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ICSE Class X Board Exam 2020 : Commercial Applications

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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi
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COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS (Two Hours) Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ]. SECTION A (40 Marks) Attempt all questions from this Section Question 1 State one difference between each of the following: (a) Marketing and selling [2] (b) Skimming Pricing and Penetrating Pricing [2] (c) Central Bank and Commercial Bank [2] (d) Recruitment and Selection [2] (e) Fixed Cost and Variable Cost [2] Question 2 (a) State two essentials of a good brand. [2] (b) Mention any two components of product mix. [2] (c) What do you mean by Walk-in-Interview? [2] (d) Why is Human Relations an important element in public relations? [2] (e) Why has tourism led to the destruction of the ecosystem? [2] This Paper consists of 4 printed pages. T20 881 Copyright Reserved. Turn Over Question 3 (a) Mention any two features of Receipts and Payments Account. [2] (b) State any two advantages of external recruitment. [2] (c) Mention any two features of a Balance Sheet. [2] (d) Explain any two disadvantages of advertising. [2] (e) What do you mean by Semi-fixed cost? Give an example. [2] Question 4 Give a reason either for or against each of the following statements: (a) Bank draft cannot get dishonoured. [2] (b) Internal sources of recruitment restrict the choice available to the management. [2] (c) It is marketing which has converted yesterday s luxuries into today s necessities. [2] (d) The scope of Public Relations is narrow. [2] (e) The capital provided by the owner is treated as a liability of the firm . [2] Answer with reference to the concept of Accounting. SECTION B (60 Marks) Attempt any four questions from this Section Question 5 (a) Explain the five features of advertising. [5] (b) Explain any two features of marketing. [5] (c) Explain any five qualities of a good salesman. [5] Question 6 (a) Explain any five reasons for the increasing importance of service. [5] (b) Briefly explain the money measurement principle and the dual aspect principle of [5] accounting. (c) Explain any five functions of the Central Bank. T20 881 2 [5] Question 7 (a) What do you mean by the development function of Human Resource Management? [5] Discuss its various activities. (b) Discuss any two reasons for the rapid growth of Public Relations. [5] (c) What is meant by Recurring Deposit Account? [5] Explain any four agency functions of the Commercial Bank. Question 8 (a) Explain: (i) [5] The Chernobyl Disaster (ii) Chipko Andolan Movement (b) Explain any five steps involved in the selection of employees. [5] (c) Explain Vestibule training and the Lecture method of training. [5] Question 9 Mr. Surinder Singh, CEO of a retail chain of shoe stores company, planned out to have workforce - both in administration and management - as a mix of experience and fresh blood. He made a thorough revision of responsibilities of the administrative and management staff by way of transferring and creating promotion for potential employees. He approached technical and management institutes for recruitment of fresh blood managers. They were offered jobs on completion of their studies. He contacted the heads of different management institutes and recruited the employees from there for Junior Manager s post. In framing the transfer policy, Mr. Singh took the principle of balanced workload at different branches of the organisation for the improvement of quality of services. Promotion was given to the experienced and existing employees above forty years of age after reviewing performance appraisal and potential appraisal. Wherever necessary, he instituted training program for them to cope up with the latest requirements of the T20 881 3 Turn Over organisation. Some of these employees were sent to acquire necessary higher qualifications from the MBA colleges in part-time evening programs. Newly appointed employees from management and technical institutes were put into inhouse orientation training for an overall understanding of the nature of work and its relation to the nature of business. A systematic orientation programme enabled the new employees to adjust quickly to the new surroundings and people. (a) State the source of recruitment that has been followed by Mr. Singh for the [5] recruitment of fresh blood managers. Explain the method involved. (b) What is meant by refresher training? (Write three points) [5] Distinguish between transfer and promotion. (State two points) (c) What sort of programs for the newly recruited and existing employees have been [5] initiated for their improvement? Question 10 Amazon and Flipkart, India s two leading e-commerce marketplaces are engaged in a fierce price war. Amazon continues to offer aggressive discounts on popular models such as the Apple iPhones, Samsung smartphones and television sets even after its own sale got over in order to match the offers in Flipkart s sale and intends to continue doing this till Flipkart s sale ends, according to a senior executive with the company. With reference to the above: (a) Name the type of non-traditional marketing Amazon and Flipkart are engaged in. [5] Explain briefly the non-traditional marketing adopted by Amazon and Flipkart. (b) What kind of pricing strategy are both Flipkart and Amazon following? [5] Explain briefly the pricing strategy adopted by Flipkart and Amazon. (c) Explain the Introduction and Decline Stage of Product Life Cycle. T20 881 4 [5]

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