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ISC Class XII Board Exam 2018 : Business Studies

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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BUSINESS STUDIES (Maximum Marks: 100) (Time allowed: Three hours) (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer Question 1 from Part I (compulsory) and five questions from Part II. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART I (30 Marks) Answer all questions Question 1 Answer briefly each of the questions (i) to (xv). (i) What is meant by unsolicited applications? (ii) State the significance of conducting refresher training. (iii) Define remuneration. (iv) Name any four non-monetary incentives that may be used in an organisation. (v) Briefly explain any two qualities of a good leader. (vi) Differentiate between upgrading and dry promotion. (vii) Give one benefit each of voluntary retirement scheme to the employee and to the employer. [15 2] (viii) Bring out the significance of using grapevine as a channel of communication in an organisation. (ix) Explain the meaning of internal communication. Name its two types. (x) What is a dictaphone? (xi) Briefly explain what is meant by letter of enquiry. Which letter is written in response to it? (xii) With reference to written internal communication, explain the term office order. (xiii) Explain cross referencing, in the context of report writing. (xiv) Explain the term motion in the context of company meetings. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This paper consists of 3 printed pages and 1 blank page. 1218-859 Turn over Copyright reserved. (xv) With reference to Post Office, expand the following: (a) VPP (b) PIN PART II (70 Marks) Answer any five questions. Question 2 (a) Explain any three points of difference between training and education. [6] (b) With reference to selection process, explain the significance of the following: [8] (i) Preliminary Interview (ii) Application Blank (iii) Medical Examination (iv) Final interview Question 3 (a) Write a short note on the Halsey Plan of Incentive. [6] (b) List any four factors that influence morale. Clearly explain how they boost or lower the morale. [8] Question 4 (a) Explain the first three needs as per the Maslow s Hierarchy of Human Needs. [6] (b) Discuss any four purposes of performance appraisal. [8] Question 5 (a) Briefly explain any three leadership styles. [6] (b) What is staff transfer? Explain any four types of transfers. [8] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 1218-859 Question 6 (a) Name and explain any three types of interviews. [6] (b) With reference to company meetings, explain the following terms: [8] (i) Point of order (ii) Statutory Meeting (iii) Proxy (iv) Agenda Question 7 (a) Explain the process of report writing. [6] (b) What are statistical tables? Explain any three advantages of tabulating data. [8] Question 8 (a) State any six advantages of centralised handling of mail in an organisation. [6] (b) Draft an application letter for the post of an Assistant Manager (Sales) at a reputed retail firm in response to a newspaper advertisement. An appropriate bio-data of the applicant should be prepared and enclosed with the application. [8] -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1218-859

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