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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Geography (Anand Niketan, Shilaj, Ahmedabad)

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ANAND NiKETAN SHILAJCAMPUS 'reBoard \amination I (2024 25) Subject: (eography Datc: 0401/2025 Maximum Marks: H0 Duration: 2 Ilours PARTI(0 Mark) (COMPUSOR) Stud thc etract of the Suey of IndaMap Sheet No, (4357 and answer the followingquestions, (a) (Givethe sN-tiguregnd reterenceof tuangulatcd heglt 268 (b)Calculate the arca enclosed between Iastng i5 to | and Nothny 9l to 91 2 (a) What is the mam pattem of eltlement xcen in the outh of this map extacr" (b) WhatNpc of landfomis scen n A|91" 121 Besides agrnculture. what are the possible occupations n Rampura" Pro de d-tiyure prd 121 referencC What do vou mean by Dep in 3690 and Covered tank in yrid square |97" (1) ldentift the (a) Drainage pattern in grid square 3796. (b) Write about two developments of Vadavas region? Question 2 Cnthe outline map of India provided. Draw and label the Karakoram Pass. ) (11) (i1) () Marh and label the Satpura Range. Shade and label the on-shore oil field of India. Mark the citv with a dot situated on the bank of Yamuna. (Ix) Mark and label the coast that receives rain fron NE monsoon winds. Mark and name the river known as the lite line of Gujara. Mark and name the Wular lake: Mark and label Red soil in the north-eastern region. Mark and label the largest coal mine. (x) Mark and label thinly populated regions in the North East (} (i) (vu1) Question 3 Choose the correct answer. () Why does Kanyakumari ,Mumbai, Chennai cvperience an cquable climate" (a) They have coastal location. (b) It lies between the Tropic of Cancer and Equator. (c)It is intluenced by the SW and the temperate cyclones. (d) '1 gets rainfall for six months and has hot climate. (ii) Which of the following is not important for soil formation? (a) Topography. (c) Vegetation of that place. (ii) Recharge pits are associated with (a) Canal irrigation. (c) Tube well irrigation. (b) Parent rock. (d) Annual range of temperature. (b) River joining projccts. (d) Rooliop Rainwater harvesting, [1 Hirakud constructed on Mahanadi is a multipurpose Project. In which ofthe following stale is it (i) present? (a) Madhva Pradesh (b)Chhattisgarh (c) Odisha (d)West Bengal Which of the following is harmtul for cotton cultivation? () (a) Cloudy climate at the time of soOwing. (b) Excessive rainfall. (d) All the above. (c) Frost during sowing time. In which of the forests are hard wood, broad leaves, and mixed shedding period seen? (vi) (a) Tropical evergreen forest. (c) Tidal Forest. (b) Tropical desert forest. (d) Tropical deciduous forest. Assertion (A). Cotton textile industry is the largest employment-generating industry in India. Reason (R): Cotton grown in India is of the best quality in the world. (a) BothA and R are true and R is the correct enplanation of A. (i) (b) Both A and R are true but R is no: the correct explanation of A. (c)A is true but R is talse. (d) A is false butR is true. (i ) Which of the following is not true about tea cultivation? (a)India is the largest producer of tea in the world. (b)Tea cultivation needs huge sites. (c)Tea needs high rainfall. high temperature, and high humidity. (d) Well drained soil is needed. Which one of the following is the largest riverine port in India? (ix) (a) Kolkata. (c) Chennai. (b) Vishakhapatnam. (d) Allahabad. Suspended particulate matter can cause which type of disorder? (x) (a) Circulatory (c) Nervous system (b) Respiratory (d) Muscular PART II (50 Marks) Allempt any five questions from this Part. Question 4 Explain the role of Jet streams in affecting the climate of India. *There are great variations in the climate of India". Justify this statement. Give reasons for the following: (a) Winter is severe in North India conmpared to South India. () (i) (iii) (iv) [2] (b) Monsoon affects Indian Economy. (c) Shillong gets less rainfall than Cherrapunji. Read the following climate data and answer the questions based on it: Month F Temp 24 ( C) Rainfall (cm) M A M [3] A D 25.7 26 29 30.0 32.5 31.0 30.2 29.8 28.0 25.9 2-,7 1.8 3.8 4.5 8.7 11.3 30.2 29.8 28.0 30.6 35.0 13.9 (a)Calculate the annual rainfal. (b) Which wind brings rain to this place? (c) State the probable name of the station. Justify your answer. Juestion5 Mayank and Dhecraj, both quit their jobs and up farning. Mavank bought a Prayagraj, while Dheeraj decided to look 1ake picce ol land afier his ancestral fanm in (a) ldentily what kind of soil is Vadodara likely lo be found on near (2] cach of then taS. Mention the physical characteristics of the sods Write one similarity and one dillerence betweenabove-entioned Khadar and Banghar sol Name the tollowing: (a)Place where sheet erosion is prominent. (b) Steps taken to control gully erosion. (c) The process of soil formation. (a) Name two anthropogenic reasos for soil erosion. (b)Why Soil (b) (i) (ii1) (iN) |2) [31 [2| erosion is considered as a serious problem? Question 6 (1) (i) (u1) (I\) Explain the role of forests in climate control. Name the major plants found in Tropical thornyldesert/semi-desert eretation Also mention the major states where these forests are found. Give reasons for the following: (a) Tropical evergreen forests are found in Western Coastal and Westen Ghats. (b) Afforestation nmust [2| [31 be carried out on mountain slopes. (c) The government has banned illegal and indiscriminate cutting of lorests. (a)State the characteristics of mangrove forests. () (b) State the use of Cinchona. In which forest is it found? Ouestion 7 State the disadvantages and advantages of tube well. (1) State any two advantages of canal irrigation. Name any two states of India that lead in canal (11) irrigation. [2] (iii) (a) Use of modern irrigation need to be encouraged. Explain this staement. (b) Mention two primitive mode of irrigation. (2] (iv) Why is National water policy formulated? State any one of the objectives. (31 Question 8 (i) State the uses of manganese and copper. Differentiate between Conventional and Non-Conventional energy resources. (1) (ii:) (a) Petroleum is versatile in nature. Explain. (iv) (b) Name twoon shore oil fields in India. (a) What is solar energy? How is it harnessed? (b)State the advantages of wind energy. (2] (31 Question 9 The diverse agro-ecologicalconditions in the country are favourable for growing 9annual oil seed crops, which include 7 edible oil seeds (groundnut, rapeseed & mustard, soybean, sunflower, sesame, safllower. and niger) and two non-edible oilseeds (castor and linseed). Oilseed cultivation is undertaken across the country in about 27 million hectares mainlyon marginal lands, of which 72% is contined to rain-fed farming. (a)What are the diverse agro-ecological conditions which led to the growing variety of food grains (21 in India? (i.) (iii) (iv) (b) What are the uses of oilseeds? (a)Differentiate between subsistence farming and commercial farming. (b) Name the two most abundantly grown pulses in India. With respect to wheat, answer the following: (a) Climatic requirement (b) Soil requirement (c) Major producing state What is Japanese method of cultivation? [3] [3 Question 10 Define: () b) Withering a) Pruning (i) Explainthe importanceof electronics inthe field of: (a) Space Technology (i) (b)Education Give reasons for the lollowing: (a)lron and Stecl Industries are located in the coai-producing areas. (b) The Mini-lron and Steel Plants are located in the northcastern part of the Deccan plateau. (iv) (c) We should not encourage the use of petrochemicals. (a) What are the problems of the cotton textile industry? (b) What are the uses of press mud? Question |1 () What is the role of NHAL and CPWD? (i) State tlhe role of waterways in the cconomic development of India. (iii) (iv) (a)What are the differences between Broad gauge and Narrow gauge? (b)Name the international airport at New Delhi. (a) Transport is called the lifeline of the economy. Explain. (b) Airways are becoming popular. Justify. Question 12 (ii) (i) What is composting? State its advantages. "Waste segregation is important." Give a reason to support your answer. Give reasons for the following: (a) Reuse is an effective method of waste management. (b) Trees must be planted in industrial areas. (c)Plastic and polythene products must be banned. (iv) Explain,with the help of an example, how willyou participate in the 3Rs of waste management.

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