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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
Chemical Engineering
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INDEX Terms Page No. Absorption 122 Actinoid contraction 231 Actinoids 209, 230 Activated complex 112 Activators 132 Activation energy 113 Adsorption 122 Adsorption isotherm 125 Allotropic forms 175, 187 Ambidentate ligand 240 Amorphous solids 2 Anisotropic 3 Anomalous behaviour of oxygen 182 Antiferromagnetism 28 Aqua regia 199 Arrhenius equation 111, 113 Atomic radii 166, 181, 193, 203 Average rate 95 Avogadro constant 20 Azeotrope 46, 47 Batteries 86 Binary solutions 33, 41, 44 Biochemical catalysis 131 Black phosphorus 176 Blast furnace 154, 156, 157 Blister copper 157 Body-centred unit 7, 11 Bohr magneton 27, 221 Bonding in metal carbonyls 254 Bravais lattices 7 Bredig's arc 137 Brown ring test 175 Brownian movement 140 Calcination 150, 154 Cast iron 156, 162 Catalyst 114, 128 Cell potential 66 Chelate 240 Chemical kinetics 93 Chemisorption 123 Chiral 245 Chromatographic methods 160 Cis - isomer 244, 245 Classification of colloids 134 Close-packed structures 12 Coagulation 142 Colligative properties 47, 56 Chemistry 278 Terms Page No. Collision frequency Collision theory of chemical reactions Column chromatography Concentration of ores Concentration of solutions Conductivity Conductors Coordination compounds Coordination entity Coordination isomerism Coordination number Coordination polyhedron Coordination theory Copper matte Corrosion Cryoscopic constant Crystal defects Crystal field splitting Crystal field theory Crystal lattice Crystalline solids Dalton's law Daniell cell Denticity Dependence on rate of concentration Depressants Dialyser Dialysis Diamagnetism Didentate Diode Dislocation defect Dispersed phase Dispersion medium Dissociation constant Distillation Ebullioscopic constant Electrical conductance Electro dialysis Electrochemical cells Electrochemistry Electrode potential 66, Electrolytes Electrolytic cell Electrolytic refining Electromotive force Electron hole 115 115 161 149, 150 34 73, 79 24 237 240, 242 246 12 241 239 151, 156 89 51 22 251, 252 247, 250 7 2, 3, 4 41 64 240 98 149 138 138 28, 220 240 27 23 134, 135 134, 135 256 159 49 74 138 64 63 218, 220 79 83 159 66 26

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