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BEE Energy Sample / Model Paper 2024 : Energy

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Career Channel CAT ENGINEING ADMISSION SAMPLE TEST 01 PHYSICS: Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER ALL ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET. YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE INDICATED BY LETTERS (A, B, C, D) AND NOT 1. Einstein explained the photo-electric effect making the following assumption as a basis that, (a) The mass of the electrons increases (c) 2. The energy of light increases with speed Increase and then decrease The photo-electrons are identical with atomic electrons (b) Decrease and then increase (c) Increase (d) Decrease (b) Potentiometer (c) Ammeter (d) None of the above The freezing of water (b) The melting of ice (c) The evaporation of water (d) A heat engine Let a certain body of mass m placed on a horizontal surface move down the inclined plane then downward component of weight is (a) 6. (d) The physics underlying the operation of a refrigerator most closely resembles the physics underlying, (a) 5. Light consists the photons or quanta A simple arrangement by means of which e.m.f,s. are compared is known (a) Voltmeter 4. (b) An elevator initially accerlerates upward from rest and ascends with uniform speed. Time period of a simple pendulum in the elevator will, (a) 3. BY THE WORDS THEMSELVES. .mgCos (b) .mgSin (c) .mg Tan (d) None The plane faces of two identical plano convex lens, each having focal length 40 cm are pressed against each other to form a usual convex lens. The distance from this lens at which an object must be placed to obtain a real, inverted image with magnification one is. (a) 40 cm (b) 80 cm (c) 20 cm (d) 60 cm Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 1 Career Channel CAT 7. 8. The law which gives definition of force is (a) Newton s law of gravitation (b) Third law of motion (c) Second law of motion (d) First law of motion Hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring (a) The compression of water vapour with temperature (c) Specific gravity of air 9. 10. (d) The density of air (a) Acceleration is zero (b) Velocity is changing with time (c) Acceleration is uniform (d) Inertia is not zero A moving car whose engine is switched off. comes to rest after some time due to: 11. (b) Its mass (c) Friction (d) Earth s gravitation (a) When two bodies separate instantaneously after collision, the collision is said to be perfectly elastic. (b) When to bodies separate instantaneously after collision, the collision is said to be perfectly inelastic According to the second law of motion, acceleration is proportional to: (a) Fores 14. The amount of water vapour in the atmosphere An inertial frame of reference is one whose: (a) Inertia 12. (b) (b) Time (c) Mass (d) Distance When the object is placed at 2f of convex lens then the image formed behind the lens will be A) B) At 2f D) Between f and 2f C) Beyond 2f At the focus 15. When the object is placed at principal focus of a convex lens then the image is formed at Same side of Centre of A) B) Infinity D) C) lens curvature Same distance 16. Which one of the following cannot measure wavelength of X-rays in any way Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 2 Career Channel CAT A) Bragg s law B) Diffraction grating Compton effect C) 17. Which one of the following properties is not found in both sound and light A) B) Diffraction Polarization C) Interference 18. (b) T = /2 00 (b) 450 900 (b) Centripetal Force (b) 1 1H 1800 (c) 600 300 (d) Centripetal Acceleration (c) Centre of Mass Centrifugal Force (d) (b) 180 degrees (c) One revolution (d) 90 degrees (b) -particle (c) -particle (c) 3 1H (d) All of the above (b) 2 1H (d) 2He 4 Which of the following particles move with velocity of light? (a) -particle 26. (d) 1800 Identify the alpha-particle? (a) 25. (c) 900 Which of the following particles can induce artificial radio-activity in certain nuclei? (a) -particle 24. (d) T = v The time period is defined as the time required to traverse by a revolving body. (a) One radian 23. (c) T = 2 / In racing car moving along a circular path the friction at the wheels and banking of roads provides the (a) 22. Reflection radians = (a) 21. D) When a body moves in a circle, the angle between its linear velocity v and angular velocity is (a) 20. Photo electric effect The relation between time period T and angular velocity is given by (a) T = 2 19. D) (b) -particle (c) -particle (d) All of the above The torque on a body will be zero if the angle between r and F is zero or: a. 900 b. 1800 c. 2700 d. None Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 3 Career Channel CAT 27. What is kinetic energy of a body of mass 10 kg moving with velocity 1m/s2? a. 28. 29. 10 Joules b. 20 Joules c. 5 Joules d. 2.5 Joules Which of the following lists of physical quantities consists only of vectors: a. Time, temperature, velocity b. Force, volume, momentum c. Velocity, acceleration, mass d. Force, acceleration, velocity If two forces each of magnitude 5N act along the same line on a body, then the magnitude of their resultant will be a. 30. 5N b. 10N c. 20N d. 30N d. m:a Applied force F on a body of mass m, moving with acceleration a is a. m/a b. a/m c. ma CHEMISTRY: Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER ALL ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET. YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE INDICATED BY LETTERS (A, B, C, D) AND NOT BY THE WORDS THEMSELVES. 31. Spodumene is the mineral of (a) Lithium 32. Potassium (d) None (b) CH3OH (c) CH3CH2OCH2CH3 (d) CH3OCH3 NO2 NO3 (d) NH4+ N2 In which of the following processes nitrogen is reduced? (a) NO2 NO3 34. (c) Indicate the most viscous liquids the following. (a) H2O 33. (b) Sodium (b) NO2 NO2 (c) Which is not the mineral of Silicon (a) Analcite (b) Asbestos (c) Dolomite (d) Zircon Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 4 Career Channel CAT 35. Substance that affects the rate of reaction but remains unaltered at the end of the reaction is called (a) 36. Catalyst (b) Acid (c) Base (d) None of the above If one mole of solute is dissolved in one liter of solution, the solution is called (a) None of the following (b) One molal (c) One molar (d) One normal 37. If one gram equivalent of a solute is dissolved in one liter of solution, the solution is called (a) 38. One normal (d) None of the above (b) Boyle s Law (c) General Gas Law (d) Charles Law (b) Logarithm (c) None of these (d) Exponential notation (b) Rate of reaction (c) Order of reaction (d) None of the above (d) None of the above (d) None of the above Electrolytes which ionize to a very small extent in a solution are called (a) Neutral 42. One molar The number of atoms or molecules whose concentration determine the rate of reaction is called (a) Molecularity 41. (c) Very small and very large quantities are expressed in terms of (a) Significant igures 40. One molal At constant temperature, volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to pressure exerted on it is called (a) Coulomb s Law 39. (b) (b) Weak electrolytes (c) Strong electolytes The change of concentration of reactants or products is called, (a) Order of reaction (b) Rate of reaction (c) Molecularity 43. Reactions which proceed in the forward direction and go to completion are called (a) Irreversible reaction (b) Equilibrium reaction (c) Reversible reaction (d) None of the above Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 5 Career Channel CAT 44. The substance through which electricity cannot flow in molten state or solution form is called, (a) Molecularity 45. 46. (c) Electrolyte (d) Non electrolyte (a) Newton s law (b) First law of thermodynamics (c) Hess s law (d) Law of conservation of energy The amount of solute dissolved in 100g of solvent to form saturated solution at a given temperature is called, (b) Solubility (c) Solution (d) None of the above The theory which states that a molecule is a collection of positive nuclei surrounded by electrons distributed in bonding and antibonding molecular obrital of different energies is called, (a) 48. (b) Conductor The law which states, The amount of heat evolved or absorbed in a process in the same whether the process takes place in one or several steps is called (a) Dissolution 47. None of the following (b) V.B theory (c) VSEPR theory (d) M.O. theory When a weak electrolyte is dissolved in water only a small amount o molecules is (a) Remains constant (b) Ionized (c) Deionized (d) Increases 49. The mixture whose constitutes are 50% hydrogen, 35% methane and 8% carbon mono-oxide is (a) 50. Coal gas (b) (c) Coke (d) None of the above Another electrolyte (c) An element (d) None of the above The reaction in which heat is absorbed from the surrounding to the system is called (a) Endothermic reaction 52. Coultar In common ion effect the degree of ionization is suppressed by the addition of (a) A compound 51. (b) (b) Fast reaction (c) Slow reaction (d) Exothermic reaction (d) Salvation The process in which solvent particles surround solute particles is called, (a) Hydration (b) Hydrolysis (c) Saturation Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 6 Career Channel CAT 53. If one mole of solute dissolved in one Kg of solvent, the solution is called (a) One normal 54. (b) (b) Hemogenouss None of the above (c) Dynamic (d) None of the above (b) H2O (c) CO2 (d) H2SO4 A change in which chemical composition of a substance does not change is called (a) Change in shape 57. (d) Two double bonds are present between the atoms of the molecule (a) NH3 56. One molar Equilibrium involving reactants and products in more than one phase is called (a) Heterogeneous 55. (c) One molar (b) Physical change (c) Chemical change (d) None of the above The process in which the electrolytes and molecules are split up into positively and negatively charge ions is called, (a) Electrolysis (b) Ionization (c) Deionization (d) None of the above 58. The average relative mass of one atom of an element compared with atomic mass of one atom of carbon taken as 12 is called (a) 59. Atomic mass Molecular mass (c) Relative mass (d) Gram-molecular mass Symbolic representation of a molecule of substance is called: (a) Symbol 60. (b) (b) Formula (c) Equation (d) None of the above A substance in which all atoms are chemically identical having same atomic number is called: (a) Element (b) Compound (c) Matter (d) Mixture MATHEMATICS: Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 7 Career Channel CAT Directions: For each question below you are given four choices. SELECT ANY ONE THAT IS MOST APPROPRIATE ANSWER ALL ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN ON THE ANSWER SHEET. YOUR ANSWERS MUST BE INDICATED BY LETTERS (A, B, C, D) AND NOT BY THE WORDS THEMSELVES. 61. 62. 63. Which of the following lists of physical quantities consists only of vectors: (a) Time, temperature, velocity (b) Force, volume, momentum (c) Velocity, acceleration, mass (d) Force, acceleration, velocity If ( a b ) points along negative z-axis, then the vectors a and b must lie in (a) .zx-plane (b) .yx-plane (c) .xy-plane (d) None of the above k i = (a) 64. 65. (b) - j j (b) The velocity of the body (c) The mass of the body (d) The speed of the body The horizontal range of a projectile is maximum when it is thrown at what angle with a certain velocity? (b) 450 (c) 600 (d) 900 A paratrooper jumping out of an airplane is an example of Equilibrium (b) Static Equilibrium (c) Dynamic Equilibrium (d) None The torque on a body will be zero if the angle between r and F is zero or: (a) 68. (d) - k (a) The force acting on the body (a) 67. k What must be changing when a body is accelerating uniformly along a straight path? (a) 300 66. (c) 900 (b) 1800 (c) 2700 (d) None If we go away from the surface of the earth, a distance equal to the one third of the radius of the earth, the value of g will be multiplied by? (a) 1/2 (b) 9/16 (c) 1/9 (d) 16/9 Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 8 Career Channel CAT 69. For certain values F and d, work done is zero when the angle between the force and displacement is: (a) 70. 00 76. (b) Weight (c) Acceleration (b) 20 Joules (b) .a x (b) 2 hertz (b) 1 seconds f (d) Inertia (c) 5 Joules (d) 2.5 Joules (c) V x (d) F x (c) 0.5 hertz (d) None of the above 1 second (d) 1 seconds T (c) The rate of evaporation depends upon: (a) Nature of liquid (b) The temperature of liquid and air (c) (d) All of the above The area of the exposed surface of the liquid The saturated vapour pressure of a given liquids: (a) Increases with rise in temperature (c) 77. 1800 A body with frequency f would complete one vibration in (a) F seconds 75. (d) The frequency of second pendulum is (a) 1 hertz 74. 900 Simple harmonic motion is mathematically represented as (a) .a x 73. (c) What is kinetic energy of a body of mass 10 kg moving with velocity 1m/s2? (a) 10 Joules 72. 300 The force acting on a body in the gravitational field at any point is equal to its: (a) Gravitational mass 71. (b) May increase or decrease with rise in temperature (b) Decreases with rise in temperature (d) Remains unchanged with rise in temperature Suppose the co-efficient of linear expansion of copper is 0.000156 per degree C. What will be the coefficient of volume expansion of copper sphere per degree C? (a) Same as that of linear expansion (b) Two times as that of linear expansion (c) (d) One half as that of linear expansion Three times as that of linear expansion Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 9 Career Channel CAT 78. Length of metal rod is 100 cm and co-efficient of linear expansion of metal is 0.00002K-1 By how many centimeters will it contract when cooled through 500 C? (a) 1.001 79. 81. r F F (c) r (d) F/ = F/ = F r F 0 r The nature of the dielectric between the plates (c) (d) All of the above The size of the plates The magnetic force Fm acting on charge q when it moves with a velocity v through a magnetic field B is given by (b) Fm = q v2 B (c) F m = q v3 B (d) Fm = q v4 B A substance which behaves like a magnet in the presence of a strong magnetic field is called (b) Ferro magnets (c) Electromagnets (d) None of the above In a circuit , if a resistance of the conductor is increased then current in the circuit will: (b) Decrease (c) Remain the same (d) First increase and then decrease The phenomenon that the resistance of a metal falls exactly to zero at a few degrees above absolute zero is called: (a) Conductivity 85. (b) F/ = (b) (a) Increase 84. (d) 0.01 (a) The distance between the plates (a) Magnets 83. 0.001 Capacity of a capacitor depends upon. (a) Fm = q v B 82. (c) The Coulomb force in a medium of relative permittivity r is given by: (a) F/ = 80. (b) 0.150 (b) Low conductivity (c) Super-conductivity (d) Low resistivity Why should a resistance be introduced in a circuit in series deliberately? To increase (a) current and decrease Voltage (b) To decrease current and voltage (c) To make current zero (d) To make voltage zero Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 10 Career Channel CAT 86. In a house circuit, all electrical appliances are connected in parallel to each other between the line and neutral wires to get: (a) Same current and different voltage (c) 87. Different current but same potential difference V I 90. Difference current and different potential difference (b) P = V2 R (c) P= R V2 (d) P = I V2 Lyman series lies in (a) Visible region 89. (d) Power dissipated in a circuit in the form of V and R can be determine as: (a) P = 88. (b) Same current and same potential difference (b) Ultra violet region (c) Infra red region (d) Far-infra red region According to Bohr s theory of hydrogen atom, an electron can revolve around a proton indefinitely if its path is (a) A spiral of increasing radius (b) A circle of constantly decreasing radius (c) (d) An ellipse A circle of an allowed radius According to Bohr s theory of hydrogen atom, the radii Rn of stationary electron is given by the equation (a) Rn = ke 2 3 mv n (b) Rn = ke 2 2 mv n (c) Rn = e2 2 mv n (d) Rn = he 2 2 mv n ENGLISH : Choose the correct Sentence which give the same meaning of the original sentence: 91. Seeing as how he disliked the camp site. I suggested that we repack and move. Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 11 Career Channel CAT A) Seeing as how he disliked the camp site. I C) Seeing as he had disliked the camp site, I E) Since he disliked the camp site, I B) Seeing as how he had disliked the camp site, I D) Seeing as how he disliked the camp site. I 92. She plowed through the vast heap of letters of complaint without respite, which pleased the supervisor no end. , which pleased the supervisor no end , to the great satisfaction of her A) B) supervisor C) ,t o the great satisfaction of her supervisor E) , to the supervisor s complete satisfaction D) 93. Between you and I, there was no other books on the shelf. A) Between you and I, there was B) C) Between us, there could not have been E) Between you and I there was D) . which pleased the supervisor no end Between you and me, there was Between you and me, there were 94. We should like to know whether he is one of the men, who are responsible for this confusion! Whether he is one of the men, who are Whether he is one of the men that has A) B) been C) If he is one of the men which are E) If he is one of the men whose D) Whether he is one of the men who are 95. In our city they are very much concerned over the increase in the number of street crimes. In our city they are very much concerned In our city the people are very much A) B) concerned C) In our city people are very concerned E) In our city, they are very concerned D) In our city they are much concerned 96. Here come the groups of astronauts who are to led in man s exploration of outer space. No error A B C D 97. The committee are unable to agree on whom they should elect to replace Jensen and her. No error A B C D E Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 12 Career Channel CAT 98. Anyone is interested, it has been quite some time since Henry and I had visited the farm. No error A 99. B C D E Our old apartment is so large in size that we may have give away much of our A B C furniture when we move. No error D 100. E Conception of the work to be done differs so greatly with mine that I am completely perplexed. No error A B C D E Downloaded More Sample Papers from: For Online Test Preparation: END OF TEST For Answer Key: Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 13 CAT Career Channel Downloaded More Sample Papers from: Downloaded More Sample Papers from: For Online Test Preparation: Career Channel News: your all Educational Needs) For Answers: Page 14

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