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GOKULDHAM HIGH SCHO0L & JUNIOR COLLEGE SECONDARY SECTION (2024-2025) PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION SUBJECT-LITERATURE IN ENGLISH (PAPER-2) MARKS: 80 GRADE: 10 TIME: 2 hours DATE: 06.01.2025 Answers to this Paper must be written onthe paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the frst 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. The paper has four Sections. Section A is compulsory - All questions in Section Amust be answered. Youmust attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one other question from any Section ofyour choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [] This paper consistsof 8 pages. SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.) Question 1 Choose the correct answer to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the question, write the correct answer only.) i) In Act 3 Sc 1 of Julius Caesar, 'Ate' is referred to as [1| a.the Greek goddess of revenge and mystery b,the Greek goddess of mischief and revenge c. the Greek goddess of revenge and jealousy d. the Greek goddess of mischief and jealousy ii) Which of these has Caesar left in his will to every Roman citizen? ayAllhis walks, his private arbours and common pleasures. b. His palace, his private arbours and common pleasures. c. Allhis walks, his private arbours and his sword. d. His coronet, his private arbours and common pleasures. 1 [1] Literature in English (Paper 2) Grade: 10 Brutus when love begins to iii) In Act 4 Sc 2 of Julius Caesar,according to [1] 'sicken and decay' a. it calls for a self-declaration of war b. it means a heated argument c. it useth an enforced ceremony d. it useth shallow promises of their love [1| iv) The Greek Philosopher Epicurus' held his opinion that a. omens were to be trusted because they were superstitious, b. both omens and superstitious were to be trusted C. Omens and superstition are a natural occurrence d. omens were not to be trusted because they were superstitious v) Which of the following options contains the same literary device that appears in the following lines: [1] Now is that noble vessel full of grief That it runs over at his eyes. a. Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn. b. Allthe world's a stage, and all men and women merelyplayers. c. Fair is foul and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air. d. Out ! Out, damned spot! vi)Brutus believed in philosophy. a. stoi b. epicurean C. western d. eastern vi. In the story, The Last Lesson', Old Hauser had bought last day of the French lesson. a. adictionary b. an old primer c. a bouquet of flowers d. an umbrella 2 on the Grade: 10 viiil) Choose the options that 1. Adjoa wished tosee Literature in English(Paper 2) list the sequence of events in the corect order. [11 2. Adjoa's mother was the legs of any woman who had children. 3. Nana ironed, and speechless as usual. ironed and ironed Adjoa's uniform. 4. Adjoa had to struggle to catch Nana's attention. a. 4,1,2,3 b. 4,2,1,3 c. 4,1,3,2 d. 4,3,2,1 ix)Which of the following is NOT true of Martin in the lesson The Elevator"? a. Martin was a twelve year old [1] boy. b. Martin was impressed bythe fat lady in the elevator, c. Martin was afraid of the old elevator. d. Martin fell down the stairs while running. x) In the story With the Photographer', what did the narrator expect from the photographer? [1] a. To depict hisface by using Delphide or Sulphide. b. To depict his face as if it was a masterpiece. c. To depict his face by sharpening his features. d. To depict his face as it was given to him by Heaven. xi) Which of the following statements is NOT true of Leonard Mead in the story. The Pedestrian'? [1] a. He enjoyed walking for hours at midnight. b. He was married to a writer, c. He was a writer by profession. d. His address was Eleven South Saint James Street. xii) What is the 'genre' of the poem, The Power of Music'? a. Ballad b. Nonsense Verse c. Sonnet d. Elegy 3 Grade: 10 xii) Inthec poem 'A Considerable Speck', (Paper 2) Literature in English |1| what does the speck symbolizes? 1. will 2. movement 3. desire 4. fear a. 1and 3 b. 2 and3 c. 1and 4 d. 3 and 4 xiv)In the poem, When Great Trees Fall', the following lines express [1] "And when great souls die, after a period peace blooms," a. anger b. indifference c. healing d. pain xv) In thepoem, Haunted Houses', the phrase 'hold in mortmain' means [1] a. permarnent ownership b. temporary ownership c.ownership for few years d. no ownership at all xvi) In the poem "TheGlove and the Lions', select the option that shows the correct relationship between statements I and II. [1] Statement I: The Count De Lorge's beloved dropped her glove, to prove his love. Statement II: The Count De Lorge bowed, and in a moment walked out of the court. Statement Iis true, Statement II is false. b. Statement I is false, and Statement II is true. c. Statement I is the cause for Statement II. d. Statement II is the cause for Statement I. 4 Grade: 10 Literature in English (Paper 2) SECTION B (Answer one ormore questions from this Section) DRAMA (Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare) Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Cassius: That you have wrong'd me doth appear in this: You have condemn'd and noted Lucius Pella For taking bribes here of the Sardians; Wherein my letters, praying on his side Because I knew the man, were slighted off. (Julius Caesar- Act 4 Sc 3) . With reference to the above lines, what does Brutus accuse Cassius of? How does Cassius react? [3] i. Why does Brutus ask Cassius to remember the ides of March'? What would Brutus rather be? (ii) Why did Brutus ask Cassius for a certain sums of gold'? How could he [3] have raised the money? [3| (v) Why does Brutus say, "Be ready, gods, with all your thunderbolts; Dash him topieces!"? Why is Cassius 'aweary' of the world? (3] v. What reasons did Brutus give of Portia's death? What is revealed of Brutus character in this scene? [4] Question 3 Read the extract given below andanswer the questions that follow: Antony: Tut, Iam in their bosoms, and I know wherefore they do it, They could be content to visit other places; and come down With fearful bravery, thinking by this face. (Julius Caesar- Act 5 Sc 1) i. Where does this scene take place? With reference to the lines in the extract what does Octavius tell Antony in the beginning of the scene? [3] ii. What does Antony say about Brutus bad strokes? Why is areference made to the Hybla bees? [3] 5 Literaturein English (Paper 2) Grade: 10 way i1. How does Antony angrily describe the conspirators had killed Caesar? [3] [3] iv. What are Cassius thoughts on his birthday? they lost the battle? How v. What, according to Cassius, would be their fate if [4] does Brutus respond to Cassius' thought? SECTION C (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) PROSE -SHORT STORIES (Treasure Chest -A Collection of ICSEPoems and Short Stories) Question 4 Read the extractfrom Ray Bradbury'sshort story, The Pedestrian' given below and answer the questions that follow: "Hello, in there," he whispered to every hose on every side as he moved. "What's up tonight on Channel 4, Channel 7, Channel 9? Where are the cowboys rushing, and do Isee the United States Cavalry over the next hill to the rescue?" i.Where is the story set? Who is the protagonist and what did he 'most dearly loved to do? (3] ii. How has the protagonist described the cloverleaf intersection during the day time? [3] ii. What is the metallicvoice symbolic of? What was 'a rare, incredible thing' about the police? (3] iv. Where was the protagonist taken in the end of the story and why? Comment on his fate'. (3] iv Howdoes the story relate to modern concerns about screen time and social isolation? Give examples to support your answer. [4] Question 5 Read the extract from Alphonse Daudet's short story, The Last Lesson given below and answer the questions that follow: Through the window Isaw my classmates, already in their places and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. i. Why did Franz not want to go to school? Why did he think of spending the day 'out of doors? ' (3] 6 Grade: 10 Literature in English (Paper 2) ii. How was M.Hamel dressed? What does he say as he mounts on his chair? (3) iii. "We've all a great deal to reproach with" said MHamel. Refer to the [3] context and explain what he wanted to convey to his student? iv. What did M.Hamel say about the French language? Why now the language seem easy for Franz? (3] protect one's V. "t is important to love and learn one's language in order to Justity your individual and collective identity, Do vou agree with the statement? answer with relevant examples. SECTION D (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) POETRY ICSE Poems and Short (Treasure Chest -A Collection of Stories) Question 6 the poem Read the following extract from Frost and answer the questions Robert AConsiderable Speck' by that follow: Ihave a mind myself and recognize Mind when I meet with it in any guise am to find No one can know how glad I of mind. On any sheet the least display the speck turn out to i. What is a 'speck'? What did realise it? his pen in ii. Why did the speaker 'idly poised be? How did the speaker [3] air?" Why did the 'speck' pause [3) How feet? think that the speck' did not have iii. Why did the speaker at first of the speaker towards the attitude the Explain wrong? him didthe 'speck' prove (3] mite? [3) for the second time? iv.Explain the lines: thou Ihave none of the tenderer -than - Collectivistic regimenting love Withwhich the modern world is being swept. v. Explain indetail the significance of the poem with 7 the help of three themes. [4] Literature in English (Paper 2) Grade: 10 Question 7 poem The Power of Music' by Read the following extract from the follow: Sukumar Ray and answer the questions that Again we cry, 'We're going to die, oh won't you stop your singing?" i. Who is the singer mentioned in the poem? When does he hum? Where can you [3] [3] ii. How does he sing? How do the people react? [3] iii. What is the effect of his singing on the animals around him? silence? [3] iv. Explain in detail how the world was granted the golden gift of catch his 'strain'? v. Give an alternate title to the poem. Site an example from your personal life [4] where music has been 'pleasure to the ears'. %*** * ***k*** 8