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ISC Class XII Board Specimen 2023 : Physical Education

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ISC 12th
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), New Delhi
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PHYSICAL EDUCATION (THEORY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maximum Marks: 70 Time Allowed: Three hours (Candidates are allowed additional 15 minutes for only reading the paper. They must NOT start writing during this time). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Answer all questions in Section A and Section B. Attempt all questions on any two games in Section C. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION A 15 MARKS Question 1 (i) An ____________ exercise is performed against a fixed or immoveable object. [1] (ii) The total number of matches in a single league tournament comprising nine teams would be _______________. [1] (iii) Sports Authority of India was established in the year ___________. [1] (iv) Lordosis is also known as ______________. [1] (v) The preparatory session just before the main activity is known as _____________. [1] (vi) Which one of the following is NOT a spinal curvature deformity? [1] (a) Kyphosis (b) Scoliosis (c) Lordosis (d) Flat foot --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 1 (vii) Which one of the following is NOT a method to improve flexibility? (a) Ballistic (b) Static Stretching (c) PNF (d) Fartlek (viii) Which method is used to draw the fixture of single league tournament? (ix) (x) (a) Cyclic Method (b) Tabular Method (c) Staircase Method (d) All of the above Interval training method was introduced by: (a) Gosta Holmer (b) J.F. Williams (c) Charles A. Bucher (d) J. Alfred The purpose of conditioning in sports is to: (a) reduce injury. (b) deteriorate the performance. (c) decrease familiarity. (d) weaken athletes. [1] [1] [1] [1] (xi) Who is also known as the father of Modern Olympic? [1] (xii) What is first aid? [1] (xiii) Define health. [1] (xiv) Briefly explain the term rehabilitation. [1] (xv) Which training method is also known as Speed Play ? [1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 2 SECTION B 25 MARKS Question 2 [5] Briefly describe the objectives of NSNIS. Question 3 (i) [5] Write short notes on the following: (a) Isometric Exercise (b) Sprain OR (i) Answer the following: (a) How does weight training help in enhancing the performance of a sports person? (b) Enlist any two demerits of a knockout tournament. Question 4 [5] Enumerate the role of physical education in building the character of an individual. Question 5 [5] Draw the fixture of a tournament consisting of seven teams in cyclic method. Question 6 (i) [5] List various types of factures. Explain any two of them. OR (ii) Circuit training is generally used for bringing about specific changes in fitness level. Discuss. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 3 SECTION C 30 MARKS Attempt all questions on any two games from this section FOOTBALL Question 7 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) Explain goal kick. When is a goal kick awarded? [3] (b) During the start of the match, a footballer kicks the ball with a first touch and the ball hits the net. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (c) A football player marks a throw-in, and the ball hits the player s own goal net without touching anyone. State the consequence of this action. [1] (a) Mention any five duties of assistant referee. [5] OR (b) (iii) What is meant by wall formation in the game of football? With the help of a diagram, show any one defensive formation and any one offensive formation in the game. Explain the following: (a) Off-side (b) Dropped ball [5] CRICKET Question 8 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) State any three ways of trapping the ball by various body parts. [3] (b) If the umpire taps his left shoulder repeatedly with his right hand, what is the umpire trying to signal? [1] (c) What will be the consequence of a fast full toss at the batsman which misses his head? [1] (a) Mention any five situations when a no ball is called by an umpire. [5] OR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 4 (b) (iii) Draw a neatly labelled diagram of the cricket pitch. Mark any six fielding positions on the offside of the field. Explain the following: (a) DRS (b) Power play [5] HOCKEY Question 9 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) List three cups and trophies associated with the game of hockey in India. [3] (b) A player hits the ball from outside the striking circle which goes inside the opponents goal after being deflected by the opponent goal tender. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (c) A player strikes the ball with the rounded back of the hockey stick. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (a) List any five steps to be followed while taking a free hit. [5] OR (b) (iii) State any five duties of a captain. Explain the following: (a) Flick (b) Scoop [5] BASKETBALL Question 10 (i) Answer the following questions: (a) What is the duration of a basketball match? What happens if the match ends in a tie? [3] (b) During a throw-in, the player does not pass the ball within six seconds. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 5 (ii) (c) During an attack, a player makes physical contact with a defender who is already in a stationery position. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (a) Explain the procedure of substitution in a basketball match. [5] OR (b) (iii) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of backboard with all dimensions. Explain the following: (a) Baseball pass (b) Overhead pass [5] VOLLEYBALL Question 11 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) Write any three skills a volleyball player should possess. [3] (b) A server jumps in the air for serving the ball and lands inside his own court. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (c) During a serve, the ball hits the top of the net and rolls over onto the opponent s side. What will be the decision of the referee? [1] (a) Explain the system of rotation in the game of volleyball. Mention any three rotation faults a player may commit during the game. [5] OR (b) (iii) Draw a neat diagram of a volleyball court. Mark the zones and the positions of players. Explain the following: (a) Smash (b) Rally [5] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 6 TENNIS Question 12 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) Explain the pattern of scoring in the game of tennis. [3] (b) A player performs an under arm service in a match. What will be the decision of the umpire? [1] (c) After the first serve, the server s racket slips out of his hand and hits the net before the ball bounces into the correct service box. What will be the decision of the umpire? [1] (a) Draw a neat diagram of the tennis court, with its dimensions. [5] OR (b) (iii) List various situations under which a player, while serving during a game of tennis may make foot foul. Explain the following: (a) Drive (b) Half Volley [5] BADMINTON Question 13 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) Explain the method of testing the speed of a shuttle. [3] (b) During a double match, a player accidently hits the racket of his teammate while returning the shuttle. What will be the decision of the umpire? [1] (c) What will be the decision of the umpire if a player switches his racket from right hand to left hand? [1] (a) Write any five duties of the service judge. [5] OR (b) Name any five tournaments associated with badminton. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 7 (iii) Explain the following: (a) Let (b) Drive [5] SWIMMING Question 14 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) Explain synchronised swimming and marathon swimming. [3] (b) While taking a turn in a breaststroke event, a swimmer touches the wall with one hand. What will be the decision of the judges? [1] (c) A swimmer stays under water up to 10 meters at the start of the race. What will be the decision of the judges? [1] (a) Mention any five duties of a Referee in an international level swimming competition. [5] OR (b) (iii) What is the difference between individual medley race and medley relay? Explain the following: (a) Backstroke (b) Butterfly [5] ATHLETICS Question 15 (i) (ii) Answer the following questions: (a) What is decathlon? List the events and their order in the Decathlon competition. [3] (b) In a combined event an athlete commits a false start. What will be the consequence? [1] (c) During a shot put, event an athlete throws the shot that lands on the sector line. What will be the decision of the judge? [1] (a) Draw a net diagram of standard 400m track, with all its dimension. [5] OR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 8 (b) (iii) Mention the standard weight of the following equipment used in athletics field events: (1) Javelin for women (2) Discus for men (3) Shot put for women (4) Hammer for men (5) Relay Batton Explain the following: (a) Steeple-chase race (b) Marathon [5] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ISC SPECIMEN QUESTION PAPER 2023 9

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