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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : English Paper 2 (English Literature) (North Point School, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai)

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North Point School, Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai
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North Point School First Preliminary Examination(2024-25) in English Literature ( X Class: Total Time:2 Hours Date:09.12.2024 Answers this to Marks:80 Paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed This time is The time writing to be spent in 15 minutes. during the first to write reading the question paper. given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for the answers. The paper has four Sections. Section A - iscompulsory Allquestions in Section must be A answered. You must attempt one question from each of the Sections B, C and D and one other question from any section of your choice. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets []. SECTION (Attempt Question all A questions from this Section) 1 [16] Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the questions, i. When Antony asks exigent?" he a) Why did is Octavius saying you send me this ONLY the correct answers.) "WWhy do you cross me in this message? b) Why are you c) Why are youarguing with me on Why are you calling me? d) 1 write upset with me? this important matter? The ii. final e the battle shows conversation befo Brutus and Cassius as a) Still unsure of each other reconciled b) Only outwardly Trusting friends again c) d) Fearing each other's treachery What disagreement ii. battle did Brutus the and Cassius have about strategy? a) Cassius wants to use the flying formation meet the enemy at Phillipi and b) Brutus thinks they should go have the enemy come Cassius thinks they should wait and to them c) Cassius wants to pay the soldierafter the battle d) Brutus thinks they should use trap the enemy How does the ghost that iv. a box formation enters Brutus' tent in order to identify himself? a) "Great Caesar's ghost" "He who walks b) night" in c) "Thy evilspirit" d) "The shadow" continuously In his eulogy, Antony V. refers to and as "honorable men". a) Past Roman b) Brutus leaders and Casca c) Brutus and Cassius d) Caesar and Octavius vi. When Antony said, "Ojudgement, he means people beasts," thou art fled to brutish Brutus' action a) are happy with have lost their reasoning power b) c) are saved from slavery d) are 2 in the hands of honourable men vii. What happens to the "small things" when great trees fall? a) They celebrate b) They grow bigger c) They recoil into d) They fly away K9"You catch his silence strain on hill and plain from Delhi down to Burma" Which of the following uses the same literary device as given the above line from the poem 'The Powerof Music? a) Some are like fields in of sunlit corn. b) Silver and blue as the mountain mist. and on hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes, thy forehead gaze." A c) bird. d) For song and mother-croon of ix. X through Which emotions does Robert Frost go the speck? a) Disgust and b) Fear and anxiety c) Awe and d) Curiosity and empathy frustration admiration mean poet,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow of light? the moon's light as a floatingbridge What does the by describing a) The moon creates b) The moon's c) The moon's d) The moon's light a physical bridge over water connects a) Royalty b) Nature c) Bravery d) Wealth different light is reflected light on worlds or realms a bridge resembles a bridge Which of thefollowing is NOT 'The Glove and the Lions? 3 as he examines in at night shape and form arecurring theme in the poem xi. Which of the following correctly describes the chronological sequence of events in "The Pedestrian"? Leonard a) Mead a psychiatriccenter for regressive tendencies, walks through the empty streets,and talks to the police car. b) Leonard Mead talks to the police car, walks through the empty streets,and is taken to a psychiatriccenter for is taken to regressive tendencies. c) Leonard Mead walks through the empty streets,talks to the police car, and is taken to a psychiatriccenter for regressive tendencies. Leonard Mead walks through the empty streets, is taken to a psychiatric center for regressive tendencies, and talks to the police car. d) the story 'Last Lesson'by Aplhonse Daudet, why a crowd at the bulletin board? a) The news of French being replaced by German had attracted them there. b) They were called by the authorities over there. c) They had decided to protestagainst the authorities. d) All of these was Kiy.Which of these confuse Adjoa Who xii. In there in the story 'The Gil Can' a) Nana's ignorance b) She shouldn't repeat certainthings c) Nana's laughter d) Her struggle to catch her grandmother's attention the option that showsthe correct relationship between Statements (1) and (2)from Wiliam Sleator'sshort story 'The Elevator' xv. Select Statement(1) Terrified of down the the fat lady dark in the elevator, Martin ran broke his leg stairs, felland Statement (2) Angry and disappointed that his son had behaved like a fool and a coward, Martin's father did not talk to him on the way to the hospital a) (1) is true and (2) is false b) (2) is true, and (1) is false c) (1)is the cause for (2) d) (1)and (2)are independent of each other 4 InStephen Leacock's 'With the Photographer, what photographer NOT like about the narrator's hair? M a) it was low on the skull b) it was high on c) it was unevenly spread out on the skull d) it was the did the skull8 perfectly spread out on the skull SECTIONB (Answer one or more questions from this Section.) DRAMA (Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare) Question 2 answer the questions Read the followingextract given below and follow: Cassius: Stoop, then, and wash. What exactly does Cassius Where doesth s scene take place? [3] 2 mean? Who had suggested washing? he says "How many times shall b) What does Brutus mean when a) [3] Caesar bleed c) in sport"? (Caesar' Explain the tragic scene. [3] s assassination]. the message conveyed to d) Who enters soon after? Explain [3] Brutus by this person. reasons for putting Caesar to e) Brutus and Cassius had different [4] in brief. Justify your reason. death. Express these reasons Question3 Read the following extract and answerthe questions that follow. that me thy hand, Messala. Be thou my witness to set As Pompey was, am compelledheld against my Youknow that Cassius: Give I will, Upon one battle all our liberties. I Epicurus strong a) Who was Messala? Where were time? Why? 5 2 Cassius and Messala at this [3) that b) Why did Cassius say "against my Pompey in this connection? VWhat c) Who was the words feared? will? did Why did he refer to he fear? Epicurus? What was his belief/philosophy? What 'now change my mind' tell us what Cassius (3] do l [3] d) Explain the reference to crows, ravens and kites and their significance. [3] e) In what manner was Cassius' fear justified later? Do you feel Cassius was a better judge of military matters than Brutus? Justifyyour answer. 14] SECTIONC one ormore questions from this Section.) PROSE- SHORT STORIES (Treasure Chest - A Collection of ICSE Short Stories and Poems) (Answer Question 4 Read the following extract from the short story, 'The Girl Who Can'and answer the questions that follow: As far as I could see,there was only one problem. And it had nothing to knew Nana considered as "problems, or what Maami thinks of as "the problem". Maami is do with what I my mother. Nana is my mother's mother. Anyway, they say I am seven years old. And my problem is that at this even year of age, there are things can think in my head, but which, maybe, Ido not have theproper language to speak them out with. I a) How does Adjoa's fear of ridicule or dismissal impact her communication with her family? [3] b) Going by Nana's reaction to her words, what could Adjoa not Comprehend? (3] c) Why was Nana show? worried about Adjoa's legs? What does her anxiety [3] d) What was the change Adjoa's selection? in Nana after she found out about [3] e) In what ways does Adjoa's success in sports challenge the traditional expectations set by her family, particularly Nana? How does this achievement change Nana's perception of Adjoa? Provide textual evidence to support your analysis. 2 [4] Question 5 Read the following extract from the short story, The Last Lesson' and answer the questions that follow: "Your parents were not anxious enough to put youto work And 1? I've been have you to learn. They preferred on a farm or at the mills, so as to have a little more money. to blame also," a) In what way was "I",that is M. Hamel, to blame also"? For what other pursuits had Franz missed schoolof his own will? [31 b) What was M. Hamel's answer with reference about education and learning? Support your what he says and does to conduct the last belief to lesson. How c) [3] did everyone set to work in the copies during the lesson think they did so? in writing? Why do you What d) did Franz think about the pigeons? Why did this thought [3] come to his [3] mind? your story has been given an apt title? Substantiate text. Suggest an alternate title for opinion with adequate reference to the (4] the story. Do youbelieve e) this SECTIONC this Section.) (Answer one or more questions from POETRY of ICSE Short Stories and (Treasure Chest - A Collection Poems) Question 6 from the Read the following extract follow: answer the questions that Poem, When Great Trees They existed. They existed. We can be. Be and be better. For they existed. used by Angelou in her a) Explain the metaphor metaphor? Great Trees Fall'. How apt is words b) Angelou uses the by this? c) What happens 7 [3] this "hurtful clarity". What does she mean souls' and to 'our reality', 'our great souls die? poem 'When [3] 'our minds' when (3] Fall' and What regrets haunt the survivors after great souls pass away? [3] What message do these regrets convey to the readers? d) poem moves beyond the emptiness and sense of loss to offer hope for healing in the concluding lines. Do you agree e) The with this [4] statement? Explain why. Question 7 Read the following extract from the Poem, 'A Considerable Speck' by Robert Frost and answer the questions that follow: When something This was no strange about dust speck a) What had inclinations a living could led to him noticing would have been beneath What had made the poet his mite call its the poet imagined the speck circumstances b) it made me think, by my breathing blown, But unmistakably With it to own. be? Which the speck which otherwise sight? [3] conclude that he dealt 'with an 3] intelligence'? c) d) What does alliteration mean? Give one example the poem 'A Considerable Speck'? of this from What is your opinion 'Collectivistic regimenting love'? What is [3] of this? e) What does the poet mean is 8 [3] he glad to by the least display of mind'? 'meet with the least display of mind'? Why [4]

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