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N. Xnvler's Iusttutlon, Panitbatt Rehernal UxaDnalon, 2024-25 ClaNA X GEOCRAPHY J'ull Murks 8) PARTT30 narkxl Atempt all questlons Questlon I Nudy the Sirveyot lndiu Mup aleet No, (G4397 Id answor tho following quentioD8: [10z] = 101 (). ive the nix-iguro grld roforonvo of.591 (i), Wihat ia the nnouning oftlho browu putohcs iv the (lit), Whut ta tho ditcotion ot low of' tho muin rivor? southecaslern part of the map extract? (iv), Staty one ovldonce tu NUggoHt tlut tho muin river is in its middlc course. (v). What lucs 14r in grid 3690 indionto? (v), Dillerntiate betwoen tlo vaturo of slopo in grid 3796 and (vii). Diorontiuto lbolwoon tlho drainago putlerns in grid 3697 3495. 3492. (viii), Calculato thc distuuco ulong tho puck track from Chckhlaand till it joins the metallcd road. (iN). Montion t}he two nain ocoupations of pcoplo living in (x). Stato (wo ovidonoos to suggost that tho arcu has un Karja underdevelopcd cconomy. Questlon 2 On the outlino wp of lndia providcd: [10x1 = 10] (). Mark nd labcl the mos inportant moridiun of longitude passing through India (i). Mark with arrows and namo the winds that bring winter rainfall to the Coromandel coast (ii). Murk and lalbol tho Eustorn Ghats (iv). Mack and namo the river aorosswhich the Hirakud Dam hasbeen built (v), (vi). (vii), (vi), Shade and label the Malabar Coast Murk and namethe highest pcak of India Mark with a dot and name the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir Shade und label the Gulf between the Kutch and the Kathiawar Peninsulas (ix). Shade and label an areu of Laterite soil in South India (x). Shado and label an area of sparse population in Northern India. Question 3 Clhoose tlhe correct answers to the qucstions from the given options (Do not copy the qucstion, only write the correct answers along with the option number) (i). The Western Disturbances play an important role in the climate of India as they: (a). Block the Northeast Monsoon winds (b). Cause heavy ran along the Coromandel Coast (c). Create cyclonic disturbances in the Arabian Sea (d). Cause light winter rain in Northwest India (ii). Laterite soil cau be found in: (a). Himalayan foothills (b). Summits of Western and Eastern Ghats (c). Brahmaputra Valley (d).Coastal Plains [10x1 = 10]