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ICSE Prelims 2016 : Physics (Euroschool Airoli, Mumbai)

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Udayan Sathe
Mumbai University (MU), Mumbai
Msc and M.Ed physics
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By Udayan sathe Physics professor Euro School Airoli (9820170439) Exam Tips section ICSE physics you to focus on definition, numerical and application based questions and diagram based questions In physics we have 12 chapters ICSE DO NOT HAVE WEIHTAGE ALL LESSON ARE COMPLUSORY Studying physics first important thing is understand concept Then to by heart laws, statements given by eminent scientist Then you should know definition After understanding this we should know formula Formula tells how to solve numerical and tells us application based question For e.fg F= ma , mass and acceleration are directly proportional Writing correct formula and substitution you can get good marks and then calculations In physics broadly speaking we can have two parts one numerical and other non numerical lesson Numerical based lesson Force Work power and energy Machines Current electricity Calorimetery Electric power and household circuit Lesson like refraction of light at plane surface has formula based on refractive index And sound based on echo and v = f Non num,ericals lesson Refraction through lens Spectrum Electromagnet Thermionic emission Above lesson have weight age on application based question and diagrams based question Main Story (main story) Make list of all definitions which will give us formula Prepare for si and cgs unit helpful in numerical Above two will take care of your numerical Practice ray diagrams, cathode ray tube, ac and dc motors, block and tackle diagram, transformers different kinds of prism,. Draw graphs for F,m, and a and also draw graphs for resonance, forced , damped and free vibration, different pitch and wave forms ohms law heating curve and cooling curve Derivation: energy conservation of vertically thrown body and simple pendulum, efficiency, resistance in series and parallel, refractive index and emf of cell Simple numerical on alpha, beta and gamma. Study the topic with concept Correct formula and correct substitution will give full marks Underline keywords Presentation and handwriting will improve your score Write with black ball pen on white paper it will give good effect. Practice periodically instead of memorizing have writing pracitice Chapter Focus Icse does not have weightage all lesson are compulsory. Practices different schools prelim paper to understand language of questions and be precise in answering. As refer earlier make demarcation regarding numerical, diagram based questions and derivations, Practice first easy lesson like force, spectrum, household circuit, refraction and thermionic emission Then practice calorimetry, current electricity, machines and work power energy At last practice sound , lens and radioactivity For speed in mathematical calculations; it is advisable to learn tables up to 30, know squares up to 30, cubes up to 15 and basics of fractions and decimal. Paper Pattern ICSE PHYSICS Total 12 chapter in physics Reading time 15 minutes Writing time 120 minutes Paper consist of two section Section A compulsory In this section all lessons questions are asked Section B solve any four out of six Each question carries 10 marks Total 80 marks and time 120 minutes Section A 55 minutes to answer 4 questions Each sub questions 2015 was 2 marks and in 2014 was 3+ 3 +4 in section A Section B 55 minutes to answer 4 questions out of 6 questions pattern can be 4+4+3 or 5 +5 Please maintain order in section A and section B solve which you know all questions Last 10 minutes for checking. In physics checking the paper means Writing correct questions number Calculations error to nullify SI and CGS unit Underlying key words Labeling diagram correctly Teacher Quote A thorough revision of all topics is all time important. It is advisable to solve previous year s papers in writing. Do not procrastinate Studying in the last minute will surely give you loads of stress. That is why you should take your time and study in advance, even if its little by little. Ignore stressful people If you like learning in groups, you should know that people with stress can actually be the reason for your stress. Make a timetable If you are studying for more than one exam, you must organize your time and create a timetable of what you will learn first and what next. In fact, organization is a key role when studying. Think positively If you think positively, you increase your chances to pass the exam. . That is why you should motivate yourself to work harder instead of the negative thoughts you may have after the exam. Take breaks After you create a timetable, you should always make time for a break of hour or two. Without a proper rest, your mind do not think the same way and may cause information overload preventing you from absorbing more information or anything at all.

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