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Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai
Chemical Engineering
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Answers to Some Questions in Exercises UNIT 1 1.11 107.8 u 1.13 14.29 nm 1.15 8.97 g cm 3 1.16 Ni2+ = 96% and Ni3+ = 4% 1.24 (i) 354 pm (ii) 2.26 1022 unit cells 1.25 6.02 1018 cation vacancies mol 1 UNIT 2 2.4 16.23 M 2.5 0.617 m, 0.01 and 0.99, 0.67 2.6 157.8 mL 2.7 32% and 68% 2.8 17.95 m and 8.70 M 2.9 ~15x10-4 g, 1.25x10-4 m 2.15 41.35 g mol-1 2.16 73.08 kPa 2.17 12.08 kPa 2.18 8g 2.19 -1 34 g mol , 3.4 kPa 2.20 269.07 K 2.21 A = 25.58 u and B = 42.64 u 2.22 0.061 M 2.24 KCl, CH3OH, CH3CN, Cyclohexane 2.25 Toluene, chloroform; Phenol, Pentanol; Formic acid, ethylelne glycol 2.26 4m 2.27 2.45x10-8 M 2.28 1.424% 2.29 3.2 g of water 2.30 4.575 g 2.32 0.650 2.33 i = 1.0753, Ka = 3.07x10 -3 2.34 17.44 mm Hg 2.35 -5 178x10 2.36 280.7 torr, 32 torr 2.38 0.675 and 0.325 2.39 x (O2) 4.6x10-5, x (N2) 9.22x10-5 2.40 0.03 mol 2.41 5.27x10-3 atm. UNIT 3 V V (i) E = 0.34V, rG = 196.86 kJ mol , K = 3.16 1034 (ii) EV = 0.03V, rGV = 2.895 kJ mol 1, K = 3.2 3.5 (i) 2.68 V, (ii) 0.53 V, (iii) 0.08 V, (iv) 1.315 V 3.6 1.105 V 3.8 124.0 S cm2 mol 1 3.9 0.219 cm 1 3.11 1.85 10 5 3.12 3F, 2F, 5F 3.13 1F, 4.44F 3.14 2F, 1F 3.15 1.803g 3.16 14.40 min, Copper 0.427g, Zinc 0.437 g 3.4 Chemistry 274 1

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