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ICSE Class X Prelims 2024 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (Lodha World School (LWS), Palava, Dombivili)

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Sangeeta Kulkarni
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LODHA WORLD SCHOOL Near Khidkaleshwar Temple, KalyanShilphataRoad, Dombivali East, Palava, Maharashtra 421204, Ph. No.0251 6699588 LODHA WORLD SCHOOL2023-24 Prelim Exam I Std: X English Literature Total Marks: 80 Name: Div: Roll no: Duration: 2 hours Date:12.12. 2023 Youwill not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this Paper is the time alowed for writing the answers. The paper has four sections Section A is compulsory - All questions in Section A mUst be answered. YoU must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one other question from any Section of The intended marks for questions or parts of your choice. questions are given in brackets [1. SECTIONA (Attempt all questions from this Section) Question 1 Read the following questions and choose the most appropriate response from the choices given below (Please do not copy the question - simply write out in correct serial order the appropriate word or phrase.) [16] () How does Jessica hope to escape damnation? (a) By giving up her father's property. (b) By eloping with Lorenzo. c) By being converted to Christianity by her husband. (d) By changing her name. () which of the following statements is not true concerning the Caskef fest? (a) BasSanio wants to wait and take the test later as he wants to talk to Portia Urgently. ()Porti urges Bassanio to wait for a while before taking the casket test. C) Portia is afraid that Bassanio might choose the wrong casket and be lost to her forever. (d) Bassanio is eager to take the testas he finds the waiting a kind of torture. (i) Bassanio while choosing the lead casket states that (a) the worldis no longer deceived by ornaments (b) in the field of law, a case that is just and fair can be made to appear evil, by the eloquence of aclever lawyer. (c) the outward show is the least important in evaluating the worth of anything (a) many men are as valiant as Hercules and Mars (iv) Antonio says that reasoning with Shylock was NOT like (a) standingon the beach and ordering the waves to wash away the sand jb)reasoning with the ewe which was crying out in distress at the loss of her lamb (c) trying to soften arock (d) commanding the pine trees on the mountaintops to remain quiet and motionless when battered by the strong winds. (v) was the enchantress who loved Jason and helped him to get the golden fleece (a) Dido (b) Cressida (c) Medea (d) Thisbe (vi) Bassanio: We should hold day with Antipodes if you walk in the absence of the sun. What is Bassanio saying? (a) When it is day inone place., it is night in its Antipodes. (b) Two points are exactly opposite each other on the Earth. (c) Portia walks in the absence of fhe sun. (d) Bassanio compliments Portia's radiant beauty which can light up darkness. (vii) Sibia's last meal consisted of (a Chupatti, green chillies and (b) Chupatti, butter and dal rancid butter (c) Chupatti, butter and (d) Chupatti, beans and vegetables green chillies (Vii) "If's shape wobbling in the here. (a) Arope movement of the stream'. is being referred to (b) The mugger crocodile (c) The hayfork (d) The blue bead (ix) 'a bird that stalks down his narrow cage can seldom see through his bars of rage' The wordclosest in meaning to the word 'seldom' in the above line is (a) solitary (b) solemn (e rarely (d) lonely (x) Which of the following lines Leigh Hunt's 'And like a lily in contains the same iterary device as the one in bloom, an angel writing in a book of (a) There was peace on Gold.' earth and silence in the sky: Some could, some could not, shake off misery: (b) O my Love is like the melody that's sweetly played in tune (c) Then look for me by moonlight, Watch for me by moonlight l'lcome to thee by moonlight, though hell should bar the way. (d) The woods are lovely dark and deep But Ihave promises to keep And miles to go before I And miles to go before Isleep, sleep. (x1) When the speaker uses the word 'crowd' to refer to the daffodils, what liter term is applied? (a) personification (b) alliteration (c) simile (d) rhyme (X) Which of the following correctly Sums up the poem 'The Nine Gold Medals'? (a) expressing lip service for the other meaning of empathy in the person (b) sacrificingself-interest for the other person (c) a healthy mind in a healthy body (d) slow and steady wins the race. (xii) Why has the author described the little girl as 'the (a) She was all alone in the market. (b) She was unable to protect herself from the cold. (c) She didn't have ahomne to go back to. (d) There was no CUre for her ailment. picture of misery'? (xiv) 'Cold' in the story The Little Match Girl' is a symbol of (a) Hardships, desperations and joy. (b) Needfor warmth, love and affection. (c) Festivity, celebrations and joy. (e Problems, struggle and death. (xv) What is common between the caged bird's song and the poet's struggle? (a) Equality for women Was seen as a distant dream. (b) Freedom from want and hunger. (c) Self-esteem and dignity were seen as a futile struUggle. (d) African Americans' struggle for freedom and equality initially was heard as a distant voice. (xvi) The poem The Patiot isa critique of o) the patiots misdeeds. (b) the act of hero worship. (c) the overvaulting ambition of the speaker. (a] the fickle-mindedness of the public. SECTION B (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) DRAMA -(The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare) Question 2 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [l6] Bassanio:Most worthy gentlemen, Iand my friend Have by your wisdom been this day acquitted of grievoUspenalties 'worthy gentleman'? What does (0) Where does the scene take place? Who is the (3) fee? Bassanio say to offer the 'worthy gentleman' his refuse to take the offer? What does this ( ) Why does the 'worthy gentleman' (3) Bassanio? person ask for instead from Antonio and being able to part with the object () What excuses does Bassanio give for not (3) show his generosity by offening all Bassanio does how scene, the in earlier little A (iv) What do you conclude about Bassanio life? Antonio's save to him to dear that is (3) through that offer? The law hath yet another hold on you.' Jew: 'Tary says gentleman' worthy (v) The end of the case. According to the at Shylock to awarded penalty Elaborate on the (4) Shylock? Give yOUr reason in one point. asked for? you, has the verdict been fair to Question 3 Read fhe extract given below and answer the questions that follow: Lorenzo: How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! Here will we sit, andlet the sounds of music Creep in our ears: ) Where is Lorenzo? To whom does he descrbe the moonlight? What does he decide to do at first and why does he change his mind? (3) () What, according to Lorenzo, is the appropriate setting for sweet music? How does he describe the sky? (3) () According to the Elizabethan view of music., what are 'orbs' said to be doing? Explain the allusion here. Why can't human beings hear the music of the heavens in this life? (3) (iv) What remark does Portia make about music? What reason does Nerissa give for the music sOunding sweeter at night? What comparison does Portia make when Lorenzo recognises her voice? (3) (v) Show how the play ends on a happy note by bringing out any two aspects of the plot that are resolved satisfactorily. (4) SECTIONC (Answer one or more questions from this section) Prose- Short Stories (Treasure Trove- ACollection of ICSE Poems and Short Stories) Question 4. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [16] Thefork was lying in the river, not caried oway, luckily, and as she bent to pick it up out of the water, she saw the blue bead. Not blue now, with the sun nearly gone. but a no-colour white-blue, and its shape wobbling in the movement of the stream. She reached her arm down into a yard of the cold silk water to get it. Missing it first of all, because of refraction. (i) Where did Sibia take the wounded woman? How was she treated for her wOunds? (3) (i) What did Sibia want to pick up from the water? What did she see in there? (i) Where did she keep the blue bead? What hgppened affer that? (IV) What was Sibia'smother apprehensive about? What did Sibia tell her? (v) Elucidate how the story shows the conflict between humans and naror (3) (3) (3) (4) Question 5 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [16] "A bond had already corded itself around them both, and love was springing into life" () a Who are the 'both' referred to in the above lines? When and what type of (3) bond iscorded between them? (3) his action? () What explanation did the wheelwright give to convince his wife of when they heard (1) Why did the neighbours' attitude towards the woman change (3) the news of her death? (3) villagers? (iv) Why was the dead woman despised and hated by all the reference to the (V) 'Goodcomes to people who do good'. Justify this statement in (4) Angel in Disguise' by T. S.Arthur. story 'An SECTIOND (Answer one or more questions from this section) Poetry (Treasure Trove- A Collectionof ICSE Poems andShort Stories) Question 6 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: [16] "Good folk, mere noise repels But give me your Sun from yonder skies!" They hadanswered, "And afterwards, what else?" (i) Whom does the speaker refer to as 'they' in the given excerpt? What does he (3) want to prove about his past situation by presenting the given supposifion? (i) What emotion does the speaker convey in the lines just after the given extract (3) and by what means? reader's mind by the poei inio u the in out etched picture visual symbolise? What ideo ()DesCibe the both do What (3) the words 'roses with myrtles' and 'stones'. images? contrasting these are the does the poet want to convey by using 'better yet? Who is What sight? of (3) (iv) Which is the place that offers the best that? for reason the is What windows? dead ? only ones present at the have dropped down people triumphs (4) (v) Why does the speaker say In establish? it does what and end What is he certain of in the Question 7 and answer the questions Read the extract given below that follow: (16] But a bird that stalks Down his narrow Cage Can seldom see through His bars of rage extract differ from the one the in mentioned the bird (3) (0) In what ways does 3 mentioned earier? freedom? its express do to What is its ( ) What does the free bird Where is his tune heard? of? sing bird 3 caged (i) What does the motive significance? represent? What is the poet's bird caged the bird and (3) (iv) What do the free itevoke in behind writing this poem? signify? What feelings does rage' of 'bars birds' in expression you would call 'caged (v) What does the whom people of any one group the reader? Name contemporary times.

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