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ICSE Class X Prelims 2019 : Geography (St. John's Universal School, Mumbai)

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DATE: 1 ,10112019 ST. JOHN,S UNIVERSAL SCHOOL SECOND PRELIM EXAMINATION 20ts. 2019 GEOGRAPHY TWO HOURS CLASS X MAJU<S~=-s_o__ Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately, You are not allowed to write for the first 10 minutes . T This time is to be spent in reading your question paper. he thn e given at th e head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers. . Attempt all questions from Part I (Compulsory). Five questions are to be attempted from Part II, two out of three questions from Section A and three out of five questions from Section B. The intended marks for questions or parts of questio,is are given in brackets [ ]. PART-I (30 marks) Attempt all questions from this part Question 1. Study the Survey of India Map Sheet No.45 D/10 (Es-18-26 and Ns 01-09) and answer the following questions: *ft is the general slope of the land in the north west corner of the map extract? rdentify one man mad feature in grid square 1903. [1) [1] @Ifyou were to cycle at 10 Km an hour, how much time would it take to cover the north / south distance depicted on this map extract. [2) [2] {9r'NJH!le the type of settlement found in/ ~ri n~-w,~~s:e [2] drainage pattern in ~03 . e the distance in km along the metal road given in the map extract. _ (f) [2) hat is the main mode of transport in a major part of the jungle area? Give a reason for [ ] 2 your answer. r.entify the features in the following grid-squares: Hue32077 line in 2209 . [2] )M) ~ is a cause~ ay? Why ~re there so many c~useways in the extreme SW? [2] r h a t will the mam occupat10n of the people be m [2] (i) Highlands (ii) Lowlands Ul 4nr Lhe type of rainfall experien ced in the re io . -~ ;~"support your answer. g n shown m the map extract. Give a reason L2J Question 2 . On thr outline map of India provided mark and label the _~ .11' ~A Mark and Label River Kosi ll . ,o owing: r ~ Mark and name Vishakhapatam [l) [1) ~/Mark and Label Garo Hills [l] .;,;{/ iark and Label Gulf of Kutch [1] ~ Shade a region with Coastal Alluvial Soil. 7./ Jgf' (1) Mark and Label Digboi [l] Draw and Label the winds that bring winter rain to North West India [l] ~ Shade and Label sparsely populated State in West India [1] ~_/'Draw and Label the Standard meridian of India ~ [1] Mark and name the Karakorum pass " . Yre f (1) PART- II (50 Marks) Attempt any five questions from this part 7,171on3. ~ :::,tate the two differences between the rainfall that occur from June to September and that from December to February in North India. [2] . the type of Climate prevailing over India. Mention two factors responsible for it. yrr (2] [3) Me~tion a Geographical reason for each of the following: Northern plains in India do not freeze in winter. )0'Jhar is a Desert area. ~The Konkan Coast experiences orographic rainfall. ;z ' Study the table given below and answer the questions that follow: Station Temp A ( C) R.F (CM\ [3] Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 24.5 25 .9 27.5 30.5 31.0 32.3 34.1 31.5 29.2 28.6 25 .5 24.6 4.2 1.8 1.5 . 1.8 3 .8 14 .6 16.7 18.5 15.6 30.6 35.7 18. l ~alculate the annual rainfall experienced by the above station. ~ a t is the annual range of temperature of the above station? ame the driest month. n 4. ~_)'1ytion two differences between the Alluvial Soil and the Red Soil [2] ~ /) Name two states in India where Regur Soil is found. (21 ~ame two important crops that can be cultivated in it. , ~7 - (c ) (3] reason : a taic ~ } lack !=loil doC'!-.n't get leached . alluvium is mor<' fertile tha n coastal alluviu m ~crent region s in lnd\a have different types of soil. ~ Ucfin c Gully crnsion . 1i u,W'(Y is ti1 e / ' ... re n n eed to conserve soil? ~ / /4 ne [3] ion s , State two ~- .L . . Ch Brac te nstics of Tropical d e ciduous forest. ~ N_!lm e the fores ts that . . grow m Windward slope of the Western Ghats. hy do such fo rests grow in thi' s r . {2] eg1on? r the tree a s per the characterist . ics mentioned below. ~.rood is hard, strong and durable and th f . , ere ore used for making boats. leaves are used for bidi making tis f~und in wet, marshy areas and provide hand durable timber. / (W at 1s afforestation? ~ [2] (3] [3] ::e ~ny two features of social forestry. 6 y i Mention 2 states in India where well irrigation is prominent. Why are wells common in ,L,, s e states? y z ntion 3 advantages of well irrigation. r ;e_ntion 2 advantages of sprinkler and drip irrigation . ~ r a t do you mean by c~nservation of water? [2] [3] [2] {3] jr{rnphasize the need for water conservation in India. Question 7. (a) (i) Name two important ores of iron. {3] (ii) Appreciate the use and importance of iron. (iii) Name the iron ore which is most abundant in India. (b) (i) What is the status of India with regard to the production of coal? {2] (ii) What is anthracite? What are its uses? Where in India is it found? (c) (i) Name the products which are obtained during the refining process of petroleum? (3] (ii) Write short notes on LPG and CNG (c) (i) What is the rationale behind setting up oil refineries near the coast? (ii) Name two refineries in India which process crude oil. [21 Question 8 , . (a) List the sahent characteristics of the following: (2] Ii) Shifting Agriculture (ii) Plantation Agriculture (b) State the methods of Cultivation of tea with reference to - From Seeds and From Cutting. (2] (c) Explain broadcasting, dibbling and drilling. (3) (d)(i) Why is wheat not grown in the extreme southern parts of India? [3) (ii) What is 'ratooning'? What are its advantages and disadvantages? (iii) State the problems faced by sugarcane farmers in India . Question 9. (( ~ (a) Why is Karnataka the most important center for the silk textile industry? (3] (b) State two economic advantages of the handloom industry. [2] (c) Give two reasons why the cotton textile industry has developed around Mumbai. [2] (d) (i) What is the raw material f~r a petrochemical industry? Why is this industry located (1] near a petroleum refinery? [1] (ii) What are the products of a petrochemical industry? (iii) Mention a few conventional products which can be replaced by products of the [1] petrochemical industry. O~tion 10. ~ A~swer the following questions about 'Golden Quadrilateral'. [3] r i h a t is 'Golden Quadrilateral'? ~ention the 4 terminals of the Golden Quadrilateral. [2] ~ s t 4 disadvantages of rail transport. (c [2] iv two reasons why inland waterways are not well developed in India. (d hy are railways and roadways preferred over waterways in India despite the fact that ~ waterways are cheaper? . Question 11. (a) State the effect of terrestrial waste with reference to Aquatic life. (b) [3) ~ [2] What is the significance of Ozone layer? State two causes for the depletion of ozone layer. [2) (c) State the Advantages of Composting. [3) (d) How can community play a major role in environmental protection? [3]

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