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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Ryan International School, Nashik)

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Barnika Rout
Ryan International School, Nashik
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RYAN GROUP OF SCH00LS ACADEMIC YEAR 1CSE, SECOND PRE STD: 2124-25 BOARD EXAMINATION MARKS: X SUB: ENGLISH RIAN DURATION: II 80 HRS 2 on thepoaper provided separately thefirst 15S miutes You will not be allowed to rite during the questionpaper Thistime is tobe spent resding for iting theansnas is the tinealloed Paper of this hend the at The timeziven Sections The paper has must be ansnred All qestions in Section A Section Ais Complsory CandD and one other B Sections the of You must attemptone guestion fromech Answrs tothispapr mustbe written fo questionfrom The intended marks for anySection fyorchoice guestions or pairs [1 gien in brochets are fguestions SECTIONA Attempt all questionsfrom to the questionsfrorn O1.Selet thecoIrectanswers 1.Wht before he wereCae's lat Words 1arn onstant t,BruteThen of thegiven options. was 23sssinated? fall. Caesar" Marcharecome." d. "Cowards die many Who rezds the will 2. ection 2s the Norhen Star" b. "Et CThe Sdes this of t mes before their deaths. Caesar to the people 2Brutus of Rorne? c. Antoy d.Octavius b. Cassius 3. Whry does Brutus argue with Cassius in their carmp at Sardis? aBrutus 2ccuses Cassius of being cowardiy. b. Brutus 2ccuses Cassius of accepting bribes. c. Cassius blarmesBrutus for the death d ofCaesar. Cassiusdernands that Brutus give him command ofthe army [16] You are contet X Through STD: 4. ENGLISH ICSE Who a. -2 Brutus asa sghost Caesar' b.Pompey's aghost during Act c. 4? Cinna'sghost ghost d. Portia's What does Brutus in Act 5? a. Caesar is still mean when he "O says, Julius ghost yet" Caesar, thou art mighty events. alivein spirit and continues to influence b. Caesar's power is greater thanthat C. He believes Caesar's ghost is d. Brutus regrets killing of the conspirators. helping their enemies. failure. their Caesar and blames himself for was "This Brutus: 6. What isthe significance of Antony's final statement the noblest Roman of them a. Antony recognizes that about not out all"? Brutus acted for the good defeat. being sarcastic, mocking Brutus forhis emotions. b. Antony c. to the Roman people's Antony istrying to appeal is is d. Antony Caesar's a. They The ghost, not to Brutus. the haunted hearin house if you b. speaking to would you explain the How strange forces haunting supernatural the result noises are likely The house is built the characters the incident logically? were investigating are caused by noises the house. ola issuesin an ofwind or structural house. c. over an ancient burial ground, which disturbances. d. The 8.What noises come former from the ghosts of can be derived from lesson residents the interaction causes the trapped and power can be used to intimidatethe weak. b. True friendship requires mutual respect c. Bravery is demonstrated through in the house. the between the glove and lion in the story? a. Strength of Rone, of envy. 7. rn II appearsto 5. the stront and understanding. physical strengthalone. STD:X ENGLISH ICSE d. Appearances can be deceptive,and 9, What is the a The c. inevitability one should not judge based on them. theme of thepoem When Great Trees Fall of death and loss. The bcauty of nature and b. d. prinmary II its resilience. The importance of personal achievement. The joy of friendshipand community. speck" symbolize 10.What does the "considerable message? relate to the overall insignificanceof individual a. Itrepresents the the poem, and in how does it existence in the vastness of the universe. a person'shidden c. It signifies Itrepresentsthe fleeting d. 11. a small, yet powerful, force It symbolizes b. What kind of poem is potential waiting Power of a. world.oieOde Music"?daeoto eoilol,s oriot c.Ironical d. Elegiac b. Light Hearted is to be realized. nature of beauty in the a. Serious 12.What that can create change. the primnary focus The technical aspects b.The relationship of of the chapter With the Photographer?tio b photography and camera equipment. a photo between the photographer and his subject during shoot. c.The d. The history of photography and impact of photography its evolution over on society and time.ant culture. 13. In the story The Elevator, the main character'sfear of the elevator primarilya a. reflection adventurous spirit of his and love for challenges. b. anxiety and feelingsof vulnerabilityin enclosed spaces. c. indifferenceto the people d. excitement olsa around her. about new exXperiencesin her life. iset h b ENGLISH Xk -4 ICSE STD. 14. In the protagonist!'s Can, what does The Girl Who growth and self-acceptance? about journey represent personal through determination. extemalchallenges 1. Overcoming and abilities. one's unique talents to appreciate 2. Learming and successes. through both failures confidence 3. Gaining societal expectations. aspirations and beween personal a Finding 4. balance What isthe correct a. 1, 3,2, b. 2,4, these aspectscontribute order in which c. 3, 1, 4 4,2 d. 4, 2, 3, 3. 1, to her growth? 1 statements which of the following In Ray Bradbury's The Pedestrian, setting? the main character and the accurately describes 15. Statement 1: The a dystopian city where Statement 2:The story is among walks in Leonard Mead, enjoys taking solitary television. people are obsessed with watching protagonist, the inhabitants set in of the Only Statement 1 is a common activity city. Which of the followingoptions a. a future where walking is correct? is true. 2 is true. b. Only Statement c. Both Statementland Statement 2 are true. d. Neither Statenment 1 nor Statement 2 is true. 16.In The Last Lesson, the feelings of regret and nostalgiaexperienced by Franz can be evaluated as a reflection of a. the loss of innocence and the harsh realities of war. b. the importance of education and the c. the power of friendshipand community support. fleeting nature oftime. d. the inevitability of change and adaptationto new circumstances. SECTION B Answer one ornore questionsfrom DRAMA this Section JULIUS CAESAR- WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE II STD: X ENGLISH ICSE Q -S 2. CASSIUS-Then, if welose the battle, You are contented to led in Through the streets BRUTUS-No. Ihatever Brutus of triumph Rome? Cassius, Think no: go bound will to Rome. being "led uoes Cassius mean by the thou noble Roman not, in triumph"? What does this say about [31 battle? 1Ow does Brutus renlv toCassius? What does do their What can we [3] learn about S.What does [3] and pride? conversationshow themes of honor this [3] show about Brutus? go "bound to Rome"? What by saving he will not wiiat does Brutus mean feelingdoes this express? +.How does this their characters? this passage different us about Cassius and Brutus's relationship? tell How [4] views show who they are? Q3. Brutus: Thou hast A describ'd hot friendcooling;ever note,Lucilius, When love begins to sicken and decay, It useth an enforced ceremony. There areno But hollow tricks in plain men, like and simplefaith: horses hot at hand, Make gallantshow and promise But when should endure the bloody spur they They fall their Sink inthe trial. 1. of theirmettle; crests, and, like Comes his deceitful jades. army on? What does "a hot friend cooling" mean? How does it relate to friendship? 2. What does Brutus say happens to love when tellus about him? it starts to 3. How does Brutus compare fake friendsto horses? (3] fade? What does this (3] What does this mean? [3] II STD: X 4. ENGLISHII ICSE What does Brutus mean by brave? "he bloody spur7 Hlow to doesthis relate (31 What does this passagetell us about Brutus's views on friendship S. loyalty?How does it show who he being and is? SECTION C Answer one or more questions from this Section POETRY Q4. When great soulsdie, theair around us becomes light, rare, sterile. We breathe, Our eyes, briefly. briefly, see with a hurtful clarity. What image from 1. earlier in the context? the world of nature has been used 2. What happens when 3. We breathe, great trees briefly'. There is a (3] fall? pause after 'breathe'here. What is its [3] significance? 4. What kind of 5.What do Q5.Again stop 'clarity'does the poet refer to? we come to remember when we cry, your [3] regoing to We die,oh greatmen die? [3] [4) won't you singing?" But Bhisma 's soared beyond our reach, howe 'er we plead and grumble; The welkin weeps mansions tumble. to 1.Who are 'we'? Why singing? hear his screech,and mighty have they pleaded repeatedly with Bhisma to stop 3] 2. Who is badly affected by Bhisma's singing? [3] ICSE -7 ENGLISH II X in STD 3. What extract? What this is the purpose? is personificd what 4 In are way [31 when you read about thefate you affected andeven non-living things impacted by the of humans, unpleasantvoice of the animals [3] singer? stops Bhisma from singing and how? [4] ultimately 5. Who SECTION D oneor more questions from Answer this Section PROSE my writing, I saw M. Hamel sitting motionlessin Ilooked up from "Whenever Q6. one thing, then at another, as if he wanted to fix gazing first at and chair his in that little school-room. Fancy! For everything looked in his mindjust how same place." had been there in the forty years he 1 What is 2.Why is M.Hamel doing M.Hamel's in the classroom? What does this show about What forty-year job at the school important? him? [31 feelings [31 might he have? 3.What details setthe affect the feeling in mood in the classroom? How do M.Hamel's actions the room? 4.How does the author show [3] M. Hamel's feelings of nostalgia? What writing techniques are used? [3] 5. How does the author convey the theme of nostalgia through M. Hamel's [4] reflections? Q7. Heput his hand to the door and peered into cell, a little blzck jail with bars. It smelled antiseptic; it smelledtoo theback seat,which of riveted steel. It clean and hard and metallic.There was a little smelled of harsh was nothing soft there. 1.What does Leonard see when he looks inside the police car? make him feel? What does this [3] II STD: X ENGLISH ICSE 2. -8 What smells make the car does Leonard feel? the back notice in 3. What words does the words tell us about 4. How does this part author usee thecar? story show eXpress these does this How the back dothese seat? What smells [3] dothese [3] What of the does the author do to 5. How to describe seat? feelings of isolation and control? [3) ideas? or images help passage show feelings of convey this? being trapped or words alone? What [4)

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