice? How did Mr. Mead find it? [3] e) Explain the theme of non-conformity in the story. How did it affect Mr. Mead? [4]

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