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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2024 : Physical Education

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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PHYSICAL EDUCATION PAPER 1 (THEORY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks: 70 Time Allowed: Three Hours (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Answer all questions in Section A and Section B. Answer all questions on any two games in Section C. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A 15 MARKS Question 1 (i) An organisation established in the year 1984 in India aims to promote excellence in sports and covers all facets of sports such as training, coaching and development of athletes. The organisation being referred to is ___________. [1] (ii) ____________ are powerful stimulants of brain and can produce euphoric sensation of both physical and mental power with temporary disappearance of feeling of fatigue and hunger. [1] (iii) The total number of matches in a knock-out tournament comprising thirty-four teams would be ___________. [1] (iv) The competitions that are held within the wall of the institution with the participants from the same institution, are called ___________. [1] (v) __________ occurs when the skin repeatedly rubs against something or is exposed to heat. [1] (vi) Which one of the following is a soft tissue injury? [1] (a) Fracture (b) Joint injury (c) Sprain (d) Bone injury --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 1 (vii) The image given below shows a curvature in spine that causes the sideways bending of the spine and makes shoulders uneven. Select a suitable term for this deformity from the options given below. (a) [1] Kyphosis (b) Scoliosis (c) Lordosis (d) Hallow Back (viii) A tournament in which all teams play a series of matches against each other and the best team wins the tournament is known as: (a) [1] Knockout tournament. (b) League tournament. (c) Combination tournament. (d) Challenge tournament. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 2 (ix) Identify the lifesaving technique shown below, which is used in many medical emergencies such as a heart attack or drowning. (a) [1] Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE) (b) Dislocation (c) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) (d) Graze (x) Statement 1: Conditioning implies developing capacity through a progressively upward moving continuous training programme. [1] Statement 2: Warming up and Conditioning are extremely important aspects of sports training. (a) Statement 1 is true and Statement 2 is false. (b) Statement 1 is false and Statement 2 is true. (c) Both the Statements are true. (d) Both the Statements are false. (xi) What is the full form of IOA? [1] (xii) Give the meaning of the term personal hygiene. [1] (xiii) What type of deformity is Lordosis? [1] (xiv) Give the meaning of the term graze. [1] (xv) [1] Which training method is used to develop the strength and size of the skeletal muscles? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 3 SECTION B 25 MARKS Question 2 [5] Identify the training method shown below. Write any four advantages of this method. Question 3 (i) [5] Write short notes on the following: (a) Narcotic Analgesics (b) Warming up exercises OR (ii) Answer the following: (a) Write any two merits of League Tournament. (b) List any three measures to prevent Air Pollution. Question 4 (i) [5] Draw a Knock-out fixture consisting of eleven teams. OR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 4 (ii) Name the Swedish training method related to speed. Write any four advantages of this method. Question 5 [5] What is the rapid spread of infectious diseases to a large number of people in a short period of time called? Give any four examples of the same. Question 6 [5] A football player suffered an injury during the game. As a result, the player s fibula bone broke and came out of the skin. The area began to bleed and became swollen. (i) What is this type of fracture called? (ii) Is a splint required in this type of fracture? Write any three steps of First Aid to be given in this case. SECTION C 30 MARKS Attempt all questions on any two games from this section FOOTBALL Question 7 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) Explain centre circle. [3] (b) If a player deliberately kicks an opponent player during a match, what will be the decision of the referee? [1] (c) During a match, the ball hits the referee. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (a) With the help of a diagram, show any two formations of players in the game of football. [5] OR (b) State any five duties of a Football Coach. (iii) Explain the following: (a) [5] Kick-off (b) Corner arc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 5 CRICKET Question 8 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) Write any three situations when an innings can be closed. [3] (b) A fielder deliberately distracts a batsman by making verbal comments during a match. What is this practice called? [1] (c) What will be the decision of the umpire if a batsman does not cross the crease while taking the second run? [1] (a) Write a short note on Follow-on. [5] OR (b) State any five decisions that can be given by Leg-umpire. (iii) Explain the following terms: (a) [5] Hit Wicket (b) Sight Screen HOCKEY Question 9 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) Explain the Tie breaking process in the game of Hockey. [3] (b) What will be the referee s decision when a player, other than the goalkeeper, touches the ball with hands? [1] (c) What will be the decision of the umpire in Field hockey if the ball touches the defender and goes out of the back line? [1] (a) Draw a neat diagram of a Hockey field with its dimensions and specifications. [5] OR (b) State any five situations when an opponent player can get a free hit. (iii) Explain the following: (a) [5] Duration of a Hockey match. (b) Dodge ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 6 BASKETBALL Question 10 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) List any three jump ball situations. [3] (b) If the ball goes out of the sideline, what will be the decision of the referee? [1] (c) During a match, a player holds the ball while dribbling and runs. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (a) Explain time-out. [5] OR (b) Explain Key in Basketball court. (iii) Explain the following terms: (a) [5] Technical foul (b) Free-throw VOLLEYBALL Question 11 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) Explain any three types of zones in Volleyball. [3] (b) While serving the ball, a player steps on the end line. What will be the referee s decision? [1] (c) What will be the decision of the referee if the ball touches the net and falls into the opponent s court during service? [1] (a) Write any five faults committed by the player while smashing the ball. [5] OR (b) State any five duties of the Second Referee. (iii) Explain the following: (a) [5] Libero (b) Technical time-out ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 7 TENNIS Question 12 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) Explain the order of service in Tennis. [3] (b) Which player would gain a point if the ball touches the permanent fixture before hitting the ground? [1] (c) During a rally the ball touches the net and falls in the opponent s court. What is this considered as? [1] (a) State any five conditions when a service is declared a fault by the umpire. [5] OR (b) What is grand slam in Tennis? Name the different Grand Slam tournaments in Tennis. (iii) Explain the following terms: (a) [5] Eastern grip (b) Unforced error BADMINTON Question 13 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) Explain the scoring system in a Badminton match. [3] (b) What will be the decision of the umpire if the shuttlecock hits the ceiling during a match? [1] (c) A shuttlecock lands on the line of the court during a rally. What will be the decision of the umpire? [1] (a) State the rules of service in a game of doubles. [5] OR (b) Draw a neat diagram of a Badminton racket with all its specifications and dimensions. (iii) Explain the following terms: (a) [5] Love all (b) Back gallery ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 8 SWIMMING Question 14 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) What is the procedure to start a Backstroke race? [3] (b) What will be the decision of the referee if a player is absent for the event? [1] (c) What will be the decision of the officials if a swimmer makes a false start? [1] (a) Mention any five responsibilities of the Control room Supervisor in a tournament. [5] OR (b) List any five freestyle events in swimming. (iii) Explain the following: (a) [5] Dolphin Kick (b) Role of a Life Guard ATHLETICS Question 15 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) (ii) State any three basic skills required by an athlete for the discus throw. [3] (b) In a relay race, an athlete finishes the race without holding baton. What will be the referee s decision? [1] (c) What will be the decision of the officials if the tail of the javelin lands on the ground after the throw? [1] (a) Explain the different types of starts in Sprint races. [5] OR (b) List any five Track events and any five Field events in Athletics. (iii) Explain the following terms: (a) [5] Relay baton (b) Race Walking ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2024 9

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