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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2015 : History (Series 2)

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SET-1 H$moS> Z . Series SSO Code No. amob Z . 61/1 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 10 + 1 _mZ{M h & Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma -nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > > na {bI| & H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >18 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & Please check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages and 1 Map. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 18 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. B{Vhmg HISTORY {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours 61/1 Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. gm_m ` {ZX}e : (i) g^r Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE & Hw$N> Zm| _| Am V[aH$ {dH$ n {XE JE h & `oH$ Z Ho$ A H$ CgHo$ gm_Zo A {H$V {H$E JE h & (ii) Z g `m 1 go 3 Xmo A H$m| dmbo h , `oH$ Z H$m C ma Mm{hE & (iii) Z g `m 4 go 9 Mma A H$m| dmbo h & `oH$ Z H$m C ma 100 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm Mm{hE & {d m{W `m| H$mo Bg I S> go Ho$db nm M Zm| H$mo hb H$aZm Mm{hE & (iv) Z g `m 10 _y ` AmYm[aV Z h Am a A{Zdm` h , `h Z ^r Mma A H$ H$m h & (v) Z g `m 11 go 14 AmR> A H$m| dmbo h & BZ_| go `oH$ Z H$m C ma 350 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm Mm{hE & {d m{W `m| H$mo Bg I S> go {H$ ht VrZ Zm| H$mo hb H$aZm Mm{hE & (vi) Z g `m 15 go 17 moV AmYm[aV h & BZ_| H$moB Am V[aH$ {dH$ n Zht h & (vii) Z g `m 18 _mZ{M g ~ Yr h , {Og_| bjUm| H$mo nhMmZZm VWm _h dnyU _Xm| H$mo Xem Zm em{_b h & _mZ{M H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ gmW Z Wr H$s{OE & 30 e Xm| go A{YH$ Zht hmoZm General Instructions : (i) Answer all the questions. Some questions have choice. Marks are indicated against each question. (ii) Answer to questions no. 1 to 3 carrying 2 marks should not exceed 30 words each. (iii) Answer to questions no. 4 to 9 carrying 4 marks should not exceed 100 words each. Students should attempt only five questions in this section. (iv) Question no. 10 (for 4 marks) is a value based question and compulsory. (v) Answer to questions no. 11 to 14 carrying 8 marks should not exceed 350 words each. Students should attempt only three questions from this section. (vi) Questions no. 15 to 17 are source based questions and have no internal choice. (vii) Map question 18 includes identification and significance test items. Attach the map with the answer-book. 61/1 2 I S H$ PART A ZrMo {XE JE g^r Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : Answer all the questions given below : 1. ep V`m| go Jw V emgH$m| H$s V `m _H$ OmZH$mar {H$g H$ma {_bVr h ? 2 How have the Prashastis drawn the factual information about the Gupta rulers ? 2. qbJm`Vm| Om{V Zo Y_ em m| Ho$ Hw$N> AmMmam| (~ m Ur` AdYmaUmAm|) H$mo A drH$ma {H$`m & Eogo {H$ ht Xmo AmMmam| H$m C boI H$s{OE & 2 The Lingayats disapproved certain practices of the Dharmashashtras. Cite any two such practices. 3. Cg jo H$m Zm_ {b{IE Ohm 18dt eVm Xr Ho$ Xm amZ bm Q>ar H$_oQ>r mam ZJa-{Z`moOZ H$s ew AmV H$s JB Wr & CgH$s {H$gr EH$ {deofVm H$m C boI H$s{OE & 2 Name the region where the Lottery Committee initiated town planning during the 18th century. Mention any one feature of it. I S I PART B AZw^mJ I SECTION I {Z Z{b{IV _| go {H$ ht nm M Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE : Answer any five of the following questions : 4. {dO`ZJa gm_ m ` Ho$ Ob g gmYZ `m| {dH${gV {H$E JE Wo ? H$maU {b{IE & 4 Why were the water resources of the Vijayanagara Empire developed ? Give reasons. 5. 18dt eVm Xr _| ~ Jmb _| {~ {Q>e A{YH$m[a`m| mam nhm{ S>`m| Ho$ {V AnZmB JB Zr{V`m| H$s naI H$s{OE & 4 Examine the policies adopted by the British towards the Paharias during early 18th century in Bengal. 61/1 3 P.T.O. 6. h S> nmdm{g`m| mam {e n C nmXZ hoVw _mb m V H$aZo Ho$ {bE AnZmB JB Zr{V`m| H$mo n Q> H$s{OE & 4 Explain the strategies for procuring materials by the Harappans for the craft production. 7. B{VhmgH$mam| Zo _m ` gm_ m ` Ho$ B{Vhmg H$s nwZa MZm Ho$ {bE {d{^ H$ma Ho$ moVm| H$m Cn`moJ {H$`m h & Eogo {H$ ht Mma moVm| H$m C boI H$s{OE & 4 Historians have used a variety of sources to reconstruct the history of the Mauryan Empire. State any four such sources. 8. _wJb gm_ m ` Ho$ emhr n[adma Ho$ {d{e Q> A{^bjUm| H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE & 4 Identify the distinctive features of the imperial household of the Mughal Empire. 9. bm S> S>bhm Or H$s AdY A{YJ hU Zr{V H$s AmbmoMZm _H$ naI H$s{OE & 4 Critically examine Lord Dalhousie s policy of annexation in Awadh. AZw^mJ II SECTION II _y ` AmYm[aV Z (A{Zdm` ) Value Based Question (Compulsory) 10. {Z Z{b{IV AZw N>oX H$mo n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Z H$m C ma {b{IE : S>m . IweXod qgh Zo AnZo H$m_m| H$m ~`mZ H$aVo h E {bIm h {H$ EH$ B gmZ hmoZo Ho$ ZmVo {~amXa B gmZm| Ho$ {V AnZr { O _oXmar H$m {Zdm h H$aVo h E _oar N>moQ>r gr H$mo{ee & o_ of go _ O~yV hmoVm h & Bg _y ` H$m g ` ^maV Ho$ {d^mOZ Ho$ g_` {H$g H$ma {g h Am ? do H$m Z-go _y ` h , {OZHo$ A{daV `mg go {gImZo Am a {dH${gV H$aZo go of go ~Mm Om gH$Vm h ? n > H$s{OE & 1+3=4 Read the following passage and answer the question that follows : Dr. Khushdeva Singh describes his work as humble efforts I made to discharge my duty as a human being to fellow human beings. Love is stronger than hate. How true is this value which was proved at the time of the partition of India ? What are the values one needs to instill and nurture to avoid hatred ? Explain. 61/1 4 I S J PART C {Z Z{b{IV _| go {H$ ht VrZ Zm| Ho$ C ma Xr{OE : Answer any three of the following questions : 11. 1930 H$s Z_H$ `m m dh nhbr KQ>Zm Wr {OgHo$ MbVo _hm _m Jm Yr X {Z`m H$s Z Oa _| AmE & damO Ho$ {bE Bg Am XmobZ Ho$ _h d H$mo n > H$s{OE & 8 The Salt March of 1930 was the first event that brought Mahatma Gandhi to world attention. Explain the significance of this movement for Swaraj. 12. Am n{Zdo{eH$ ~ ~B H$s Wmn `-H$bm emhr g mm, am Q >dmX Am a Ym{_ H$ d ^d Ho$ {dMmam| H$m {V{Z{Y d H$aVr Wr & Bg H$WZ H$s CXmhaUm| g{hV nwp Q> H$s{OE & 8 The architecture in colonial Bombay represented ideas of imperial power, nationalism and religious glory. Support the statement with examples. 13. 8 _wJb H$mb _| O Jb _| ahZo dmbo bmoJm| Ho$ OrdZ H$m dU Z H$s{OE & Describe the life of forest dwellers in the Mughal era. 14. gw m-{nQ>H$ Zo ~m Xe Z H$s nwZa MZm {H$g H$ma H$s h ? ~m { {nQ>H$ Ho$ ~mao _| C boI H$s{OE & 5+3=8 How did Sutta-Pitaka reconstruct the philosophy of Buddhism ? Mention about Buddhist Tipitaka. I S K PART D moV AmYm[aV Z Source Based Questions 15. {Z Z{b{IV AZw N>oX H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE C{MV gm_m{OH$ H$V ` _hm^maV Ho$ Am{Xnd Z go EH$ H$hmZr C V h : EH$ ~ma ~ m U moU Ho$ nmg, Omo Hw$ d e Ho$ amOHw$_mam| H$mo YZw{d m H$s {ejm XoVo Wo, EH$b ` Zm_H$ dZdmgr {ZfmX ({eH$mar g_wXm`) Am`m & moU Zo, Omo Y_ g_PVo Wo, Cgo {e ` Ho$ $n _| drH$ma H$aZo go _Zm H$a {X`m & EH$b ` Zo dZ _| bm Q> H$a {_ >r go moU H$s {V_m ~ZmB VWm Cgo AnZm Jw _mZH$a dh d` hr Vra MbmZo H$m A `mg H$aZo bJm & g_` Ho$ gmW dh Vra MbmZo _| {g h V hmo J`m & EH$ {XZ Hw$ amOHw$_ma AnZo Hw$ mo Ho$ gmW 61/1 5 : P.T.O. O Jb _| {eH$ma H$aVo h E EH$b ` Ho$ g_rn nh M JE & Hw$ mm H$mbo _ J H$s M_ S>r Ho$ d _| {bnQ>o {ZfmX H$mo XoIH$a ^m H$Zo bJm & H $mo{YV hmoH$a EH$b ` Zo EH$ gmW gmV Vra MbmH$a CgH$m _w h ~ X H$a {X`m & O~ dh Hw$ mm bm Q>m Vmo nm S>d Vra Xm Or H$m `h AX ^wV ` XoIH$a Am M` M{H$V hmo JE & C hm|Zo EH$b ` H$mo Vbmem, CgZo d` H$mo moU H$m {e ` ~Vm`m & moU Zo AnZo { ` {e ` AOw Z go EH$ ~ma `h H$hm Wm {H$ dh CZHo$ g^r {e `m| _| A{ Vr` Vra Xm O ~ZoJm & AOw Z Zo moU H$mo CZH$m `h U `mX {Xbm`m & moU EH$b ` Ho$ nmg JE {OgZo C h| AnZm Jw _mZH$a Um_ {H$`m & V~ moU Zo Jw X{jUm Ho$ $n _ o EH$b ` go CgHo$ Xm{hZo hmW H$m A JyR>m _m J {b`m & EH$b ` Zo \$m aZ Jw H$mo AnZm A JyR>m H$mQ> H$a Xo {X`m & A~ EH$b ` Vra MbmZo _| CVZm Vo O Zht ahm & Bg Vah moU Zo AOw Z H$mo {XE dMZ H$mo {Z^m`m : H$moB ^r AOw Z go ~ohVa YZwYm ar Zht ahm & (15.1) moU Zo EH$b ` H$mo AnZm {e ` ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE _Zm `m| {H$`m ? (15.2) EH$b ` H$s AnZo Jw H$s _m J na `m {V{H $`m Wr ? (15.3) {XE JE AZw N>oX _| C{ b{IV Jw -{e ` na nam Ho$ Xmo d mm Vm| H$m C boI H$s{OE & Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : Proper social roles Here is a story from the Adi Parvan of the Mahabharata : Once Drona, a Brahmana who taught archery to the Kuru princes, was approached by Ekalavya, a forest-dwelling nishada (a hunting community). When Drona, who knew the dharma, refused to have him as his pupil, Ekalavya returned to the forest, prepared an image of Drona out of clay, and treating it as his teacher, began to practise on his own. In due course, he acquired great skill in archery. One day, the Kuru princes went hunting and their dog, wandering in the woods, came upon Ekalavya. When the dog smelt the dark nishada wrapped in black deer skin, his body caked with dirt, it began to bark. Annoyed, Ekalavya shot seven arrows into its mouth. When the dog returned to the Pandavas, they were amazed at this superb display of archery. They tracked down Ekalavya, who introduced himself as a pupil of Drona. 61/1 6 2 2 3 Drona had once told his favourite student Arjuna, that he would be unrivalled amongst his pupils. Arjuna now reminded Drona about this. Drona approached Ekalavya, who immediately acknowledged and honoured him as his teacher. When Drona demanded his right thumb as his fee, Ekalavya unhesitatingly cut it off and offered it. But thereafter, when he shot with his remaining fingers, he was no longer as fast as he had been before. Thus, Drona kept his word : no one was better than Arjuna. 16. 61/1 (15.1) Why did Drona refuse to have Ekalavya as his pupil ? (15.2) How did Ekalavya react to the demand of his Guru ? (15.3) Mention two versions of Guru-Shishya Parampara mentioned in the given extract. {Z Z{b{IV AZw N>oX H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : gVr ~m{bH$m `h g ^dV: ~{Z `a Ho$ d mm V Ho$ g~go _m{_ H$ {ddaUm| _| go EH$ h : bmhm a _| _ Zo EH$ ~h V hr gw Xa A nd` H$ {dYdm {OgH$s Am`w _oao {dMma _| ~mah df go A{YH$ Zht Wr, H$s ~{b hmoVo h E XoIr & Cg ^`mZH$ ZH $ H$s Amoa OmVo h E dh Aghm` N>moQ>r ~ r Or{dV go A{YH$ _ V VrV hmo ahr Wr; CgHo$ _p V H$ H$s `Wm H$m dU Z Zht {H$`m Om gH$Vm; dh H$m nVo h E ~war Vah go amo ahr Wr; bo{H$Z VrZ `m Mma ~ m U, EH$ ~y T>r Am aV, {OgZo Cgo AnZr Am VrZ Ho$ ZrMo X~m`m h Am Wm, H$s ghm`Vm go Cg A{Z Nw>H$ nr{ S>Vm H$mo O~aZ KmVH$ Wb H$s Amoa bo JE, Cgo bH${ S>`m| na ~ R>m`m, CgHo$ hmW Am a n a ~m Y {XE Vm{H$ dh ^mJ Z OmE Am a Bg p W{V _| Cg _mgy_ mUr H$mo { O Xm Obm {X`m J`m & _ AnZr ^mdZmAm| H$mo X~mZo _| Am a CZHo$ H$mobmhbnyU VWm `W Ho$ H $moY H$mo ~mha AmZo go amoH$Zo _| Ag_W Wm ... (16.1) ~{Z `a Zo Bg `dhma H$mo nydu Am a np M_r g_mOm| H$s {^ VmAm| H$m A ` V _h dnyU nhby `m| _mZm h ? 3 (16.2) ^maVr` {nV m _H$ g_mO Bg gm_m{OH$ Hw$ Wm _| `m ^y{_H$m AXm H$aVm h 2 (16.3) Cn`w $ C{ b{IV H$mb _| Am aVm| H$s p W{V H$s VwbZm AmO Ho$ g X^ _| H$s{OE & 7 ? 2 P.T.O. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : The child sati This is perhaps one of the most poignant descriptions by Bernier : At Lahore, I saw a most beautiful young widow sacrificed, who could not, I think, have been more than twelve years of age. The poor little creature appeared more dead than alive when she approached the dreadful pit: the agony of her mind cannot be described; she trembled and wept bitterly; but three or four of the Brahmanas, assisted by an old woman who held her under the arm, forced the unwilling victim toward the fatal spot, seated her on the wood, tied her hands and feet, lest she should run away, and in that situation the innocent creature was burnt alive. I found it difficult to repress my feelings and to prevent their bursting forth into clamorous and unavailing rage ... (16.1) Why did Bernier consider this treatment as a crucial marker of the difference between western and eastern societies ? (16.2) (16.3) What role did the Indian patriarchal society play towards this social evil ? Compare the condition of the women of the era mentioned above to that of today. 17. {Z Z{b{IV AZw N>oX H$mo `mZnyd H$ n{ T>E Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE A J o O Vmo Mbo JE, _Ja OmVo-OmVo eamaV H$m ~rO ~mo JE gaXma d b^ ^mB nQ>ob Zo H$hm Wm : `h XmohamZo H$m H$moB _Vb~ Zht h {H$ h_ n WH$ {Zdm {MH$m H$s _m J Bg{bE H$a aho h `m|{H$ h_mao {bE `hr A N>m h & `h ~mV h_ ~h V g_` go gwZ aho h & h_ gmbm| go `h gwZ aho h Am a Bgr Am XmobZ Ho$ H$maU A~ h_ EH$ {d^m{OV am Q > h ... & `m Amn _wPo EH$ ^r dV Xoe {XIm gH$Vo h Ohm n WH$ {Zdm {MH$m hmo ? AJa Amn _wPo {XIm X| Vmo _ AmnH$s ~mV _mZ by Jm & bo{H$Z AJa Bg A^mJo Xoe _| {d^mOZ Ho$ ~mX ^r n WH$ {Zdm {MH$m H$s `d Wm ~ZmE aIr JB Vmo `hm OrZo H$m H$moB _Vb~ Zht hmoJm & Bg{bE _ H$hVm h {H$ `h {g\ $ _oao ^bo H$s ~mV Zht h ~p H$ AmnH$m ^bm ^r Bgr _| h {H$ h_ AVrV H$mo ^yb OmE & EH$ {XZ h_ EH$OwQ> hmo gH$Vo h ... & A J o O Vmo Mbo JE, _Ja OmVo-OmVo eamaV H$m ~rO ~mo JE h & h_ Bg eamaV H$mo Am a ~ T>mZm Zht MmhVo & (gw{ZE, gw{ZE) & O~ A J o Om| Zo `h 61/1 8 : {dMma noe {H$`m Wm Vmo C hm|Zo `h C _rX Zht H$s Wr {H$ C h| BVZr O Xr ^mJZm n S>oJm & C hm|Zo Vmo AnZo emgZ H$s gw{dYm Ho$ {bE `h {H$`m Wm & I a, H$moB ~mV Zht & _Ja A~ do AnZr {damgV nrN>o N>mo S> JE h & A~ h_ Bggo ~mha {ZH$b|Jo `m Zht ? g {dYmZ g^m ~hg, I S> 5 (17.1) (17.2) n WH$${Zdm {MH$m H$mo EH$ ~wamB `m| _mZm J`m h ? gaXma d b^ ^mB nQ>ob mam amOZr{VH$ EH$Vm Am a am Q > H$s WmnZm H$aZo Ho$ {bE {XE JE VH$m o H$m C boI H$s{OE & n WH$ {Zdm {MH$m H$s YmaUm Zo n WH$ Xoe H$mo H $go A Om_ {X`m ? (17.3) Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow : 2 3 2 British element is gone but they have left the mischief behind Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel said : It is no use saying that we ask for separate electorates, because it is good for us. We have heard it long enough. We have heard it for years, and as a result of this agitation we are now a separate nation ... Can you show me one free country where there are separate electorates ? If so, I shall be prepared to accept it. But in this unfortunate country if this separate electorate is going to be persisted in, even after the division of the country, woe betide the country; it is not worth living in. Therefore, I say, it is not for my good alone, it is for your own good that I say it, forget the past. One day, we may be united ... The British element is gone, but they have left the mischief behind. We do not want to perpetuate that mischief. (Hear, hear). When the British introduced this element they had not expected that they will have to go so soon. They wanted it for their easy administration. That is all right. But they have left the legacy behind. Are we to get out of it or not ? CAD, VOL.V (17.1) Why are separate electorates considered as a mischief ? (17.2) State the arguments given by Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel for building political unity and forging a nation. (17.3) How did the philosophy of separate electorates result in a separate nation ? 61/1 9 P.T.O. I S> L> PART E ( _mZ{M 18. (18.1) (18.2) (18.1) (18.2) ZmoQ> : Z / Map Question) ^maV Ho$ {XE h E amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{M (n > Cn`w $ {M m| go Xem BE VWm CZHo$ Zm_ {b{IE : (H$) Ymobmdram (I) AmJam _wJbm| H$m amOYmZr eha 11 na), na {Z Z{b{IV H$mo ^maV Ho$ {XE JE Bgr amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{M na, 1857 Ho$ {d moh go g ~ {YV VrZ Ho$ A, B Am a C A {H$V {H$E JE h & C h| nhMm{ZE VWm CZHo$ ghr Zm_ CZHo$ g_rn ItMr JB aoImAm| na {b{IE & 2 3 On the given political outline map of India (on Page 11), locate and label the following with appropriate symbols : (a) Dholavira (b) Agra the capital city of Mughals On the same outline map of India, three centres related to the Revolt of 1857 have been marked as A, B and C. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. {Z Z{b{IV Z Ho$db { >~m{YV narjm{W `m| Ho$ {bE . g . 18 Ho$ WmZ na h : Note : The following questions are for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 18 : (18.1) 61/1 (18.2) _wJb gm_ m ` Ho$ {H$ ht Xmo amOYmZr eham| H$m C boI H$s{OE & 1857 Ho$ {d moh go g ~ {YV {H$ ht VrZ _h dnyU WmZm| H$m C boI H$s{OE & (18.1) Mention any two capital cities of the Mughal Empire. (18.2) Mention any three important places related with the Revolt of 1857. 10 2 3 Z g . 18.1 Am a 18.2 For question no. 18.1 and 18.2 Ho$ {bE ^maV H$m aoIm-_mZ{M (amOZr{VH$) Outline Map of India (Political) 61/1 11 P.T.O.

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