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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
Chemical Engineering
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CONTENTS FOREWORD PREFACE Unit 1 The Solid State v vii 1 1.1 General Characteristics of Solid State 2 1.2 Amorphous and Crystalline Solids 2 1.3 Classification of Crystalline Solids 4 1.4 Crystal Lattices and Unit Cells 7 1.5 Number of Atoms in a Unit Cell 10 1.6 Close-Packed Structures 12 1.7 Packing Efficiency 18 1.8 Calculations Involving Unit Cell Dimensions 20 1.9 Imperfections in Solids 22 1.10 Electrical Properties 24 1.11 Magnetic Properties 27 Unit 2 Solutions 33 2.1 Types of Solutions 33 2.2 Expressing Concentration of Solutions 34 2.3 Solubility 37 2.4 Vapour Pressure of Liquid Solutions 41 2.5 Ideal and Non-ideal Solutions 45 2.6 Colligative Properties and Determination of Molar Mass 47 2.7 Abnormal Molar Masses 55 Unit 3 Electrochemistry 63 3.1 Electrochemical Cells 64 3.2 Galvanic Cells 65 3.3 Nernst Equation 68 3.4 Conductance of Electrolytic Solutions 73 3.5 Electrolytic Cells and Electrolysis 83 3.6 Batteries 86

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