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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2015 : History (Series 1)

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SET 1 . Series : SSO/C Code No. 61/1 - - . Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. - 10 + 1 - - - - 18 , - 15 - 10.15 10.15 10.30 - - Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages + 1 Map. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 18 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. HISTORY : 3 ] [ Time allowed : 3 hours ] : 80 [ Maximum Marks : 80 : (i) (ii) 1 3 30 (iii) 4 9 100 (iv) 61/1 10 , 1 [P.T.O. (v) 11 14 350 (vi) 15 17 (vii) 18 , - General Instructions : (i) Answer all the questions. Some questions have choice. Marks are indicated against each question. (ii) Answer to questions no. 1 to 3, carrying 2 marks should not exceed 30 words each. (iii) Answer to questions no. 4 to 9, carrying 4 marks, should not exceed 100 words each. Students should attempt only 5 questions in this section. (iv) Question no. 10 (for 4 marks) is a value based question and compulsory. (v) Answer to questions no. 11 to 14, carrying 8 marks should not exceed 350 words each. Students should attempt only 3 questions from this section. (vi) Questions no. 15 to 17 are source based questions and have no internal choice. (vii) Map Question 18 includes identification and significance test items. Attach the map with the answer-book. PART A : 2 3=6 Answer all the questions given below : 1. - Mention two features of drainage system of the Harappan cities. 61/1 2 2 2. ? 2 Why is Akbar considered to be the greatest of all the Mughal Emperors ? Give two reasons. 3. ? 2 Explain why Deccan Riots Commission was set up. PART B I SECTION I : 4 5 = 20 Answer any five of the following questions : 4. 4 Describe the subsistence strategies of the Harappans. 5. , 4 According to shastras only Kashatriyas could be the Kings. Provide evidence to prove that this was not universally followed. 6. ( - ) 4 Examine the significance of rituals associated with Mahanavami Dibba . 61/1 3 [P.T.O. 7. 4 The officer corps of the Mughals was described as a bouquet of flowers held together by loyalty to the emperor. Substantiate. 8. 4 Explain the causes that led to the partition of India. 9. 4 Examine the recommendations of the Constituent Assembly of India regarding the protection to be given to the depressed castes. II SECTION II ( ) Value based Question (Compulsory) 10. 4 1=4 - , , 4 Mirabai has been recognized as a source of inspiration for centuries. Identify the moral values that you have learnt from her socio-religious ideology. 61/1 4 PART C : 8 3 = 24 Answer any three of the following questions : 11. 4+4=8 Describe the main characteristics of Mauryan Administration. Point out the major sources used by Historians to reconstruct the history of Mauryan Empire. 12. 8 Explain Bernier s understanding of landownership during Mughal period. 13. ( ) 8 Analyse the factors that led to the development of hill stations in colonial India. 14. ? 6+2=8 What was the significance of Salt March of Mahatma Gandhi ? Describe the outcomes of Round Table Conference that followed the Salt March. 61/1 5 [P.T.O. PART D ( ) (Source Based Questions) 15. 7 3 = 21 : : , , , , ... (15.1) ? 2 (15.2) 2 (15.3) - Read the following excerpt carefully and answer the questions that follow : A Prayer to Agni Here are two verses from the Rigveda invoking Agni, the god of fire, often identified with the sacrificial fire, into which offerings were made so as to reach the other deities : Bring, O strong one, this sacrifice of ours to the gods, O wise one, as a liberal giver. Bestow on us, O priest, abundant food. Agni, obtain, by sacrificing, mighty wealth for us. Procure, O Agni, for ever to him who prays to you (the gift of) nourishment, the wonderful cow. May a son be ours, offspring that continues our line Verses such as these were composed in a special kind of Sanskrit, known as Vedic Sanskrit. They were taught orally to men belonging to priestly families. (15.1) What is the Rigveda ? (15.2) Outline the objectives of the sacrificial traditions prevailing during vedic age. (15.3) The Rigveda consists of hymns in praise of a variety of deities. Elaborate. 61/1 6 3 16. : , 1595 ( ) - : , - , , , , , ( ) , , ( ), , , , ( ) , , ( ), , , , , , , ( ) , , ( - ), , , (16.1) - (16.2) (16.3) 2 - ? 2 3 Read the following excerpt carefully and answer the questions that follow : Trade between the hill tribes and the plains, c. 1595 This is how Abu l Fazl describes the transactions between the hill tribes and the plains in the suba of Awadh (part of present-day Uttar Pradesh) : From the northern mountains quantities of goods are carried on the backs of men, of stout ponies and of goats, such as gold, copper, lead, musk, tails of the kutas cow (the yak), honey, chuk (an acid composed of orange juice and lemon boiled together), pomegranate seed, ginger, long pepper, majith (a plant producing a red dye) root, borax, zedoary (a root resembling turmeric), wax, woolen stuffs, woodenware, hawks, falcons, black falcons, merlins (a kind of bird), and other articles. In exchange they carry back white and coloured cloths, amber, salt, asafoetida, ornaments, glass and earthenware. 61/1 7 [P.T.O. (16.1) Mention any four articles those were exchanged between the people of plains and hilly areas. (16.2) What were the means of transport used for carrying trade articles ? (16.3) Describe the impact of commercial agriculture on the lives of the forest dwellers in Mughal India. 17. : : , (17.1) 2 - ? 3 (17.2) 1857 (17.3) Read the following excerpt carefully and answer the questions that follow : Villagers as rebels An officer reporting from rural Awadh (spelt as Oude in the following account) noted : The Oude people are gradually pressing down on the line of communication from the North the Oude people are villagers these villagers are nearly intangible to Europeans melting away before them and collecting again. The Civil Authorities report these villagers to amount to a very large number of men, with a number of guns. (17.1) Outline the problems faced by the Britishers in dealing with the rebels. (17.2) Analyse the role of Awadh in the revolt of 1857. (17.3) What measures were taken by the British to suppress the rebellion in Awadh ? 61/1 2 8 PART E /Map Question 18. (18.1) - : (18.2) (a) 1 (b) ( ) 1857 1 1, 2 3 3 (18.1) On the given political outline map of India, locate and label the following appropriately symbols : (a) Dandi A centre of Indian national movement. (b) Calcutta (Kolkata) A place under British control in 1857. (18.2) On the same map three Buddhist sites are marked as 1, 2 and 3. Identify them and write their names on the lines drawn near them. : . . 18 : (18.1) 1 (18.2) 1857 1 (18.3-18.5) 61/1 9 3 [P.T.O. Note : The following questions are for the visually impaired candidates only, in lieu of Q. No. 18. (18.1) Name a place in Gujarat associated with Indian National Movement. (18.2) Name any place in West Bengal which was under the control of British in 1857. (18.3-18.5) Name any three Buddhist sites in India: ___________ 61/1 10 . 18 Map for Q. No. 18 Outline Map of India (Political) - ( ) 2 1 3 MAJOR BUDDHIST SITES 61/1 11 [P.T.O. 61/1 12

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