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CBSE Class 12 Board Exam 2019 : Business Studies (Series 5)

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SET-1 H$moS> Z . Series BVM/5 Code No. amob Z . 66/5/1 narjmWu H$moS >H$mo C ma-nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n >na Ad ` {bIo & Roll No. Candidates must write the Code on the title page of the answer-book. H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _o _w{ V n > 15 h & Z-n _| Xm{hZo hmW H$s Amoa {XE JE H$moS >Z ~a H$mo N>m C ma -nwp VH$m Ho$ _wI-n > na {bI| & H $n`m Om M H$a b| {H$ Bg Z-n _| >25 Z h & H $n`m Z H$m C ma {bIZm ew $ H$aZo go nhbo, Z H$m H $_m H$ Ad ` {bI| & Bg Z-n H$mo n T>Zo Ho$ {bE 15 {_ZQ >H$m g_` {X`m J`m h & Z-n H$m {dVaU nydm _| 10.15 ~Oo {H$`m OmEJm & 10.15 ~Oo go 10.30 ~Oo VH$ N>m Ho$db Z-n H$mo n T>|Jo Am a Bg Ad{Y Ho$ Xm amZ do C ma-nwp VH$m na H$moB C ma Zht {bI|Jo & Please check that this question paper contains 15 printed pages. Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer-book by the candidate. Please check that this question paper contains 25 questions. Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. 15 minute time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper will be distributed at 10.15 a.m. From 10.15 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., the students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the answer-book during this period. `mdgm{`H$ A ``Z BUSINESS STUDIES {ZYm [aV g_` : 3 K Q>o A{YH$V_ A H$ : 80 Time allowed : 3 hours 66/5/1 Maximum Marks : 80 1 P.T.O. gm_m ` {ZX}e : (i) Bg Z-n _| nm M I S> h : A, ~, g, X VWm ` & (ii) I S> A _| 1 A H$ dmbo Z 1 go 8 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma EH$ e X AWdm EH$ dm ` _| hmo & (iii) I S> ~ _| 3 A H$ dmbo Z 9 go 13 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma 50 75 e Xm o _| hmo & (iv) I S> g _| 4 A H$ dmbo Z 14 go 19 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma bJ^J 120 e Xm o _| hmo & (v) I S> X _| 5 A H$ dmbo Z 20 go 22 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma bJ^J 150 e Xm o _| hmo & (vi) I S> ` _| 6 A H$ dmbo Z 23 go 25 VH$ h & {OZH$m C ma bJ^J 200 e Xm o _| hmo & (vii) Z-n _| H$moB g_J -M`Z-{dH$ n Cnb Y Zht h , VWm{n EH$ A H$ dmbo 3 n Zm| _ o, VrZ A H$ dmbo 2 n Zm| _ o, Mma A H$ dmbo 2 n Zm| _ o, nm M A H$ dmbo 1 n Z _ o VWm N>: A H$ dmbo 1 n Z _ o {dH$ n Cnb Y h & Eogo Zm| _|o AmnH$mo Ho$db EH$ {dH$ n H$m hr C ma XoZm h & General Instructions : (i) This question paper contains five Sections : A, B, C, D and E. (ii) Section A contains questions 1 to 8 carrying one mark each. Answers to these questions may be given in one word or a sentence. (iii) Section B contains questions 9 to 13 carrying three marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in 50 75 words. (iv) Section C contains questions 14 to 19 carrying four marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in about 120 words. (v) Section D contains questions 20 to 22 carrying five marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in about 150 words. (vi) Section E contains questions 23 to 25 carrying six marks each. Answers to these questions may be given in about 200 words. (vii) There is no over-all-choice in the question paper, however an internal choice has been provided in 3 questions of one mark, 2 questions of three marks, 2 questions of four marks, 1 question of five marks and 1 question of six marks. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions. 66/5/1 2 I S> A SECTION A 1. {H$gr ^r H$m H$mo ^mdnyU VWm Hw$ebVmnyU T> J go H$aZo Ho$ {bE ~ YZ H$mo {d{^ AmJV gmYZm| H$s Amd H$Vm hmoVr h & {H$ ht Xmo Ho$ Zm ~VmBE & 1 Various input resources are required by management to complete a task effectively and efficiently. Name any two. 2. g JR>Z H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & 1 AWdm A VaU H$m m AW h ? 1 Define Organising . OR What is meant by Delegation ? 3. g^r mdgm{ H$ $_] g $b hmoZo Ho$ {bE AnZr {~H $s ~ T>mZm Am a bm^ H$ mZm MmhVr h & g^r ~ YH$ BgH$m d Z XoIVo h & AnZo d Zm| H$mo dm V{dH$Vm | ~XbZo Ho$ {bE ~ YH$m| H$mo ^{d Ho$ ~mao | gmoMZo, mdgm{ H$ ^{d dmUr H$aZo VWm b m{ V Ho$ {bE Kmoa n[al H$aZm n S>Vm h & Cn w V n { V m ~ Y Ho$ EH$ H$m H$mo d{U V H$aVr h & Bg H$m H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE VWm Bgo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & 1 All business firms would like to increase their sales and earn profits to be successful. All managers dream of these. To turn their dreams into reality, managers need to work hard in thinking about the future, in making business predictions and achieving targets. The above lines describe one of the functions of management. Identify and define this function. 66/5/1 3 P.T.O. 4. ZoV d H$s bmoH$Vmp H$ Ed h Vjon-a{hV e br | A V^}X H$s{OE & 1 AWdm AW Ho$ AmYma na Am nMm[aH$ g ofU Ed AZm nMm[aH$ g ofU | A V^}X H$s{OE & 1 Differentiate between Democratic and Laissez-faire style of leadership. OR Differentiate between Formal Communication Communication on the basis of Meaning . 5. and Informal G$U bmJV EH$ C H$s ny Or g aMZm H$mo H $go ^m{dV H$aVr h ? AWdm g Vm H$s bmJV EH$ C H$s ny Or g aMZm H$mo H $go ^m{dV H$aVr h ? How does Cost of Debt affect the capital structure of an enterprise ? OR How does Cost of Equity affect the capital structure of an enterprise ? 6. E g dmB {b{ Q>oS> < 10 H$amo S> H$s A{YH $V ny Or Ho$ gmW n OrH $V h & H$ nZr H$s X m n yOr < 6 H$amo S> h & H$ nZr YZ H$s H$ r go OyP ahr Wr & H$ nZr Ho$ ~ YZ Zo < 100 oH$ Ho$ 1,00,000 g Vm A em| Ho$ {ZJ Z mam YZ EH${ V H$aZo H$m {ZU {b m & {ZJ Z nyU A{^X m hmo J m & BgHo$ n MmV h AZw^d h Am {H$ EH${ V YZ dm V{dH$ Amd H$Vm go A{YH$ Wm & Cg AdYmaUm H$s nhMmZ H$s{OE VWm Cgo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE {Ogo H$mofm| H$mo EH${ V H$aZo H$m {ZU boVo g H$ nZr mam mZ | Zht aIm J m & XY Ltd. is registered with an authorised capital of < 10 crore. The paid-up capital of the company is < 6 crore. The company was facing shortage of funds. The management of the company decided to raise funds by issue of 1,00,000 equity shares of < 100 each. The issue was fully subscribed. After this it was realised that the funds raised were in excess of the actual requirement. Identify and define the concept which was not considered by the company before deciding the amount of funds to be raised. 66/5/1 4 1 1 1 7. {ddoH$ Zo gmaZmW Am Q>mo mo~mB g go EH$ ~mBH$, Bg {b{IV Jma Q>r Ho$ gmW IarXr {H$ {X Amd H$Vm h B Vmo N>: mh AWdm 5,000 {H$ r H$s X ar V H$aZo VH$, Omo ^r nhbo hmoJm, ~mBH$ H$s a V H$a Xr OmEJr AWdm Cgo ~Xb {X`m OmEJm & Xmo mh | 400 {H$ r H$s X ar V H$aZo Ho$ n MmV ~mBH$ Ho$ {J a Zo H$m H$aZm ~ X H$a {X m & {ddoH$ ~mBH$ H$mo {dH o$Vm Ho$ nmg bo J m {OgZo CgH$s {eH$m V gwZZo go Zm H$a {X m & dh ^ | Wm {H$ m H$ao & {ddoH$ H$mo gwPmd Xr{OE {H$ Cn w V p W{V | dh {H$Z A{YH$mam| H$m moJ H$a gH$Vm h & 1 Vivek purchased a bike from Sarnath Automobiles with a written guarantee to repair or replace, if necessary, within six months or 5,000 kms of distance travelled whichever is earlier. After covering the distance of 400 kms in two months, the gears of the bike started giving problems. Vivek took the bike to the dealer who refused to listen to his complaint. He was confused about what he should do. Suggest the rights that Vivek may exercise in the above case. 8. Z Z oS>rHo$ a B{ dn |Q> {b{ Q>oS> e {M{H$ gH$m| Ho$ {bE EH$ A{ Vr bo Oa VH$ZrH$ dmbo CnH$aU ~Zm ahr h & e {M{H$ gH$m| mam Bg CnH$aU H$m moJ Ho$db Cn w V {ejU Ho$ ~mX hr {H$ m Om gH$Vm h & hm VH$ {H$ BgHo$ aIaImd Ho$ {bE ^r {d{e Q> A{^ VmAm| Ho$ mJ Xe Z H$s Amd H$Vm h & BgHo$ H$maU, CnH$aU H$m Cn moJ gr{ V A nVmbm| | hr {H$ m Om ahm h & H$ nZr CnH$aU H$s {~H $s ~ T>mZm MmhVr h & AnZo C ma Ho$ g W Z | H$maU XoVo h E H$ nZr mam moJ | bmE OmZo dmbo g dY Z VarHo$ H$m gwPmd Xr{OE & 1 Nayan Medicare Equipment Ltd. manufactures equipment for surgeons having a unique laser technique. The equipment can be used by the surgeons only after proper training. Even their maintenance requires guidance of specialised engineers. Because of this, the equipment is used in a limited number of hospitals. The company wants to increase the sale of the equipment. Suggest the promotion tool to be used by the company giving reason in support of your answer. 66/5/1 5 P.T.O. I S> ~ SECTION B 9. ~ Y Ho$ {Z moOZ H$m H$s {H$ ht VrZ gr mAm| H$mo g_PmBE & AWdm {Z moOZ Ho$ h d Ho$ {H$ ht VrZ {~ X Am| H$mo g PmBE & 3 3 Explain any three limitations of Planning function of management. OR Explain any three points of importance of Planning . 10. O{Q>b (g H$Q>) {~ X {Z U VWm AndmX mam ~ Y H$mo g PmBE & AWdm {Z U {H $ m Ho$ {Z nmXZ mZH$m| H$m {ZYm aU VWm dm V{dH$ {Z nmXZ H$s mn MaUm| H$mo g PmBE & 3 3 Explain critical point control and management by exception . OR Explain setting performance standards and measurement of actual performance as steps of controlling process . 11. {ed Zo hmb hr | EH$ H$ H$s V Ho$ Eb.B .S>r. ~ ~ ~ZmZo dmbr Am mo{JH$ BH$mB | H$m H$aZm ma ^ {H$ m h & CgHo$ AYrZ nm M H$ Mmar H$m H$a aho h & H$m b m| H$s m{ V VWm g gmYZm| Ho$ AZwHy$bV_ Cn moJ H$mo Am d V H$aZo Ho$ {bE dh C h| AmXoe XoVm h & EH$ ^mdr Q>r ~ZmZo Ho$ {bE dh H$ Mm[a m| H$mo Cn`w $ H$m -na- {ejU ^r XmZ H$aVm h & dh CZHo$ mam {Z nm{XV H$m H$m {d bofU ^r H$aVm h Am a C h| {Vnwp Q> ^r XoVm h & {ed mam {Z nm{XV H$m H$mo {ZX}eZ Ho$ EH$ h dnyU KQ>H$ Ho$ $n | d{U V {H$ m Om gH$Vm h & Bg KQ>H$ H$m Zm ~VmBE VWm Cn w V | H$m{eV H$m m] Ho$ A{V[a V {ed mam {Z nm{XV {H$E Om gH$Zo dmbo Xmo A H$m m] H$m C boI H$s{OE & Shiv has recently joined an industrial unit manufacturing low cost LED bulbs. He has five workers working under him. He gives them instructions to ensure optimum utilization of resources and achievement of work targets. He provides good on-the-job training to the workers to build an efficient team. He also analyses the work performed by them and gives feedback. The work performed by Shiv may be described as an important element of directing. Name the element and state two other functions which may be performed by Shiv in addition to those highlighted above. 66/5/1 6 3 12. {d mr ~m Omam| H$m dJuH$aU CZ | mnma {H$E OmZo dmbo {d mr n m| H$s n[an dVm Ho$ AmYma na {H$ m OmVm h & Cg ~m Oma H$m Zm ~VmBE {Og | EH$ df go A{YH$ n[an dVm dmbo n m| H$m mnma {H$ m OmVm h & Bg ~m Oma H$s {H$ ht Xmo {deofVmAm| H$m C boI ^r H$s{OE & 3 Financial markets are classified on the basis of the maturity of financial instruments traded in them. Name the market in which the instruments with more than one year maturity are traded. Also state any two features of this market. 13. Jmonmb, mohZ VWm m VrZ { h VWm EH$ Am mo{JH$ jo | CZH$s AbJ-AbJ bKw {d{Z_m U BH$mB m h & do H$R>moa n[al r VWm B mZXma h VWm AnZr C nmXZ J{V{d{Y m| H$m g MmbZ dgm H$s A N>r n[anm{Q> m| H$m {Zdm h H$aHo$ H$aVo h & do A N>r JwUd mm dmbo H$ o mb H$m Cn moJ H$aVo h VWm mZH$sH $V {H $ mAm| H$m nmbZ H$aVo h & do AnZo C nmXm| H$m y {ZYm aU EH$ C{MV bm^-gr m Ho$ A VJ V H$aVo h & na Vw do g^r gmWr C nmXH$m| mam d VwAm| Ho$ C nmXZ | AnZmE JE AZw{MV dhmam| O go K{Q> m Va H$s d VwE , ZH$br VWm XmofnyU d VwAm| Ho$ {df | {Mp VV h & AV:, C hm|Zo Am mo{JH$ jo Ho$ A C nmXH$m| Ho$ gmW { bH$a EH$ g JR>Z ~ZmZo H$m {ZU {b m {OgH$m AnZm g {dYmZ hmo VWm Omo gaH$mar h Vjon go w V hmo & h g JR>Z ~oB mZ, emofUH$Vm Ed AZw{MV mnm[aH$ {H $ mE H$aZo dmbo {dH o$VmAm| H$m {VdmX H$aZo Ed CZHo$ {d H$m dmhr H$aZo Ho$ {bE Cn^mo VmAm| H$mo mo gm{hV H$aoJm & Cn w V d{U V H$m m] Ho$ A{V[a V Bg g JR>Z mam {Z nm{XV {H$E OmZo dmbo {H$ ht VrZ A H$m m] H$m C boI H$s{OE & 3 Gopal, Mohan and Shyam are three friends having their separate small manufacturing units in an industrial estate. They are hard-working and honest and undertake their respective production activities following the good practices of business. They use good quality raw materials and adopt standardised process. They fix the prices of their products with a reasonable profit margin. But all of them are worried about the malpractices like manufacturing sub-standard, duplicate, and defective goods by the fellow manufacturers. Therefore, they decided to form an organisation with a constitution of its own which is free from government interference. This organisation would encourage consumers to strongly protest and take action against unscrupulous, exploitative and unfair trade practices of sellers. State three other functions which may be performed by this organisation in addition to those mentioned above. 66/5/1 7 P.T.O. I S> g SECTION C 14. ~ Y H$mo n[a^m{fV H$s{OE & ~ Y EH$ ~h Am m r {H $ m H $go h , g PmBE & AWdm mdgm{ H$ n m daU H$m AW Xr{OE & mdgm{ H$ n m daU H$s {H$ ht VrZ {deofVmAm| H$mo g PmBE & 4 4 Define Management . Explain how management is a multidimensional activity. OR Give the meaning of Business Environment . Explain any three features of Business Environment. 15. g JR>Z H$m Ho$ {d{^ H$m m] _| EH$ Z {OgH$m C ma {XE OmZo H$s Amd H$Vm h , dh h {H$g Va na {ZU {bE OmVo h ? {H$gr g JR>Z | {ZU boZo H$m A{YH$ma {Z Z Va VH$ bo Om m Om gH$Vm h AWdm h C Var ~ Y Ho$ nmg hmo gH$Vm h & na Vw h AWdm Am a (`m `o `m dmo) dmbr AdYmaUm Zht h & O~ H$moB g JR>Z AmH$ma Ed O{Q>bVm | ~ T>Vm h , Vmo {ZU boZo Ho$ A{YH$mam| H$mo {Z Z Vam| VH$ gmPm H$aZo H$s d { m hmoVr h & h Bg{bE hmoVm h m|{H$ ~ S>o g JR>Zm| | Ohm H$ Mmar A{V {ZH$Q> go H$m g MmbZ | {b V hmoVo h dhm C h| Bg g ~ Y | C M ~ YZ go H$ht A{YH$ kmZ hmoVm h & Cn w V | g JR>Z H$m H$s EH$ h dnyU AdYmaUm H$m dU Z {H$ m J m h & AdYmaUm H$mo nhMm{ZE Am a BgHo$ h d Ho$ {H$ ht VrZ {~ X Am| H$m C boI H$s{OE & One of the questions that needs to be answered in the organizing function is At what level are decisions made ? Decision making authority in an organization can be pushed down to the lower levels or it may lie with the top management. However it is not an either or concept. When an organization grows in size or complexity, there is a tendency towards sharing decision making authority with the lower levels. This is because in large organizations, employees who are closely involved with certain operations tend to have more knowledge about them than the top management. An important concept of organizing function is discussed above. Identify the concept and state any three points of its importance. 66/5/1 8 4 16. 4 ~ Y Ho$ {Z w{ VH$aU H$m Ho$ h d Ho$ {H$ ht Mma {~ X Am| H$m C boI H$s{OE & AWdm 4 H$ Mm[a m| Ho$ {bE {ejU Ho$ {H$ ht Mma bm^m| H$m C boI H$s{OE & State any four points of importance of staffing function of management. OR State any four benefits of training to employees. 17. JUoe AmOH$b bmoJm| H$s {Zp H $` (~ R>o ahZo dmbm) OrdZ e br Ho$ ~mao | {Mp VV Wm & ~mha Ho$ ~Zo ImZo na ^r CZH$s {Z^ aVm ~ T>Vr Om ahr h m|{H$ {ZJ{_V H$m g H ${V Xoa amV VH$ H$m m b m| | H$m H$aZo H$s m J H$aVr h & AV:, CgZo ho Xr B qQ>J nm B Q> Zm go J mhH$m| H$mo$ dm dY H$ ImZo Ho$ {dH$ n XmZ H$aZo Ho$ {bE EH$ ao Vam ma ^ H$aZo H$m {ZU {b m & {Z moOZ Ed g JR>Z H$m m] H$mo nyam H$aZo Ho$ ~mX CgZo {d{^ H$m nXm| H$s nhMmZ H$s {O h| ^aZo H$s Amd H$Vm Wr, O go gm m ~ YH$, boImH$ma, Xmo e $, ao Vam _| ^moOZ namogZo Ho$ {bE Xmo b S>Ho$ VWm Ka na ^moOZ nh MmZo Ho$ {bE VrZ b S>Ho$ & CgZo h {ZU {b m {H$ CgHo$ {nVm, H$aU, ao Vam Ho$ gm m ~ YH$ hm|Jo & C h| CZH$s godmAm| Ho$ ~Xbo {V mh < 50,000 {XE OmE Jo & CgHo$ {nVm Zo Cggo H$hm {H$ dh CZHo$ { Ho$ ~oQ>o, o , H$mo boImH$ma {Z w V H$a bo Omo {H$ Bg nX Ho$ {bE nyU $n go mo h & JUoe Bg Vmd Ho$ {bE V ma hmo J m & Bggo nhbo, o H$m Xoe Ho$ X adVu BbmH$m| go {d{^ g JR>Zm| H$mo AHw$eb H$ Mmar XmZ H$aZo H$m dgm Wm & o Zo JUoe go AZw {V br {H$ dh nwamZm dgm MbmE aIZm MmhVm h & JUoe Zo h ghf drH$ma H$a {b m Am a Cgo ^moOZ namogZo Ho$ {bE nm M b S>Ho$ XoZo Ho$ {bE H$hm & Xmo e $m| H$s {Z w{ V Ho$ {bE JUoe Zo EH$ {g hmoQ>b ~ YZ g WmZ go g ~ Y Wm{nV {H$ m Am a dh g WmZ mam XmZ {H$E JE e $m| go g Vw Q> Wm & (H$) Cn w V AZw N>oX go n { V m CX Y V H$aVo h E, {d{^ H$m nXm| H$mo ^aZo Ho$ {bE JUoe mam moJ | bmE JE ^Vu Ho$ Xmo moVm| H$mo g PmBE & (I) gmW hr Cn w V p W{V | M{M V ~ Y Ho$ H$m H$m AW Xr{OE & 4 Ganesh was concerned about the sedentary lifestyle people are leading nowadays. Their dependency on outside food is also increasing because corporate work culture demands working till late night at offices. So, he decided to start a restaurant, Healthy Eating Point to provide healthy food options to customers. After completing planning and organising 66/5/1 9 P.T.O. functions, he identified the various job positions that are required to be filled i.e. a General Manager, an Accountant, two Chefs, two boys for serving the food in the restaurant and three boys for home delivery of food. He decided that his father, Karan, would be the General Manager of the restaurant. He would be paid < 50,000 per month for his services. His father requested him to appoint his friend s son, Prem, as an accountant who is well qualified for this post. Ganesh agreed to this proposal. Earlier, Prem had a business of providing unskilled workers to different organisations from remote areas of the country. Prem took permission from Ganesh to continue with the old business. Ganesh happily agreed and asked him to provide five boys for serving and delivering the food. For the appointment of the two Chefs, Ganesh approached a renowned Hotel Management Institute and was satisfied with the Chefs provided by the institute. 18. (a) Quoting the lines from the above paragraph, explain the two sources of recruitment being used by Ganesh for filling up the various job positions. (b) Also, give the meaning of the function of management discussed in the above case. Zm a Ho$ r m { H$ {ejm ~moS> go m Vm m V Ho$ab Ho$ EH$ {d mb | ZmVH$mo ma dm{U {ejH$ Ho$ $n | H$m aV h & EH$ {XZ dh H$jm | ny Or ~m Oma Ho$ {df | n T>m aho Wo & C hm|Zo H$jm H$mo ~Vm m {H$ OZVm H$s ~ T>Vr h B ^mJrXmar Ho$ H$maU ^maVr ny Or ~m Oma Zo 1980 Ho$ XeH$ | Am M OZH$ d { XoIr & {ZdoeH$m| H$s Vrd Vm go ~ T>Vr OZg m Ed ~m Oma ny OrH$aU Ho$ {d Vma Ho$ H$maU H$ n{Z m|, Xbmbm|, M]Q> ~ H$am|, {Zdoe nam e H$m| VWm {V^y{V ~m Oma | gp {bV A bmoJm| Zo {d{^ H$ma Ho$ AnamY (X amMma) H$aZo Ama ^ H$a {XE & BZ mnma X amMmam| VWm AnamYm| Zo {ZdoeH$m| Ho $ {d dmg H$mo Vmo S> S>mbm VWm {ZdoeH$m| H$s {eH$m V| ~ T> JB & X S> hoVw {d mZ C{MV H$mZyZr mdYmZm| Ho$ A^md | ^maV gaH$ma VWm eo a ~m Oma {ZdoeH$m| H$s g mAm| Ho$ {ZnQ>mao | bmMma Wo & BgH$mo mZ | aIVo h E ^maV gaH$ma Zo EH$ {Z H$ {ZH$m Wm{nV H$aZo H$m {ZU {b m & (H$) Cg {Z H$ {ZH$m H$m Zm ~VmBE {OgH$s WmnZm H$m {ZU ^maV gaH$ma mam {b m J m & (I) Cn w V (H$) | nhMmZo JE {Z H$ {ZH$m Ho$ {H$ ht VrZ C o m| H$m C boI ^r H$s{OE & 66/5/1 10 4 Nayar is working as a P.G.T. Commerce in a CBSE affiliated school of Kerala. One day he was teaching about capital market in the class. He informed the class that during 1980 s the capital market in India witnessed a tremendous growth because of increasing participation of the public. This ever increasing investors population and market capitalisation led to a variety of malpractices on the part of the companies, brokers, merchant bankers, investment consultants and others involved in the securities market. These malpractices and unfair trading practices eroded investors confidence and multiplied investors grievances. The Government of India and the stock exchanges were helpless in redressing the investors problems because of lack of proper penalty provisions in the existing legislation. In view of this the Government of India decided to set up a regulatory body. (a) Name the regulatory body which the Government of India decided to set up. (b) Also state any three objectives of the regulatory body identified in part (a) above. 19. O EH$ gm Q> qS > g H$ nZr Ho$ w H$m H$mar A{YH$mar Ho$ $n | H$m aV h & H$ nZr AnZm dgm $m g H$s EH$ gm Q> qS > g H$ nZr Ho$ gh moJ go H$a ahr h & O H$m { , dm r, Omo hm{d mb | EH$ dgm A Z H$m {ejH$ h , AnZo {d m{W m| Ho$ gmW {dnUZ nmR> na MMm H$a ahm Wm & dh O go {dnUZ {ZU m| H$mo ^m{dV H$aZo dmbo H$maH$m| na n Q>Vm MmhVm Wm & O Zo g Pm m {H$ {dnUZ {ZU Z H$mo ~h V go H$maH$ ^m{dV H$aVo h , B h| w V: Xmo dJm] | ~m Q>m Om gH$Vm h : (i) {Z Ur V d Ed (ii) J a-{Z Ur V d & O Zo AmJo g Pm m {H$ {Z Ur V d {dnUZ ~Z OmVo h {O h| {dnUZ | g $bVm m V H$aZo Ho$ {bE {dnUZ ~ YH$ {Za Va $n d Zd $n XmZ H$aVo h & Cg {dnUZ g yh H$mo nhMm{ZE Ed g PmBE {O h| {dnUZ ~ YH$m| mam {Za Va $n d Zd $n {X m Om gH$Vm h & 4 Jay is working as the Chief Executive Officer of a soft drinks company. The company is doing its business in collaboration with a soft drinks company of France. Jay s friend, Swami, a teacher of Business Studies in a reputed college was discussing the Marketing chapter with his students. He wanted clarity from Jay about the factors which affect the marketing decisions. Jay explained that there were a large number of factors affecting marketing decisions which may be divided into two categories : (i) controllable factors, and (ii) non-controllable factors. Jay further explained that controllable factors became marketing tools that can be constantly shaped and reshaped by marketing managers, to achieve marketing success. Identify and explain the set of marketing tools that can be constantly shaped and reshaped by marketing managers. 66/5/1 11 P.T.O. I S> X SECTION D 20. d km{ZH$ ~ Y H$m AW h ghr $n go h OmZZm {H$ Amn l{ H$m| go m H$amZm MmhVo h Am a h XoIZm {H$ do Cgo gd lo R> Ed {H$ $m Vr T> J go H$a| & Q>oba Zo d km{ZH$ ~ Y Ho$ {g m Vm| H$mo moJ | bmZo Ho$ {bE {d{^ VH$ZrH|$ {dH${gV H$s Am a ~ Wb Q>rb H$ nZr |, Ohm dh H$m H$aVm Wm, C nmXH$Vm H$mo VrZ JwZm ~ T>mZo | g $b h Am & {d{^ VH$ZrH$m| | EH$ VH$ZrH$ {Z w V {H$E OmZo dmbo H$ Mm[a m| H$s g m {ZYm [aV H$aVr h ; Cn w V oaH$ moOZmE ~ZmVr h VWm l bmJV H$m {ZYm aU H$aVr h & EH$ A VH$ZrH$ CZ H$ Mm[a m| H$s nhMmZ H$aVr h Omo EH$ {XZ Ho$ C{MV H$m H$m {Z nmXZ /H$m go A{YH$ C nmXZ H$aZo Ho$ mo h VWm Omo Bg YmaUm na AmYm[aV h {H$ H$m Hw$ebVm ~ YH$m| Ed l{ H$m| XmoZm| Ho$ g w V Zm| H$m n[aUm h & Cn w V AZw N>oX go n { V m CX Y V H$aVo h E d km{ZH$ ~ Y H$s Xmo VH$ZrH$m| H$mo nhMm{ZE Ed g PmBE & 5 Scientific Management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and the cheapest way. Taylor developed various techniques for application of Scientific Management principles and was able to achieve a three-fold increase in productivity in Bethlehem Steel Company, where he worked. One of the techniques helps to determine the number of workers to be employed; frame suitable incentive schemes and determine labour costs. Another technique recognises those workers who are able to accomplish/exceed the fair day s work and is based on the premise that efficiency is the result of the joint efforts of the managers and the workers. Quoting the lines from the above paragraph, identify and explain the two techniques of Scientific Management. 21. mQ>m Am Q>mo {b{ Q>oS> {d{^ H$ma Ho$ dm{Up H$ dmhZm| Ho$ {Z m V m h & {nN>bo df Ho$ Xm amZ BgH$s {~H $s Xmo gm H$amo S> nE Wr & Mmby df | H$ nZr Zo {~H $s H$mo 20% go ~ T>mZo H$m {ZU {b m h & BgHo$ {bE Am V[aH$ VWm ~m A Ho$jU {H$E JE h & Am V[aH$ A Ho$jU Ho$ m go B hm|Zo dgm Ho$ g^r {d^mJm| H$s g $bVmAm| Ed H$ Omo[a m| H$m {d bofU {H$ m & ~m A Ho$jU H$m Ho$ -{~ X {Za Va ~XbVo h E n m daU Ho$ gwAdga Ed Vao Wo & AV:, mdgm{ H$ n m daU H$mo mZ | aIVo h E EH$ {d V V moOZm V ma H$s JB VWm b m| H$mo m V H$aZo Ho$ {bE Amd H$ g gmYZm| H$mo Am~ {Q>V {H$ m J m & H$ nZr Zo g nyU Xoe Ho$ AnZo H$m m b m| | moOZm H$m nmbZ H$aZo Ho$ {ZX}e {XE & {~H $s | {Za Va d { H$mo m V H$aZo Ho$ {bE ^mdnyU moOZmAm| H$mo {dH${gV H$aZo H$s H$ nZr H$s {V~ Vm Zo {nN>bo EH$ XeH$ | BgHo$ {Za Va {dH$mg H$mo Am d V {H$ m h & Cn w V M{M V moOZm Ho$ Xmo H$mam| H$mo nhMm{ZE Ed g PmBE & 66/5/1 12 5 Matta Auto Ltd. is manufacturing different types of commercial vehicles. Their sales were rupees two hundred crores in the previous year. The company decided to increase sales by 20% during the current year. It conducted internal as well as external audits for the same. Through internal audit, they analysed the strengths and weaknesses of the business across all departments. External audit focused on the opportunities and the threats in the constantly changing business environment. Thus, a comprehensive plan was prepared taking into consideration the business environment and the necessary resources were allocated to achieve the target. The company directed its offices throughout the country to follow the plan. The company s commitment to develop effective plans to achieve a consistent increase in sales has ensured its continual growth over the past one decade. Identify and explain the two types of plans discussed above. 22. ~ Y Ho$ {ZX}eZ H$m Ho$ h d Ho$ {H$ ht nm M {~ X Am| H$mo g_PmBE & AWdm {H$ ht nm M J a-{d mr A{^ oaH$m| H$mo g PmBE & 5 5 Explain any five points of importance of directing function of management. OR Explain any five non-financial incentives. I S> SECTION E 23. 6 g d H$s {H$ ht Mma {deofVmAm| H$mo g PmBE & AWdm 6 ~ Y Ho$ {g m Vm| H$s H ${V na H$me S>mbZo dmbo {H$ ht Mma {~ X Am| H$mo g PmBE & Explain any four characteristics of coordination. OR Explain any four points highlighting the nature of principles of management. 66/5/1 13 P.T.O. 24. {M Vm {U bmo~b B {S> m {b{ Q>oS> EH$ Q>rb {Z m Ur Ed {Z m VH$ H$ nZr H$m C nmXZ ~ YH$ h & df 2017 2018 Ho$ Xm amZ, H$ nZr AnZo C nmXZ b m| H$mo m V Zht H$a gH$s & H$ nZr Ho$ w H$m H$mar A{YH$mar Zo {deofkm| H$s EH$ g{ {V ~ZmB Omo H$maUm| H$m nVm bJm gHo$ Am a ^{d | C nmXZ b m| H$mo m V H$aZo Ho$ {bE AnZo gwPmd Xo gHo$ & H$ nZr Zo C nmXZ g ~ Yr [aH$m S>m] H$m {d bofU {H$ m Am a nm m {H$ hm g ofU Ho$ H$maU g mE Wt & bmo~b B {S> m {b{ Q>oS> Ho$ {Z ~h V hr g V Wo VWm do Ho$db drH $V m Ibm mam hr g ofU na ~b XoVo Wo {Oggo H$m | Xoar hmoVr Wr & H$ nZr Ho$ ~h V go ~ YH$s Va Wo, {OgHo$ n[aUm d $n nwZ: Xoar hmoVr Wr Am a Aew gyMZm h Vm V[aV hmoVr Wr & gmW hr C nmXZ ~ YH$, {M Vm {U>, Eogr Amdm O H$m Cn moJ H$aVm Wm {H$ Cggo A{YH$m eV: H$ Mm[a m| Ho$ Zmo^mdm| H$mo R>og nh MVr Wr & {M Vm {U Am a H$ Mmar XmoZm| EH$-X gao | {d dmg ^r Zht aIVo Wo, AV: EH$-X gao Ho$ g Xoem| H$mo CgHo$ yb $n | Zht g P nmVo Wo & (H$) Cn w V M{M V g ofU ~mYmAm| Ho$ H$ma H$mo nhMm{ZE Ed CZH$m AW Xr{OE & (I) Cn w V go n { V m CX Y V H$aVo h E, ^mJ (H$) | nhMmZo JE oH$ H$ma Ho$ A VJ V Xmo g ofU ~mYmAm| H$m C boI H$s{OE, {OgHo$ H$maU bmo~b B {S> m {b{ Q>oS> AnZo C nmXZ b m| H$mo m V Zht H$a gH$s & (J) Eogo {H$ ht Xmo gwPmdm| H$m C boI H$s{OE Omo g{ {V mam g ofU H$s ^m{dH$Vm H$mo gwYmaZo Ho$ {bE {XE JE hm| & Chintamani is the Production Manager of Global India Ltd. manufacturing and exporting steel. During the year 2017 18, the company could not meet its production targets. The Chief Executive Officer of the company constituted a committee of experts to find out the reasons and give its recommendation so that the production target could be met in the future. The company analysed the production related records and found out that there were problems due to communication. Global India Ltd. had rigid rules and would insist on communication through prescribed channels, which led to delays. The company also had a number of managerial levels causing further delay and distorted communication. Moreover, the Production Manager, Chintamani, was using a tone that quite often offended the sentiments of the workers. Also, Chintamani and the workers did not believe in each other and so could not understand each other s messages in the original sense. (a) Identify and give the meaning of the types of communication barriers discussed above. (b) Quoting lines from the above, state two communication barriers under each of the types identified in part (a) because of which Global India Ltd. could not meet its production targets. (c) State any two recommendations that might have been given by the committee to improve communication effectiveness. 66/5/1 14 6 25. mo{Zem H$ g y a JwS >g 46 Q>moam| Ho$ V Ho$ gmW w V: w ~B , {X br Ed nwUo | Cn^mo Vm d VwAm| H$s EH$ AJ Ur m Ibm h & Bgo 1987 | mo{Zem Jw Vm mam ma ^ {H$ m J m Wm & BgH$m w ~B , {X br Ed nwUo | EH$ ~ S>m ~m Oma A e h & {d Vma Ho$ gwAdgam| H$mo XoIVo h E BgZo h {ZU {b m {H$ do Ho$ab | EH$ ZB emIm Imob|Jo & Bgo h ^r {ZU boZm h {H$ dh H$m Z-go ZE g gmYZm| | {Zdoe H$ao Vm{H$ dh AnZo {ZdoeH$m| Ho$ {bE C V g ^m{dV {V $b A{O V H$a gHo$ & EH$ ~ma O~ H$ nZr H$mo h {d dmg hmo OmEJm {H$ dh A{YH$ AmJ Ed bm^ C n H$a gH$Vr h , Vmo Cgo h {ZU ^r boZm h {H$ Bg n[a moOZm Ho$ {bE H$mof H$hm go m V {H$E OmE Jo & {d mr ~ YH$, AVwb H$mo H$hm J m {H$ dh n[a moOZm Ho$ {bE H$mof m V H$aZo hoVw {d{^ moVm| Ho$ ~rM ^mdembr g VwbZ ~ZmE Vm{H$ EH$ AZwHy$bV ny Or T>m Mo H$mo m V {H$ m Om gHo$ Am a A eYm[a m| H$s YZg nXm H$mo ~ T>m m Om gHo$ & AVwb Zo H$ nZr H$s amoH$ S> dmh p W{V H$m y m H$Z H$aZo Ho$ n MmV {d m Ho$ {d{^ moVm| H$s bmJV H$m y m H$Z {H$ m VWm oH$ moV go g ~p YV Omo{I Ed H$mof EH${ V H$aZo H$s bmJV H$s VwbZm H$s & (H$) Cn w V p W{V | M{M V Xmo {d mr {ZU m| H$m C boI H$s{OE & (I) oH$ {ZU H$mo ^m{dV H$aZo dmbo Eogo {H$ ht Xmo-Xmo KQ>H$m| H$mo g PmBE {OZ na A^r ^r {d m ~ YH$ H$mo mZ XoZm h & 6 Monisha Consumer Goods is a leading consumer goods chain with a network of 46 stores primarily across Mumbai, Delhi and Pune. It was started by Monisha Gupta in 1987. It has a large market share in Mumbai, Delhi and Pune. Looking for an opportunity to expand, it has decided to open a new branch in Kerala. It has to decide on what new resources it will invest in so that it is able to earn the highest possible return for its investors. Once the company believes that it will be able to generate higher revenues and profits, it also has to decide on how this project will get funded. The finance manager, Atul was told to have an optimal capital structure by striking a balance between various sources of getting the project funded so as to increase shareholders wealth. Atul, after assessing the cash flow position of the company, evaluated the cost of different sources of finance and compared the risk associated with each source as well as the cost of raising funds. (a) State the two financial decisions discussed in the above situation. (b) Explain any two factors affecting each of the decisions that still have to be considered by the finance manager. 66/5/1 15 P.T.O.

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