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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Bombay Scottish School, Mahim, Mumbai)

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Bombap Stottish School, fMabim ASSESSMENT3 ENGLISH LITERATURE Grade :10 :19.11.2024 Max. Marks :80 No. of Questions :07 Date Duration: 2 Hours No. of Printed sides : 08 [Answers to this paper must be wuritten on the answer booklet provided] The first 15 minutes is allotted for reading the question paper. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets ( ]. The paper has four Sections. Section A is compulsory - All questions in Section A must be answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one other question from any Section of your choice. Question 1 Read the following questions and choose the most appropYiate response from the choices given below (Please do not copy the question - simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or phrase.) (i) What plea does Metellus Cimber make to Caesar just prior to his assassination? (a) To banish his brother for treachery. (b) To repeal his brother's banishment. (c) To enforce his brother's banishment. (d) To convince his brother to leave Rome. (ii) "Et tu Brutel Then fall, Caesar ! How do you think Caesar was feeling when he said this line? (a) angry (b) tormented (c) betrayed (d) relieved (i i) When Cassius says Ihave a mind that fears him much; and my misgiving still falls shrewdly to the purpose." Whom is he referring to? (a) Caesar (b)Cicero (c) Artemidorus (d) Mark Antony 1 [16] after the murder of Caesar, crowd the address to aim (iv) With the did Antony do ? to the Forum. (a) He carried Cacsar's body the conspirators. (b) He feigned a reconciliation with specch. (c) He prepared a forceful speak after Brutus. (d) He convinced them to let him what (v) Select the option that shows the correct relationship between statements (1) and (2). 1: Lucilius says that Cassius received him with courtesy and respect but not with the same fricndliness and ease like in the past 2: Brutus says when close friendships fall apart, love decays and there is an 'enforced ceremony'. (a) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false (b) Statement 2 is true and statement 1 is false. (c) Statement 2 is the cause for statement 1. (d) Statement 1 and statement 2 are independent of each other. (vi) Cassius tells Brutus "Of your philosophy you make no use if yougive place to accidental evils ." Here which philosophy is Cassius referring to? (a) Cynicism (b) Stoicism (c) Taoism (d) Platonism (vii) What character trait best describes the story? (a) Perfectionist (b) Critical (c) Humble (a) Laid-back photographer in Leacock's (vii) What lesson about self-acceptance can be drawn from the story The Photographer that is applicable to today's audience? (a) That one should always strive for perfection and beauty. (b) That it is important to embrace one's flaws and individuality. (c) That external validation is for necessary (d) That beauty is solely defined by societal happiness. standards. 2 of events in the correct order: lix) Choose the option that lists the sequence he seemed quieter (1) The photographer beckoned me in. Ithought a certain pride in and graver than before. Ithink, too, there wasphotograph, and we his manner. He unfolded the proof of a large both looked at it in silence. my face, the only one I (2) I know it wasn't made for me, but it's voice but I went on have" I was conscious of a break in my And this is my mouth, not "such as it is, I've learned to love it. machine is too narrOW" if your yours. These ears are mine, and Here I started to rise fromn the seat. picturesomething "Listen! I came here for a photograph-a looked like me. I wanted would have which (mad though it seems) Heaven gave it to me something that would depict my face as photograph taken. I pulled a string. The (4) The photographer had staggering from the shock. (3) could see the machine still (a) (1), (2), (3), (4) (b) (2), (3), (4), (1) (c) (4), (3), (1), (2) (d) (2), (4), (1),(3) (x) the story "The Girl Who Can? What is the primary theme of rural life. (a) The struggles of tradition and modernity. (b) The beauty betweeneducation and self-empowerment. (c) The importance of teenage love. (d) The experience of William Sleator's be interpreted from can fear regarding (xi) What message Elevator? short story The support. be easily conquered with can Fear (a irrational but are deeply felt. (b) Fears can sometimnes be leads to bravery. (c) Facing your fears that should be hidden. weakness (d) Fear is a in his given by Williamn Sleator conclusion describe the (xii) How would you Elevator? short story The resolution to the conflict. A definitive suspense. (a leaves the reader in that clifhanger addressed. A (b all fears are where ending A happy story's tone. (C) that lightens the twist humorous (d) A 3 (xiii) Which of the following best captures the emotional tone of the poem Haunted Houses'? (a) (b) Checerful and optimistic Dismal and fearful (C Reflective and meclancholic (d) Indifferent and apathetic (xiv) "Al houses wherein men have lived and died are haunted houses " What is the predominant theme seen in this poem? (a (b) (c) The joy of new beginnings and discoveries The inevitability of change and progress The persistence of memory and the lingering presence of the past (d) The beauty of nature and its influence on human emotions (xv) Which of the following options contains the figure of speech that appears in the following line: "As silent as the pictures on the wall" (a) Memory is a diary that we carry with us. (b) His words were dagger to the heart. (c) The news hit mne like a freight train. (d) It is raining cats and dogs (xvi) What does this line - "Our minds, formed and informed by their radiance." from the poem When great trees Fall' suggest? (a) (b) (c) (d) Our minds inform us of our loss. Great souls are very informed. Our minds are shaped by us. Great souls shape our mind and thinking. SECTION B this Section.) (Answer one or more questions from Shakespeare) DRAMA (Julius Cacsar by William Question 2 answer the questions that follow: Read the extract given below and Brutus : Be patient till the last. hear me Romans, countrymen, and lovers/ you may hear ... for my cause ;and be silent, that friend of Caesar 's, ...fthere be any in this assembly, any dear to him I say ,.. reason for this public Where is the speaker? What was the main (3) address? ? say Caesar in the assembly what would Brutus (i) To any friend of (3) against Caesar'? How does he further justify why Brutus rose of this address ? What plea does Brutus (ii) Who enters in the midst (3) make to the citizens while he departs alone'? Brutus. (iv) " he was ambitious, I slewhim." says speech that Caesar was How does Mark Antony skilfully prove in his (3) anything but ambitious ? Anthony Brutus had the crowd with him after his speech yet Mark after his (v) conspirators manages to turn them against Brutus and the good orator address. How does he manage to achieve this? Was he a (4 or was the crowd too fickle minded? Justify your stand. Question 3 that follow: Read the extract given below and answer the questions Brutus: You wrong'd yourself to write such a case. Casstus: In such a time as this it is not meet That every nice, offence should bear his comment. Brutus : Let me tell you,Cassius, you yourself Are much condemned to have an itching palm, way (1) Where are the speakers presently? According to Brutus in what (3) has Cassius "wronged.. to write in such a case.." ? (i) Explain why Brutus accuses Cassius of having an itching palm' Why does he feel it is detrimental in meting out justice? How does Cassius [3] immediately react to this accusation? (ii) Roman" Who would "rather be a dog, and bay the moon, than such a Explain the reasons for this outrage. 5 [3] (iv) (v) A little later Brutus says he wants Gods to dash him to pieces with all their thunderbolts. What prompted him to say this and what was the point he was making here ? [3] In this scene you sce Brutus and Cassius embroiled in a heated argument. What is your take on the two? Of the two, who do you think is more aggressive and volatile? Give reasons for your answer. (4| SECTION C (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) PROSE- SHORT STORIES (Treasure Chest-A Collection of Poems and Short Stories) Question 4 Read the following extract from Ray Bradbury's short story, The Pedestrian and answer the questions that follow: ....That was what ...most dearly loved to do. He would stand upon the corner of an intersection and peer down long moonlit avenues of sidewalk in four directions deciding which way to go ,but it really made no difference: Who stood upon the corner of an intersection? What did he dearly love to do? Mention what he saw during these outings? [3) (ii What kind of pattern did he follow on these occasions? For how many years was he practicing this pattern? In what way were his night walks rather weird? (3 (ii) Why was he intercepted by the police just a block away from his home? In what way was the police force of 2053 different from that you see today? (iv) [3] What reasons does the protagonist give to the police for being out convinced? What was the in the night ? Why are the police not outcome? (v) [31 How does Ray Bradbury's "The Pedestrian" serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of technological dependence and its impact on human connection and creativity? 6 Question 5 Deod the following extract from Alphonse Daudet short story, The Last Lesson and answer the questions that follow: great dread of a Istartedfor school very late that morning and was in question us on soolding , especially because M. Hamel had said that he would participles and I did not know the first word about them. How does the speaker describe the atmosphere of the school that a of morning figuratively? In what way did it not have any semblance (3) regular school day when he arrived? (1) (i) What words of the teacher were like a thunder-clap to the narrator?(3] (ii) * I understood why the old men of the village were sitting there .. in the class." What reasons did Franz think of instinctively to explain the presence [3 of the elderly villagers in the class? (iv) What does the teacher tell Franz when he is unable to read French (v) Through this story what lesson does the author impart to every fluently? In what way the teacher feels responsible for this failure?(3] reader? Do you think we too are guilty of the same mistake? Why do [4] you think so? SECTION D (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) POETRY (Treasure Chest-A collection of Poemsand Short Stories) Question 6 Read the following extract from Sukumar Ray 's poem, The Power Of Music and answer the questions that follow: And plead, My frend, we're near our end, oh stop your singing quickly!" (i) Who is My friend referring to? Why do people plead with him to stop [3] singing? Why are they not able to enjoy his singing? (i What literary devices does Sukumar Ray use to describe the impact of the protagonist's singing? Provide example from the text which gives insight how far his voice travelled. (3] 7 (iii) (iv) (v) (3] birds and trees? What impact did his singing have on fishes, What do you think it Discuss the role of the billy goat in the pocm. significant? [3] represents, and why is its intervention Do you think the poem is an absurd pocm for amuscrnent or does it [4) have a lesson to impart? Give reasons for your answer. Question7 Read the following extract from Robert Frost's poem, The Considerable Speck and answer the questions that follow: A speck that would have been beneath my sight On any but a paper sheet so white Set off across what I had written there. And I had idly poised my pen in air (i) What was the poet doing when he noticed the speck? Where was the speck? Explain what the poet means when he says 'would have been beneath my sight'. (3] (ii) Why had the poet poised his pen in the air? What was that 'something strange about it that made him think? What insight did he get? (ii) (3] With examples show how the mite proved it had inclinations it could call its own.' (iv) (v) 3] Where and why does the mite cower down in desperation? What does the poet do with the mite? What does it tell you of his character? [3) What does the poem suggest about the significance of small, seemingly insignificant beings in the grand scheme of life? Think and write of a moment when you overlooked something that turned out to be important or meaningful? [4] 8

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