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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2019 : History (Series 4)

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SET-1 H$moS> Z . Series BVM/4 Code No. amob Z . 61/4/1 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 14 + 1 _mZ{M h & Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > > na {bI| & H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >16 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & Please check that this question paper contains 14 printed pages and 1 Map. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 16 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. B{Vhmg HISTORY {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours 61/4/1 Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. gm_m ` {ZX}e : (i) g^r Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE & Hw$N> Zm| _| Am V[aH$ {dH$ n {XE JE h & `oH$ Z Ho$ A H$ CgHo$ gm_Zo A {H$V {H$E JE h & (ii) Z g `m 1 go 3 Xmo A H$m| dmbo h , `oH$ Z H$m C ma 30 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm Mm{hE & (iii) Z g `m 4 go 9 Mma A H$m| dmbo h , `oH$ Z H$m C ma 100 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm Mm{hE & (iv) Z g `m 10 go 12 AmR> A H$m| dmbo h , `oH$ Z H$m C ma 350 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm Mm{hE & (v) Z g `m 13 go 15 moV AmYm[aV Z h & (vi) Z g `m 16 _mZ{M g ~ Yr Z h , {Og_| bjUm| H$mo nhMmZZm VWm _h dnyU narjU _Xm| H$m WmZ Xem Zm em{_b h & _mZ{M H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ gmW Z Wr H$s{OE & General Instructions : (i) Answer all the questions. Some questions have internal choice. Marks are indicated against each question. (ii) Answer to questions no. 1 to 3 carrying 2 marks should not exceed 30 words each. (iii) Answer to questions no. 4 to 9 carrying 4 marks should not exceed 100 words each. (iv) Answer to questions no. 10 to 12 carrying 8 marks should not exceed 350 words each. (v) Questions no. 13 to 15 are source based questions. (vi) Question no. 16 is a Map question that includes identification and location of significant test items. Attach the map with the answer-book. I S H$ PART A (A{V bKw-C mar` Z) (Very Short-Answer Type Questions) 1. 2 3=6 h S> nm Ho$ bmoJm| Ho$ ~rM gm_m{OH$ Ed Am{W H$ {^ VmAm| H$mo OmZZo Ho$ {bE nwamV d{dXm| Zo edmYmZm| H$mo H $go `moJ {H$`m h ? naI H$s{OE & AWdm 2 h S> nm Ho$ h d H$mo g PZo | H$q K {OZ jo m| go ^ { V h E, CZH$m {d bofU H$s{OE & 2 61/4/1 2 Examine how archaeologists have used burials to find out the social and economic differences amongst Harappan people. OR Analyse the areas of Cunningham s confusion in understanding the significance of Harappa. 2. B Z ~VyVm mam d{U V ^maVr` eham| H$s {H$ ht Xmo {deofVmAm| H$m C boI H$s{OE & 2 State any two characteristics of Indian cities described by Ibn Battuta. 3. Odmhabmb Zoh $ Ho$ C o ` Vmd H$mo EH$ _h dnyU Vmd `m| H$hm OmVm h ? H$moB Xmo H$maU Xr{OE & 2 Why is Objectives Resolution of Jawaharlal Nehru considered as a momentous resolution ? Give any two reasons. I S I PART B (bKw-C mar` Z) (Short-Answer Type Questions) 4. 4 6=24 N>R>r eVm Xr B .ny. go N>R>r eVm Xr B . VH$ ^maV _| {g H$m| H$s {deofVmAm| H$m dU Z H$s{OE & $ 4 Describe the features of coinage in India from sixth century BCE to sixth century CE. 5. _mohZOmoX S>mo H$m J h- Wmn ` AZyR>m Wm & H$WZ H$mo CXmhaUm| Ho$ gmW n Q> H$s{OE & 4 The domestic architecture of Mohenjodaro was unique. Explain the statement with examples. 61/4/1 3 P.T.O. 6. H$~ra Mm Xhdt Am a n hdt eVmp X`m| Ho$ g V-H${d`m| _| A {V_ Wo & Bg H$WZ H$mo CZHo$ na_ g `Vm Ho$ dU Z Ho$ g X^ _| n Q> H$s{OE & 4 Kabir is perhaps one of the most outstanding examples of a poet-saint of fourteenth-fifteenth centuries. Substantiate the statement with reference to his description of Ultimate Reality . 7. {dO`ZJa Ho$ {dQ >R>b _p Xa H$mo AZyR>m Am a amoMH$ `m| g_Pm OmVm Wm n Q> H$s{OE & AWdm ? CXmhaU g{hV {dO`ZJa Ho$ ehar { H$bo~ {XV jo Ho$ _ ` H ${f _| `w $ ^y{_ H$mo KoaZo Ho$ _h d H$mo n Q> H$s{OE & 4 4 Why was the Vitthala temple of Vijayanagara considered unique and interesting ? Explain with example. OR Explain the significance of enclosing agricultural land within the fortified area of the city of Vijayanagara. 8. X H$Z X Jm Am`moJ H$s [anmoQ> H$s AmbmoMZm _H$ g_rjm H$s{OE & AWdm 1857 _| {~ {Q>e gaH$ma H$s AdY na {Z` U H$aZo H$s Zr{V`m| H$s AmbmoMZm _H$ g_rjm H$s{OE & 4 4 Critically examine the Deccan Riots Commission s Report. OR Critically examine the policies adopted by the British for the annexation of Awadh in 1857. 9. ^maV _| C rgdt eVm Xr Ho$ Xm amZ eharH$aU Ho$ {V $nm| _| XoIo JE _h dnyU ~Xbmdm| H$mo COmJa H$s{OE & Highlight the significant variations observed in the patterns of urbanisation during nineteenth century in India. 61/4/1 4 4 I S J PART C (XrK -C mar` Z) (Long-Answer Type Questions) 10. 8 3=24 ~w H$s {ejmAm| Am a B gm H$s W_ gXr Ho$ ~mX ~m AdYmaUmAm| Am a `dhma _| AmE {dH$mg H$m dU Z H$s{OE & AWdm gm Mr Vyn H$s ^ ` _y{V H$bm H$s {deofVmAm| H$m dU Z H$s{OE & 8 8 Describe the teachings of Buddha and development of Buddhist ideas and practices by the first century CE. OR Describe the magnificent features of the sculpture of Sanchi Stupa. 11. gwbh-E Hw$b (nyU em {V) Ho$ AmXe ~w emgZ H$s AmYma{ebm Wr & A~wb \$ b Ho$ Bg H$WZ H$mo AH$~a Ho$ gm_ m ` Ho$ g X^ _| n Q> H$s{OE & AWdm w Jbm| H$s ^ p Q> Ho$ Mma- gma H$m VarH$m amOd er B{Vhmg H$m {bIZm-{bIdmZm Wm & Bg H$WZ H$mo AH$~a Zm m Am a ~mXemh Zm m Ho$ g X^ | n Q> H$s{OE & 8 8 The ideal of Sulh-i kul (absolute peace) was the cornerstone of enlightened rule. Explain the statement of Abul Fazl with reference to Akbar s Empire. OR Mughals transmitted their grand vision through the writing of dynastic histories. Explain the statement with reference to the Akbar Nama and Badshah Nama. 12. ^maV Ho$ {d^mOZ Ho$ B{Vhmg Ho$ nwZ{Z _m U _| g _aU Am a _m {IH$ Jdm{h`m| Ho$ _h d Am a gr_mAm| H$s Om M H$s{OE & AWdm 1937 Ho$ m Vr` MwZmdm| Ho$ n[aUm_m| H$s naI H$s{OE Am a H$m J og _ mb`m| Am a _wp b_ brJ H$s BZ_| ^y{_H$m H$s ^r Om M H$s{OE & 8 8 Examine the importance and limitations of memories and oral testimonies in reconstructing the history of the partition of India. OR Examine the outcomes of the provincial elections of 1937 and also examine the role of Congress ministries and Muslim League in it. 61/4/1 5 P.T.O. I S K PART D ( moV AmYm[aV Z) (Source Based Questions) 13. 7 3=21 {Z Z{b{IV C aU H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : _mVm H$s gbmh _hm^maV _| C boI {_bVm h {H$ O~ H$m adm| Am a nm S>dm| Ho$ ~rM `w Ad ` ^mdr hmo J`m, Vmo Jm Ymar Zo AnZo `o R> nw X `m}YZ go `w Z H$aZo H$s {dZVr H$s : em {V H$s g {Y H$aHo$ Vw_ AnZo {nVm, _oam VWm AnZo ew^o Nw>H$m| H$m g _mZ H$amoJo ... {ddoH$s nw f Omo AnZr B { `m| na {Z` U aIVm h dhr AnZo am ` H$s aIdmbr H$aVm h & bmbM Am a H $moY AmX_r H$mo bm^ go X a IXo S>H$a bo OmVo h ; BZ XmoZm| e wAm| H$mo nam{OV H$a amOm g_ V n dr H$mo OrV gH$Vm h ... ho nw Vw_ {ddoH$s Am a dra nm S>dm| Ho$ gmW gmZ X Bg n dr H$m ^moJ H$amoJo ... `w _| Hw$N> ^r ew^ Zht hmoVm, Z Y_ Am a AW H$s m{ V hmoVr h Am a Zm hr g Vm H$s; `w Ho$ A V _| g\$bVm {_bo `h ^r O $ar Zht ... AnZo _Z H$mo `w _| {b V _V H$amo ... X `m}YZ Zo _m H$s gbmh Zht _mZr, dh `w _| b S>m Am a hma J`m & (13.1) Jm Ymar H$s AnZo o R> nw , X m}YZ Ho$ {V qMVm H$m {d bofU H$s{OE & (13.2) Amn h H $go gmoMVo h {H$ bmbM Am a H $moY Eogr ~wamB m h Omo AmX r H$s ~w{ na nXm S>mbVr h ? (13.3) Jm Ymar Zo AnZo ~oQ>o H$mo Omo g_PXma gwPmd {X`m CgH$s `m `m H$s{OE & Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : A mother s advice The Mahabharata describes how, when war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas became inevitable, Gandhari made one last appeal to her eldest son Duryodhana : By making peace you honour your father and me, as well as your well-wishers ... it is the wise man in control of his senses who guards his kingdom. Greed and anger drag a man away from his profits; by defeating these two enemies a king conquers the earth ... You will happily enjoy the earth, my son, along with the wise and heroic Pandavas ... There is no good in a war, no law (dharma) and profit (artha), let alone happiness; nor is there (necessarily) victory in the end don t set your mind on war ... Duryodhana did not listen to this advice and fought and lost the war. (13.1) Analyse Gandhari s concern for her eldest son, Duryodhana. (13.2) How do you think that greed and anger are the vices that overcome the senses of man ? (13.3) Explain the wise suggestion Gandhari gave to her son. 61/4/1 6 2 2 3 14. {Z Z{b{IV C aU H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : Iwe{H$ _Vr Ho$ Jwbm~ ~mJ H$s qgMmB ZrMo {XE JE C aU _| A~wb \$ b Zo ~ S>o gm \$ Vm a na `o Iwbmgm {H$`m h {H$ CgZo H $go Am a {H$Zgo AnZr gyMZmE hm{gb H$s : ...A~wb \$ b, d X _w~maH$... H$mo `h emZXma h _ {X`m J`m, emZXma KQ>ZmAm| Am a am `-jo AYrZ H$aZo dmbr h_mar \$Vhm| H$s Xm VmZ B _mZXmar Ho$ H$b_ go {bImo... & Vg br go, _ Zo H$m \$s ImoO~rZ Am a {_hZV H$aHo$ _hm_{h_ H$s J{V{d{Y`m| H$mo g~yV Am a X Vmdo O BH$ >o {H$E Am a ~h V g_` VH$ am ` Ho$ _wbm{ O_m| d emhr n[adma Ho$ gX `m| Ho$ gmW Odm~-Vb~ {H$`m & _ Zo gM ~mobZo dmbo g_PXma ~wOwJm] Am a \w$Vubo {X_mJ dmbo, g `H$_u OdmZm| XmoZm| (H$s ~mVm|) H$mo naIm, Am a CZHo$ ~`mZm| H$mo {b{IV $n go XO {H$`m & gy~m| H$mo emhr h _ Omar {H$`m J`m {H$ nwamZo _wbm{ O_m| _| {Og {H$gr H$mo ~rVo d $ H$s KQ>ZmE `mX hm|, nyao {d dmg Ho$ gmW `m _m_ybr eH$ Ho$ gmW (^r), do AnZo g _aU H$mo {bI| Am a Cgo Xa~ma ^oO X|, ({\$a) Cg nmH$-_m OyXJr Ho$ H$j go EH$ Am a h _ am eZ h Am; dmo `o, {H$ Omo gm_J r O_m H$s OmE... Cgo emhr _m OyXJr _| n T>H$a gwZm`m OmE, Am a ~mX _| Omo Hw$N> ^r {bIm OmZm hmo, Cgo Cg _hmZ {H$Vm~ _| n[a{e Q> H$s e b _| Omo S> {X`m OmE, Am a `o {H$ Eogo `moao Omo Om M-n S>Vmb H$s ~mar{H$`m| H$s dOh go, `m _m_bo H$s ~mar{H$`m| H$s dOh go, Cgr g_` A Om_ VH$ Zht bmE Om gHo$, C h| _ ~mX _| XO H$ $ & B dar A `mXoe H$m Iwbmgm H$aZo dmbo Bg emhr h _ (H$s dOh) go AnZr Jw V { \$H $ go amhV nmH$a, _ Zo Eogo H$ o m $n {bIZo H$s ew $AmV H$s, {Og_| e br `m {d `mg H$s y~gyaVr Zht Wr & _ Zo Bbmhr g dV Ho$ C rgd| gmb go O~ _hm_{h_ H$s Xm{Ze_ X A b go X Vmdo O X Va Wm{nV {H$`m J`m Wm KQ>ZmAm| H$m B{Vhmgd m hm{gb {H$`m, Am a CgHo$ ^ao-nyao n m| go _ Zo H$B _m_bm| H$m `moam nm`m & H$m \$s VH$br \|$ CR>mH$a CZ g^r h _m| H$s _yb {V `m ZH$b hm{gb H$s JB Omo am `m{^foH$ go boH$a AmO VH$ gy~m| H$mo Omar {H$E JE Wo & H$m \$s {X H$Vm| H$m gm_Zm H$aVo h E, _ Zo CZ_| go H$B [anmoQ>m] H$mo ^r em{_b {H$`m Omo gm_ m ` Ho$ {d{^ _m_bm| `m X gao Xoem| _| KQ>r KQ>ZmAm| Ho$ ~mao _| Wt Am a {O h| D $Mo A \$gam| Am a _ { `m| Zo ^oOm Wm Am a Odm~-Vb~ d ImoO~rZ Ho$ V go _oar {_hZVng X $h g V V hmo JB & ~ S>r H$_ R>Vm Ho$ gmW _ Zo do H$ o _gm Xo d kmnZn ^r hm{gb {H$E Omo OmZH$ma Am a X aXeu bmoJm| Zo {bIo Wo & BZ VarH$m| go Iwe{H$ _Vr Ho$ Bg Jwbm~ ~mJ (AH$~aZm_m) H$mo gtMZo Am a Z_r XoZo Ho$ {bE _ Zo hm O ~Zm`m & (14.1) emhr {dMmaYmamE {H$g H$ma Mm[aV H$s OmVr Wt ? (14.2) emhr h H$mo B dar A mXoe m| mZm OmVm Wm ? (14.3) w Jb emgZ H$m gOrd dU Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE {H$Z moVm| H$m Cn moJ {H$ m J m ? 61/4/1 7 2 2 3 P.T.O. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : Moistening the rose garden of fortune In this extract Abu l Fazl gives a vivid account of how and from whom he collected his information : ... to Abu l Fazl, son of Mubarak ... this sublime mandate was given. Write with the pen of sincerity the account of the glorious events and of our dominion-conquering victories ... Assuredly, I spent much labour and research in collecting the records and narratives of His Majesty s actions and I was a long time interrogating the servants of the State and the old members of the illustrious family. I examined both prudent, truth-speaking old men and active-minded, right-actioned young ones and reduced their statements to writing. The Royal commands were issued to the provinces, that those who from old service remembered, with certainty or with adminicle of doubt, the events of the past, should copy out the notes and memoranda and transit them to the court. (Then) a second command shone forth from the holy Presence-chamber; to wit that the materials which had been collected should be ... recited in the royal hearing, and whatever might have to be written down afterwards, should be introduced into the noble volume as a supplement, and that such details as on account to the minuteness of the inquiries and the minutae of affairs, (which) could not then be brought to an end, should be inserted afterwards at my leisure. Being relieved by this royal order the interpreter of the Divine ordinance from the secret anxiety of my heart, I proceeded to reduce into writing the rough draughts (drafts) which were void of the grace of arrangement and style. I obtained the chronicle of events beginning at the Nineteenth Year of the Divine Era, when the Record Office was established by the enlightened intellect of His Majesty, and from its rich pages, I gathered the accounts of many events. Great pains too, were taken to procure the originals or copies of most of the orders which had been issued to the provinces from the 61/4/1 8 Accession up to the present-day ... I also took much trouble to incorporate many of the reports which ministers and high officials had submitted, about the affairs of the empire and the events of foreign countries. And my labour-loving soul was satiated by the apparatus of inquiry and research. I also exerted myself energetically to collect the rough notes and memoranda of sagacious and well-informed men. By these means, I constructed a reservoir for irrigating and moistening the rose garden of fortune (the Akbar Nama). 15. (14.1) How were imperial ideologies disseminated ? (14.2) Why were Royal orders considered as Divine ordinance ? (14.3) Which sources were used to describe the vivid account of the Mughal Empire ? {Z Z{b{IV C aU H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : H$b h_ Z_H$ H$a H$mZyZ Vmo S>|Jo 5 A b, 1930 H$mo _hm _m Jm Yr Zo Xm S>r _| H$hm Wm : O~ _ AnZo gm{W`m| Ho$ gmW Xm S>r Ho$ Bg g_w VQ>r` Q>mobo H$s Va\$ Mbm Wm Vmo _wPo `H$sZ Zht Wm {H$ h_| `hm VH$ AmZo {X`m OmEJm & O~ _ gm~a_Vr _| Wm V~ ^r `h A \$dmh Wr {H$ _wPo {Ja Vma {H$`m Om gH$Vm h & V~ _ Zo gmoMm Wm {H$ gaH$ma _oao gm{W`m| H$mo Vmo Xm S>r VH$ AmZo XoJr bo{H$Z _wPo {Z M` hr `h Ny>Q> Zht {_boJr & `{X H$moB `h H$hVm {H$ Bggo _oao X` _| AnyU Am Wm H$m g Ho$V {_bVm h Vmo _ Bg Amamon H$mo ZH$maZo dmbm Zht h & _ `hm VH$ nh Mm h , Bg_| emp V Am a Aqhgm H$m H$_ hmW Zht h ; Bg g mm H$mo g~ _hgyg H$aVo h & AJa gaH$ma Mmho Vmo dh AnZo Bg AmMaU Ho$ {bE AnZr nrR> WnWnm gH$Vr h `m|{H$ gaH$ma MmhVr Vmo h_ _| go haoH$ H$mo {Ja Vma H$a gH$Vr Wr & O~ gaH$ma `h H$hVr h {H$ CgHo$ nmg em {V H$s goZm H$mo {Ja Vma H$aZo H$m gmhg Zht Wm Vmo h_ CgH$s e gm H$aVo h & gaH$ma H$mo Eogr goZm H$s {Ja Vmar _| e_ _hgyg hmoVr h & AJa H$moB `{ $ Eogm H$m_ H$aZo _| e{_ Xm _hgyg H$aVm h Vmo CgHo$ n S>mo{g`m| H$mo ^r amg Zht Am gH$Vm, Vmo dh EH$ {e Q>-g ` `{ $ h & gaH$ma H$mo h_| {Ja Vma Z H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~YmB Xr OmZr Mm{hE ^bo hr CgZo {d d OZ_V H$m `mb H$aHo$ hr `h \ $gbm `m| Z {b`m hmo & 61/4/1 9 P.T.O. H$b h_ Z_H$ H$a H$mZyZ Vmo S>|Jo & gaH$ma BgH$mo ~Xm V H$aVr h {H$ Zht, `h gdmb AbJ h & hmo gH$Vm h gaH$ma h_| Eogm Z H$aZo Xo bo{H$Z CgZo h_mao O Wo Ho$ ~mao _| Omo Y ` Am a g{h UwVm {XImB h CgHo$ {bE dh A{^Z XZ H$s nm h ... & `{X _wPo Am a JwOamV d Xoe ^a Ho$ gmao _w ` ZoVmAm| H$mo {Ja Vma H$a {b`m OmVm h Vmo `m hmoJm ? `h Am XmobZ Bg {d dmg na AmYm[aV h {H$ O~ EH$ nyam am Q > CR> I S>m hmoVm h Am a AmJo ~ T>Zo bJVm h Vmo Cgo ZoVm H$s O $aV Zht ah OmVr & (CWMG) H$bo Q>oS d g Am \$ _hm _m Jm Yr I S> 49 (15.1) _hm _m Jm Yr Zo O~ Xm S>r _mM H$s ew AmV H$s Vmo C h| {H$g ~mV H$m `H$sZ Zht Wm, CgH$s `m `m H$s{OE & (15.2) Jm YrOr Zo Eogm `m| H$hm {H$ gaH$ma H$mo ~YmB XoZr ~ZVr h (15.3) Z_H$ `m m C boIZr` Wr & H$WZ H$mo _m{UV H$s{OE & ? AWdm {Z Z{b{IV C aU H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : MaIm hm m Jm Yr AmYw{ZH$ wJ, {Og | erZm| Zo mZd H$mo Jwbm ~ZmH$a l H$mo hQ>m {X m Wm, Ho$ Kmoa AmbmoMH$ Wo & C hm|Zo MaIm H$mo EH$ Eogo, mZd g mO Ho$ VrH$ $n | XoIm, {Og | erZm| Am a m mo{JH$s H$mo ~h V {h m {S>V Zht {H$ m OmEJm & Bggo ^r A{YH$ MaIm Jar~m| H$mo nyaH$ Am XZr XmZ H$a gH$Vm Wm VWm C h| dmdb ~r ~Zm gH$Vm Wm & oar Amn{ m erZ Ho$ {V gZH$ go h & h gZH$ l ~MmZo dmbr erZar Ho$ {bE h & o V~ VH$ l ~MmVo ah|Jo O~ VH$ {H$ h Omam| bmoJ {~Zm H$m Ho$ Am a ^yI go aZo Ho$ {bE g S>H$m| na Z |$H$ {XE OmE & mZd g wXm Ho$ {H$gr EH$ {h go Ho$ {bE Zht ~p H$ g^r Ho$ {bE g Am a l ~MmZm 61/4/1 10 2 2 3 MmhVm h : YZ H$m H|$ rH$aU Hw$N> hr bmoJm| Ho$ hmWm| | Zht, ~p H$ g^r Ho$ hmWm| | H$aZm MmhVm h & J B {S> m, 13 Zd ~a 1924 I a erZar H$mo Z Q> Zht H$aZm MmhVm ~p H$ h BgHo$ moJ H$mo {Z { V H$aVm h Am a BgHo$ {dH$mg H$mo {Z { V H$aVm h & h erZar H$m moJ gdm {YH$ Jar~ bmoJm| Ho$ {bE CZH$s AnZr Pmon{ S> m| | H$aVm h & n{h m AnZo Amn | hr erZar H$m EH$ C H $ Q> Z yZm h & J B {S> m, 17 mM 1927 (15.1) hm m Jm Yr AmYw{ZH$ wJ Ho$ AmbmoMH$ m| Wo (15.2) n{h m AnZo Amn | hr erZar H$m EH$ C H $ Q> Z yZm h & Jm YrOr Ho$ Bg H$WZ H$s m m H$s{OE & 2 MaIo H$mo Jm YrOr mam {XE JE h d H$mo COmJa H$s{OE & 3 (15.3) ? 2 Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : Tomorrow we shall break the salt tax law On 5 April, 1930, Mahatma Gandhi spoke at Dandi : When I left Sabarmati with my companions for this seaside hamlet of Dandi, I was not certain in my mind that we would be allowed to reach this place. Even while I was at Sabarmati there was a rumour that I might be arrested. I had thought that the Government might perhaps let my party come as far as Dandi, but not me certainly. If someone says that this betrays imperfect faith on my part, I shall not deny the charge. That I have reached here is in no small measure due to the power of peace and non-violence : that power is universally felt. The Government may, if it wishes, congratulate itself on acting as it has done, for it could have arrested every one of us. In saying 61/4/1 11 P.T.O. that it did not have the courage to arrest this army of peace, we praise it. It felt ashamed to arrest such an army. He is a civilised man who feels ashamed to do anything which his neighbours would disapprove. The Government deserves to be congratulated on not arresting us, even if it desisted only from fear of world opinion. Tomorrow we shall break the salt tax law. Whether the Government will tolerate that is a different question. It may not tolerate it, but it deserves congratulations on the patience and forbearance it has displayed in regard to this party. ... What if I and all the eminent leaders in Gujarat and in the rest of the country are arrested ? This movement is based on the faith that when a whole nation is roused and on the march no leader is necessary. (15.1) CWMG, VOL. 49 Interpret the apprehensions of Mahatma Gandhi when he started his Dandi March. (15.2) Why did Gandhiji say that the government deserved to be congratulated ? (15.3) The Salt March was significant. Substantiate the statement. OR Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : Charkha Mahatma Gandhi was profoundly critical of the modern age in which machines enslaved humans and displaced labour. He saw the charkha as a symbol of a human society that would not glorify machines and technology. The spinning wheel, 61/4/1 12 moreover, could provide the poor with supplementary income and make them self-reliant. What I object to, is the craze for machinery as such. The craze is for what they call labour-saving machinery. Men go on saving labour , till thousands are without work and thrown on the open streets to die of starvation. I want to save time and labour, not for a fraction of mankind, but for all; I want the concentration of wealth, not in the hands of few, but in the hands of all. YOUNG INDIA, 13 NOVEMBER 1924 Khaddar does not seek to destroy all machinery but it does regulate its use and check its weedy growth. It uses machinery for the service of the poorest in their own cottages. The wheel is itself an exquisite piece of machinery. YOUNG INDIA, 17 MARCH 1927 (15.1) Why was Mahatma Gandhi critical of the modern age ? (15.2) The wheel is itself an exquisite piece of machinery. Explain this statement of Gandhiji. (15.3) 61/4/1 Highlight the importance given by Gandhiji to the charkha. 13 P.T.O. I S> L> PART E Z / Map Question) 2+3=5 ^maV Ho$ {XE JE amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{M (n > 15 na), _| {Z Z{b{IV H$mo Cn`w $ {M m| go Xem BE Am a CZHo$ Zm_ {b{IE : 1 2=2 (H$) Io S>m am Q >r` Am XmobZ H$m _h dnyU Ho$ & AWdm ~ ~B 1857 Ho$ Xm amZ {~ {Q>e {Z` U Ho$ AYrZ jo & (I) AmJam _w Jbm| H$s emhr amOYmZr & AWdm _ gya ^maV Ho$ {XE JE Bgr amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{M _| {dH${gV h S> nm nwam Wbm| go g ~p YV VrZ WmZm| A, B Am a C Ho$ $n _| A {H$V {H$E JE h & C h| nhMm{ZE Am a CZHo$ ghr Zm_ CZHo$ nmg ItMr JB aoImAm| na {b{IE & 1 3=3 ( _mZ{M 16. (16.1) (16.2) (16.1) (16.2) On the given political outline map of India (on page 15), locate and label the following appropriately : (a) Kheda Important Centre of National Movement. OR Bombay A territory under British control during 1857. (b) Agra The Imperial capital of Mughals. OR Mysore On the same political outline map of India, three places have been marked as A, B and C, which are related to the matured Harappan sites. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. {Z Z{b{IV Z Ho$db { >~m{YV narjm{W `m| Ho$ {bE . g . 16 Ho$ WmZ na h : ZmoQ> : Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 16 : (16.1) am Q >r` Am XmobZ Ho$ {H$gr EH$ H|$ H$m Zm_ {b{IE & (16.2) ~m~a Ho$ AYrZ {H$gr EH$ jo H$m Zm_ {b{IE & (16.3) {H$ ht VrZ ~m Wbm| Ho$ Zm_ {b{IE & 1+1+3=5 AWdm {H$ ht VrZ {dH${gV h S> nm Wbm| Ho$ Zm_ {b{IE & (16.1) (16.2) (16.3) 61/4/1 Name any one centre of National Movement. Name any one territory under Babur. Name any three Buddhist sites. OR Name any three matured Harappan sites. 14 1 3=3 Z g . 16.1 Am a 16.2 For question no. 16.1 and 16.2 Ho$ {bE ^maV H$m aoIm-_mZ{M (amOZr{VH$) Outline Map of India (Political) 61/4/1 15 P.T.O.

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