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Chapter 3

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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
Chemical Engineering
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Unit Objectives After studying this Unit, you will be able to describe an electrochemical cell and differentiate between galvanic and electrolytic cells; apply Nernst equation for calculating the emf of galvanic cell and define standard potential of the cell; derive relation between standard potential of the cell, Gibbs energy of cell reaction and its equilibrium constant; define resistivity ( ), conductivity ( ) and molar conductivity ( m) of ionic solutions; differentiate between ionic (electrolytic) and electronic conductivity; describe the method for measurement of conductivity of electrolytic solutions and calculation of their molar conductivity; justify the variation of conductivity and molar conductivity of solutions with change in their concentration and define m (molar conductivity at zero concentration or infinite dilution); enunciate Kohlrausch law and learn its applications; understand quantitative aspects of electrolysis; describe the construction of some primary and secondary batteries and fuel cells; explain corrosion as an electrochemical process. 3 Electr ochemistr y Electrochemistr ochemistry Chemical reactions can be used to produce electrical energy, conversely, electrical energy can be used to carry out chemical reactions that do not proceed spontaneously. Electrochemistry is the study of production of electricity from energy released during spontaneous chemical reactions and the use of electrical energy to bring about non-spontaneous chemical transformations. The subject is of importance both for theoretical and practical considerations. A large number of metals, sodium hydroxide, chlorine, fluorine and many other chemicals are produced by electrochemical methods. Batteries and fuel cells convert chemical energy into electrical energy and are used on a large scale in various instruments and devices. The reactions carried out electrochemically can be energy efficient and less polluting. Therefore, study of electrochemistry is important for creating new technologies that are ecofriendly. The transmission of sensory signals through cells to brain and vice versa and communication between the cells are known to have electrochemical origin. Electrochemistry, is therefore, a very vast and interdisciplinary subject. In this Unit, we will cover only some of its important elementary aspects.

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