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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2022 : Physical Education [Semester 2]

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ISC SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER PHYSICAL EDUCATION (THEORY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks: 35 Time allowed: One and a half hour Candidates are allowed an additional 10 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer all questions in Section A and Section B. Attempt all questions on any two games in Section C. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets.[ ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A 7 MARKS Question 1 (i) Write the full form of CPR. [1] (ii) Due to which postural deformity a person normally faces difficulty while walking? [1] (iii) Name the postural deformity that occurs due to lateral curvature of spine. [1] (iv) Doctors mainly recognize ___________ and __________ types of fractures in sports. [1] (v) The process of providing relief and help to disabled or an injured person to again lead a normal and respectable life is known as ___________. [1] (vi) Which of the following is NOT a common sports injury? [1] (a) Cramps (b) Sprain (c) Abrasion (d) Asthma (vii) Which of the following is NOT a soft tissue injury? (a) Contusion (b) Abrasion (c) Strain (d) Dislocation [1] SECTION B 8 MARKS Answer the following questions briefly. Question 2 [2] Briefly explain any two major principles of health education. Question 3 [2] What is air pollution? Mention any one cause of air pollution. Question 4 [2] What is First Aid? Give one benefit of First Aid. Question 5 [2] Briefly explain the basic causes of injuries in sports. SECTION C 20 MARKS Attempt all questions on any two games from this section FOOTBALL Question 6 (i) What is an indirect free kick in the game of football? Give any three situations when a referee awards an indirect free kick. [4] (ii) Explain the term Advantage, with reference to the game of football. [4] (iii) What decision is taken by the referee when the goal is scored unintentionally by the centre referee? [1] (iv) What decision is taken by the referee when a player touches the ball the second time at the kick-off? [1] CRICKET Question 7 (i) Explain Follow on, with reference to the game of cricket. [4] (ii) Mention any four instances when the umpire signals a no ball. [4] (iii) A batsman comes to the crease at the start of a fresh over. As the bowler starts his run-up and reaches near the crease, the batsman backs away from the wicket and the bowler stops his run-up. [1] What will be the decision of the umpire? (iv) The batsman plays a sweep shot but misses the ball. The ball just nips the leg stump, but the bail does not come off. The bowler appeals. [1] What will be the decision of the umpire? HOCKEY Question 8 (i) Draw a neat diagram of Hockey field with all its dimensions. [4] (ii) Explain the procedure followed for taking a penalty corner. [4] (iii) An attacking player hits the ball, and it touches the foot of the opponent in the striking circle. In the above situation, what will be the decision of the umpire? [1] (iv) If a ball goes out of the backline last touched by the defending team, what will be the decision of the umpire? [1] BASKETBALL Question 9 (i) Differentiate between team foul maker and player foul maker. [4] (ii) List any four equipment used in the game of basketball. [4] (iii) If a team fields an extra player without the knowledge of referee and that player scores a goal, what will be the decision of the referee? [1] (iv) When a defender attempts to block a 10-foot shot and touches it while the ball is on its downward flight, what should the referee call? [1] VOLLEYBALL Question 10 (i) List any four attack errors, with reference to the game of Volleyball. (ii) Answer the following questions. [4] (a) When is technical time out applied in a game? [2] (b) State the duration and number of technical time out. [2] (iii) After the serve, the ball just touches the net and lands on the side line of the opponent s court instead of falling inside the play area. What will be the referee s decision (in/out) and which team will be given a point? [1] (iv) While lifting the serve the lifter misjudges the ball's flight and the ball hits his face instead of touching the hand. What will be the referee's decision? [1] TENNIS Question 11 (i) Explain the pattern of scoring in a tie-breaker. [4] (ii) What is Grand Slam in tennis? Name the different grand slam tournaments in tennis. [4] (iii) What will be the decision of the chair umpire if the ball touches the outside of the side line during a rally? [1] (iv) During a rally, player A catches his opponent s shot behind the baseline on the full before the ball goes over the fence. What will be the decision of the chair umpire? [1] BADMINTON Question 12 (i) Draw a well labelled diagram of a badminton racquet with all specifications. [4] (ii) Explain any four duties of the service judge. [4] (iii) What will be the decision of the umpire if the shuttle drops near the side line and the sight of the main umpire is blocked during a rally in the court? [1] (iv) What will be the decision of the umpire if the shuttlecock is broken during a rally in the court? [1] SWIMMING Question 13 (i) What is meant by false start rope? What is its importance in swimming? [4] (ii) State any four duties of Inspector on Turns. [4] (iii) In freestyle event, a starter shot a bullet and then a false start was taken by a swimmer. What will be the decision taken by the judge in this situation? [1] (iv) If a swimmer reports for an event after the last call, what decision will be taken by the judge? [1] ATHLETICS Question 14 (i) What is meant by decathlon? List the events and their order in the decathlon competition. [4] (ii) Draw a neat diagram of a discus throw sector, with all its specifications. [4] (iii) After release, the discus touches the pole of safety case and lands inside the sector. What will be the decision of the judge? [1] (iv) A javelin, on landing, does not leave a mark on the ground. Will the throw be measured? Give one reason for your answer. [1]

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