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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2020 : History (Series 2)

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H$moS> Z . Code No. amob Z . 61/2/1 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. (I) ZmoQ> H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 17 + 1 _mZ{M h & (II) Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > na {bI| & (III) H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >31 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, C ma-nwp VH$m _| Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & (IV) (V) NOTE (I) Please check that this question paper contains 17 printed pages + 1 Map. (II) Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. (III) Please check that this question paper contains 31 questions. (IV) Please write down the Serial Number of the question in the answer-book before attempting it. (V) 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. B{Vhmg HISTORY {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours .61/2/1 Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. gm_m ` {ZX}e : {Z Z{b{IV {ZX}em| H$mo ~h V gmdYmZr go n{ T>E Am a CZH$m nyar Vah go nmbZ H$s{OE : (i) Z-n _| nm M I S> h H$, I, J, K Am a L> & g^r Z A{Zdm` h & (ii) I S> H$ Z g `m 1 go 20 VH$ A{V bKw-C mar` Z h & `oH$ Z 1 A H$ H$m h & `oH$ Z H$m C ma EH$ e X `m EH$ dm ` _| Xr{OE & (iii) I S> I Z g `m 21 go 24 VH$ bKw-C mar` Z h & `oH$ Z 3 A H$m| H$m h & `oH$ Z H$m C ma A{YH$V_ 100 e Xm| _| Xr{OE & (iv) I S> J Z g `m 25 go 27 VH$ XrK -C mar` Z h & `oH$ Z 8 A H$m| H$m h & `oH$ Z H$m C ma A{YH$V_ 350 e Xm| _| Xr{OE & (v) I S> K Z g `m 28 go 30 VH$ moV AmYm[aV Z h & `oH$ Z 6 A H$m| H$m h & (vi) I S> L> Z g `m 31 _mZ{M Z h , {Og_| _h dnyU narjU _Xm| H$mo nhMmZZm Am a WmZ A {H$V H$aZm em{_b h & _mZ{M H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ gmW Z Wr H$s{OE & (vii) C ma g {j V VWm q~X dma hmoZo Mm{hE Am a gmW hr Cn`w $ e X gr_m H$m `Wmg ^d nmbZ H$s{OE & (viii) H$moB g_J {dH$ n Zht h & VWm{n, EH$-EH$ A H$ Ho$ Xmo Zm| _|, VrZ-VrZ A H$m| Ho$ EH$ Z _|, AmR>-AmR> A H$m| Ho$ VrZ Zm| _| Am a _mZ{M Z _| Am V[aH$ {dH$ n {X`m J`m h & Eogo Zm| _| Ho$db EH$ hr {dH$ n H$m C ma Xr{OE & (ix) BgHo$ A{V[a $, Amd `H$VmZwgma, `oH$ I S> Am a Z Ho$ gmW `Wmo{MV {ZX}e {XE JE h & I S> H$ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. $m grgr gm Mr Vyn Ho$ nydu VmoaU ma H$mo $m g bo OmZo Ho$ {bE m| ~h V C gwH$ Wo ? AWdm Vyn m| {V{ R>V Wo ? ~mo{Yg mm H$s g H$ nZm H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & d UddmX Am a e ddmX | A Va n Q> H$s{OE & h S> nm Ho$ ZJam| H$m g~go AZyR>m nhby Wm __________ H$m {dH$mg & {Z Z{b{IV dJm] | go H$m Z-gm EH$ Mma dUm] Ho$ ~ m Ur {ZYm aU | Zht AmVm h ? (A) ~ m U (B) j{ (C) {ZfmX (D) d .61/2/1 2 1 20=20 1 1 1 1 1 1 General Instructions : Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them : (i) This question paper comprises five sections A, B, C, D and E. All questions are compulsory. (ii) Section A Questions number 1 to 20 are very short-answer type questions, carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one word or one sentence each. (iii) Section B Questions number 21 to 24 are short-answer type questions, carrying 3 marks each. Answers to each of them should not exceed 100 words. (iv) Section C Questions number 25 to 27 are long-answer type questions, carrying 8 marks each. Answers to each of them should not exceed 350 words. (v) Section D Questions number 28 to 30 are source based questions, carrying 6 marks each. (vi) Section E Question number 31 is a map question that includes identification and location of significant test items. Attach the map with the answer-book. (vii) Answers should be brief and to the point also the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible. (viii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in 2 questions of one mark, 1 question of three marks, 3 questions of eight marks and the map question. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions. (ix) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. SECTION A 1. 1 20=20 Why were the French keen to take away the eastern gateway of Sanchi Stupa to France ? OR Why were the Stupas venerated ? 1 1 2. Define the concept of Bodhisatta. 1 3. Differentiate between Vaishnavism and Shaivism. 1 4. The most unique feature of the Harappan cities was the development of _________. 1 5. Which one of the following categories is not supposed to have belonged to the Brahmanical prescription of four varnas ? (A) Brahmanas (B) Kshatriyas (C) Nishadas (D) Vaishyas .61/2/1 3 1 P.T.O. 6. 7. h S> nm g H ${V | {e n C nmXZ Ho$ m| H$s nhMmZ Ho$ g ~ Y | {Z Z{b{IV H$WZm| H$m A Z H$s{OE : I. nwamV d{dX H$ Mm mb O go Va qnS>, Vm ~m-A H$, e I Am{X H$mo ImoOVo h & II. do Xm H$s g aMZm H$m A Z H$aVo h & III. do AnyU d VwE , mJ {X m J m mb Am a Hy$ S>m-H$aH$Q> nmVo h & IV. C hm|Zo XmAm| Ho$ amgm {ZH$ {d bofU Ho$ mg {H$E & {e n C nmXZ Ho$ m| H$s nhMmZ Ho$ {bE D$na {XE JE H$maUm| | go H$m Z-go ghr h ? (A) I Am a II (B) II Am a III (C) I Am a III (D) III Am a IV ZrMo Xr JB y{V H$mo nhMm{ZE Am a CgH$m ghr Zm {b{IE .61/2/1 4 : 1 1 6. 7. Study the following statements regarding the identification of centres of craft production in Harappan culture : I. Archaeologists look for raw materials such as stone nodules, copper ore, shells, etc. II. They study the soil texture. III. They find unfinished objects, rejects and waste material. IV. They try to have chemical analysis of the soils. Which of the above are correct reasons for identifying centres of craft production ? (A) I and II (B) II and III (C) I and III (D) III and IV Identify the following image and write its appropriate name : .61/2/1 5 1 1 P.T.O. ZmoQ> : 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. {Z Z{b{IV Z Ho$db { Q>~m{YV narjm{W m| Ho$ {bE . g . 7 Ho$ WmZ na h : ~m bmoH$ na nam Ho$ AZwgma h nm m OmVm h {H$ {H$gr r mam Nw>E OmZo go d jm| | y$b {Ib CR>Vo Wo Am a $b AmZo bJVo Wo, {Ogo H$hm OmVm Wm _________ & Ab-{~ $Zr mam ^maV Ho$ Y , Xe Z, IJmob-{dkmZ VWm H$mZyZ na {bIr nw VH$ H$m Zm {b{IE & Cg {dXoer m r H$m Zm {b{IE, {Ogo wh X {~Z VwJbH$ Zo {X r H$m H$mOr m m mYre H$B dfm] Ho$ {bE {Z w V {H$ m & Amn {H$g H$ma gmoMVo h {H$ $m dm ~{Z a w Jb Xa~ma go Z OXrH$s go Ow S>m ahm ? A{^boIr gm `m| Ho$ AZwgma, {Z Z{b{IV | go {dO ZJa gm m H$s WmnZm {H$gZo H$s Wr ? (A) X H$Z Ho$ gwbVmZ (B) C S>rgm Ho$ JOnVr emgH$ (C) h[aha Am a ~w H$m (D) V{ bZmSw> Ho$ Mmob {Z Z{b{IV H$WZm| H$mo n{ T>E : I. H $ UXod am Ho$ emgZ H$s Mm[a{ H$ {deofVm {d Vma Am a T>rH$aU Wr & II. CgHo$ gm_ m ` | emp V Am a g n Vm Wr & III. Hw$N> ^ {Xam| H$m {Z m U H$aZo H$m lo Cgo OmVm h & IV. dh g J amOd e go g ~ {YV Wm & D$na {XE JE H$WZm| | go H$m Z-go H $ UXod am go g ~ {YV h ? (A) Ho$db I (B) I, II Am a III (C) II, III Am a IV (D) I, III Am a IV {Z Z{b{IV H$WZm| | go H$m Z-gm AH$~a Ho$ g ~ Y | ghr Zht h ? (A) AH$~a eoI _wBZw rZ {M Vr H$m ^ $ Wm & (B) AH$~a Zo AnZo gm m H$m {d Vma {H$`m Am a Cgo gw T> ~Zm`m & (C) AnZo Ym{_ H$ kmZ Ho$ {bE CgZo B~mXV ImZm H$m {Z_m U H$am`m & (D) H $Yma H$mo boH$a CgHo$ g \$m{dXm| Ho$ gmW gm hmX nyU g ~ Y Wo & .61/2/1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Note : The following question is for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 7 : 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. According to popular belief in Buddhism, a woman whose touch caused trees to flower and bear fruit was called _________. 1 Name the book written by Al-Biruni on religion, philosophy, astronomy and laws of India. 1 Name the foreign traveller who was appointed as qazi or judge of Delhi by Muhammad Bin Tughlaq for several years. 1 How do you think Francois Bernier was closely associated with the Mughal Court ? 1 According to epigraphic evidence, who among the following founded the Vijayanagara empire ? 1 (A) Sultans of Deccan (B) Gajapati rulers of Orissa (C) Harihara and Bukka (D) Cholas of Tamil Nadu Read the following statements : I. Krishnadeva Raya s rule was characterised by expansion and consolidation. II. There was peace and prosperity in his empire. III. He was credited with building some fine temples. IV. He belonged to the Sangama dynasty. Which of the above statements are related to Krishnadeva Raya ? 13. (A) Only I (B) I, II and III (C) II, III and IV (D) I, III and IV 1 Which one of the following statements regarding Akbar is not correct ? 1 (A) Akbar was the devotee of Shaikh Muinuddin Chishti. (B) Akbar expanded and consolidated his empire. (C) He constructed Ibadat Khana due to his quest for religious knowledge. (D) He had cordial relations with Safavids over Qandahar. .61/2/1 7 P.T.O. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. B~ m{h bmoYr H$s amOYmZr H$m Zm {b{IE, {Og na 1526 | ~m~a Zo A{YH$ma H$a {b`m Wm & h m y Zm m H$m boIH$ H$m Z Wm ? AWdm ~mXemhZm m H$m boIH$ H$m Z Wm ? ghm H$ g {Y Ho$ {Z Z{b{IV mdYmZm| | go H$m Z-gm EH$ AdY na 1801 | bmJy Zht Wm ? (A) A J o O AnZo gh moJr nj H$s Am V[aH$ Am a ~mhar MwZm {V m| go ajm Ho$ {bE C maXmB hm|Jo & (B) gh moJr nj Ho$ ^yjo | {~ {Q>e g {ZH$ Qw>H$ S>r V ZmV ahoJr & (C) gh moJr nj H$mo Cg {~ {Q>e g {ZH$ Qw>H$ S>r Ho$ aIaImd H$s d Wm H$aZr hmoJr & (D) A J o Om| H$s AZw {V Ho$ {~Zm gh moJr nj {H$ ht A emgH$m| Ho$ gmW g {Y H$a gHo$Jm & A{^H$WZ (A) : H$m J og nmQ>u Zo Xmo am Q > {g m V H$mo H$^r drH$ma Zht {H$ m Wm, O~ Cgo AnZr B N>m Ho$ {d ~ Q>dmao na Oyar XoZr n S>r & H$maU (R) : ^maV ~h V gmao Y m] Am a ~h V gmar Om{V m| H$m Xoe h Am a Cgo Eogo hr ~ZmE aIZm Mm{hE & Cn w V A{^H$WZ (A) Am a H$maU (R) H$m A Z H$s{OE Am a ~VmBE {H$ {Z Z{b{IV | go H$m Z-gm ghr h : (A) (A) ghr h , na Vw (R) ghr Zht h & (B) (A) ghr Zht h , na Vw (R) ghr h & (C) (A) Am a (R) XmoZm| ghr h Am a (R), (A) H$s ghr `m `m h & (D) (A) Am a (R) XmoZm| ghr h , na Vw (R), (A) H$s ghr m m Zht h & Ym{ H$ H$maH$ H$hm VH$ 1857 Ho$ {d moh Ho$ {bE C maXmB Wm ? {Z Z{b{IV KQ>ZmAm| na {dMma H$s{OE : I. H ${~ZQ> {_eZ II. g {dYmZ g^m _| Vm{dV C o ` Vmd III. 1935 H$m ^maV gaH$ma H$m A{Y{Z`_ IV. H$bH$ mm H$s ~~ a qhgm BZ KQ>ZmAm| H$m ghr H$mbmZwH $_ h : (A) (B) (C) (D) 20. 1 1 1 1 1 1 I, IV, III, II III, I, IV, II I, III, II, IV II, I, III, IV Jm Yr-Ba{dZ g Pm Vo Ho$ {H$gr EH$ mdYmZ H$m C oI H$s{OE & .61/2/1 1 8 1 14. 15. 16. 17. Name the capital of Ibrahim Lodhi which was taken over by Babur in 1526. Who was the author of Humanyun Nama ? OR Who was the author of Badshah Nama ? 1 1 1 Which one of the following provisions of Subsidiary Alliance was not applicable on Awadh in 1801 ? (A) The British would be responsible for protecting their ally from internal and external threats. (B) The British contingent would be stationed in the territory of the ally. (C) The ally would provide resources to maintain the British contingent. (D) The ally was free to enter into agreements with other rulers without the permission of the British. 1 The Congress Party never accepted the two-nation theory when forced against its will to accept partition. Reason (R) : India is a land of many religions and races and must remain so. Study the above Assertion (A) and Reason (R) and find out which one of the following is correct : (A) (A) is true, but (R) is not true. (B) (A) is not true, but (R) is true. (C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). (D) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 1 18. How far was the religious factor responsible for the Revolt of 1857 ? 1 19. Consider the following events : I. Cabinet Mission II. Objective Resolution in the Constituent Assembly III. The Government of India Act, 1935 IV. The Great Calcutta Killing The correct chronological order of these events is : (A) I, IV, III, II (B) III, I, IV, II (C) I, III, II, IV (D) II, I, III, IV State any one provision of Gandhi-Irwin Pact . 1 20. Assertion (A) : .61/2/1 9 1 P.T.O. I S> I 3 4=12 21. h S> nmdm{g m| mam H ${f Ho$ {bE w V qgMmB Ho$ VarH$m| H$m dU Z H$s{OE & 3 22. _hmZd_r {S> ~m, {dO`ZJa gm_ m ` H$s EH$ {d{e Q> g aMZm Wr & H$WZ H$mo m g JV R>hamBE & 3 23. 24. CZ n[ap W{V m| H$m {d bofU H$s{OE, {OZHo$ A VJ V A J o O A{YH$m[a m| Zo C rgdt eVm Xr _| g Wmbm| H$mo amO hb H$s nhm{ S> m| H$s n[a{Y | ~gZo Ho$ {bE Am { V {H$ m Wm & AWdm AR>mahdt eVm Xr Ho$ A V Ho$ XeH$m| _| amO hb H$s nhm{ S> m| Ho$ nhm S>r bmoJm| H$s Am{W H$ Am a gm m{OH$ XemAm| H$m {d bofU H$s{OE & damO Ho$ {bE {h X , _wgb_mZ, nmagr Am a {gI, g~H$mo EH$OwQ> hmoZm n S>oJm & Jm YrOr Ho$ Bg H$WZ H$mo Agh`moJ Am XmobZ Ho$ g X^ _| n Q> H$s{OE & I S> J 3 3 3 8 3=24 25. hmOZnXm| H$s {deofVmAm| H$mo n Q> H$s{OE Am a g~go e{ $embr OZnX Ho$ $n _| _JY H$s `m `m H$s{OE & 4+4=8 AWdm m emgZ H$s w {deofVmAm| H$mo n Q> H$s{OE Am a AemoH$ Ho$ Y _ Ho$ {g m Vm| H$s `m `m H$s{OE & 5+3=8 26. ^maV | w JbH$mb Ho$ Xm amZ O Jb | ahZo dmbo bmoJm| Ho$ OrdZ H$m dU Z H$s{OE & AWdm ^maV | w JbH$mb Ho$ Xm amZ H ${f C nmXZ go Ow S>o {H$gmZm| Am a ^y{ ha g ^ m Vm| H$s ^y{ H$m H$m dU Z H$s{OE & 27. A J o Om| Zo ~ Jmb | AnZo emgZ Ho$ ew $ go hr ZJa {Z moOZ H$m ^ma AnZo hmWm| | bo {b m Wm & Bg H$WZ H$s naI H$s{OE & AWdm A J o Om| Zo ^maV | {hb Q>oeZm| (nd Vr g aJmhm|) H$s WmnZm H$s & Bg H$WZ H$mo m{UV H$s{OE & .61/2/1 10 8 8 8 8 SECTION B 3 4=12 21. Describe the methods of irrigation used by Harappans for agriculture. 3 22. Mahanavami Dibba was a distinctive structure of the Vijayanagara Empire. Justify the statement. 3 Analyse the circumstances under which the British officials invited Santhals to settle in the peripheries of Rajmahal hills during the nineteenth century. 3 23. OR 24. Analyse the economic and social conditions of the Paharias (hill folk) of Rajmahal hills during the late eighteenth century. 3 For Swaraj, Hindus, Muslims, Parsis and Sikhs will have to unite. Explain this statement of Gandhiji in the context of Non-Cooperation Movement. 3 SECTION C 25. 8 3=24 Explain the characteristics of Mahajanapadas and explain Magadha as the most powerful Mahajanapada. 4+4=8 OR Explain the main features of the Mauryan administration and explain the principles of Ashoka s Dhamma . 5+3=8 26. Describe the lives of forest-dwellers during the Mughal period in India. 8 OR 27. Describe the role of peasants and landed elites involved in agricultural production during the Mughal period in India. 8 The British took upon themselves the task of town planning from the early years of their rule in Bengal. Examine the statement. 8 OR The British commissioned hill stations in India. Substantiate the statement. .61/2/1 11 8 P.T.O. 6 3=18 I S> K 28. {Z Z{b{IV moV H$m gmdYmZrnyd H$ A Z H$s{OE Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : C{MV gm m{OH$ H$V hm^maV Ho$ Am{Xnd Z go EH$ H$hmZr C V h : EH$ ~ma ~ m U moU Ho$ nmg, Omo Hw$ d e Ho$ amOHw$ mam| H$mo YZw{d m H$s {ejm XoVo Wo, EH$b Zm H$ dZdmgr {ZfmX ({eH$mar g wXm ) Am m & moU Zo Omo Y g PVo Wo, Cgo {e Ho$ $n | drH$ma H$aZo go Zm H$a {X m & EH$b Zo dZ | bm Q> H$a { >r go moU H$s {V m ~ZmB VWm Cgo AnZm Jw mZ H$a dh d hr Vra MbmZo H$m A mg H$aZo bJm & g Ho$ gmW dh Vra MbmZo | {g h V hmo J m & EH$ {XZ Hw$ amOHw$ ma AnZo Hw$ mo Ho$ gmW O Jb | {eH$ma H$aVo h E EH$b Ho$ g rn nh M JE & Hw$ mm H$mbo J H$s M S>r Ho$ d | {bnQ>o {ZfmX H$mo XoIH$a ^m H$Zo bJm & H $mo{YV hmoH$a EH$b Zo EH$ gmW gmV Vra MbmH$a CgH$m w h ~ X H$a {X m & O~ dh Hw$ mm bm Q>m Vmo nm S>d Vra Xm Or H$m h AX ^wV XoIH$a Am M M{H$V hmo JE & C hm|Zo EH$b H$mo Vbmem, CgZo d H$mo moU H$m {e ~Vm m & moU Zo AnZo { {e AOw Z go EH$ ~ma h H$hm Wm {H$ dh CZHo$ g^r {e m| | A{ Vr Vra Xm O ~ZoJm & AOw Z Zo moU H$mo CZH$m h U mX {Xbm m & moU EH$b Ho$ nmg JE {OgZo C h| AnZm Jw mZH$a Um {H$ m & V~ moU Zo Jw X{jUm Ho$ $n | EH$b go CgHo$ Xm{hZo hmW H$m A JyR>m m J {b m & EH$b Zo $m aZ Jw H$mo AnZm A JyR>m H$mQ> H$a Xo {X m & A~ EH$b Vra MbmZo | CVZm Vo O Zht ahm & Bg Vah moU Zo AOw Z H$mo {XE dMZ H$mo {Z^m m : H$moB ^r AOw Z go ~ohVa YZwYm ar Zht ahm & (28.1) moU Zo EH$b H$mo AnZm {e drH$ma H$aZo go m| Zm H$a {X m (28.2) EH$b Zo Vra MbmZo H$s C m Hw$ebVm H $go m V H$s (28.3) EH$b Zo AnZo-Amn H$mo nm S>dm| Ho$ g j moU H$m {e hmoZo H$m n[aM` `m| {X m ? .61/2/1 12 ? ? 2 2 2 SECTION D 28. 6 3=18 Study the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow : Proper social roles Here is a story from the Adi Parvan of the Mahabharata : Once Drona, a Brahmana who taught archery to the Kuru princes, was approached by Ekalavya, a forest-dwelling nishada (a hunting community). When Drona, who knew the dharma, refused to have him as his pupil, Ekalavya returned to the forest, prepared an image of Drona out of clay, and treating it as his teacher, began to practise on his own. In due course, he acquired great skill in archery. One day, the Kuru princes went hunting and their dog, wandering in the woods, came upon Ekalavya. When the dog smelt the dark nishada wrapped in black deer skin, his body caked with dirt, it began to bark. Annoyed, Ekalavya shot seven arrows into its mouth. When the dog returned to the Pandavas, they were amazed at this superb display of archery. They tracked down Ekalavya, who introduced himself as a pupil of Drona. Drona had once told his favourite student Arjuna, that he would be unrivalled amongst his pupils. Arjuna now reminded Drona about this. Drona approached Ekalavya, who immediately acknowledged and honoured him as his teacher. When Drona demanded his right thumb as his fee, Ekalavya unhesitatingly cut it off and offered it. But thereafter, when he shot with his remaining fingers, he was no longer as fast as he had been before. Thus, Drona kept his word : no one was better than Arjuna. (28.1) Why did Drona refuse to accept Ekalavya as his pupil ? 2 (28.2) How did Ekalavya acquire the supreme skill of archery ? 2 (28.3) Why did Ekalavya introduce himself to the Pandavas as a pupil of Drona ? 2 .61/2/1 13 P.T.O. 29. 30. {Z Z{b{IV moV H$m gmdYmZrnyd H$ A Z H$s{OE Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : w Jb eh OmXr Ohm Amam H$s VrW m m 1643 {Z Z{b{IV J m e Ohm Amam mam a{MV eoI wBZw rZ {M Vr H$s OrdZr w{Zg-Ab-AImh ( mZr Am m H$m {d d V) go {b m J m h : A bmhVmbm H$s Vmar $ Ho$ ~mX... h $H$sam Ohm Amam... amOYmZr AmJam go AnZo {nVm (~mXemh emhOhm ) Ho$ g J nmH$ Am a ~oOmo S> AO oa Ho$ {bE {ZH$br... Bg ~mV Ho$ {bE dm Xmna V Wr {H$ ha amo O Am a ha wH$m na Xmo ~ma H$s Ap V mar Z m O AXm H$ $Jr... ~h V {XZ... amV H$mo ~mK Ho$ M S>o na Zht gmoB Am a AnZo n a wH$ g XaJmh H$s Va $ Zht $bmE, Z hr _ Zo AnZr nrR> CZH$s Va $ H$s & no S> Ho$ ZrMo {XZ Jw OmaVr Wr & dradma H$mo a OmZ Ho$ wH$ g hrZo Ho$ Mm Wo amo O wPo {MamJ Am a BVa | Sy> ~o XaJmh H$s { O maV H$s Iwer hm{gb h B ... My {H$ {XZ H$s amoeZr H$s EH$ N> S>r ~mH$s Wr XaJmh Ho$ ^rVa JB Am a AnZo OX Mohao H$mo CgH$s Mm IQ> H$s Yyb go aJ S>m & Xadm Oo go wH$ g XaJmh VH$ Z Jo nm d dhm H$s O rZ H$mo My Vr h B JB & Jw ~X Ho $ ^rVa amoeZr go ^ar XaJmh | Zo Oma Ho$ Mmam| Amoa gmV o$ao {bE & Am{ a | AnZo hmWm| go wH$ g XaJmh na Zo g~go C Xm BVa {N> S>H$m & My {H$ Jwbm~r X n >m Omo oao {ga na Wm, CVma MwH$s Wr Bg{bE Cgo Zo wH$ g Oma Ho$ D$na aIm &... (29.1) Ohm Amam Zo eoI Ho$ {V AnZm {d dmg Am a ^{ V H$mo {H$g H$ma Xem m ? (29.2) CgZo XaJmh H$mo EH$ {d{e Q> VrW Am a l m H$m Wb m| _mZm ? (29.3) CgZo {H$g H$ma XaJmh na AnZm g mZ H$Q> {H$ m ? {Z Z{b{IV moV H$m gmdYmZrnyd H$ A Z H$s{OE Am a CgHo$ ZrMo {XE JE Zm| Ho$ C ma {b{IE : EH$ Jmobr ^r Zht Mbm r J r yZ Zo Omo {bIm : 24 K Q>o go ^r mXm d V VH$ X JmB ^r S> H$mo Bg {demb mdgm{ H$ eha | ~oamoH$-Q>moH$ V~mhr $bmZo Xr JB & ~ohVarZ ~m Omam| H$mo ObmH$a amI H$a {X m J m O~{H$ Cn d $bmZo dmbm| Ho$ D$na EH$ Jmobr ^r Zht MbmB J r & ...{ Obm {O Q >oQ> Zo AnZo ({demb nw{bg) ~b H$mo eha | mM H$m AmXoe {X m Am a CgH$m H$moB gmW H$ B Vo mb {H$E {~Zm dmng ~wbm {b m... & (30.1) emg{ZH$ d Wm Ho$ g m V hmo OmZo Ho$ H$maUm| H$s naI H$s{OE & (30.2) hmbV H$mo {Z { V H$aZo Ho$ {bE A J o O A{YH$mar H$moB H$X m| Zht CR>m gHo$ ? (30.3) m Amn h gmoMVo h {H$ { Obm {O Q >oQ> H$s ^y{ H$m m g JV Wr ? .61/2/1 14 2 2 2 2 2 2 29. 30. Study the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow : The pilgrimage of the Mughal princess Jahanara, 1643 The following is an excerpt from Jahanara s biography of Shaikh Muinuddin Chishti, titled Munis al-Arwah (The Confidant of Spirits) : After praising the one God ... this lowly faqira (humble soul) Jahanara ... went from the capital Agra in the company of my great father (Emperor Shah Jahan) towards the pure region of incomparable Ajmer ... I was committed to this idea, that everyday in every station I would perform two cycles of optional prayer ... . For several days ... I did not sleep on a leopard skin at night, I did not extend my feet in the direction of the blessed sanctuary of the revered saving master, and I did not turn my back towards him. I passed the days beneath the trees. On Thursday, the fourth of the blessed month of Ramzan, I attained the happiness of pilgrimage to the illuminated and the perfumed tomb ... . With an hour of daylight remaining, I went to the holy sanctuary and rubbed my pale face with the dust of that threshold. From the doorway to the blessed tomb I went barefoot, kissing the ground. Having entered the dome, I went around the light-filled tomb of my master seven times ... Finally, with my own hand I put the finest quality of itar on the perfumed tomb of the revered one, and having taken off the rose scarf that I had on my head, I placed it on the top of the blessed tomb ... (29.1) How did Jahanara exhibit her faith and devotion to the Shaikh ? (29.2) Why did she consider Dargah as a special place of pilgrimage and reverence ? (29.3) How did she pay her obeisance at the Dargah ? Study the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow : Without a shot being fired This is what Moon wrote : For over twenty-four hours riotous mobs were allowed to rage through this great commercial city unchallenged and unchecked. The finest bazaars were burnt to the ground without a shot being fired to disperse the incendiaries (i.e. those who stirred up conflict). The ... District Magistrate marched his (large police) force into the city and marched it out again without making any effective use of it at all ... (30.1) Examine the causes for the collapse of the administrative system. (30.2) Why could the British officials not take any action to control the situation ? (30.3) Do you think the role of the District Magistrate was justified ? .61/2/1 15 2 2 2 2 2 2 P.T.O. I S> L> (_mZ{M AmYm[aV Z) 31. (31.1) ^maV Ho$ {XE JE amOZr{VH$ aoIm- mZ{M (n R> 19 na) |, {Z Z{b{IV H$mo Cn w V {M m| go A {H$V H$s{OE Am a CZHo$ Zm {b{IE : 1+1+1=3 (i) (ii) (iii) (31.2) ZmoQ> : 1 6=6 ZmJo da EH$ {dH${gV h S> nmB nwam Wb AWdm A amdVr EH$ ~m Wb nmZrnV w Jbm| Ho$ AYrZ m V A_ Vga AWdm M nmaZ am Q >r Am XmobZ H$m Ho$ ^maV Ho$ Bgr amOZr{VH$ aoIm-_mZ{M _|, VrZ WmZm| H$mo A, B Am a C go Xem m J m h Omo 1857 Ho$ Xm amZ A J o Om| Ho$ {Z U | Wo & C h| nhMm{ZE Am a CZHo$ ghr Zm_ CZHo$ {ZH$Q> ItMr JB aoImAm| na {b{IE & 1 3=3 {Z Z{b{IV Z Ho$db { Q>~m{YV narjm{W m| Ho$ {bE . g . 31 Ho$ WmZ na h : (31.1) (31.2) .61/2/1 {H$ ht VrZ {dH${gV h S> nmB nwam Wbm| H$m C oI H$s{OE & AWdm 1857 Ho$ {d moh Ho$ {H$ ht VrZ Ho$ m| H$m C oI H$s{OE & 1 3=3 am Q >r Am XmobZ Ho$ {H$ ht VrZ Ho$ m| Ho$ Zm {b{IE & 1 3=3 16 1 3=3 SECTION E (Map Based Question) 31. 1 6=6 (31.1) On the given political outline map of India (on page 19), locate and label the following with appropriate symbols : 1+1+1=3 (i) (ii) Nageshwar A mature Harappan site OR Amaravati A Buddhist site Panipat A territory under the Mughals (iii) Amritsar OR Champaran A centre of national movement (31.2) On the same political outline map of India, three places have been marked as A, B and C, which were under the British control during 1857. Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. 1 3=3 Note : The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 31 : (31.1) Mention any three mature Harappan sites. OR Mention any three centres of Revolt of 1857. 1 3=3 (31.2) Name any three centres of National Movement. 1 3=3 .61/2/1 17 1 3=3 P.T.O. .61/2/1 18 Z g . 31.1 Am a 31.2 For question no. 31.1 and 31.2 Ho$ {bE ^maV H$m aoIm-_mZ{M amOZr{VH$) Outline Map of India (Political) C A B .61/2/1 19 P.T.O.

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