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ICSE Class X Prelims 2025 : Physics (Holy Home School, Serampore, Hooghly)

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Ankush Kumar Maity
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HOLY HOME SERAMPORE Pre-Board Examinations 2024-25 Class -X Subject - Physics paper I Full Marks - 80 Time -2 hours Section -A JAttempt all questions from this section ] Q1Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Marks :15) A half meter ruper is suspended at the middle ,it balances horizontal when a 50 gf weight and an unknown weight Wis suspended at 10cm and 45 cm respectively then value of Wis a) 66.6 gf d) 57.6 gf b) 37.5 gf c) 48.6 gf jY Direction of force on a current carrying conductor placed perpendicular to magnetic field will be a) upward or downward to the magnetic field and wire c) in direction of current b) right or left d) None of the above ji IfSin 42 = 2/3and refractive index of glass is 3/2 the. Critical angle for glass is : a) 46 b) 44 c) 42 d) 48 jw which of the following liquid will take longer time to cool ? a) Substance bwith specific heat capacity 4000 jper kg per K b) Substance with specific heat capacity 8000 j per kg per K c) C= 2000jper kg per K d) C= 3000 j/ kg /K v) Select the correct statement for resistivity of semiconductors: a) it decreases with decrease in temperature. bY it decreases with increase in temperature c) it increases with increase in temperature d) it remains constant ,never change . V Reule used for finding the direction of force acting on current - carrying conductor placed in magnetic field is a) Maxwell thumb rule. c) Faraday's law b) Fleming 's left hand rule d) Fleming's right hand rule yn, Due to very high value of latent heat of fusion of ice 336 j/g. a) water is filled in field in winters to protect the crops from forest. b) Ice pieces are used to cool the drink rather than cold water. ) ice is used for foremen tation d) all the above are correct. and receiving the Vin) Time interv alsbetween sending ultrasonic wave of sped 140 m/s depth ot inside the sea is 1.5 sec then waves are reaching upto c) 1650 m b)1050 mn a)1550 m deflected ) The nuclear radiation which gets d) 1450 m tow ards negativelv charged plate in an elctrie field is d) alpha c) beta b) uitraviolet a) gamma yalpha particies emitted from radioistopes are used for : b) to knOw the thickness of paper a) projectile in nuclear reactions d) clearing the blod clots in brain. c) to sterilise the medical equipments )which one of the following statements iscorrect a) Live wire has zeropotential b) Fuse is connected in a neutral wire c) potential of live and earth wire is always same d) Earth wire is used to prevent electric shock. because x) In dispersion the yellow colour is below red a) Energy of violet is greater then red b) frequency of yellow is greater then red c) wavelength of yellow is greater then red d)all of the above. light passes xim In total internal reflection the value of critical angle will be maumum when b) from diamond to air a) from glass to air d) fromn water to air c)from glass to water 40 C by adding steam at i ) The temperature of 100g of water is to be raised from 10 Cto g] 100 C to it.The amount of steam required willbe (L = 540 cal d) 50g c) 10g b) 5g Assertion: The work done by magnetic fied on a moving charge is zero. Reason: In magnetic field force is perpendicular to t he velocity. a) 0.5 g a) Both Assertion and reason are true b) Both Assertion andreason are false C)assertion istrue but reason is false d assertion is false but reason is true Q.2i) Complete the following by choosing the correct answer from the bracket: 0)A machineacts as ...... (Speed nultiplier / force multiplier )If it's M.A is more than one ) sound box is responsiblefor producing vibration of. . ( .Large amplitude/ large trequency) due to its large surface area of air in it. phenomenon of .... Mutual induction/ magnetic effect )s used for device transformer. )if radius of aconductor is double keeping the length same then it's resistance will become ....One fourth / half) Of orginal. Change in ... Magnetic flux / magnetic induction/magnetic fietd / solenoid )Linked with cojl is responsible for induced emf in coil. ) increases water level in pitcher kept under water tap rises then.. Length of water / unit area )Column and soundbecomes shrilller. jCalculate the work done in moving acharge of 4Cfrom a point at 220 Vto apoint 230 V. ji)10125 Jof heat energyboils off 4.5 gof water at 100 C to steam at 100 C Findthe specific l tent heat of steam [6+2+2] Q3. i) State the conditions for each of the following: aj a lens has both it's focal lengths equal by aray passes undeviated through the lens. ib) Why fission nuclei undergo beta decay. ii) Atype of energetic rays strongly affect the photographic plates a) Name these rays How these rays are produced. jjyDefine radioisotopes and write their one example and one application? Apulley system has three pulleys.A load of 120N is overcome by applying an effort of 50N Calculate the mechanical advantage and efficiency of this system? Section B(attempt any four questions) 13+3+3+2+31) Q4. Y atin puts a pencilinto a glass container having water and is surprisedto see thepencil in different state. jiYwhat change is observed in the appearance of the pencil ? jiYName the phenomenon responsible for the change. iiyDraw a ray diagram showing how the eyes sees the pencil. Acertain nucleus Xhas a mass number 14 and atomic number 6.The nucleus Xchanges to Y ^14 and atomic number 7after the loss ofa particle i Namethe particle emitted i Represent this change in the form of an equation.jii)Why do stable nuclei have moreneutrons then protons ? An EM waves of frequency 40 MHz travel in a free space in the x direction. Determine the wave length and time period of the wave. |4+3+3] " Q5 Alens forms an real inverted andmagnified image of an object_i}Name the lensii) Draw a labelled ray daigram toshow the image formation.jiY Define power of alens .write it's S.I unit. byDrawa simple diagram of afire tongs and mark on it the fulcrum Fand the points of a'yicat n of Laad L and etforts E Name the class of lever i)if load arm is 15cm and efforts armis5 m what is it's nechanical advantage ? Aange alpha beta and gamma ravs in ascending order with respect to theiri penetrating [4+3+3] Owr )nising poweg ) Biological eftet a)n the hgure the anmeter (A) reads 0.3 A 6.0V R Cakulate: a) The total resistance of the circuit .b) The value of R c) The current flowing through R b) Three ells each of emf 2 Vand internal resistance 2.5 ohm are taken .Find the current they will send through a conductor of 100 ohm resistance: i) when onnected in series ) when connected in parallel ii) if the external resistance was 0.01 ohm. c) Why radioactiity is a nuclear phenomenon. Write one use of C14 and CO in radioactivity. |4+4+2] QThe given igure shows a cardboard on which iron filings are kept.A wire bent in the form of loop isseen passing through the cardboard .when current flows through it the iron filings arrange themselves as shoWn with the direction of magnetic field -iron flings A a State the polarities of the battery at A and B. b) State the effect on the magnetic field if an iron rod is held along the axis of the coil State one wav to :change the polarity of the coil j decreases the strength of the magnetic field around the coil. For what purpose Right hand thumb rule and Fleming left hand rule are used ? etforts what mass of ice at Cadded to 21 ke water wil cod it fro 75c speciic heat capacity of water = 4.2i/g/C speific latent heatdwn f ice = hE TOm 23-7e tawa neat and labelled diagrarn of tenperature versus time mben asbstance is tvezii Cto 90 C.b) Draw a neiting cure for ice at -50Ct lit atizins terpeare 3 1) DravWa sinple labelled diagram of aD.C electric notor a) hat is furcion f ptrngs i D O.bjDraw asimpBe labelled diagram of the device you wosid use to trans orn 30 C 15y AC.What is the namne of this device On what pinciple does the device wors H) State Ohm's law . Draw a graph of poten tial difference Vvs currert I and mark hs en Hon ohmic region how can you fnd the resistance ofthe resistor fra this graph hane a Substance whose resistance decrease with rise in temperature. yrhat mass ofice at 0 C added to 2.1 kg water will cool it down fron T5C o 251C gveC= 2j/g/C.( b)Draw the daigram of cooling curvgt statethe termperature at which the substarce condens Ihe temperature range in wh ch the substance is in liquid state jwny do we prefer ie o Ke cold water for cooling a drink? Name the law which can be used to determine the direction of the induced cuIrent in the coil one way to increase the magnitude of induced current in the coil. aCopy and complete the following diagrams to show) in each case as it enters and ernerges out of the prisn ! epath of the ray of monochromatic ight 30 70 60 Mark the angle wherever necessary ( critical angie is 40) [3-3-2-2 a) Findl dhe quandity g heaf Casying 2.5mA soart in 5minutes

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